[Back to Guides](../README.md) # Configuration Options The following configuration options can be set on `ActiveModelSerializers.config`, preferably inside an initializer. ## General - `adapter`: The [adapter](adapters.md) to use. Possible values: `:attributes, :json, :json_api`. Default: `:attributes`. - `serializer_lookup_enabled`: When `false`, serializers must be explicitly specified. Default: `true` ## JSON API - `jsonapi_resource_type`: Whether the `type` attributes of resources should be singular or plural. Possible values: `:singular, :plural`. Default: `:plural`. - `jsonapi_include_toplevel_object`: Whether to include a [top level JSON API member](http://jsonapi.org/format/#document-jsonapi-object) in the response document. Default: `false`. - Used when `jsonapi_include_toplevel_object` is `true`: - `jsonapi_version`: The latest version of the spec the API conforms to. Default: `'1.0'`. - `jsonapi_toplevel_meta`: Optional metadata. Not included if empty. Default: `{}`. ## Hooks To run a hook when ActiveModelSerializers is loaded, use `ActiveSupport.on_load(:action_controller) do end`