module CassandraObject module Persistence extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do extend Consistency class_attribute :write_consistency class_attribute :read_consistency self.write_consistency = self.read_consistency = :quorum end module ClassMethods def consistency_levels(levels) if levels.has_key?(:write) unless valid_write_consistency_level?(levels[:write]) raise ArgumentError, "Invalid write consistency level. Valid levels are: #{Consistency::VALID_WRITE_CONSISTENCY_LEVELS.inspect}. You gave me #{levels[:write].inspect}" end self.write_consistency = levels[:write] end if levels.has_key?(:read) unless valid_read_consistency_level?(levels[:read]) raise ArgumentError, "Invalid read consistency level. Valid levels are #{Consistency::VALID_READ_CONSISTENCY_LEVELS.inspect}. You gave me #{levels[:write].inspect}" end self.read_consistency = levels[:read] end end def remove(key) ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument("remove.cassandra_object", :column_family => column_family, :key => key) do connection.remove(column_family, key.to_s, :consistency => write_consistency_for_thrift) end end def delete_all ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument("truncate.cassandra_object", :column_family => column_family) do connection.truncate!(column_family) end end def create(attributes = {}) new(attributes).tap do |object| end end def write(key, attributes, schema_version) key.tap do |key| attributes = encode_columns_hash(attributes, schema_version) ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument("insert.cassandra_object", :column_family => column_family, :key => key, :attributes => attributes) do connection.insert(column_family, key.to_s, attributes, :consistency => write_consistency_for_thrift) end end end def instantiate(key, attributes) # remove any attributes we don't know about. we would do this earlier, but we want to make such # attributes available to migrations attributes.delete_if{|k,_| !model_attributes.keys.include?(k)} allocate.tap do |object| object.instance_variable_set("@schema_version", attributes.delete('schema_version')) object.instance_variable_set("@key", parse_key(key)) object.instance_variable_set("@new_record", false) object.instance_variable_set("@destroyed", false) object.instance_variable_set("@attributes", decode_columns_hash(attributes).with_indifferent_access) end end def encode_columns_hash(attributes, schema_version) attributes.inject({}) do |memo, (column_name, value)| # cassandra stores bytes, not strings, so it has no concept of encodings. The ruby thrift gem # expects all strings to be encoded as ascii-8bit. # don't attempt to encode columns that are nil memo[column_name.to_s] = value.nil? ? '' : model_attributes[column_name].converter.encode(value).force_encoding('ASCII-8BIT') memo end.merge({"schema_version" => schema_version.to_s}) end def decode_columns_hash(attributes) attributes.inject( do |memo, (column_name, value)| memo[column_name.to_s] = model_attributes[column_name].converter.decode(value) memo end end def column_family_configuration [{:Name => column_family, :CompareWith => "UTF8Type"}] end end def save(options={}) _run_save_callbacks do create_or_update end end def create_or_update result = persisted? ? update : create result != false end def create _run_create_callbacks do @key ||= self.class.next_key(self) _write @new_record = false @key end end def update _run_update_callbacks do _write end end def _write changed_attributes = changed.inject({}) { |h, n| h[n] = read_attribute(n); h } self.class.write(key, changed_attributes, schema_version) end def new_record? @new_record end def destroyed? @destroyed end def persisted? !(new_record? || destroyed?) end def destroy _run_destroy_callbacks do self.class.remove(key) @destroyed = true freeze end end def reload self.class.get(self.key) end end end