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Instead of syncing data between the client and server via HTTP, Volt uses a persistent connection between the client and server. When data is updated on one client, it is updated in the database and any other listening clients (with almost no setup code needed). Pages HTML is written in a handlebars-like template language. Volt uses data flow/reactive programming to automatically and intelligently propagate changes to the DOM (or any other code wanting to know when a value updates). When something in the DOM changes, Volt intelligently updates only the nodes that need to be changed. See some demo videos here: ** Note: These videos are outdated, new videos coming tomorrow. - [Volt Todos Example](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ZIvs0oKnYs) - [Build a Blog with Volt](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c478sMlhx1o) - [Reactive Values in Volt](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZIQ-2irY-Q) Check out demo apps: - https://github.com/voltrb/todos3 - https://github.com/voltrb/contactsdemo ## Goals Volt has the following goals: 1. Developer happiness 2. Write once on the client and server 3. Automatic data syncing between client and server 4. Apps are built as nested components. Components can be shared (via gems) 5. Concurrent. Volt provides tools to simplify concurrency. Component rendering is done in parallel on the server 6. Intelligent asset management 7. Secure (shouldn't need to be said, but it does) 8. Be fast/light 9. Understandable code base 10. Control upgradeability # Road Map Many of the core Volt features are implemented. We still have a bit to go before 1.0, most of it involving models. 1. Model read/write permissions 2. User accounts, user collection, signup/login templates # VOLT guide This guide will take you through creating a basic web application in Volt. This tutorial assumes a basic knowledge of Ruby and web development. To get started, install Volt: gem install volt Then create a new project: volt new project_name This will setup a basic project. Now let's run the server: bundle exec volt server You can access the Volt console with: bundle exec volt console # Guide Sections 1. [Getting Help](#getting-help) 2. [Rendering](#rendering) 1. [States and Computations](#state-and-computations) 1. [Computations](#computations) 3. [Views](#views) 1. [Bindings](#bindings) 1. [Content Binding](#content-binding) 2. [If Binding](#if-binding) 3. [Each Binding](#each-binding) 4. [Attribute Bindings](#attribute-bindings) 5. [Escaping](#escaping) 4. [Models](#models) 1. [Provided Collections](#provided-collections) 2. [ArrayModel Events](#arraymodel-events) 3. [Automatic Model Conversion](#automatic-model-conversion) 5. [Controllers](#controllers) 6. [Tasks](#tasks) 7. [Components](#components) 1. [Dependencies](#dependencies) 2. [Assets](#assets) 3. [Component Generator](#component-generator) 4. [Provided Components](#provided-components) 1. [Notices](#notices) 2. [Flash](#flash) 8. [Controls](#controls) 9. [Routes](#routes) 1. [Routes file](#routes-file) 10. [Testing](#testing) 11. [Volt Helpers](#volt-helpers) 1. [Logging](#logging) # Getting Help Volt is still a work in progress, but early feedback is appreciated. Use the following to communicate with the developers, someone will get back to you very quickly: - **If you need help**: post on [stackoverflow.com](http://www.stackoverflow.com). Be sure to tag your question with `voltrb`. - **If you found a bug**: post on [github issues](https://github.com/voltrb/volt/issues) - **If you have an idea or need a feature**: post on [github issues](https://github.com/voltrb/volt/issues) - **If you want to discuss Volt**: [chat on gitter](https://gitter.im/voltrb/volt), someone from the volt team is usually online and happy to help with anything. # Rendering When a user interacts with a web page, typically we want to do two things: 1. Change application state 2. Update the DOM For example when a user clicks to add a new todo item to a todo list, we might create an object to represent the todo item, then add an item to the list's DOM. A lot of work needs to be done to make sure that the object and the DOM always stay in sync. The idea of "reactive programming" can be used to simplify maintaining the DOM. Instead of having event handlers that manage a model and manage the DOM, we have event handlers that manage reactive data models. We describe our DOM layer in a declarative way so that it automatically knows how to render our data models. ## State and Computations Web applications center around maintaining state. Many events can trigger changes to a state. Page interaction like entering text into form elements, clicking a button, links, scrolling, etc.. can all change the state of the app. In the past, each page interaction event would manually change any state stored on a page. To simplify managing application state, all application state is kept in models that can optionally be persisted in different locations. By centralizing the application state, we reduce the amount of complex code needed to update a page. We can then build our page's html declaratively. The relationship to the page's models' are bound using function and method calls. We want our DOM to