3.0 build_residential_hpxml a13a8983-2b01-4930-8af2-42030b6e4233 bc1b14bf-fa8c-49cb-8e88-28765be9a85c 20201005T184019Z 2C38F48B BuildResidentialHPXML HPXML Builder Builds a residential HPXML file. TODO hpxml_path HPXML File Path Absolute/relative path of the HPXML file. String true false software_program_used Software Program Used The name of the software program used. String false false software_program_version Software Program Version The version of the software program used. String false false simulation_control_timestep Simulation Control: Timestep Value must be a divisor of 60. Integer min false false simulation_control_run_period_begin_month Simulation Control: Run Period Begin Month This numeric field should contain the starting month number (1 = January, 2 = February, etc.) for the annual run period desired. Integer # false false simulation_control_run_period_begin_day_of_month Simulation Control: Run Period Begin Day of Month This numeric field should contain the starting day of the starting month (must be valid for month) for the annual run period desired. Integer # false false simulation_control_run_period_end_month Simulation Control: Run Period End Month This numeric field should contain the end month number (1 = January, 2 = February, etc.) for the annual run period desired. Integer # false false simulation_control_run_period_end_day_of_month Simulation Control: Run Period End Day of Month This numeric field should contain the ending day of the ending month (must be valid for month) for the annual run period desired. Integer # false false simulation_control_run_period_calendar_year Simulation Control: Run Period Calendar Year This numeric field should contain the calendar year that determines the start day of week. If you are running simulations using AMY weather files, the value entered for calendar year will not be used; it will be overridden by the actual year found in the AMY weather file. Integer year false false simulation_control_daylight_saving_enabled Simulation Control: Daylight Saving Enabled Whether to use daylight saving. Boolean false false true true false false simulation_control_daylight_saving_begin_month Simulation Control: Daylight Saving Begin Month This numeric field should contain the starting month number (1 = January, 2 = February, etc.) for the annual daylight saving period desired. Integer # false false simulation_control_daylight_saving_begin_day_of_month Simulation Control: Daylight Saving Begin Day of Month This numeric field should contain the starting day of the starting month (must be valid for month) for the daylight saving period desired. Integer # false false simulation_control_daylight_saving_end_month Simulation Control: Daylight Saving End Month This numeric field should contain the end month number (1 = January, 2 = February, etc.) for the daylight saving period desired. Integer # false false simulation_control_daylight_saving_end_day_of_month Simulation Control: Daylight Saving End Day of Month This numeric field should contain the ending day of the ending month (must be valid for month) for the daylight saving period desired. Integer # false false schedules_type Schedules: Type The type of occupant-related schedules to use. Schedules corresponding to 'default' are average (e.g., Building America). Schedules corresponding to 'stochastic' are generated using time-inhomogenous Markov chains derived from American Time Use Survey data, and supplemented with sampling duration and power level from NEEA RBSA data as well as DHW draw duration and flow rate from Aquacraft/AWWA data. Choice true false default default default stochastic stochastic user-specified user-specified schedules_path Schedules: Path Absolute (or relative) path of the csv file containing user-specified occupancy schedules. String false false schedules_vacancy_begin_month Schedules: Vacancy Start Begin Month This numeric field should contain the starting month number (1 = January, 2 = February, etc.) for the vacancy period desired. Only applies if the schedules type is 'stochastic'. Integer # false false schedules_vacancy_begin_day_of_month Schedules: Vacancy Begin Day of Month This numeric field should contain the starting day of the starting month (must be valid for month) for the vacancy period desired. Only applies if the schedules type is 'stochastic'. Integer # false false schedules_vacancy_end_month Schedules: Vacancy Start End Month This numeric field should contain the end month number (1 = January, 2 = February, etc.) for the vacancy period desired. Only applies if the schedules type is 'stochastic'. Integer # false false schedules_vacancy_end_day_of_month Schedules: Vacancy End Day of Month This numeric field should contain the ending day of the ending month (must be valid for month) for the vacancy period desired. Only applies if the schedules type is 'stochastic'. Integer # false false weather_station_epw_filepath EnergyPlus Weather (EPW) Filepath Path of the EPW file. String true false USA_CO_Denver.Intl.AP.725650_TMY3.epw site_type Site: Type The type of site. Choice false false suburban suburban urban urban rural rural geometry_unit_type Geometry: Unit Type The type of unit. Choice true false single-family detached manufactured home manufactured home single-family detached single-family detached single-family attached single-family attached apartment unit apartment unit geometry_cfa Geometry: Conditioned Floor Area The total floor area of the conditioned space (including any conditioned basement floor area). Double ft^2 true false 2000 geometry_num_floors_above_grade Geometry: Number of Floors The number of floors above grade (in the unit if single-family attached, and in the building if apartment unit). Integer # true false 2 geometry_wall_height Geometry: Average Wall Height The average height of the walls. Double ft true false 8 geometry_orientation Geometry: Orientation The house's orientation is measured clockwise from due south when viewed from above (e.g., North=0, East=90, South=180, West=270). Double degrees true false 180 geometry_aspect_ratio Geometry: Aspect Ratio The ratio of the front/back wall length to the left/right wall length, excluding any protruding garage wall area. Double FB/LR true false 2 geometry_corridor_position Geometry: Corridor Position The position of the corridor. Choice true false Double-Loaded Interior Double-Loaded Interior Double-Loaded Interior Single Exterior (Front) Single Exterior (Front) Double Exterior Double Exterior None None geometry_corridor_width Geometry: Corridor Width The width of the corridor. Double ft true false 10 geometry_inset_width Geometry: Inset Width The width of the inset. Double ft true false 0 geometry_inset_depth Geometry: Inset Depth The depth of the inset. Double ft true false 0 geometry_inset_position Geometry: Inset Position The position of the inset. Choice true false Right Right Right Left Left geometry_balcony_depth Geometry: Balcony Depth The depth of the balcony. Double ft true false 0 geometry_garage_width Geometry: Garage Width The width of the garage. Enter zero for no garage. Double ft true false 0 geometry_garage_depth Geometry: Garage Depth The depth of the garage. Double ft true false 20 geometry_garage_protrusion Geometry: Garage Protrusion The fraction of the garage that is protruding from the living space. Double frac true false 0 geometry_garage_position Geometry: Garage Position The position of the garage. Choice true false Right Right Right Left Left geometry_foundation_type Geometry: Foundation Type The foundation type of the building. Choice true false SlabOnGrade SlabOnGrade SlabOnGrade VentedCrawlspace VentedCrawlspace UnventedCrawlspace UnventedCrawlspace UnconditionedBasement UnconditionedBasement ConditionedBasement ConditionedBasement Ambient Ambient geometry_foundation_height Geometry: Foundation Height The height of the foundation (e.g., 3ft for crawlspace, 8ft for basement). Only applies to basements/crawlspaces. Double ft true false 0 geometry_foundation_height_above_grade Geometry: Foundation Height Above Grade The depth above grade of the foundation wall. Only applies to basements/crawlspaces. Double ft true false 0 geometry_roof_type Geometry: Roof Type The roof type of the building. Choice true false gable gable gable hip hip flat flat geometry_roof_pitch Geometry: Roof Pitch The roof pitch of the attic. Ignored if the building has a flat roof. Choice true false 6:12 1:12 1:12 2:12 2:12 3:12 3:12 4:12 4:12 5:12 5:12 6:12 6:12 7:12 7:12 8:12 8:12 9:12 9:12 10:12 10:12 11:12 11:12 12:12 12:12 geometry_roof_structure Geometry: Roof Structure The roof structure of the building. Ignored if the building has a flat roof. Choice true false truss, cantilever truss, cantilever truss, cantilever rafter rafter geometry_attic_type Geometry: Attic Type The attic type of the building. Ignored if the building has a flat roof. Choice true false VentedAttic VentedAttic VentedAttic UnventedAttic UnventedAttic ConditionedAttic ConditionedAttic geometry_eaves_depth Geometry: Eaves Depth The eaves depth of the roof. Double ft true false 2 geometry_num_bedrooms Geometry: Number of Bedrooms Specify the number of bedrooms. Used to determine the energy usage of appliances and plug loads, hot water usage, etc. Integer # true false 3 geometry_num_bathrooms Geometry: Number of Bathrooms Specify the number of bathrooms. String # true false auto geometry_num_occupants Geometry: Number of Occupants Specify the number of occupants. A value of 'auto' will calculate the average number of occupants from the number of bedrooms. Used to specify the internal gains from people only. String # true false auto geometry_level Geometry: Level The level of the apartment unit unit. Choice false false Bottom Bottom Middle Middle Top Top geometry_horizontal_location Geometry: Horizontal Location The horizontal location of the single-family attached or apartment unit unit when viewing the front of the building. Choice false false Left Left Middle Middle Right Right geometry_building_num_units Geometry: Building Number of Units The number of units in the building. This is required for single-family attached and apartment unit buildings. Integer # false false geometry_building_num_bedrooms Geometry: Building Number of Bedrooms The number of bedrooms in the building. This is required for single-family attached and apartment unit buildings with shared PV systems. Integer # false false floor_assembly_r Floor: Assembly R-value Assembly R-value for the floor (foundation ceiling). Ignored if a slab foundation. Double h-ft^2-R/Btu true false 30 foundation_wall_insulation_r Foundation: Wall Insulation Nominal R-value Nominal R-value for the foundation wall insulation. Only applies to basements/crawlspaces. Double h-ft^2-R/Btu true false 0 foundation_wall_insulation_distance_to_top Foundation: Wall Insulation Distance To Top The distance from the top of the foundation wall to the top of the foundation wall insulation. Only applies to basements/crawlspaces. Double ft true false 0 foundation_wall_insulation_distance_to_bottom Foundation: Wall Insulation Distance To Bottom The distance from the top of the foundation wall to the bottom of the foundation wall insulation. Only applies to basements/crawlspaces. Double ft true false 0 foundation_wall_assembly_r Foundation: Wall Assembly R-value Assembly R-value for the foundation walls. Only applies to basements/crawlspaces. If provided, overrides the previous foundation wall insulation inputs. Double h-ft^2-R/Btu false false slab_perimeter_insulation_r Slab: Perimeter Insulation Nominal R-value Nominal R-value of the vertical slab perimeter insulation. Applies to slab-on-grade foundations and basement/crawlspace floors. Double h-ft^2-R/Btu true false 0 slab_perimeter_depth Slab: Perimeter Insulation Depth Depth from grade to bottom of vertical slab perimeter insulation. Applies to slab-on-grade foundations and basement/crawlspace floors. Double ft true false 0 slab_under_insulation_r Slab: Under Slab Insulation Nominal R-value Nominal R-value of the horizontal under slab insulation. Applies to slab-on-grade foundations and basement/crawlspace floors. Double h-ft^2-R/Btu