# Copyright (c) 2007-2021 Andy Maleh # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. require 'os' # TODO refactor to nest under RakeTask namespace module Glimmer module RakeTask module Package class << self attr_accessor :javapackager_extra_args alias jpackage_extra_args javapackager_extra_args def clean require 'fileutils' FileUtils.rm_rf('dist') FileUtils.rm_rf('packages') end def gemspec system 'rake gemspec:generate' end def gem system 'rake build' end def lock_jars puts 'Locking gem jar-dependencies by downloading and storing in vendor/jars...' FileUtils.mkdir_p('vendor/jars') command = "lock_jars --vendor-dir vendor/jars" puts command system command end def config project_name = File.basename(File.expand_path('.')) if !File.exists?('config/warble.rb') puts 'Generating JAR configuration (config/warble.rb) to use with Warbler...' FileUtils.mkdir_p('config') if OS.windows? system "jruby -S gem install warbler -v2.0.5 --no-document" unless warbler_exists? else system "bash -c '#{RVM_FUNCTION}\n cd .\n jruby -S gem install warbler -v2.0.5 --no-document\n'" unless warbler_exists? end if system('warble config') new_config = File.read('config/warble.rb').split("\n").inject('') do |output, line| if line.include?('config.dirs =') line = line.sub('# ', '').sub(/=[^=\n]+$/, '= %w(app bin config db docs fonts icons images lib package script sounds vendor videos)') end if line.include?('config.includes =') line = line.sub('# ', '').sub(/=[^=\n]+$/, "= FileList['LICENSE.txt', 'VERSION']") end if line.include?('config.autodeploy_dir =') line = line.sub('# ', '') end output + "\n" + line end File.write('config/warble.rb', new_config) else puts 'Warbler executable "warble" is missing!' end end end def jar FileUtils.mkdir_p('dist') puts "Generating JAR with Warbler..." system "jruby -S gem install warbler -v2.0.5 --no-document" unless warbler_exists? system('warble') end def native(native_type=nil, native_extra_args) puts "Generating native executable with javapackager/jpackage..." java_version = `java -version` puts "WARNING! Glimmer Packaging Pre-Requisite Java Version 1.8.0_241 Is Not Found!" unless java_version.include?('1.8.0_241') require 'facets/string/titlecase' require 'facets/string/underscore' require 'facets/string/camelcase' project_name = File.basename(File.expand_path('.')) version_file = File.expand_path('./VERSION') version = (File.read(version_file).strip if File.exists?(version_file) && File.file?(version_file)) rescue nil license_file = File.expand_path('./LICENSE.txt') license = (File.read(license_file).strip if File.exists?(license_file) && File.file?(license_file)) rescue nil copyright = license.split("\n").first human_name = project_name.underscore.titlecase icon = "package/#{OS.mac? ? 'macosx' : 'windows'}/#{human_name}.#{OS.mac? ? 'icns' : 'ico'}" if (`javapackager`.to_s.include?('Usage: javapackager') rescue nil) command = "javapackager -deploy -native #{native_type} -outdir packages -outfile \"#{project_name}\" -srcfiles \"dist/#{project_name}.jar\" -appclass JarMain -name \"#{human_name}\" -title \"#{human_name}\" -Bmac.CFBundleName=\"#{human_name}\" -Bmac.CFBundleIdentifier=\"org.#{project_name}.application.#{project_name.camelcase(:upper)}\" -Bmac.category=\"public.app-category.business\" -BinstalldirChooser=true -Bvendor=\"#{human_name}\" -Bwin.menuGroup=\"#{human_name}\" " command += " -BsystemWide=false " if OS.windows? command += " -BjvmOptions=-XstartOnFirstThread " if OS.mac? command += " -BappVersion=#{version} -Bmac.CFBundleVersion=#{version} " if version command += " -srcfiles LICENSE.txt -BlicenseFile=LICENSE.txt " if license command += " -Bcopyright=\"#{copyright}\" " if copyright elsif (`jpackage`.to_s.include?('Usage: jpackage') rescue nil) command = "jpackage --type #{native_type} --dest 'packages/bundles' --input 'dist' --main-class JarMain --main-jar '#{project_name}.jar' --name '#{human_name}' --vendor '#{human_name}' --icon '#{icon}' " command += " --win-per-user-install --win-dir-chooser --win-menu --win-menu-group '#{human_name}' " if OS.windows? command += " --java-options '-XstartOnFirstThread' --mac-package-name '#{human_name}' --mac-package-identifier 'org.#{project_name}.application.#{project_name}' " if OS.mac? command += " --app-version \"#{version}\" " if version command += " --license-file LICENSE.txt " if license command += " --copyright \"#{copyright}\" " if copyright else puts "Neither javapackager nor jpackage exist in your Java installation. Please ensure javapackager or jpackage is available in PATH environment variable." return end command += " #{javapackager_extra_args} " if javapackager_extra_args command += " #{ENV['JAVAPACKAGER_EXTRA_ARGS']} " if ENV['JAVAPACKAGER_EXTRA_ARGS'] command += " #{native_extra_args} " if native_extra_args puts command system command end private def warbler_exists? OS.windows? ? system('where warble') : system('which warble') end end end end end