automatically update when our model data changes. To make this happen, Volt lets you "watch" any method/proc call and have it get called again when data accessed by the method/proc call changes. ### Computations Lets take a look at this in practice. We'll use the ```page``` collection as an example. (You'll see more on collections later) First, we setup a computation watch. Computations are built by calling .watch! on a Proc. Here we'll use the ruby 1.9 proc shorthand syntax ```-> { ... }``` It will run once, then run again each time the data in page._name changes. ```ruby page._name = 'Ryan' -> { puts page._name }.watch! # => Ryan page._name = 'Jimmy' # => Jimmy ``` Each time page._name is assigned to a new value, the computation is run again. A re-run of the computation will be triggered when any data accessed in the previous run is changed. This lets us access data through methods and still have watches re-triggered. ```ruby page._first = 'Ryan' page._last = 'Stout' def lookup_name return "#{page._first} #{page._last}" end -> do puts lookup_name end.watch! # => Ryan Stout page._first = 'Jimmy' # => Jimmy Stout page._last = 'Jones' # => Jimmy Jones ``` When you call .watch! the return value is a Computation object. In the event you no longer want to receive updates, you can call .stop on the computation. ```ruby page._name = 'Ryan' comp = -> { puts page._name }.watch! # => Ryan page._name = 'Jimmy' # => Jimmy comp.stop page._name = 'Jo' # (nothing) ``` ## Dependencies TODO: Explain Dependencies As a Volt user, you rarely need to use Comptuations and Dependencies directly. Instead you usually just interact with models and bindings. Computations are used under the hood, and having a full understanding of what's going on is useful, but not required. # Views Views in Volt use a templating language similar to handlebars. They can be broken up into sections. A section header looks like the following: ```html <:Body> ``` Section headers should start with a capital letter so as not to be confused with [controls](#controls). Section headers do not use closing tags. If section headers are not provided, the Body section is assumed. Sections help you split up different parts of the same content (title and body usually), but within the same file. ## Bindings Once you understand the basics of ReactiveValues, we can discuss bindings. In Volt, you code your views in a handlebars like template language. Volt provides several bindings, which handle rendering of something for you. Content bindings are anything inbetween { and }. ### Content binding The most basic binding is a content binding: ```html


``` The content binding runs the Ruby code between { and }, then renders the return value. If the returned value is a ReactiveValue, it will update the value updated whenever a 'changed' event is triggered on the reactive value. ### If binding An if binding lets you provide basic flow control. ```html {#if _some_check?}

render this

{/} ``` Blocks are closed with a {/} When the if binding is rendered, it will run the ruby code after #if. If the code is true it will render the code below. Again, if the returned value is reactive, it will update as that value changes. If bindings can also have #elsif and #else blocks. ```html {#if _condition_1?}

condition 1 true

{#elsif _condition_2?}

condition 2 true


neither true

{/} ``` ### Each binding For iteration over objects, the each binding is provided. ```html {#each _items as item}


{/} ``` Above, if _items were an array, the block would be rendered for each item, setting 'item' to the value of the array element. You can also access the position of the item in the array with the #index method. ```html {#each _items as item}

{index}. {item}

{/} ``` For the array: ['one', 'two', 'three'] this would print: 0. one 1. two 2. three You can do {index + 1} to correct the zero offset. When items are removed or added to the array, the #each binding automatically and intelligently adds or removes the items from/to the DOM. ## Attribute Bindings Bindings can also be placed inside of attributes. ```html


``` There are some special features provided to make elements work as "two way bindings": ```html ``` In the example above, if _name changes, the field will update, and if the field is updated, _name will be changed: ```html ``` If the value of a checked attribute is true, the checkbox will be shown checked. If it's checked or unchecked, the value will be updated to true or false. Radio buttons bind to a checked state as well, except instead of setting the value to true or false, they set it to a supplied field value. ```html ``` When a radio button is checked, whatever checked is bound to is set to the field's value. When the checked binding value is changed, any radio buttons where the binding's value matches the fields value are checked. NOTE: This seems to be the most useful behaviour for radio buttons. Select boxes can be bound to a value (while not technically a property, this is another convient behavior we add). ```html ``` When the selected option of the select above changes, ```_rating``` is changed to match. When ```_rating``` is changed, the selected value is changed to the first option with a matching value. If no matching values are found, the select box is unselected. If you