true false 0 slab_under_width Slab: Under Slab Insulation Width Width from slab edge inward of horizontal under-slab insulation. Enter 999 to specify that the under slab insulation spans the entire slab. Applies to slab-on-grade foundations and basement/crawlspace floors. Double ft true false 0 slab_carpet_fraction Slab: Carpet Fraction Fraction of the slab floor area that is carpeted. Double Frac true false 0 slab_carpet_r Slab: Carpet R-value R-value of the slab carpet. Double h-ft^2-R/Btu true false 0 ceiling_assembly_r Ceiling: Assembly R-value Assembly R-value for the ceiling (attic floor). Double h-ft^2-R/Btu true false 30 roof_material_type Roof: Material Type The material type of the roof. Choice false false asphalt or fiberglass shingles asphalt or fiberglass shingles concrete concrete slate or tile shingles slate or tile shingles metal surfacing metal surfacing plastic/rubber/synthetic sheeting plastic/rubber/synthetic sheeting wood shingles or shakes wood shingles or shakes roof_color Roof: Color The color of the roof. Choice true false auto auto auto dark dark light light medium medium medium dark medium dark reflective reflective roof_assembly_r Roof: Assembly R-value Assembly R-value of the roof. Double h-ft^2-R/Btu true false 2.3 roof_solar_absorptance Roof: Solar Absorptance The solar absorptance of the roof. String true false auto roof_emittance Roof: Emittance The emittance of the roof. Double true false 0.92 roof_radiant_barrier Roof: Has Radiant Barrier Specifies whether the attic has a radiant barrier. Boolean true false false true true false false roof_radiant_barrier_grade Roof: Radiant Barrier Grade The grade of the radiant barrier, if it exists. Choice true false 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 neighbor_front_distance Neighbor: Front Distance The minimum distance between the simulated house and the neighboring house to the front (not including eaves). A value of zero indicates no neighbors. Double ft true false 0 neighbor_back_distance Neighbor: Back Distance The minimum distance between the simulated house and the neighboring house to the back (not including eaves). A value of zero indicates no neighbors. Double ft true false 0 neighbor_left_distance Neighbor: Left Distance The minimum distance between the simulated house and the neighboring house to the left (not including eaves). A value of zero indicates no neighbors. Double ft true false 10 neighbor_right_distance Neighbor: Right Distance The minimum distance between the simulated house and the neighboring house to the right (not including eaves). A value of zero indicates no neighbors. Double ft true false 10 neighbor_front_height Neighbor: Front Height The height of the neighboring building to the front. A value of 'auto' will use the same height as this building. String ft true false auto neighbor_back_height Neighbor: Back Height The height of the neighboring building to the back. A value of 'auto' will use the same height as this building. String ft true false auto neighbor_left_height Neighbor: Left Height The height of the neighboring building to the left. A value of 'auto' will use the same height as this building. String ft true false auto neighbor_right_height Neighbor: Right Height The height of the neighboring building to the right. A value of 'auto' will use the same height as this building. String ft true false auto wall_type Walls: Type The type of exterior walls. Choice true false WoodStud WoodStud WoodStud ConcreteMasonryUnit ConcreteMasonryUnit DoubleWoodStud DoubleWoodStud InsulatedConcreteForms InsulatedConcreteForms LogWall LogWall StructurallyInsulatedPanel StructurallyInsulatedPanel SolidConcrete SolidConcrete SteelFrame SteelFrame Stone Stone StrawBale StrawBale StructuralBrick StructuralBrick wall_siding_type Wall: Siding Type The siding type of the exterior walls. Choice false false aluminum siding aluminum siding brick veneer brick veneer fiber cement siding fiber cement siding stucco stucco vinyl siding vinyl siding wood siding wood siding wall_color Wall: Color The color of the exterior walls. Choice true false auto auto auto dark dark light light medium medium medium dark medium dark reflective reflective wall_assembly_r Walls: Assembly R-value Assembly R-value of the exterior walls. Double h-ft^2-R/Btu true false 13 wall_solar_absorptance Wall: Solar Absorptance The solar absorptance of the exterior walls. String true false auto wall_emittance Wall: Emittance The emittance of the exterior walls. Double true false 0.92 window_front_wwr Windows: Front Window-to-Wall Ratio The ratio of window area to wall area for the building's front facade. Enter 0 if specifying Front Window Area instead. Double true false 0.18 window_back_wwr Windows: Back Window-to-Wall Ratio The ratio of window area to wall area for the building's back facade. Enter 0 if specifying Back Window Area instead. Double true false 0.18 window_left_wwr Windows: Left Window-to-Wall Ratio The ratio of window area to wall area for the building's left facade. Enter 0 if specifying Left Window Area instead. Double true false 0.18 window_right_wwr Windows: Right Window-to-Wall Ratio The ratio of window area to wall area for the building's right facade. Enter 0 if specifying Right Window Area instead. Double true false 0.18 window_area_front Windows: Front Window Area The amount of window area on the building's front facade. Enter 0 if specifying Front Window-to-Wall Ratio instead. Double true false 0 window_area_back Windows: Back Window Area The amount of window area on the building's back facade. Enter 0 if specifying Back Window-to-Wall Ratio instead. Double true false 0 window_area_left Windows: Left Window Area The amount of window area on the building's left facade. Enter 0 if specifying Left Window-to-Wall Ratio instead. Double true false 0 window_area_right Windows: Right Window Area The amount of window area on the building's right facade. Enter 0 if specifying Right Window-to-Wall Ratio instead. Double true false 0 window_aspect_ratio Windows: Aspect Ratio Ratio of window height to width. Double true false 1.333 window_fraction_operable Windows: Fraction Operable Fraction of windows that are operable. Double false false window_ufactor Windows: U-Factor The heat transfer coefficient of the windows. Double Btu/hr-ft^2-R true false 0.37 window_shgc Windows: SHGC The ratio of solar heat gain through a glazing system compared to that of an unobstructed opening, for windows. Double true false 0.3 window_interior_shading_winter Windows: Winter Interior Shading Interior shading multiplier for the heating season. 1.0 indicates no reduction in solar gain, 0.85 indicates 15% reduction, etc. Double false false window_interior_shading_summer Windows: Summer Interior Shading Interior shading multiplier for the cooling season. 1.0 indicates no reduction in solar gain, 0.85 indicates 15% reduction, etc. Double false false overhangs_front_depth Overhangs: Front Facade Depth Specifies the depth of overhangs for windows on the front facade. Double true false 0 overhangs_front_distance_to_top_of_window Overhangs: Front Facade Distance to Top of Window Specifies the distance to the top of window of overhangs for windows on the front facade. Double true false 0 overhangs_back_depth Overhangs: Back Facade Depth Specifies the depth of overhangs for windows on the back facade. Double true false 0 overhangs_back_distance_to_top_of_window Overhangs: Back Facade Distance to Top of Window Specifies the distance to the top of window of overhangs for windows on the back facade. Double true false 0 overhangs_left_depth Overhangs: Left Facade Depth Specifies the depth of overhangs for windows on the left facade. Double true false 0 overhangs_left_distance_to_top_of_window Overhangs: Left Facade Distance to Top of Window Specifies the distance to the top of window of overhangs for windows on the left facade. Double true false 0 overhangs_right_depth Overhangs: Right Facade Depth Specifies the depth of overhangs for windows on the right facade. Double true false 0 overhangs_right_distance_to_top_of_window Overhangs: Right Facade Distance to Top of Window Specifies the distance to the top of window of overhangs for windows on the right facade. Double true false 0 skylight_area_front Skylights: Front Roof Area The amount of skylight area on the building's front conditioned roof facade. Double true false 0 skylight_area_back Skylights: Back Roof Area The amount of skylight area on the building's back conditioned roof facade. Double true false 0 skylight_area_left Skylights: Left Roof Area The amount of skylight area on the building's left conditioned roof facade. Double true false 0 skylight_area_right Skylights: Right Roof Area The amount of skylight area on the building's right conditioned roof facade. Double true false 0 skylight_ufactor Skylights: U-Factor The heat transfer coefficient of the skylights. Double Btu/hr-ft^2-R true false 0.33 skylight_shgc Skylights: SHGC The ratio of solar heat gain through a glazing system compared to that of an unobstructed opening, for skylights. Double true false 0.45 door_area Doors: Area The area of the opaque door(s). Double ft^2 true false 20 door_rvalue Doors: R-value R-value of the doors. Double h-ft^2-R/Btu true false 5 air_leakage_units Air Leakage: Units The unit of measure for the above-grade living air leakage. Choice true false ACH ACH ACH CFM CFM ACHnatural ACHnatural air_leakage_house_pressure Air Leakage: House Pressure The pressure of the house for the above-grade living air leakage when the air leakage units are ACH or CFM. Double Pa true false 50 air_leakage_value Air Leakage: Value Air exchange rate, in ACH or CFM at the specified house pressure. Double true false 3 air_leakage_shelter_coefficient Air Leakage: Shelter Coefficient The local shelter coefficient (AIM-2 infiltration model) accounts for nearby buildings, trees, and obstructions. String Frac true false auto heating_system_type Heating System: Type The type of heating system. Use 'none' if there is no heating system. Choice true false Furnace none none Furnace Furnace WallFurnace WallFurnace FloorFurnace FloorFurnace Boiler Boiler ElectricResistance ElectricResistance Stove Stove PortableHeater PortableHeater Fireplace Fireplace FixedHeater FixedHeater heating_system_fuel Heating System: Fuel Type The fuel type of the heating system. Ignored for ElectricResistance. Choice true false natural gas electricity electricity natural gas natural gas fuel oil fuel oil propane propane wood wood wood pellets wood pellets coal coal heating_system_heating_efficiency Heating System: Rated AFUE or Percent The rated heating efficiency value of the heating system. Double Frac true false 0.78 heating_system_heating_capacity Heating System: Heating Capacity The output heating capacity of the heating system. If using 'auto', the autosizing algorithm will use ACCA Manual J/S to set the capacity to meet its load served. String Btu/hr true false auto heating_system_fraction_heat_load_served Heating System: Fraction Heat Load Served The heating load served by the heating system. Double Frac true false 1 heating_system_electric_auxiliary_energy Heating System: Electric Auxiliary Energy The electric auxiliary energy of the heating system. Double kWh/yr false false heating_system_has_flue_or_chimney Heating System: Has Flue or Chimney Whether the heating system has a flue or chimney. Boolean true false false true true false false cooling_system_type Cooling System: Type The type of cooling system. Use 'none' if there is no cooling system. Choice true false central air conditioner none none central air conditioner central air conditioner room air conditioner room air conditioner evaporative cooler evaporative cooler mini-split mini-split cooling_system_cooling_efficiency_seer Cooling System: Rated SEER The rated efficiency value of the central air conditioner cooling system. Double SEER true false 13 cooling_system_cooling_efficiency_eer Cooling System: Rated EER The rated efficiency value of the room air conditioner cooling system. Double EER true false 8.5 cooling_system_cooling_compressor_type Cooling System: Cooling