import { RenderingTest, moduleFor } from '../../utils/test-case'; import { Component, htmlSafe } from '../../utils/helpers'; import { set, get, computed } from 'ember-metal'; import { styles } from '../../utils/test-helpers'; moduleFor( 'Helpers test: {{mut}}', class extends RenderingTest { ['@test a simple mutable binding using `mut` propagates properly']() { let bottom; this.registerComponent('bottom-mut', { ComponentClass: Component.extend({ didInsertElement() { bottom = this; }, }), template: '{{setMe}}', }); this.registerComponent('middle-mut', { template: '{{bottom-mut setMe=value}}', }); this.render('{{middle-mut value=(mut val)}}', { val: 12, }); this.assertText('12', 'the data propagated downwards'); this.assertStableRerender(); this.runTask(() => bottom.attrs.setMe.update(13)); this.assertText('13', 'the set took effect'); this.assert.strictEqual(get(bottom, 'setMe'), 13, "the set took effect on bottom's prop"); this.assert.strictEqual(bottom.attrs.setMe.value, 13, "the set took effect on bottom's attr"); this.assert.strictEqual(get(this.context, 'val'), 13, 'the set propagated back up'); this.runTask(() => set(bottom, 'setMe', 14)); this.assertText('14', 'the set took effect'); this.assert.strictEqual(get(bottom, 'setMe'), 14, "the set took effect on bottom's prop"); this.assert.strictEqual(bottom.attrs.setMe.value, 14, "the set took effect on bottom's attr"); this.assert.strictEqual(get(this.context, 'val'), 14, 'the set propagated back up'); this.runTask(() => set(this.context, 'val', 12)); this.assertText('12'); } ['@test a simple mutable binding using `mut` inserts into the DOM']() { let bottom, middle; this.registerComponent('bottom-mut', { ComponentClass: Component.extend({ didInsertElement() { bottom = this; }, }), template: '{{setMe}}', }); this.registerComponent('middle-mut', { ComponentClass: Component.extend({ didInsertElement() { middle = this; }, }), template: '{{bottom-mut setMe=(mut value)}}', }); this.render('{{middle-mut value=(mut val)}}', { val: 12, }); this.assertText('12', 'the data propagated downwards'); this.assertStableRerender(); this.runTask(() => bottom.attrs.setMe.update(13)); this.assertText('13', 'the set took effect'); this.assert.strictEqual(get(bottom, 'setMe'), 13, "the set took effect on bottom's prop"); this.assert.strictEqual(bottom.attrs.setMe.value, 13, "the set took effect on bottom's attr"); this.assert.strictEqual(get(middle, 'value'), 13, "the set propagated to middle's prop"); this.assert.strictEqual(middle.attrs.value.value, 13, "the set propagated to middle's attr"); this.assert.strictEqual(get(this.context, 'val'), 13, 'the set propagated back up'); this.runTask(() => set(bottom, 'setMe', 14)); this.assertText('14', 'the set took effect'); this.assert.strictEqual(get(bottom, 'setMe'), 14, "the set took effect on bottom's prop"); this.assert.strictEqual(bottom.attrs.setMe.value, 14, "the set took effect on bottom's attr"); this.assert.strictEqual(get(middle, 'value'), 14, "the set propagated to middle's prop"); this.assert.strictEqual(middle.attrs.value.value, 14, "the set propagated to middle's attr"); this.assert.strictEqual(get(this.context, 'val'), 14, 'the set propagated back up'); this.runTask(() => set(this.context, 'val', 12)); this.assertText('12'); } ['@test passing a literal results in a assertion']() { this.registerComponent('bottom-mut', { template: '{{setMe}}' }); expectAssertion(() => { this.render('{{bottom-mut setMe=(mut "foo bar")}}'); }, 'You can only pass a path to mut'); } ['@test passing the result of a helper invocation results in an assertion']() { this.registerComponent('bottom-mut', { template: '{{setMe}}' }); expectAssertion(() => { this.render('{{bottom-mut