#!/usr/bin/env ruby # codebuild-notifier # Copyright © 2018 Adam Alboyadjian # Copyright © 2018 Vista Higher Learning, Inc. # # codebuild-notifier is free software: you can redistribute it # and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either # version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # codebuild-notifier is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with codebuild-notifier. If not, see . require 'codebuild-notifier' require 'optparse' # This script updates a DynamoDb table with the last codebuild build status # for the current project and branch or pr. If the current build status is # different from the previous status, the email address of the author of the # last commit is extracted from the git commit, and a notification is sent # via slack. def quit(message) cb_puts(message) exit end def cb_puts(message) puts "CODEBUILD NOTIFIER: #{message}" end def not_latest_commit_in_branch_message(build, config) "Commit #{build.commit_hash} in project #{build.project_code} did " \ 'not match the most recent commit for any Pull Requests or the ' \ "whitelisted branches: #{config.whitelist}. Skipping status updates." end def not_pr_or_whitelisted_branch_message(config) 'Build is neither for a Pull Request nor for one of whitelisted ' \ "branches: #{config.whitelist}. Skipping status updates." end def no_status_diff_message(build) "Current status #{build.status} is same as last status. " \ 'Skipping slack notifications.' end command_line_opts = {} # rubocop:disable Metrics/BlockLength OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = 'Usage: update-build-status [OPTIONS]' opts.on( '--additional-channel=CHANNEL', 'status notifications for whitelisted branches will be sent here ' \ 'as well as to author/committer' ) { |usernames| command_line_opts[:slack_admin_users] = usernames } opts.on( '--slack-admin-usernames=USERS', 'comma-separated list of slack users to be notified if build status ' \ 'notifications fail to send' ) { |usernames| command_line_opts[:slack_admin_users] = usernames } opts.on( '--dynamo-table=TABLE', 'table for storing build statuses' ) { |table| command_line_opts[:dynamo_table] = table } opts.on( '--slack-secret-name=SECRET', 'name of Secrets Manager secret with slack app/bot auth token' ) { |slack_secret| command_line_opts[:slack_secret_name] = slack_secret } opts.on( '--whitelist-branches=BRANCHES', 'comma-separated list of branches that will have build notifications ' \ 'sent even if there is no open Pull Request' ) { |whitelist| command_line_opts[:whitelist_branches] = whitelist } opts.on('--region=REGION', 'AWS region') do |region| command_line_opts[:region] = region end end.parse! # rubocop:enable Metrics/BlockLength config = CodeBuildNotifier::Config.new(command_line_opts) build = CodeBuildNotifier::CurrentBuild.new history = CodeBuildNotifier::BuildHistory.new(config, build) last_build = history.last_entry if build.launched_by_retry? # Whenever a build is triggered by a PR or whitelisted branch, we update # the record for that trigger with the commit hash. If a build is then # launched using Retry, the status is updated and are notifications sent # only if the re-tried build was for the latest commit. Otherwise re-trying # an older commit could result in inaccurate notifications. quit(not_latest_commit_in_branch_message(build, config)) unless last_build source_id = last_build.source_id source_ref = last_build.source_ref else # We only want to track information for whitelisted branches and branches # with open Pull Requests. unless config.non_pr_branch_ids.include?(build.trigger) || build.for_pr? quit(not_pr_or_whitelisted_branch_message(config)) end source_id = build.source_id source_ref = build.trigger end # Update record for this project + branch/pr in DynamoDb even if the # status hasn't changed, so the latest commit hash is stored. history.write_entry(source_id) do |new_item| cb_puts "Updating dynamo table #{config.dynamo_table} with: #{new_item}" end quit(no_status_diff_message(build)) if last_build&.status == build.status slack_message = CodeBuildNotifier::SlackMessage.new(build, config, source_ref) sender = CodeBuildNotifier::SlackSender.new(config) sender.send(slack_message)