have a controller at app/home/controller/index_controller.rb, and a view at app/home/views/index/index.html, all methods called are called on the controller. ## Escaping When you need to use { and } outside of bindings, anything in a triple mustache will be escaped and not processed as a binding: ```html {{{ bindings look like: {this} }}} ``` # Models Volt's concept of a model is slightly different from many frameworks where a model is the name for the ORM to the database. In Volt a model is a class where you can store data easily. Models can be created with a "Persistor", which is responsible for storing the data in the model. Models created without a persistor, simply store the data in the classes instance. Lets first see how to use a model. Volt comes with many built-in models; one is called `page`. If you call `#page` on a controller, you will get access to the model. Models provided by Volt are automatically wrapped in a ReactiveValue so update events can be tracked. ```ruby page._name = 'Ryan' page._name # => @'Ryan' ``` Models act like a hash that you can access with getters and setters that start with an _ . If an underscore method is called that hasn't yet been assigned, you will get back a "nil model". Prefixing with an underscore makes sure we don't accidentally try to call a method that doesn't exist and get back nil model instead of raising an exception. There is no need to define which fields a model has. Fields behave similarly to a hash, but with a different access and assignment syntax. Models also let you nest data without creating the intermediate models: ```ruby page._settings._color = 'blue' page._settings._color # => @'blue' page._settings # => @#"blue"}> ``` Nested data is automatically setup when assigned. In this case, page._settings is a model that is part of the page model. You can also append to a model if it's not defined yet. In Volt models, plural properties are assumed to contain arrays (or more specifically, ArrayModels). ```ruby page._items << 'item 1' page._items # => @# page._items[0] # => @"item 1" ``` ArrayModels can be appended to and accessed just like regular arrays. ### Nil Models As a convience, calling something like ```page._info``` returns what's called a NilModel (assuming it isn't already initialized). NilModels are place holders for future possible Models. NilModels allow us to bind deeply nested values without initializing any intermediate values. ```ruby page._info # => page._info._name # => page._info._name = 'Ryan' # => "Ryan"}>}> ``` One gotchya with NilModels is that they are a truthy value (since only nil and false are falsy in ruby). To make things easier, calling ```.nil?``` on a NilModel will return true. One common place we use a truthy check is in setting up default values with || (logical or) Volt provides a convenient method that does the same thing `#or`, but works with NilModels. Instead of ```ruby a || b ``` Simply use: ```ruby a.or(b) ``` `#and` works the same way as &&. #and and #or let you easily deal with default values involving NilModels. -- TODO: Document .true? / .false? ## Provided Collections Above, I mentioned that Volt comes with many default collection models accessible from a controller. Each stores in a different location. | Name | Storage Location | |-------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | page | page provides a temporary store that only lasts for the life of the page. | | store | store syncs the data to the backend database and provides query methods. | | local_store | values will be stored in the local_store | | params | values will be stored in the params and URL. Routes can be setup to change how params are shown in the URL. (See routes for more info) | | flash | any strings assigned will be shown at the top of the page and cleared as the user navigates between pages. | | controller | a model for the current controller | **more storage locations are planned** ## ArrayModel Events Models trigger events when their data is updated. Currently, models emit two events: added and removed. For example: ```ruby model = Model.new model._items.on('added') { puts 'item added' } model._items << 1 # => item added model._items.on('removed') { puts 'item removed' } model._items.delete_at(0) # => item removed ``` ## Automatic Model Conversion ### Hash -> Model For convenience, when placing a hash inside of another model, it is automatically converted into a model. Models are similar to hashes, but provide support for things like persistence and triggering reactive events. ```ruby user = Model.new user._name = 'Ryan' user._profiles = { _twitter: 'http://www.twitter.com/ryanstout', _dribbble: 'http://dribbble.com/ryanstout' } user._name # => "Ryan" user._profiles._twitter # => "http://www.twitter.com/ryanstout" user._profiles.class # => Model ``` Models are accessed differently from hashes. Instead of using `model[:symbol]` to access, you call a method `model.method_name`. This provides a dynamic unified store where setters and getters can be added without changing any access code. You can get a Ruby hash back out by calling `#to_h` on a Model. ### Array -> ArrayModel Arrays inside of models are automatically converted to an instance of ArrayModel. ArrayModels behave the same as a normal Array except that they can handle things