Compressor Type The compressor type of the cooling system. Only applies to central air conditioner. Choice false false single stage single stage two stage two stage variable speed variable speed cooling_system_cooling_sensible_heat_fraction Cooling System: Cooling Sensible Heat Fraction The sensible heat fraction of the cooling system. Ignored for evaporative cooler. Double Frac false false cooling_system_cooling_capacity Cooling System: Cooling Capacity The output cooling capacity of the cooling system. If using 'auto', the autosizing algorithm will use ACCA Manual J/S to set the capacity to meet its load served. Ignored for evaporative cooler. String tons true false auto cooling_system_fraction_cool_load_served Cooling System: Fraction Cool Load Served The cooling load served by the cooling system. Double Frac true false 1 cooling_system_is_ducted Cooling System: Is Ducted Whether the cooling system is ducted or not. Only used for evaporative cooler and mini-split. Boolean true false false true true false false heat_pump_type Heat Pump: Type The type of heat pump. Use 'none' if there is no heat pump. Choice true false none none none air-to-air air-to-air mini-split mini-split ground-to-air ground-to-air heat_pump_heating_efficiency_hspf Heat Pump: Rated Heating HSPF The rated heating efficiency value of the air-to-air/mini-split heat pump. Double HSPF true false 7.7 heat_pump_heating_efficiency_cop Heat Pump: Rated Heating COP The rated heating efficiency value of the ground-to-air heat pump. Double COP true false 3.6 heat_pump_cooling_efficiency_seer Heat Pump: Rated Cooling SEER The rated cooling efficiency value of the air-to-air/mini-split heat pump. Double SEER true false 13 heat_pump_cooling_efficiency_eer Heat Pump: Rated Cooling EER The rated cooling efficiency value of the ground-to-air heat pump. Double EER true false 16.6 heat_pump_cooling_compressor_type Heat Pump: Cooling Compressor Type The compressor type of the heat pump. Only applies to air-to-air and mini-split. Choice false false single stage single stage two stage two stage variable speed variable speed heat_pump_cooling_sensible_heat_fraction Heat Pump: Cooling Sensible Heat Fraction The sensible heat fraction of the heat pump. Double Frac false false heat_pump_heating_capacity Heat Pump: Heating Capacity The output heating capacity of the heat pump. If using 'auto', the autosizing algorithm will use ACCA Manual J/S to set the capacity to meet its load served. String Btu/hr true false auto heat_pump_heating_capacity_17F Heat Pump: Heating Capacity 17F The output heating capacity of the heat pump at 17F. Only applies to air-to-air and mini-split. String Btu/hr true false auto heat_pump_cooling_capacity Heat Pump: Cooling Capacity The output cooling capacity of the heat pump. If using 'auto', the autosizing algorithm will use ACCA Manual J/S to set the capacity to meet its load served. String Btu/hr true false auto heat_pump_fraction_heat_load_served Heat Pump: Fraction Heat Load Served The heating load served by the heat pump. Double Frac true false 1 heat_pump_fraction_cool_load_served Heat Pump: Fraction Cool Load Served The cooling load served by the heat pump. Double Frac true false 1 heat_pump_backup_fuel Heat Pump: Backup Fuel Type The backup fuel type of the heat pump. Use 'none' if there is no backup heating. Choice true false none none none electricity electricity natural gas natural gas fuel oil fuel oil propane propane heat_pump_backup_heating_efficiency Heat Pump: Backup Rated Efficiency The backup rated efficiency value of the heat pump. Percent for electricity fuel type. AFUE otherwise. Double true false 1 heat_pump_backup_heating_capacity Heat Pump: Backup Heating Capacity The backup output heating capacity of the heat pump. If using 'auto', the autosizing algorithm will use ACCA Manual J/S to set the capacity to meet its load served. String Btu/hr true false auto heat_pump_backup_heating_switchover_temp Heat Pump: Backup Heating Switchover Temperature The temperature at which the heat pump stops operating and the backup heating system starts running. Only applies to air-to-air and mini-split. Double deg-F false false heat_pump_mini_split_is_ducted Heat Pump: Mini-Split Is Ducted Whether the mini-split heat pump is ducted or not. Boolean false false true true false false heat_pump_ground_to_air_pump_power Heat Pump: Ground-to-Air Pump Power Ground loop circulator pump power during operation of the heat pump. Double watt/ton false false heat_pump_ground_to_air_fan_power Heat Pump: Ground-to-Air Fan Power Blower fan power. Double watt/CFM false false setpoint_heating_temp Setpoint: Heating Temperature Specify the heating setpoint temperature. Double deg-F true false 71 setpoint_heating_setback_temp Setpoint: Heating Setback Temperature Specify the heating setback temperature. Double deg-F true false 71 setpoint_heating_setback_hours_per_week Setpoint: Heating Setback Hours per Week Specify the heating setback number of hours per week value. Double true false 0 setpoint_heating_setback_start_hour Setpoint: Heating Setback Start Hour Specify the heating setback start hour value. 0 = midnight, 12 = noon Double true false 23 setpoint_cooling_temp Setpoint: Cooling Temperature Specify the cooling setpoint temperature. Double deg-F true false 76 setpoint_cooling_setup_temp Setpoint: Cooling Setup Temperature Specify the cooling setup temperature. Double deg-F true false 76 setpoint_cooling_setup_hours_per_week Setpoint: Cooling Setup Hours per Week Specify the cooling setup number of hours per week value. Double true false 0 setpoint_cooling_setup_start_hour Setpoint: Cooling Setup Start Hour Specify the cooling setup start hour value. 0 = midnight, 12 = noon Double true false 9 ducts_supply_leakage_units Ducts: Supply Leakage Units The leakage units of the supply ducts. Choice true false CFM25 CFM25 CFM25 Percent Percent ducts_return_leakage_units Ducts: Return Leakage Units The leakage units of the return ducts. Choice true false CFM25 CFM25 CFM25 Percent Percent ducts_supply_leakage_value Ducts: Supply Leakage Value The leakage value to outside of the supply ducts. Double true false 75 ducts_return_leakage_value Ducts: Return Leakage Value The leakage value to outside of the return ducts. Double true false 25 ducts_supply_insulation_r Ducts: Supply Insulation R-Value The insulation r-value of the supply ducts. Double h-ft^2-R/Btu true false 0 ducts_return_insulation_r Ducts: Return Insulation R-Value The insulation r-value of the return ducts. Double h-ft^2-R/Btu true false 0 ducts_supply_location Ducts: Supply Location The location of the supply ducts. Choice true false auto auto auto living space living space basement - conditioned basement - conditioned basement - unconditioned basement - unconditioned crawlspace - vented crawlspace - vented crawlspace - unvented crawlspace - unvented attic - vented attic - vented attic - unvented attic - unvented garage garage exterior wall exterior wall under slab under slab roof deck roof deck outside outside other housing unit other housing unit other heated space other heated space other multifamily buffer space other multifamily buffer space other non-freezing space other non-freezing space ducts_return_location Ducts: Return Location The location of the return ducts. Choice true false auto auto auto living space living space basement - conditioned basement - conditioned basement - unconditioned basement - unconditioned crawlspace - vented crawlspace - vented crawlspace - unvented crawlspace - unvented attic - vented attic - vented attic - unvented attic - unvented garage garage exterior wall exterior wall under slab under slab roof deck roof deck outside outside other housing unit other housing unit other heated space other heated space other multifamily buffer space other multifamily buffer space other non-freezing space other non-freezing space ducts_supply_surface_area Ducts: Supply Surface Area The surface area of the supply ducts. String ft^2 true false auto ducts_return_surface_area Ducts: Return Surface Area The surface area of the return ducts. String ft^2 true false auto ducts_number_of_return_registers Ducts: Number of Return Registers The number of return registers of the ducts. String # true false auto heating_system_type_2 Heating System 2: Type The type of the second heating system. Choice true false none none none WallFurnace WallFurnace FloorFurnace FloorFurnace ElectricResistance ElectricResistance Stove Stove PortableHeater PortableHeater Fireplace Fireplace heating_system_fuel_2 Heating System 2: Fuel Type The fuel type of the second heating system. Ignored for ElectricResistance. Choice true false electricity electricity electricity natural gas natural gas fuel oil fuel oil propane propane wood wood wood pellets wood pellets coal coal heating_system_heating_efficiency_2 Heating System 2: Rated AFUE or Percent For Furnace/WallFurnace/FloorFurnace/Boiler second heating system, the rated AFUE value. For ElectricResistance/Stove/PortableHeater/Fireplace, the rated Percent value. Double Frac true false 1 heating_system_heating_capacity_2 Heating System 2: Heating Capacity The output heating capacity of the second heating system. If using 'auto', the autosizing algorithm will use ACCA Manual J/S to set the capacity to meet its load served. String Btu/hr true false auto heating_system_fraction_heat_load_served_2 Heating System 2: Fraction Heat Load Served The heat load served fraction of the second heating system. Double Frac true false 0.25 heating_system_electric_auxiliary_energy_2 Heating System 2: Electric Auxiliary Energy The electric auxiliary energy of the second heating system. Double kWh/yr false false heating_system_has_flue_or_chimney_2 Heating System 2: Has Flue or Chimney Whether the second heating system has a flue or chimney. Boolean true false false true true false false mech_vent_fan_type Mechanical Ventilation: Fan Type The type of the mechanical ventilation. Use 'none' if there is no mechanical ventilation system. Choice true false none none none exhaust only exhaust only supply only supply only energy recovery ventilator energy recovery ventilator heat recovery ventilator heat recovery ventilator balanced balanced central fan integrated supply central fan integrated supply mech_vent_flow_rate Mechanical Ventilation: Flow Rate The flow rate of the mechanical ventilation. Double CFM true false 110 mech_vent_hours_in_operation Mechanical Ventilation: Hours In Operation The hours in operation of the mechanical ventilation. Double hrs true false 24 mech_vent_total_recovery_efficiency_type Mechanical Ventilation: Total Recovery Efficiency Type The total recovery efficiency type of the mechanical ventilation. Choice true false Unadjusted Unadjusted Unadjusted Adjusted Adjusted mech_vent_total_recovery_efficiency Mechanical Ventilation: Total Recovery Efficiency The Unadjusted or Adjusted total recovery efficiency of the mechanical ventilation. Double Frac true false 0.48 mech_vent_sensible_recovery_efficiency_type Mechanical Ventilation: Sensible Recovery Efficiency Type The sensible recovery efficiency type of the mechanical ventilation. Choice true false Unadjusted Unadjusted Unadjusted Adjusted Adjusted mech_vent_sensible_recovery_efficiency Mechanical Ventilation: Sensible Recovery Efficiency The Unadjusted or Adjusted sensible recovery efficiency of the mechanical ventilation. Double Frac true false 0.72 mech_vent_fan_power Mechanical Ventilation: Fan Power The fan power of the mechanical ventilation. Double W true false 30 mech_vent_is_shared_system Mechanical Ventilation: Is Shared System Whether the mechanical ventilation is a shared system. If true, assumed to serve all the units in the building. Boolean true false false true true false false shared_mech_vent_in_unit_flow_rate Shared Mechanical Ventilation: In-Unit Flow Rate The flow rate delivered to the dwelling unit. This is required for a shared mechanical ventilation system. Double CFM false false shared_mech_vent_frac_recirculation Shared Mechanical Ventilation: Fraction Recirculation Fraction of the total supply air that is recirculated, with the remainder assumed to be