setMe=(mut (concat "foo" " " "bar"))}}'); }, 'You can only pass a path to mut'); } // See for an explanation of this test ['@test using a string value through middle tier does not trigger assertion (due to the auto-mut transform)']() { let bottom; this.registerComponent('bottom-mut', { ComponentClass: Component.extend({ didInsertElement() { bottom = this; }, }), template: '{{stuff}}', }); this.registerComponent('middle-mut', { template: '{{bottom-mut stuff=value}}', }); this.render('{{middle-mut value="foo"}}'); this.assert.equal(get(bottom, 'stuff'), 'foo', 'the data propagated'); this.assertText('foo'); this.assertStableRerender(); // No U-R for this test } ['@test {{readonly}} of a {{mut}} is converted into an immutable binding']() { let middle, bottom; this.registerComponent('bottom-mut', { ComponentClass: Component.extend({ didInsertElement() { bottom = this; }, }), template: '{{setMe}}', }); this.registerComponent('middle-mut', { ComponentClass: Component.extend({ didInsertElement() { middle = this; }, }), template: '{{bottom-mut setMe=(readonly value)}}', }); this.render('{{middle-mut value=(mut val)}}', { val: 12, }); this.assertText('12'); this.assertStableRerender(); this.runTask(() => middle.attrs.value.update(13)); this.assert.strictEqual(get(middle, 'value'), 13, "the set took effect on middle's prop"); this.assert.strictEqual(middle.attrs.value.value, 13, "the set took effect on middle's attr"); this.runTask(() => set(middle, 'value', 14)); this.assert.strictEqual(get(middle, 'value'), 14, "the set took effect on middle's prop"); this.assert.strictEqual(middle.attrs.value.value, 14, "the set took effect on middle's attr"); this.assert.strictEqual( bottom.attrs.setMe, 14, 'the mutable binding has been converted to an immutable cell' ); this.assertText('14'); this.assert.strictEqual(get(this.context, 'val'), 14, 'the set propagated back up'); this.runTask(() => set(this.context, 'val', 12)); this.assertText('12'); } ['@test mutable bindings work inside of yielded content']() { this.registerComponent('bottom-mut', { template: '{{yield}}', }); this.registerComponent('middle-mut', { template: '{{#bottom-mut}}{{}}{{/bottom-mut}}', }); this.render('{{middle-mut model=(mut model)}}', { model: { name: 'Matthew Beale' }, }); this.assertText('Matthew Beale'); this.assertStableRerender(); this.runTask(() => set(this.context, '', 'Joel Kang')); this.assertText('Joel Kang'); this.runTask(() => set(this.context, 'model', { name: 'Matthew Beale' })); this.assertText('Matthew Beale'); } ['@test a simple mutable binding using {{mut}} is available in hooks']() { let bottom; let willRender = []; let didInsert = []; this.registerComponent('bottom-mut', { ComponentClass: Component.extend({ willRender() { willRender.push(get(this, 'setMe')); }, didInsertElement() { didInsert.push(get(this, 'setMe')); bottom = this; }, }), template: '{{setMe}}', }); this.registerComponent('middle-mut', { template: '{{bottom-mut setMe=(mut value)}}', }); this.render('{{middle-mut value=(mut val)}}', { val: 12, }); this.assert.deepEqual(willRender, [12], 'willReceive is [12]'); this.assert.deepEqual(didInsert, [12], 'didInsert is [12]'); this.assertText('12'); this.assertStableRerender(); this.assert.deepEqual(willRender, [12], 'willReceive is [12]'); this.assert.deepEqual(didInsert, [12], 'didInsert is [12]'); this.assert.strictEqual(get(bottom, 'setMe'), 12, 'the data propagated'); this.runTask(() => bottom.attrs.setMe.update(13)); this.assert.strictEqual(get(bottom, 'setMe'), 13, "the set took effect on bottom's prop"); this.assert.strictEqual(bottom.attrs.setMe.value, 13, "the set took effect on bottom's