like being bound to backend data and triggering reactive events. ```ruby model = Model.new model._items << {_name: 'item 1'} model._items.class # => ArrayModel model._items[0].class # => Model model._items[0] ``` To convert a Model or an ArrayModel back to a normal hash, call .to_h or .to_a respectively. To convert them to a JavaScript Object (for passing to some JavaScript code), call `#to_n` (to native). ```ruby user = Model.new user._name = 'Ryan' user._profiles = { twitter: 'http://www.twitter.com/ryanstout', dribbble: 'http://dribbble.com/ryanstout' } user._profiles.to_h # => {twitter: 'http://www.twitter.com/ryanstout', dribbble: 'http://dribbble.com/ryanstout'} items = ArrayModel.new([1,2,3,4]) items ``` You can get a normal array again by calling .to_a on an ArrayModel. # Controllers A controller can be any class in Volt, however it is common to have that class inherit from ModelController. A model controller lets you specify a model that the controller works off of. This is a common pattern in Volt. The model for a controller can be assigned by one of the following: 1. A symbol representing the name of a provided collection model: ```ruby class TodosController < ModelController model :page # ... end ``` 2. Calling `self.model=` in a method: ```ruby class TodosController < ModelController def initialize self.model = :page end end ``` In methods, the `#model` method returns the current model. See the [provided collections](#provided-collections) section for a list of the available collection models. You can also provide your own object to model. In the example above, any methods not defined on the TodosController will fall through to the provided model. All views in views/{controller_name} will have this controller as the target for any Ruby run in their bindings. This means that calls on self (implicit or with self.) will have the model as their target (after calling through the controller). This lets you add methods to the controller to control how the model is handled, or provide extra methods to the views. Volt is more similar to an MVVM architecture than an MVC architecture. Instead of the controllers passing data off to the views, the controllers are the context for the views. When using a ModelController, the controller automatically forwards all methods it does not handle to the model. This is convenient since you can set a model in the controller and then access its properties directly with methods in bindings. This lets you do something like ```{_name}``` instead of something like ```{@model._name}``` Controllers in the app/home component do not need to be namespaced, all other components should namespace controllers like so: ```ruby module Auth class LoginController < ModelController # ... end end ``` Here "auth" would be the component name. ## Reactive Accessors The default ModelController proxies any missing methods to its model. Since models are wrapped in ReactiveValues, they return ReactiveValues by default. Sometimes you need to store additional data reactively in the controller outside of the model. (Though often you may want to condier doing another control/controller). In this case, you can add a ```reactive_accessor```. These behave just like ```attr_accessor``` except the values assigned and returned are wrapped in a ReactiveValue. Updates update the existing ReactiveValue. ```ruby class Contacts < ModelController reactive_accessor :_query end ``` Now from the view we can bind to _query while also changing in and out the model. You can also use ```reactive_reader``` and ```reactive_writer``` # Tasks Sometimes you need to explicitly execute some code on the server. Volt solves this problem through *tasks*. You can define your own tasks by dropping a class into your component's ```tasks``` folder. ```ruby # app/main/tasks/logging_tasks.rb class LoggingTasks def initialize(channel=nil, dispatcher=nil) @channel = channel @dispatcher = dispatcher end def log(message) puts message end end ``` To invoke a task from a controller use ```tasks.call```. ```ruby class Contacts < ModelController def hello tasks.call('LoggingTasks', 'log', 'Hello World!') end end ``` You can also pass a block to ```tasks.call``` that will receive the return value of your task as soon as it's done. ```ruby tasks.call('MathTasks', 'add', 23, 5) do |result| # result should be 28 alert result end ``` # Components Apps are made up of Components. Each folder under app/ is a component. When you visit a route, it loads all of the files in the component on the front end, so new pages within the component can be rendered without a new http request. If a URL is visited that routes to a different component, the request will be loaded as a normal page load and all of that components files will be loaded. You can think of components as the "reload boundary" between sections of your app. ## Dependencies You can also use controls (see below) from one component in another. To do this, you must require the component from the component you wish to use them in. This can be done in the ```config/dependencies.rb``` file. Just put ```ruby component 'component_name' ``` in the file. Dependencies act just like require in ruby, but for whole components. Sometimes you may need to include an externally hosted JS file from a component. To