outdoor air. The value must be 0 for exhaust only systems. This is required for a shared mechanical ventilation system. Double Frac false false shared_mech_vent_preheating_fuel Shared Mechanical Ventilation: Preheating Fuel Fuel type of the preconditioning heating equipment. Choice false false electricity electricity natural gas natural gas fuel oil fuel oil propane propane wood wood wood pellets wood pellets coal coal shared_mech_vent_preheating_efficiency Shared Mechanical Ventilation: Preheating Efficiency Efficiency of the preconditioning heating equipment. Double COP false false shared_mech_vent_preheating_fraction_heat_load_served Shared Mechanical Ventilation: Preheating Fraction Ventilation Heat Load Served Fraction of heating load introduced by the shared ventilation system that is met by the preconditioning heating equipment. Double Frac false false shared_mech_vent_precooling_fuel Shared Mechanical Ventilation: Precooling Fuel Fuel type of the preconditioning cooling equipment. Choice false false electricity electricity shared_mech_vent_precooling_efficiency Shared Mechanical Ventilation: Precooling Efficiency Efficiency of the preconditioning cooling equipment. Double COP false false shared_mech_vent_precooling_fraction_cool_load_served Shared Mechanical Ventilation: Precooling Fraction Ventilation Cool Load Served Fraction of cooling load introduced by the shared ventilation system that is met by the preconditioning cooling equipment. Double Frac false false mech_vent_fan_type_2 Mechanical Ventilation 2: Fan Type The type of the second mechanical ventilation. Use 'none' if there is no second mechanical ventilation system. Choice true false none none none exhaust only exhaust only supply only supply only energy recovery ventilator energy recovery ventilator heat recovery ventilator heat recovery ventilator balanced balanced central fan integrated supply central fan integrated supply mech_vent_flow_rate_2 Mechanical Ventilation 2: Flow Rate The flow rate of the second mechanical ventilation. Double CFM true false 110 mech_vent_hours_in_operation_2 Mechanical Ventilation 2: Hours In Operation The hours in operation of the second mechanical ventilation. Double hrs true false 24 mech_vent_total_recovery_efficiency_type_2 Mechanical Ventilation 2: Total Recovery Efficiency Type The total recovery efficiency type of the second mechanical ventilation. Choice true false Unadjusted Unadjusted Unadjusted Adjusted Adjusted mech_vent_total_recovery_efficiency_2 Mechanical Ventilation 2: Total Recovery Efficiency The Unadjusted or Adjusted total recovery efficiency of the second mechanical ventilation. Double Frac true false 0.48 mech_vent_sensible_recovery_efficiency_type_2 Mechanical Ventilation 2: Sensible Recovery Efficiency Type The sensible recovery efficiency type of the second mechanical ventilation. Choice true false Unadjusted Unadjusted Unadjusted Adjusted Adjusted mech_vent_sensible_recovery_efficiency_2 Mechanical Ventilation 2: Sensible Recovery Efficiency The Unadjusted or Adjusted sensible recovery efficiency of the second mechanical ventilation. Double Frac true false 0.72 mech_vent_fan_power_2 Mechanical Ventilation 2: Fan Power The fan power of the second mechanical ventilation. Double W true false 30 kitchen_fans_present Kitchen Fans: Present Whether there are kitchen fans. Boolean true false false true true false false kitchen_fans_quantity Kitchen Fans: Quantity The quantity of the kitchen fans. Integer # false false kitchen_fans_flow_rate Kitchen Fans: Flow Rate The flow rate of the kitchen fan. Double CFM false false kitchen_fans_hours_in_operation Kitchen Fans: Hours In Operation The hours in operation of the kitchen fan. Double hrs false false kitchen_fans_power Kitchen Fans: Fan Power The fan power of the kitchen fan. Double W false false kitchen_fans_start_hour Kitchen Fans: Start Hour The start hour of the kitchen fan. Integer hr false false bathroom_fans_present Bathroom Fans: Present Whether there are bathroom fans. Boolean true false false true true false false bathroom_fans_quantity Bathroom Fans: Quantity The quantity of the bathroom fans. Integer # false false bathroom_fans_flow_rate Bathroom Fans: Flow Rate The flow rate of the bathroom fans. Double CFM false false bathroom_fans_hours_in_operation Bathroom Fans: Hours In Operation The hours in operation of the bathroom fans. Double hrs false false bathroom_fans_power Bathroom Fans: Fan Power The fan power of the bathroom fans. Double W false false bathroom_fans_start_hour Bathroom Fans: Start Hour The start hour of the bathroom fans. Integer hr false false whole_house_fan_present Whole House Fan: Present Whether there is a whole house fan. Boolean true false false true true false false whole_house_fan_flow_rate Whole House Fan: Flow Rate The flow rate of the whole house fan. Double CFM true false 4500 whole_house_fan_power Whole House Fan: Fan Power The fan power of the whole house fan. Double W true false 300 water_heater_type Water Heater: Type The type of water heater. Use 'none' if there is no water heater. Choice true false storage water heater none none storage water heater storage water heater instantaneous water heater instantaneous water heater heat pump water heater heat pump water heater space-heating boiler with storage tank space-heating boiler with storage tank space-heating boiler with tankless coil space-heating boiler with tankless coil water_heater_fuel_type Water Heater: Fuel Type The fuel type of water heater. Ignored for heat pump water heater. Choice true false natural gas electricity electricity natural gas natural gas fuel oil fuel oil propane propane wood wood coal coal water_heater_location Water Heater: Location The location of water heater. Choice true false auto auto auto living space living space basement - conditioned basement - conditioned basement - unconditioned basement - unconditioned garage garage attic - vented attic - vented attic - unvented attic - unvented crawlspace - vented crawlspace - vented crawlspace - unvented crawlspace - unvented other exterior other exterior other housing unit other housing unit other heated space other heated space other multifamily buffer space other multifamily buffer space other non-freezing space other non-freezing space water_heater_tank_volume Water Heater: Tank Volume Nominal volume of water heater tank. Set to auto to have volume autosized. Only applies to storage water heater, heat pump water heater, and space-heating boiler with storage tank. String gal true false auto water_heater_heating_capacity Water Heater: Input Capacity The maximum energy input rating of water heater. Set to auto to have this field autosized. Only applies to storage water heater. String Btu/hr true false auto water_heater_efficiency_type Water Heater: Efficiency Type The efficiency type of water heater. Does not apply to space-heating boilers. Choice true false EnergyFactor EnergyFactor EnergyFactor UniformEnergyFactor UniformEnergyFactor water_heater_efficiency_ef Water Heater: Energy Factor Ratio of useful energy output from water heater to the total amount of energy delivered from the water heater. Double true false 0.67 water_heater_efficiency_uef Water Heater: Uniform Energy Factor The uniform energy factor of water heater. Does not apply to space-heating boilers. Double true false 0.67 water_heater_recovery_efficiency Water Heater: Recovery Efficiency Ratio of energy delivered to water heater to the energy content of the fuel consumed by the water heater. Only used for non-electric storage water heaters. String Frac true false auto water_heater_standby_loss Water Heater: Standby Loss The standby loss of water heater. Only applies to space-heating boilers. Double deg-F/hr false false water_heater_jacket_rvalue Water Heater: Jacket R-value The jacket R-value of water heater. Doesn't apply to instantaneous water heater or space-heating boiler with tankless coil. Double h-ft^2-R/Btu false false water_heater_setpoint_temperature Water Heater: Setpoint Temperature The setpoint temperature of water heater. String deg-F true false auto water_heater_performance_adjustment Water Heater: Performance Adjustment A performance adjustment due to cycling inefficiencies. Only applies to instantaneous water heater. Double Frac false false water_heater_has_flue_or_chimney Water Heater: Has Flue or Chimney Whether the water heater has a flue or chimney. Boolean true false false true true false false water_heater_is_shared_system Water Heater: Is Shared System Whether the water heater is a shared system. If true, assumed to serve all the units in the building. Boolean true false false true true false false dhw_distribution_system_type Hot Water Distribution: System Type The type of the hot water distribution system. Choice true false Standard Standard Standard Recirculation Recirculation dhw_distribution_standard_piping_length Hot Water Distribution: Standard Piping Length If the distribution system is Standard, the length of the piping. A value of 'auto' will use a default. String ft true false auto dhw_distribution_recirc_control_type Hot Water Distribution: Recirculation Control Type If the distribution system is Recirculation, the type of hot water recirculation control, if any. Choice true false no control no control no control timer timer temperature temperature presence sensor demand control presence sensor demand control manual demand control manual demand control dhw_distribution_recirc_piping_length Hot Water Distribution: Recirculation Piping Length If the distribution system is Recirculation, the length of the recirculation piping. String ft true false auto dhw_distribution_recirc_branch_piping_length Hot Water Distribution: Recirculation Branch Piping Length If the distribution system is Recirculation, the length of the recirculation branch piping. String ft true false auto dhw_distribution_recirc_pump_power Hot Water Distribution: Recirculation Pump Power If the distribution system is Recirculation, the recirculation pump power. String W true false auto dhw_distribution_pipe_r Hot Water Distribution: Pipe Insulation Nominal R-Value Nominal R-value of the pipe insulation. Double h-ft^2-R/Btu true false 0 dwhr_facilities_connected Drain Water Heat Recovery: Facilities Connected Which facilities are connected for the drain water heat recovery. Use 'none' if there is no drawin water heat recovery system. Choice true false none none none one one all all dwhr_equal_flow Drain Water Heat Recovery: Equal Flow Whether the drain water heat recovery has equal flow. Boolean true false true true true false false dwhr_efficiency Drain Water Heat Recovery: Efficiency The efficiency of the drain water heat recovery. Double Frac true false 0.55 water_fixtures_shower_low_flow Hot Water Fixtures: Is Shower Low Flow Whether the shower fixture is low flow. Boolean true false false true true false false water_fixtures_sink_low_flow Hot Water Fixtures: Is Sink Low Flow Whether the sink fixture is low flow. Boolean true false false true true false false water_fixtures_usage_multiplier Hot Water Fixtures: Usage Multiplier Multiplier on the hot water usage that can reflect, e.g., high/low usage occupants. Double true false 1 solar_thermal_system_type Solar Thermal: System Type The type of solar thermal system. Use 'none' if there is no solar thermal system. Choice true false none none none hot water hot water solar_thermal_collector_area Solar Thermal: Collector Area The collector area of the solar thermal system. Double ft^2 true false 40 solar_thermal_collector_loop_type Solar Thermal: Collector Loop Type The collector loop type of the solar thermal system. Choice true false liquid direct liquid direct liquid direct liquid indirect liquid indirect passive thermosyphon passive thermosyphon solar_thermal_collector_type Solar Thermal: Collector Type The collector type of the solar thermal system. Choice true false evacuated tube evacuated tube evacuated tube single glazing black single glazing black double glazing black double glazing black integrated collector storage integrated collector storage solar_thermal_collector_azimuth Solar Thermal: Collector Azimuth The collector