-*- indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- # HoboFields - Migration Generator Note that these doctests are good tests but not such good docs. The migration generator doesn't really fit well with the doctest concept of a single IRB session. As you'll see, there's a lot of jumping-through-hoops and doing stuff that no normal user of the migration generator would ever do. Firstly, in order to test the migration generator outside of a full Rails stack, there's a few things we need to do. First off we need to configure ActiveSupport for auto-loading >> require 'rubygems' >> require 'active_support' >> require 'active_record' We also need to get ActiveRecord set up with a database connection >> mysql_adapter = defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) ? 'jdbcmysql' : 'mysql' >> mysql_user = 'root'; mysql_password = '' >> mysql_login = "-u #{mysql_user} --password='#{mysql_password}'" >> mysql_database = "hobofields_doctest" >> system "mysqladmin #{mysql_login} --force drop #{mysql_database} 2> /dev/null" >> system("mysqladmin #{mysql_login} create #{mysql_database}") or raise "could not create database" >> ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(:adapter => mysql_adapter, :database => mysql_database, :host => "localhost", :username => mysql_user, :password => mysql_password) Some load path manipulation you shouldn't need: >> $:.unshift File.join(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)), '../../hobofields/lib') >> $:.unshift File.join(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)), '../../hobosupport/lib') And we'll require: >> require 'hobosupport' >> require 'hobofields' >> HoboFields.enable OK we're ready to get going. We'll define a method to make that easier next time >> def migrate(renames={}) up, down = HoboFields::MigrationGenerator.run(renames) puts up ActiveRecord::Migration.class_eval(up) ActiveRecord::Base.send(:subclasses).each { |model| model.reset_column_information } [up, down] end ## Alternate Primary Keys ### create >> class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base fields do end set_primary_key "foo_id" end >> up, down = HoboFields::MigrationGenerator.run >> up => "create_table :foos, :primary_key => :foo_id do |t| end" >> migrate ### migrate from >> class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base set_primary_key "id" end >> up, down = HoboFields::MigrationGenerator.run({:foos => {:foo_id => :id}}) >> up => "rename_column :foos, :foo_id, :id" >> migrate({:foos => {:foo_id => :id}}) ### migrate to >> class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base set_primary_key "foo_id" end >> up, down = HoboFields::MigrationGenerator.run({:foos => {:id => :foo_id}}) >> up => "rename_column :foos, :id, :foo_id" >> migrate({:foos => {:id => :foo_id}}) ### ensure it doesn't cause further migrations >> up, down = HoboFields::MigrationGenerator.run >> up => "" ## Cleanup >> system "mysqladmin #{mysql_login} --force drop #{mysql_database} 2> /dev/null"