attr"); this.assert.strictEqual(get(this.context, 'val'), 13, 'the set propagated back up'); this.runTask(() => set(bottom, 'setMe', 14)); this.assert.strictEqual(get(bottom, 'setMe'), 14, "the set took effect on bottom's prop"); this.assert.strictEqual(bottom.attrs.setMe.value, 14, "the set took effect on bottom's attr"); this.assert.strictEqual(get(this.context, 'val'), 14, 'the set propagated back up'); this.runTask(() => set(this.context, 'val', 12)); this.assertText('12'); } ['@test a mutable binding with a backing computed property and attribute present in the root of the component is updated when the upstream property invalidates #11023']() { let bottom, middle; this.registerComponent('bottom-mut', { ComponentClass: Component.extend({ thingy: null, didInsertElement() { bottom = this; }, }), template: '{{thingy}}', }); this.registerComponent('middle-mut', { ComponentClass: Component.extend({ baseValue: 12, val: computed('baseValue', function() { return this.get('baseValue'); }), didInsertElement() { middle = this; }, }), template: '{{bottom-mut thingy=(mut val)}}', }); this.render('{{middle-mut}}'); this.assert.strictEqual(get(bottom, 'thingy'), 12, 'data propagated'); this.assertText('12'); this.assertStableRerender(); this.runTask(() => set(middle, 'baseValue', 13)); this.assert.strictEqual(get(middle, 'val'), 13, 'the set took effect'); this.assert.strictEqual( bottom.attrs.thingy.value, 13, "the set propagated down to bottom's attrs" ); this.assert.strictEqual( get(bottom, 'thingy'), 13, "the set propagated down to bottom's prop" ); this.assertText('13'); this.runTask(() => set(middle, 'baseValue', 12)); this.assertText('12'); } ['@test automatic mutable bindings exposes a mut cell in attrs']() { let inner; this.registerComponent('x-inner', { ComponentClass: Component.extend({ didInsertElement() { inner = this; }, }), template: '{{foo}}', }); this.registerComponent('x-outer', { template: '{{x-inner foo=bar}}', }); this.render('{{x-outer bar=baz}}', { baz: 'foo' }); this.assertText('foo'); this.assertStableRerender(); this.runTask(() =>'bar')); this.assert.equal(, 'bar'); this.assert.equal(get(inner, 'foo'), 'bar'); this.assertText('bar'); this.runTask(() =>'foo')); this.assertText('foo'); } ['@test automatic mutable bindings tolerate undefined non-stream inputs and attempts to set them']() { let inner; this.registerComponent('x-inner', { ComponentClass: Component.extend({ didInsertElement() { inner = this; }, }), template: '{{model}}', }); this.registerComponent('x-outer', { template: '{{x-inner model=nonexistent}}', }); this.render('{{x-outer}}'); this.assertText(''); this.assertStableRerender(); this.runTask(() => inner.attrs.model.update(42)); this.assert.equal(inner.attrs.model.value, 42); this.assert.equal(get(inner, 'model'), 42); this.assertText('42'); this.runTask(() => inner.attrs.model.update(undefined)); this.assertText(''); } ['@test automatic mutable bindings tolerate constant non-stream inputs and attempts to set them']() { let inner; this.registerComponent('x-inner', { ComponentClass: Component.extend({ didInsertElement() { inner = this; }, }), template: 'hello{{model}}', }); this.registerComponent('x-outer', { template: '{{x-inner model=x}}', }); this.render('{{x-outer x="foo"}}'); this.assertText('hellofoo'); this.assertStableRerender(); this.runTask(() => inner.attrs.model.update(42)); this.assert.equal(inner.attrs.model.value, 42); this.assert.equal(get(inner, 'model'), 42); this.assertText('hello42'); this.runTask(() => inner.attrs.model.update('foo')); this.assertText('hellofoo'); } } ); moduleFor( 'Mutable Bindings used in Computed Properties that are bound as attributeBindings', class extends RenderingTest { ['@test an attribute binding of a computed property of a 2-way bound attr recomputes when the attr changes']() { let input, output; this.registerComponent('x-input', { ComponentClass: Component.extend({ didInsertElement() { input = this; }, }), }); this.registerComponent('x-output', { ComponentClass: Component.extend({ attributeBindings: ['style'], didInsertElement() { output = this; }, style: computed('height', function() { let height = this.get('height'); return htmlSafe(`height: ${height}px;`); }), height: 20, }), template: '{{height}}', }); this.render('{{x-output height=height}}{{x-input height=(mut height)}}', { height: 60, }); this.assertComponentElement(this.firstChild, { tagName: 'div', attrs: { style: styles('height: 60px;') }, content: '60', }); this.assertStableRerender(); this.runTask(() => input.attrs.height.update(35)); this.assert.strictEqual(get(output, 'height'), 35, 'the set took effect'); this.assert.strictEqual(get(this.context, 'height'), 35, 'the set propagated back up'); this.assertComponentElement(this.firstChild, { tagName: 'div', attrs: { style: styles('height: 35px;') }, content: '35', }); this.runTask(() => set(input, 'height', 36)); this.assert.strictEqual(get(output, 'height'), 36, 'the set took effect'); this.assert.strictEqual(get(this.context, 'height'), 36, 'the set propagated back up'); this.assertComponentElement(this.firstChild, { tagName: 'div', attrs: { style: styles('height: 36px;') }, content: '36', }); this.runTask(() => set(this.context, 'height', 60)); this.assertComponentElement(this.firstChild, { tagName: 'div', attrs: { style: styles('height: 60px;') }, content: '60', }); this.assert.strictEqual(get(input, 'height'), 60); } ['@test an attribute binding of a computed property with a setter of a 2-way bound attr recomputes when the attr changes']() { let input, output; this.registerComponent('x-input', { ComponentClass: Component.extend({ didInsertElement() { input = this; }, }), }); this.registerComponent('x-output', { ComponentClass: Component.extend({ attributeBindings: ['style'], didInsertElement() { output = this; }, style: computed('height', 'width', function() { let height = this.get('height'); let width = this.get('width'); return htmlSafe(`height: ${height}px; width: ${width}px;`); }), height: 20, width: computed('height', { get() { return this.get('height') * 2; }, set(keyName, width) { this.set('height', width / 2); return width; }, }), }), template: '{{width}}x{{height}}', }); this.render('{{x-output width=width}}{{x-input width=(mut width)}}', { width: 70, }); this.assertComponentElement(this.firstChild, { tagName: 'div', attrs: { style: styles('height: 35px; width: 70px;') }, content: '70x35', }); this.assertStableRerender(); this.runTask(() => set(input, 'width', 80)); this.assert.strictEqual(get(output, 'width'), 80, 'the set took effect'); this.assert.strictEqual(get(this.context, 'width'), 80, 'the set propagated back up'); this.assertComponentElement(this.firstChild, { tagName: 'div', attrs: { style: styles('height: 40px; width: 80px;') }, content: '80x40', }); this.runTask(() => input.attrs.width.update(90)); this.assert.strictEqual(get(output, 'width'), 90, 'the set took effect'); this.assert.strictEqual(get(this.context, 'width'), 90, 'the set propagated back up'); this.assertComponentElement(this.firstChild, { tagName: 'div', attrs: { style: styles('height: 45px; width: 90px;') }, content: '90x45', }); this.runTask(() => set(this.context, 'width', 70)); this.assertComponentElement(this.firstChild, { tagName: 'div', attrs: { style: styles('height: 35px; width: 70px;') }, content: '70x35', }); this.assert.strictEqual(get(input, 'width'), 70); } } );