azimuth of the solar thermal system. Double degrees true false 180 solar_thermal_collector_tilt Solar Thermal: Collector Tilt The collector tilt of the solar thermal system. Can also enter, e.g., RoofPitch, RoofPitch+20, Latitude, Latitude-15, etc. String degrees true false RoofPitch solar_thermal_collector_rated_optical_efficiency Solar Thermal: Collector Rated Optical Efficiency The collector rated optical efficiency of the solar thermal system. Double Frac true false 0.5 solar_thermal_collector_rated_thermal_losses Solar Thermal: Collector Rated Thermal Losses The collector rated thermal losses of the solar thermal system. Double Frac true false 0.2799 solar_thermal_storage_volume Solar Thermal: Storage Volume The storage volume of the solar thermal system. String Frac true false auto solar_thermal_solar_fraction Solar Thermal: Solar Fraction The solar fraction of the solar thermal system. If provided, overrides all other solar thermal inputs. Double Frac true false 0 pv_system_module_type_1 Photovoltaics 1: Module Type Module type of the PV system 1. Use 'none' if there is no PV system 1. Choice true false none none none standard standard premium premium thin film thin film pv_system_location_1 Photovoltaics 1: Location Location of the PV system 1. Choice true false roof roof roof ground ground pv_system_tracking_1 Photovoltaics 1: Tracking Tracking of the PV system 1. Choice true false fixed fixed fixed 1-axis 1-axis 1-axis backtracked 1-axis backtracked 2-axis 2-axis pv_system_array_azimuth_1 Photovoltaics 1: Array Azimuth Array azimuth of the PV system 1. Double degrees true false 180 pv_system_array_tilt_1 Photovoltaics 1: Array Tilt Array tilt of the PV system 1. Can also enter, e.g., RoofPitch, RoofPitch+20, Latitude, Latitude-15, etc. String degrees true false RoofPitch pv_system_max_power_output_1 Photovoltaics 1: Maximum Power Output Maximum power output of the PV system 1. For a shared system, this is the total building maximum power output. Double W true false 4000 pv_system_inverter_efficiency_1 Photovoltaics 1: Inverter Efficiency Inverter efficiency of the PV system 1. Double Frac false false pv_system_system_losses_fraction_1 Photovoltaics 1: System Losses Fraction System losses fraction of the PV system 1. Double Frac false false pv_system_is_shared_1 Photovoltaics 1: Is Shared System Whether PV system 1 is shared. If true, assumed to serve all the units in the building. Boolean true false false true true false false pv_system_module_type_2 Photovoltaics 2: Module Type Module type of the PV system 2. Use 'none' if there is no PV system 2. Choice true false none none none standard standard premium premium thin film thin film pv_system_location_2 Photovoltaics 2: Location Location of the PV system 2. Choice true false roof roof roof ground ground pv_system_tracking_2 Photovoltaics 2: Tracking Tracking of the PV system 2. Choice true false fixed fixed fixed 1-axis 1-axis 1-axis backtracked 1-axis backtracked 2-axis 2-axis pv_system_array_azimuth_2 Photovoltaics 2: Array Azimuth Array azimuth of the PV system 2. Double degrees true false 180 pv_system_array_tilt_2 Photovoltaics 2: Array Tilt Array tilt of the PV system 2. Can also enter, e.g., RoofPitch, RoofPitch+20, Latitude, Latitude-15, etc. String degrees true false RoofPitch pv_system_max_power_output_2 Photovoltaics 2: Maximum Power Output Maximum power output of the PV system 2. For a shared system, this is the total building maximum power output. Double W true false 4000 pv_system_inverter_efficiency_2 Photovoltaics 2: Inverter Efficiency Inverter efficiency of the PV system 2. Double Frac false false pv_system_system_losses_fraction_2 Photovoltaics 2: System Losses Fraction System losses fraction of the PV system 2. Double Frac false false pv_system_is_shared_2 Photovoltaics 2: Is Shared System Whether PV system 2 is shared. If true, assumed to serve all the units in the building. Boolean true false false true true false false lighting_fraction_cfl_interior Lighting: Fraction CFL Interior Fraction of all lamps (interior) that are compact fluorescent. Lighting not specified as CFL, LFL, or LED is assumed to be incandescent. Double true false 0.4 lighting_fraction_lfl_interior Lighting: Fraction LFL Interior Fraction of all lamps (interior) that are linear fluorescent. Lighting not specified as CFL, LFL, or LED is assumed to be incandescent. Double true false 0.1 lighting_fraction_led_interior Lighting: Fraction LED Interior Fraction of all lamps (interior) that are light emitting diodes. Lighting not specified as CFL, LFL, or LED is assumed to be incandescent. Double true false 0.25 lighting_usage_multiplier_interior Lighting: Usage Multiplier Interior Multiplier on the lighting energy usage (interior) that can reflect, e.g., high/low usage occupants. Double true false 1 lighting_fraction_cfl_exterior Lighting: Fraction CFL Exterior Fraction of all lamps (exterior) that are compact fluorescent. Lighting not specified as CFL, LFL, or LED is assumed to be incandescent. Double true false 0.4 lighting_fraction_lfl_exterior Lighting: Fraction LFL Exterior Fraction of all lamps (exterior) that are linear fluorescent. Lighting not specified as CFL, LFL, or LED is assumed to be incandescent. Double true false 0.1 lighting_fraction_led_exterior Lighting: Fraction LED Exterior Fraction of all lamps (exterior) that are light emitting diodes. Lighting not specified as CFL, LFL, or LED is assumed to be incandescent. Double true false 0.25 lighting_usage_multiplier_exterior Lighting: Usage Multiplier Exterior Multiplier on the lighting energy usage (exterior) that can reflect, e.g., high/low usage occupants. Double true false 1 lighting_fraction_cfl_garage Lighting: Fraction CFL Garage Fraction of all lamps (garage) that are compact fluorescent. Lighting not specified as CFL, LFL, or LED is assumed to be incandescent. Double true false 0.4 lighting_fraction_lfl_garage Lighting: Fraction LFL Garage Fraction of all lamps (garage) that are linear fluorescent. Lighting not specified as CFL, LFL, or LED is assumed to be incandescent. Double true false 0.1 lighting_fraction_led_garage Lighting: Fraction LED Garage Fraction of all lamps (garage) that are light emitting diodes. Lighting not specified as CFL, LFL, or LED is assumed to be incandescent. Double true false 0.25 lighting_usage_multiplier_garage Lighting: Usage Multiplier Garage Multiplier on the lighting energy usage (garage) that can reflect, e.g., high/low usage occupants. Double true false 1 holiday_lighting_present Holiday Lighting: Present Whether there is holiday lighting. Boolean true false false true true false false holiday_lighting_daily_kwh Holiday Lighting: Daily Consumption The daily energy consumption for holiday lighting (exterior). String kWh/day true false auto holiday_lighting_period_begin_month Holiday Lighting: Period Begin Month This numeric field should contain the starting month number (1 = January, 2 = February, etc.) for the holiday lighting period desired. String month true false auto holiday_lighting_period_begin_day_of_month Holiday Lighting: Period Begin Day of Month This numeric field should contain the starting day of the starting month (must be valid for month) for the holiday lighting period desired. String day true false auto holiday_lighting_period_end_month Holiday Lighting: Period End Month This numeric field should contain the end month number (1 = January, 2 = February, etc.) for the holiday lighting period desired. String month true false auto holiday_lighting_period_end_day_of_month Holiday Lighting: Period End Day of Month This numeric field should contain the ending day of the ending month (must be valid for month) for the holiday lighting period desired. String day true false auto dehumidifier_present Dehumidifier: Present Whether there is a dehumidifier. Boolean true false false true true false false dehumidifier_efficiency_type Dehumidifier: Efficiency Type The efficiency type of dehumidifier. Choice true false EnergyFactor EnergyFactor EnergyFactor IntegratedEnergyFactor IntegratedEnergyFactor dehumidifier_efficiency_ef Dehumidifier: Energy Factor The Energy Factor (EF) of the dehumidifier. Double liters/kWh true false 1.8 dehumidifier_efficiency_ief Dehumidifier: Integrated Energy Factor The Integrated Energy Factor (IEF) of the dehumidifier. Double liters/kWh true false 1.5 dehumidifier_capacity Dehumidifier: Capacity The capacity (water removal rate) of the dehumidifier. Double pint/day true false 40 dehumidifier_rh_setpoint Dehumidifier: Relative Humidity Setpoint The relative humidity setpoint of the dehumidifier. Double Frac true false 0.5 dehumidifier_fraction_dehumidification_load_served Dehumidifier: Fraction Dehumidification Load Served The dehumidification load served fraction of the dehumidifier. Double Frac true false 1 clothes_washer_present Clothes Washer: Present Whether there is a clothes washer. Boolean true false true true true false false clothes_washer_location Clothes Washer: Location The space type for the clothes washer location. Choice true false auto auto auto living space living space basement - conditioned basement - conditioned basement - unconditioned basement - unconditioned garage garage other housing unit other housing unit other heated space other heated space other multifamily buffer space other multifamily buffer space other non-freezing space other non-freezing space clothes_washer_efficiency_type Clothes Washer: Efficiency Type The efficiency type of clothes washer. Choice true false IntegratedModifiedEnergyFactor ModifiedEnergyFactor ModifiedEnergyFactor IntegratedModifiedEnergyFactor IntegratedModifiedEnergyFactor clothes_washer_efficiency_mef Clothes Washer: Modified Energy Factor The Modified Energy Factor (MEF) is the capacity of the clothes container divided by the total clothes washer energy consumption per cycle, where the energy consumption is the sum of the machine electrical energy consumption, the hot water energy consumption, the energy required for removal of the remaining moisture in the wash load, standby energy, and off-mode energy consumption. String ft^3/kWh-cycle true false auto clothes_washer_efficiency_imef Clothes Washer: Integrated Modified Energy Factor The energy performance metric for ENERGY STAR certified residential clothes washers as of March 7, 2015. String ft^3/kWh-cyc true false auto clothes_washer_rated_annual_kwh Clothes Washer: Rated Annual Consumption The annual energy consumed by the clothes washer, as rated, obtained from the EnergyGuide label. This includes both the appliance electricity consumption and the energy required for water heating. String kWh/yr true false auto clothes_washer_label_electric_rate Clothes Washer: Label Electric Rate The annual energy consumed by the clothes washer, as rated, obtained from the EnergyGuide label. This includes both the appliance electricity consumption and the energy required for water heating. String $/kWh true false auto clothes_washer_label_gas_rate Clothes Washer: Label Gas Rate The annual energy consumed by the clothes washer, as rated, obtained from the EnergyGuide label. This includes both the appliance electricity consumption and the energy required for water heating. String $/therm true false auto clothes_washer_label_annual_gas_cost Clothes Washer: Label Annual Cost with Gas DHW The annual cost of using the system under test conditions. Input is obtained from the EnergyGuide label. String $ true false auto clothes_washer_label_usage Clothes Washer: Label Usage The clothes washer loads per week. String cyc/wk true false auto clothes_washer_capacity Clothes Washer: Drum Volume Volume of the washer drum. Obtained from the EnergyStar website or the manufacturer's literature. String ft^3 true false auto clothes_washer_usage_multiplier Clothes Washer: Usage Multiplier Multiplier on the clothes washer energy and hot water usage that can reflect, e.g., high/low usage occupants. Double true false 1 clothes_dryer_present Clothes Dryer: Present Whether there is a clothes dryer. Boolean true false true true true false false clothes_dryer_location Clothes Dryer: Location The space type for the clothes dryer location. Choice true false auto auto auto living space living space basement - conditioned basement - conditioned basement - unconditioned basement - unconditioned garage garage other housing unit other housing unit other heated space other heated space other multifamily buffer space other multifamily buffer space other non-freezing space other non-freezing space clothes_dryer_fuel_type Clothes Dryer: Fuel Type Type of fuel used by the clothes dryer. Choice true false natural gas electricity electricity natural gas natural gas fuel oil fuel oil propane propane wood wood coal coal clothes_dryer_efficiency_type Clothes Dryer: Efficiency Type The efficiency type of clothes dryer. Choice true false CombinedEnergyFactor EnergyFactor EnergyFactor CombinedEnergyFactor CombinedEnergyFactor clothes_dryer_efficiency_ef Clothes Dryer: Energy Factor The energy performance metric for ENERGY STAR certified residential clothes dryers prior to September 13, 2013. The new metric is Combined Energy Factor. Double lb/kWh true false 3.4615 clothes_dryer_efficiency_cef Clothes Dryer: Combined Energy Factor The Combined Energy Factor (CEF) measures the pounds of clothing that can be dried per kWh (Fuel equivalent) of electricity, including energy consumed during Stand-by and Off modes. String lb/kWh true false auto clothes_dryer_control_type Clothes Dryer: Control Type Type of control used by the clothes dryer. Choice true false auto auto auto timer timer moisture moisture clothes_dryer_vented_flow_rate Clothes Dryer: Vented Flow Rate The exhaust flow rate of the vented clothes dryer. String CFM true false auto clothes_dryer_usage_multiplier Clothes Dryer: Usage Multiplier Multiplier on the clothes dryer energy usage that can reflect, e.g., high/low usage occupants. Double true false 1 dishwasher_present Dishwasher: Present Whether there is a dishwasher. Boolean true false true true true false false dishwasher_location Dishwasher: Location The space type for the dishwasher location. Choice true false auto auto auto living space living space basement - conditioned basement - conditioned basement - unconditioned basement - unconditioned garage garage other housing unit other housing unit other heated space other heated space other multifamily buffer space other multifamily buffer space other non-freezing space other non-freezing space dishwasher_efficiency_type Dishwasher: Efficiency Type The efficiency type of dishwasher. Choice true false RatedAnnualkWh RatedAnnualkWh RatedAnnualkWh EnergyFactor EnergyFactor dishwasher_efficiency_kwh Dishwasher: Rated Annual kWh The rated annual kWh of the dishwasher. String kWh/yr true false auto dishwasher_efficiency_ef Dishwasher: Energy Factor The energy factor of the dishwasher. Double true false 0.46 dishwasher_label_electric_rate Dishwasher: Label Electric Rate The label electric rate of the dishwasher. String $/kWh true false auto dishwasher_label_gas_rate Dishwasher: Label Gas Rate The label gas rate of the dishwasher. String $/therm true false auto dishwasher_label_annual_gas_cost Dishwasher: Label Annual Gas Cost The label annual gas cost of the dishwasher. String $ true false auto dishwasher_label_usage Dishwasher: Label Usage The dishwasher loads per week. String cyc/wk true false auto dishwasher_place_setting_capacity Dishwasher: Number of Place Settings The number of place settings for the unit. Data obtained from manufacturer's literature. String # true false auto dishwasher_usage_multiplier Dishwasher: Usage Multiplier Multiplier on the dishwasher energy usage that can reflect, e.g., high/low usage occupants. Double true false 1 refrigerator_present Refrigerator: Present Whether there is a refrigerator. Boolean true false true true true false false refrigerator_location Refrigerator: Location The space type for the refrigerator location. Choice true false auto auto auto living space living space basement - conditioned basement - conditioned basement - unconditioned basement - unconditioned garage garage other housing unit other housing unit other heated space other heated space other multifamily buffer space other multifamily buffer space other non-freezing space other non-freezing space refrigerator_rated_annual_kwh Refrigerator: Rated Annual Consumption The EnergyGuide rated annual energy consumption for a refrigerator. String kWh/yr true false auto refrigerator_usage_multiplier Refrigerator: Usage Multiplier Multiplier on the refrigerator energy usage that can reflect, e.g., high/low usage occupants. Double true false 1 extra_refrigerator_present Extra Refrigerator: Present Whether there is an extra refrigerator. Boolean true false false true true false false extra_refrigerator_location Extra Refrigerator: Location The space type for the extra refrigerator location. Choice true false auto auto auto living space living space basement - conditioned basement - conditioned basement - unconditioned basement - unconditioned garage garage other housing unit other housing unit other heated space other heated space other multifamily buffer space other multifamily buffer space other non-freezing space other non-freezing space extra_refrigerator_rated_annual_kwh Extra Refrigerator: Rated Annual Consumption The EnergyGuide rated annual energy consumption for an extra rrefrigerator. String kWh/yr true false auto extra_refrigerator_usage_multiplier Extra Refrigerator: Usage Multiplier Multiplier on the extra refrigerator energy usage that can reflect, e.g., high/low usage occupants. Double true false 1 freezer_present Freezer: Present Whether there is a freezer. Boolean true false false true true false false freezer_location Freezer: Location The space type for the freezer location. Choice true false auto auto auto living space living space basement - conditioned basement - conditioned basement - unconditioned basement - unconditioned garage garage other housing unit other housing unit other heated space other heated space other multifamily buffer space other multifamily buffer space other non-freezing space other non-freezing space freezer_rated_annual_kwh Freezer: Rated Annual Consumption The EnergyGuide rated annual energy consumption for a freezer. String kWh/yr true false auto freezer_usage_multiplier Freezer: Usage Multiplier Multiplier on the freezer energy usage that can reflect, e.g., high/low usage occupants. Double true false 1 cooking_range_oven_present Cooking Range/Oven: Present Whether there is a cooking range/oven. Boolean true false true true true false false cooking_range_oven_location Cooking Range/Oven: Location The space type for the cooking range/oven location. Choice true false auto auto auto living space living space basement - conditioned basement - conditioned basement - unconditioned basement - unconditioned garage garage other housing unit other housing unit other heated space other heated space other multifamily buffer space other multifamily buffer space other non-freezing space other non-freezing space cooking_range_oven_fuel_type Cooking Range/Oven: Fuel Type Type of fuel used by the cooking range/oven. Choice true false natural gas electricity electricity natural gas natural gas fuel oil fuel oil propane propane wood wood coal coal cooking_range_oven_is_induction Cooking Range/Oven: Is Induction Whether the cooking range is induction. Boolean false false true true false false cooking_range_oven_is_convection Cooking Range/Oven: Is Convection Whether the oven is convection. Boolean false false true true false false cooking_range_oven_usage_multiplier Cooking Range/Oven: Usage Multiplier Multiplier on the cooking range/oven energy usage that can reflect, e.g., high/low usage occupants. Double true false 1 ceiling_fan_present Ceiling Fan: Present Whether there is are any ceiling fans. Boolean true false true true true false false ceiling_fan_efficiency Ceiling Fan: Efficiency The efficiency rating of the ceiling fan(s) at medium speed. String CFM/watt true false auto ceiling_fan_quantity Ceiling Fan: Quantity Total number of ceiling fans. String # true false auto ceiling_fan_cooling_setpoint_temp_offset Ceiling Fan: Cooling Setpoint Temperature Offset The setpoint temperature offset during cooling season for the ceiling fan(s). Only applies if ceiling fan quantity is greater than zero. Double deg-F true false 0.5 plug_loads_television_annual_kwh Plug Loads: Television Annual kWh The annual energy consumption of the television plug loads. String kWh/yr true false auto plug_loads_television_usage_multiplier Plug Loads: Television Usage Multiplier Multiplier on the television energy usage that can reflect, e.g., high/low usage occupants. Double true false 1 plug_loads_other_annual_kwh Plug Loads: Other Annual kWh The annual energy consumption of the other residual plug loads. String kWh/yr true false auto plug_loads_other_frac_sensible Plug Loads: Other Sensible Fraction Fraction of other residual plug loads' internal gains that are sensible. String Frac true false auto plug_loads_other_frac_latent Plug Loads: Other Latent Fraction Fraction of other residual plug loads' internal gains that are latent. String Frac true false auto plug_loads_other_usage_multiplier Plug Loads: Other Usage Multiplier Multiplier on the other energy usage that can reflect, e.g., high/low usage occupants. Double true false 1 plug_loads_well_pump_present Plug Loads: Well Pump Present Whether there is a well pump. Boolean true false false true true false false plug_loads_well_pump_annual_kwh Plug Loads: Well Pump Annual kWh The annual energy consumption of the well pump plug loads. String kWh/yr true false auto plug_loads_well_pump_usage_multiplier Plug Loads: Well Pump Usage Multiplier Multiplier on the well_pump energy usage that can reflect, e.g., high/low usage occupants. Double true false 1 plug_loads_vehicle_present Plug Loads: Vehicle Present Whether there is a vehicle. Boolean true false false true true false false plug_loads_vehicle_annual_kwh Plug Loads: Vehicle Annual kWh The annual energy consumption of the well pump plug loads. String kWh/yr true false auto plug_loads_vehicle_usage_multiplier Plug Loads: Vehicle Usage Multiplier Multiplier on the well_pump energy usage that can reflect, e.g., high/low usage occupants. Double true false 1 fuel_loads_grill_present Fuel Loads: Grill Present Whether there is a fuel loads grill. Boolean true false false true true false false fuel_loads_grill_fuel_type Fuel Loads: Grill Fuel Type The fuel type of the fuel loads grill. Choice true false natural gas natural gas natural gas fuel oil fuel oil propane propane wood wood wood pellets wood pellets fuel_loads_grill_annual_therm Fuel Loads: Grill Annual therm The annual energy consumption of the fuel loads grill. String therm/yr true false auto fuel_loads_grill_location Fuel Loads: Grill Location The location of the fuel loads grill. Choice true false auto auto auto interior interior exterior exterior fuel_loads_grill_usage_multiplier Fuel Loads: Grill Usage Multiplier Multiplier on the fuel loads grill energy usage that can reflect, e.g., high/low usage occupants. Double true false 1 fuel_loads_lighting_present Fuel Loads: Lighting Present Whether there is fuel loads lighting. Boolean true false false true true false false fuel_loads_lighting_fuel_type Fuel Loads: Lighting Fuel Type The fuel type of the fuel loads lighting. Choice true false natural gas natural gas natural gas fuel oil fuel oil propane propane wood wood wood pellets wood pellets fuel_loads_lighting_annual_therm Fuel Loads: Lighting Annual therm The annual energy consumption of the fuel loads lighting. String therm/yr true false auto fuel_loads_lighting_location Fuel Loads: Lighting Location The location of the fuel loads lighting. Choice true false auto auto auto interior interior exterior exterior fuel_loads_lighting_usage_multiplier Fuel Loads: Lighting Usage Multiplier Multiplier on the fuel loads lighting energy usage that can reflect, e.g., high/low usage occupants. Double true false 1 fuel_loads_fireplace_present Fuel Loads: Fireplace Present Whether there is fuel loads fireplace. Boolean true false false true true false false fuel_loads_fireplace_fuel_type Fuel Loads: Fireplace Fuel Type The fuel type of the fuel loads fireplace. Choice true false natural gas natural gas natural gas fuel oil fuel oil propane propane wood wood wood pellets wood pellets fuel_loads_fireplace_annual_therm Fuel Loads: Fireplace Annual therm The annual energy consumption of the fuel loads fireplace. String therm/yr true false auto fuel_loads_fireplace_location Fuel Loads: Fireplace Location The location of the fuel loads fireplace. Choice true false auto auto auto interior interior exterior exterior fuel_loads_fireplace_usage_multiplier Fuel Loads: Fireplace Usage Multiplier Multiplier on the fuel loads fireplace energy usage that can reflect, e.g., high/low usage occupants. Double true false 1 pool_present Pool: Present Whether there is a pool. Boolean true false false true true false false pool_pump_annual_kwh Pool: Pump Annual kWh The annual energy consumption of the pool pump. String kWh/yr true false auto pool_pump_usage_multiplier Pool: Pump Usage Multiplier Multiplier on the pool pump energy usage that can reflect, e.g., high/low usage occupants. Double true false 1 pool_heater_type Pool: Heater Type The type of pool heater. Use 'none' if there is no pool heater. Choice true false none none none electric resistance electric resistance gas fired gas fired heat pump heat pump pool_heater_annual_kwh Pool: Heater Annual kWh The annual energy consumption of the electric resistance pool heater. String kWh/yr true false auto pool_heater_annual_therm Pool: Heater Annual therm The annual energy consumption of the gas fired pool heater. String therm/yr true false auto pool_heater_usage_multiplier Pool: Heater Usage Multiplier Multiplier on the pool heater energy usage that can reflect, e.g., high/low usage occupants. Double true false 1 hot_tub_present Hot Tub: Present Whether there is a hot tub. Boolean true false false true true false false hot_tub_pump_annual_kwh Hot Tub: Pump Annual kWh The annual energy consumption of the hot tub pump. String kWh/yr true false auto hot_tub_pump_usage_multiplier Hot Tub: Pump Usage Multiplier Multiplier on the hot tub pump energy usage that can reflect, e.g., high/low usage occupants. Double true false 1 hot_tub_heater_type Hot Tub: Heater Type The type of hot tub heater. Use 'none' if there is no hot tub heater. Choice true false none none none electric resistance electric resistance gas fired gas fired heat pump heat pump hot_tub_heater_annual_kwh Hot Tub: Heater Annual kWh The annual energy consumption of the electric resistance hot tub heater. String kWh/yr true false auto hot_tub_heater_annual_therm Hot Tub: Heater Annual therm The annual energy consumption of the gas fired hot tub heater. String therm/yr true false auto hot_tub_heater_usage_multiplier Hot Tub: Heater Usage Multiplier Multiplier on the hot tub heater energy usage that can reflect, e.g., high/low usage occupants. Double true false 1 Whole Building.Space Types Measure Type ModelMeasure string geometry.rb rb resource 0ABBC934 location.rb rb resource 2951BCAF constants.rb rb resource EB32709E schedules_clothes_dryer_power_consumption_dist.csv csv resource C11EB889 schedules_clothes_dryer_power_duration_dist.csv csv resource E26C2515 schedules_clothes_washer_cluster_size_probability.csv csv resource 2401A66F schedules_clothes_washer_event_duration_probability.csv csv resource 9D369386 schedules_clothes_washer_power_consumption_dist.csv csv resource B82EBBFB schedules_clothes_washer_power_duration_dist.csv csv resource 7F0BFEDA schedules_config.yml yml resource 7DAD9145 schedules_cooking_power_consumption_dist.csv csv resource 1C8AAA92 schedules_cooking_power_duration_dist.csv csv resource 66C47C80 schedules_dishwasher_cluster_size_probability.csv csv resource 93DCD6FD schedules_dishwasher_event_duration_probability.csv csv resource 419E598E schedules_dishwasher_power_consumption_dist.csv csv resource 50A1CFBC schedules_dishwasher_power_duration_dist.csv csv resource A7E76021 schedules_README.md md resource FA773BE2 schedules_shower_cluster_size_probability.csv csv resource DBE185CA schedules_shower_event_duration_probability.csv csv resource F8A366F2 schedules_weekday_duration_probability_cluster_0_cooking_evening_duration_probability.csv csv resource 4986DD68 schedules_weekday_duration_probability_cluster_0_cooking_midday_duration_probability.csv csv resource FBF76CFC schedules_weekday_duration_probability_cluster_0_cooking_morning_duration_probability.csv csv resource C54497C3 schedules_weekday_duration_probability_cluster_0_dishwashing_evening_duration_probability.csv csv resource 7C95D22E schedules_weekday_duration_probability_cluster_0_dishwashing_midday_duration_probability.csv csv resource 05C8905F schedules_weekday_duration_probability_cluster_0_dishwashing_morning_duration_probability.csv csv resource DDD537E9 schedules_weekday_duration_probability_cluster_0_laundry_evening_duration_probability.csv csv resource C3A5357C schedules_weekday_duration_probability_cluster_0_laundry_midday_duration_probability.csv csv resource CA0C9069 schedules_weekday_duration_probability_cluster_0_laundry_morning_duration_probability.csv csv resource 8CDCA30E schedules_weekday_duration_probability_cluster_0_shower_evening_duration_probability.csv csv resource 54EB60DE schedules_weekday_duration_probability_cluster_0_shower_midday_duration_probability.csv csv resource 1AD7139F schedules_weekday_duration_probability_cluster_0_shower_morning_duration_probability.csv csv resource 8300EB00 schedules_weekday_duration_probability_cluster_1_cooking_evening_duration_probability.csv csv resource B817132C schedules_weekday_duration_probability_cluster_1_cooking_midday_duration_probability.csv csv resource D45A9584 schedules_weekday_duration_probability_cluster_1_cooking_morning_duration_probability.csv csv resource 407A312C schedules_weekday_duration_probability_cluster_1_dishwashing_evening_duration_probability.csv csv resource 652AD618 schedules_weekday_duration_probability_cluster_1_dishwashing_midday_duration_probability.csv csv resource 018B32BA schedules_weekday_duration_probability_cluster_1_dishwashing_morning_duration_probability.csv csv resource F3A0A48E schedules_weekday_duration_probability_cluster_1_laundry_evening_duration_probability.csv csv resource 56010915 schedules_weekday_duration_probability_cluster_1_laundry_midday_duration_probability.csv csv resource 9843CD4C schedules_weekday_duration_probability_cluster_1_laundry_morning_duration_probability.csv csv resource 746D40E8 schedules_weekday_duration_probability_cluster_1_shower_evening_duration_probability.csv csv resource AE9ED85B schedules_weekday_duration_probability_cluster_1_shower_midday_duration_probability.csv csv resource D4FBDE56 schedules_weekday_duration_probability_cluster_1_shower_morning_duration_probability.csv csv resource D897D4A1 schedules_weekday_duration_probability_cluster_2_cooking_evening_duration_probability.csv csv resource 8E88C92D schedules_weekday_duration_probability_cluster_2_cooking_midday_duration_probability.csv csv resource 2244D290 schedules_weekday_duration_probability_cluster_2_cooking_morning_duration_probability.csv csv resource 0E99EBF7 schedules_weekday_duration_probability_cluster_2_dishwashing_evening_duration_probability.csv csv resource 379A086A schedules_weekday_duration_probability_cluster_2_dishwashing_midday_duration_probability.csv csv resource F9891815 schedules_weekday_duration_probability_cluster_2_dishwashing_morning_duration_probability.csv csv resource 23E18003 schedules_weekday_duration_probability_cluster_2_laundry_evening_duration_probability.csv csv resource B250D83A schedules_weekday_duration_probability_cluster_2_laundry_midday_duration_probability.csv csv resource ACB5BCD2 schedules_weekday_duration_probability_cluster_2_laundry_morning_duration_probability.csv csv resource 26CFB684 schedules_weekday_duration_probability_cluster_2_shower_evening_duration_probability.csv csv resource 1CCBCB69 schedules_weekday_duration_probability_cluster_2_shower_midday_duration_probability.csv csv resource 41C774DB schedules_weekday_duration_probability_cluster_2_shower_morning_duration_probability.csv csv resource 84737EBC schedules_weekday_duration_probability_cluster_3_cooking_evening_duration_probability.csv csv resource 6F2B7686 schedules_weekday_duration_probability_cluster_3_cooking_midday_duration_probability.csv csv resource 34A7D406 schedules_weekday_duration_probability_cluster_3_cooking_morning_duration_probability.csv csv resource 615CD1D7 schedules_weekday_duration_probability_cluster_3_dishwashing_evening_duration_probability.csv csv resource DACA45E5 schedules_weekday_duration_probability_cluster_3_dishwashing_midday_duration_probability.csv csv resource D119B4D0 schedules_weekday_duration_probability_cluster_3_dishwashing_morning_duration_probability.csv csv resource 120B9428 schedules_weekday_duration_probability_cluster_3_laundry_evening_duration_probability.csv csv resource 267E8883 schedules_weekday_duration_probability_cluster_3_laundry_midday_duration_probability.csv csv resource C3A5DA8B schedules_weekday_duration_probability_cluster_3_laundry_morning_duration_probability.csv csv resource D614AB97 schedules_weekday_duration_probability_cluster_3_shower_evening_duration_probability.csv csv resource 7FFBFD68 schedules_weekday_duration_probability_cluster_3_shower_midday_duration_probability.csv csv resource 8C62CEDB schedules_weekday_duration_probability_cluster_3_shower_morning_duration_probability.csv csv resource E3A10BE2 schedules_weekday_mkv_chain_initial_prob_cluster_0.csv csv resource 0AC88E84 schedules_weekday_mkv_chain_initial_prob_cluster_1.csv csv resource AE298C53 schedules_weekday_mkv_chain_initial_prob_cluster_2.csv csv resource 42FB1588 schedules_weekday_mkv_chain_initial_prob_cluster_3.csv csv resource 5AAC2E9E schedules_weekday_mkv_chain_transition_prob_cluster_0.csv csv resource 1BCCAC5C schedules_weekday_mkv_chain_transition_prob_cluster_1.csv csv resource BBB50EE1 schedules_weekday_mkv_chain_transition_prob_cluster_2.csv csv resource 7DBA15B4 schedules_weekday_mkv_chain_transition_prob_cluster_3.csv csv resource CAC5CB5F schedules_weekend_duration_probability_cluster_0_cooking_evening_duration_probability.csv csv resource F6CB80B1 schedules_weekend_duration_probability_cluster_0_cooking_midday_duration_probability.csv csv resource 3CFFA67D schedules_weekend_duration_probability_cluster_0_cooking_morning_duration_probability.csv csv resource 44F4FB7B schedules_weekend_duration_probability_cluster_0_dishwashing_evening_duration_probability.csv csv resource AB0BE66C schedules_weekend_duration_probability_cluster_0_dishwashing_midday_duration_probability.csv csv resource 9120E2FD 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768859FF schedules_weekend_duration_probability_cluster_1_cooking_morning_duration_probability.csv csv resource 2927CF95 schedules_weekend_duration_probability_cluster_1_dishwashing_evening_duration_probability.csv csv resource B304EB88 schedules_weekend_duration_probability_cluster_1_dishwashing_midday_duration_probability.csv csv resource 5E7982A4 schedules_weekend_duration_probability_cluster_1_dishwashing_morning_duration_probability.csv csv resource 58BCE2B4 schedules_weekend_duration_probability_cluster_1_laundry_evening_duration_probability.csv csv resource 9FEF76FF schedules_weekend_duration_probability_cluster_1_laundry_midday_duration_probability.csv csv resource 63F777DC schedules_weekend_duration_probability_cluster_1_laundry_morning_duration_probability.csv csv resource E731D060 schedules_weekend_duration_probability_cluster_1_shower_evening_duration_probability.csv csv resource 3E947E31 schedules_weekend_duration_probability_cluster_1_shower_midday_duration_probability.csv csv resource FE78DD0B schedules_weekend_duration_probability_cluster_1_shower_morning_duration_probability.csv csv resource C6D1F192 schedules_weekend_duration_probability_cluster_2_cooking_evening_duration_probability.csv csv resource 26C904EC schedules_weekend_duration_probability_cluster_2_cooking_midday_duration_probability.csv csv resource 51CF51D3 schedules_weekend_duration_probability_cluster_2_cooking_morning_duration_probability.csv csv resource 34855051 schedules_weekend_duration_probability_cluster_2_dishwashing_evening_duration_probability.csv csv resource 479CD610 schedules_weekend_duration_probability_cluster_2_dishwashing_midday_duration_probability.csv csv resource 29AAEE1E schedules_weekend_duration_probability_cluster_2_dishwashing_morning_duration_probability.csv csv resource F3A11DE1 schedules_weekend_duration_probability_cluster_2_laundry_evening_duration_probability.csv csv resource EA68360B schedules_weekend_duration_probability_cluster_2_laundry_midday_duration_probability.csv csv resource 78DC5051 schedules_weekend_duration_probability_cluster_2_laundry_morning_duration_probability.csv csv resource 1D1FB07E schedules_weekend_duration_probability_cluster_2_shower_evening_duration_probability.csv csv resource 829DBC41 schedules_weekend_duration_probability_cluster_2_shower_midday_duration_probability.csv csv resource E97FEBA7 schedules_weekend_duration_probability_cluster_2_shower_morning_duration_probability.csv csv resource 2DDD3D0B schedules_weekend_duration_probability_cluster_3_cooking_evening_duration_probability.csv csv resource EC70F74E schedules_weekend_duration_probability_cluster_3_cooking_midday_duration_probability.csv csv resource 7C8976F3 schedules_weekend_duration_probability_cluster_3_cooking_morning_duration_probability.csv csv resource 5825338A schedules_weekend_duration_probability_cluster_3_dishwashing_evening_duration_probability.csv csv resource 37B5AF9C schedules_weekend_duration_probability_cluster_3_dishwashing_midday_duration_probability.csv csv resource EDD63C21 schedules_weekend_duration_probability_cluster_3_dishwashing_morning_duration_probability.csv csv resource 99F23B28 schedules_weekend_duration_probability_cluster_3_laundry_evening_duration_probability.csv csv resource C3963FF9 schedules_weekend_duration_probability_cluster_3_laundry_midday_duration_probability.csv csv resource 0B329C66 schedules_weekend_duration_probability_cluster_3_laundry_morning_duration_probability.csv csv resource 1761FEF6 schedules_weekend_duration_probability_cluster_3_shower_evening_duration_probability.csv csv resource 35AD8E7F schedules_weekend_duration_probability_cluster_3_shower_midday_duration_probability.csv csv resource DAF2049F schedules_weekend_duration_probability_cluster_3_shower_morning_duration_probability.csv csv resource C2CA1416 schedules_weekend_mkv_chain_initial_prob_cluster_0.csv csv resource 3F16AE89 schedules_weekend_mkv_chain_initial_prob_cluster_1.csv csv resource 49FEAE44 schedules_weekend_mkv_chain_initial_prob_cluster_2.csv csv resource B48A47D6 schedules_weekend_mkv_chain_initial_prob_cluster_3.csv csv resource B47E790B schedules_weekend_mkv_chain_transition_prob_cluster_0.csv csv resource E4089705 schedules_weekend_mkv_chain_transition_prob_cluster_1.csv csv resource 25700CD2 schedules_weekend_mkv_chain_transition_prob_cluster_2.csv csv resource 032B846A schedules_weekend_mkv_chain_transition_prob_cluster_3.csv csv resource F0F0F886 base-hvac-dual-fuel-mini-split-heat-pump-ducted.osw osw test E613C282 base-hvac-mini-split-heat-pump-ducted.osw osw test F97B1842 base-hvac-mini-split-heat-pump-ducted-heating-only.osw osw test 3367F91B base-multifamily.osw osw test 1C51A365 base.osw osw test 2033ECB2 base-appliances-none.osw osw test 8964C4E2 base-single-family-attached.osw osw test 257B15B9 base-hvac-dual-fuel-air-to-air-heat-pump-1-speed.osw osw test D1141C4F base-mechvent-cfis.osw osw test 53BDDABE base-dhw-indirect-outside.osw osw test 414735C0 base-dhw-jacket-electric.osw osw test F43213BB base-dhw-low-flow-fixtures.osw osw test 729D5DDE base-dhw-recirc-demand.osw osw test 915D207E base-dhw-recirc-manual.osw osw test 9AF2593D base-dhw-recirc-nocontrol.osw osw test B1580D3B base-dhw-recirc-temperature.osw osw test 21F51B75 base-dhw-recirc-timer.osw osw test 01824660 base-dhw-solar-fraction.osw osw test 88BEE447 base-dhw-uef.osw osw test 426E2969 base-enclosure-infil-cfm50.osw osw test ADF3D148 base-foundation-conditioned-basement-slab-insulation.osw osw test 356C1F7B base-hvac-boiler-gas-only.osw osw test 80EED7FA base-hvac-boiler-oil-only.osw osw test 3C39C475 base-hvac-boiler-propane-only.osw osw test 8F195E34 base-hvac-boiler-wood-only.osw osw test 24A279F8 base-hvac-central-ac-only-1-speed.osw osw test 41634850 base-hvac-ducts-leakage-percent.osw osw test 8E46611D base-hvac-furnace-elec-only.osw osw test 2F565F74 base-hvac-furnace-gas-only.osw osw test D6B020AB base-hvac-furnace-oil-only.osw osw test C132FE0E base-hvac-furnace-propane-only.osw osw test 8C44FBF9 base-hvac-furnace-wood-only.osw osw test 3BE6ADC5 base-hvac-none.osw osw test 56D4ADDD base-hvac-programmable-thermostat.osw osw test E952823E base-hvac-setpoints.osw osw test 9D201D67 base-location-baltimore-md.osw osw test BD8FCDAE base-location-duluth-mn.osw osw test 8CA1B86F base-mechvent-balanced.osw osw test 62166E23 base-mechvent-erv.osw osw test 1962B025 base-mechvent-exhaust.osw osw test 01A0D3FF base-mechvent-hrv.osw osw test 6D763794 base-mechvent-supply.osw osw test BB58E790 base-hvac-air-to-air-heat-pump-1-speed.osw osw test 225837A3 base-mechvent-erv-atre-asre.osw osw test C3E79DE6 base-enclosure-windows-none.osw osw test C6C67558 base-dhw-indirect-standbyloss.osw osw test 4F3E2FD4 base-dhw-indirect.osw osw test 716C47BE base-dhw-jacket-indirect.osw osw test 727DB977 base-hvac-undersized.osw osw test FCBBCAD4 base-atticroof-unvented-insulated-roof.osw osw test 0BB08D37 base-pv.osw osw test 61E88C45 base-mechvent-hrv-asre.osw osw test 5B77BB2C base-enclosure-overhangs.osw osw test 8826D4A5 base-atticroof-vented.osw osw test 4BA58555 base-dhw-dwhr.osw osw test E0E65CB9 base-enclosure-beds-4.osw osw test 671E7696 base-foundation-ambient.osw osw test 6F48E517 base-foundation-vented-crawlspace.osw osw test 13197A30 base-foundation-unvented-crawlspace.osw osw test 52729CEF base-hvac-central-ac-plus-air-to-air-heat-pump-heating.osw osw test 1F6978B0 base-hvac-air-to-air-heat-pump-2-speed.osw osw test BBDAA897 base-hvac-central-ac-only-2-speed.osw osw test E1025820 base-hvac-air-to-air-heat-pump-var-speed.osw osw test 0D12FF97 base-hvac-furnace-gas-central-ac-2-speed.osw osw test C3A884AD base-hvac-central-ac-only-var-speed.osw osw test B0DDE2FA base-hvac-evap-cooler-furnace-gas.osw osw test 5D61DDF3 base-hvac-evap-cooler-only.osw osw test 93417B88 base-hvac-evap-cooler-only-ducted.osw osw test 4B1CB24A base-hvac-furnace-gas-central-ac-var-speed.osw osw test C3BE3A16 base-hvac-furnace-gas-room-ac.osw osw test 9725F9DD base-hvac-room-ac-only.osw osw test 5D5C3B8E base-mechvent-cfis-evap-cooler-only-ducted.osw osw test FA0B1D2D base-atticroof-flat.osw osw test 7F03911A extra-dhw-solar-latitude.osw osw test 2F3374E0 extra-pv-roofpitch.osw osw test 8843AEEE extra-auto.osw osw test FCBD0BBC base-hvac-boiler-elec-only.osw osw test 654EA48D base-hvac-stove-oil-only.osw osw test 8688418D base-hvac-wall-furnace-elec-only.osw osw test F7FA39BB base-hvac-stove-wood-pellets-only.osw osw test D001450C base-mechvent-bath-kitchen-fans.osw osw test AEC979B3 base-misc-neighbor-shading.osw osw test B94FDE68 base-dhw-indirect-with-solar-fraction.osw osw test 725B3D12 base-dhw-combi-tankless-outside.osw osw test 3DDE9929 base-dhw-combi-tankless.osw osw test 0DBFB838 base-dhw-tank-heat-pump-outside.osw osw test D5CE48D4 base-dhw-tank-heat-pump-with-solar-fraction.osw osw test 09D1A794 base-dhw-tank-heat-pump.osw osw test 9876396A base-dhw-jacket-hpwh.osw osw test CE237888 base-dhw-jacket-gas.osw osw test 80A63128 base-dhw-solar-direct-evacuated-tube.osw osw test A93D7F32 base-dhw-solar-direct-flat-plate.osw osw test 967E441B base-dhw-solar-direct-ics.osw osw test FC2C4111 base-dhw-solar-indirect-flat-plate.osw osw test 04A72517 base-dhw-solar-thermosyphon-flat-plate.osw osw test EC1280FC base-dhw-tank-heat-pump-with-solar.osw osw test F6F1DB49 base-dhw-tank-gas-outside.osw osw test DAD66976 base-dhw-tank-gas.osw osw test 4C0CD5A9 base-dhw-tank-oil.osw osw test 32EB5275 base-dhw-tank-wood.osw osw test 8AA7E5E7 base-dhw-tankless-gas-with-solar.osw osw test DD885799 base-dhw-tankless-electric.osw osw test 75CBC7FC base-dhw-tankless-gas-with-solar-fraction.osw osw test 586419F7 base-dhw-tankless-propane.osw osw test D9184DB9 base-dhw-tankless-gas.osw osw test 412B1972 base-hvac-room-ac-only-33percent.osw osw test 84C00DBE base-hvac-furnace-elec-central-ac-1-speed.osw osw test 4F55D160 base-enclosure-infil-natural-ach.osw osw test 4CD1F411 base-foundation-unconditioned-basement.osw osw test C38F2CB1 base-hvac-floor-furnace-propane-only.osw osw test 278E2F0B base-enclosure-2stories-garage.osw osw test 6E8007CC base-enclosure-2stories.osw osw test 70705570 base-foundation-slab.osw osw test C581F9AD extra-second-refrigerator.osw osw test 03AFA5FC base-enclosure-garage.osw osw test 77A40F53 base-dhw-tank-coal.osw osw test 35D27CA7 base-hvac-boiler-coal-only.osw osw test A0F6604B base-hvac-elec-resistance-only.osw osw test 0CD23832 base-simcontrol-timestep-10-mins.osw osw test EFBFCE72 base-simcontrol-daylight-saving-custom.osw osw test 7CB85254 base-simcontrol-daylight-saving-disabled.osw osw test C45A81C1 extra-second-heating-system-fireplace.osw osw test 11FBC7AF extra-second-heating-system-portable-heater.osw osw test DF721AF7 base-hvac-mini-split-air-conditioner-only-ducted.osw osw test 807D99FA base-hvac-mini-split-air-conditioner-only-ductless.osw osw test 4EF003DD base-lighting-ceiling-fans.osw osw test 967D9A4C base-lighting-detailed.osw osw test F9BE33AD base-mechvent-whole-house-fan.osw osw test 4B74EB64 base-misc-loads-large-uncommon.osw osw test 8464094F base-misc-loads-large-uncommon2.osw osw test D586B20B base-dhw-none.osw osw test EEE9EAF8 base-enclosure-infil-flue.osw osw test 6AFFBD8C extra-dhw-shared-water-heater.osw osw test 6C7C653F base-enclosure-infil-ach-house-pressure.osw osw test BA4305DE base-enclosure-infil-cfm-house-pressure.osw osw test B8374C43 extra-pv-shared.osw osw test 0EFC87B7 base-dhw-tankless-electric-outside.osw osw test C2B033CC base-enclosure-beds-5.osw osw test 7F635A73 base-enclosure-beds-1.osw osw test 42ED111A base-enclosure-beds-2.osw osw test D51A7C78 base-hvac-boiler-gas-central-ac-1-speed.osw osw test C17DCF28 base-hvac-fireplace-wood-only.osw osw test FFEC8D38 base-hvac-ground-to-air-heat-pump.osw osw test F3DB9F60 base-hvac-fixed-heater-gas-only.osw osw test 3F442714 base-hvac-portable-heater-gas-only.osw osw test CC5DC345 base-misc-usage-multiplier.osw osw test E7D3D5DB base-simcontrol-runperiod-1-month.osw osw test 3837CAD0 extra-enclosure-garage-partially-protruded.osw osw test EBDD4837 base-atticroof-radiant-barrier.osw osw test F162AD7E base-location-miami-fl.osw osw test B732D13C base-appliances-dehumidifier-ief.osw osw test 1F7847A8 base-appliances-dehumidifier.osw osw test DD7BBE5F base-location-dallas-tx.osw osw test 34F77BFA base-appliances-dehumidifier-50percent.osw osw test D54DB23F base-foundation-unconditioned-basement-assembly-r.osw osw test C3E014C7 base-foundation-unconditioned-basement-wall-insulation.osw osw test AC106189 base-hvac-dual-fuel-air-to-air-heat-pump-1-speed-electric.osw osw test E35B8FC6 base-hvac-dual-fuel-air-to-air-heat-pump-2-speed.osw osw test B2951D91 base-hvac-dual-fuel-air-to-air-heat-pump-var-speed.osw osw test A745651D base-hvac-mini-split-heat-pump-ducted-cooling-only.osw osw test 93714E30 base-hvac-mini-split-heat-pump-ductless.osw osw test D2044A98 extra-mechvent-shared-preconditioning.osw osw test 1CFB171E extra-mechvent-shared.osw osw test 31621933 base-appliances-coal.osw osw test FC58A092 base-appliances-gas.osw osw test 662C5475 base-appliances-modified.osw osw test 6CFE47F7 base-appliances-oil.osw osw test 62EE9F67 base-appliances-propane.osw osw test C442B351 base-appliances-wood.osw osw test 891B690B base-misc-defaults.osw osw test B3F7F31D OpenStudio 2.9.0 2.9.0 measure.rb rb script 79362B4A base-simcontrol-calendar-year-custom.osw osw test EC193099 build_residential_hpxml_test.rb rb test E6DB7AE7 base-location-AMY-2012.osw osw test 09AED060 base-schedules-stochastic.osw osw test 8A77FB53 base-schedules-user-specified.osw osw test 90037338 extra-vacancy-6-months.osw osw test 72703462 schedules.rb rb resource 2B97A62C