do this, simply do the following in the dependencies.rb file: ```ruby javascript_file 'http://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.0.3.min.js' css_file '//netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.0.3/css/bootstrap.min.css' ``` Note above though that jquery and bootstrap are currently included by default. Using javascript_file and css_file will be mixed in with your component assets at the correct locations according to the order they occur in the dependencies.rb files. ## Assets **Note, asset management is still early, and likely will change quite a bit** In Volt, assets such as JavaScript and CSS (or sass) are automatically included on the page for you. Anything placed inside of a components asset/js or assets/css folder is served at /assets/{js,css} (via [Sprockets](https://github.com/sstephenson/sprockets)). Link and script tags are automatically added for each css and js file in assets/css and assets/js respectively. Files are included in their lexical order, so you can add numbers in front if you need to change the load order. Any JS/CSS from an included component or component gem will be included as well. By default [bootstrap](http://getbootstrap.com/) is provided by the volt-bootstrap gem. **Note: asset bundling is on the TODO list** ## Component Generator Components can easily be shared as a gem. Volt provides a scaffold for component gems. In a folder (not in a volt project), simply type: volt gem {component_name} This will create the files needed for the gem. Note that all volt component gems will be prefixed with volt- so they can easily be found by others on github and rubygems. While developing, you can use the component by placing the following in your Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'volt-{component_name}', path: '/path/to/folder/with/component' ``` Once the gem is ready, you can release it to ruby gems with: rake release Remove the path: option in the gemfile if you wish to use the rubygems version. ## Provided Components Volt provides a few components to make web developers' lives easier. ### Notices Volt automatically places ```<:volt:notices />``` into views. This shows notices for the following: 1. flash messages 2. connection status (when a disconnect happens, lets the user know why and when a reconnect will be attempted) 3. page reloading notices (in development) ### Flash As part of the notices component explained above, you can append messages to any collection on the flash model. Each collection represents a different type of "flash". Common examples are ```_notices, _warnings, and _errors``` Using different collections allows you to change how you want the flash displayed. For example, you might want ```_notices``` and ```_errors``` to show with different colors. ```ruby flash._notices << "message to flash" ``` These messages will show for 5 seconds, then disappear (both from the screen and the collection). # Controls Everyone wishes that we could predict the scope and required features for each part of our application, but in the real world, things we don't expect to grow large often do and things we think will be large don't end up that way. Controls let you quickly setup reusable code/views. The location of the controls code can be moved as it grows without changing the way controls are invoked. To render a control, simply use a tag like so: ```html <:control-name /> ``` or ```html <:control-name> ``` To find the control's views and optional controller, Volt will search the following (in order): | Section | View File | View Folder | Component | |-----------|--------------|----------------|-------------| | :{name} | | | | | :body | {name}.html | | | | :body | index.html | {name} | | | :body | index.html | index | {name} | | :body | index.html | index | gems/{name} | **Note that anything with a view folder will also load a controller if the name/folder matches.** Each part is explained below: 1. section Views are composed of sections. Sections start with a ```<:SectionName>``` and are not closed. Volt will look first for a section in the same view. 2. views Next Volt will look for a view file with the control name. If found, it will render the body section of that view. 3. view folder Failing above, Volt will look for a view folder with the control name, and an index.html file within that folder. It will render the :body section of that view. If a controller exists for the view folder, it will make a new instance of that controller and render in that instance. 4. component Next, all folders under app/ are checked. The view path looked for is {component}/index/index.html with a section of :body. 5. gems Lastly the app folder of all gems that start with volt are checked. They are checked for a similar path to component. When you create a control, you can also specify multiple parts of the search path in the name. The parts should be separated by a : Example: ```html <:blog:comments /> ``` The above would search the following: | Section | View File | View Folder | Component | |-----------|--------------|----------------|-------------| | :comments | blog.html | | | | :body | comments.html| blog | | | :body | index.html | comments | blog | | :body | index.html | comments | gems/blog | Once the view file for the control or template is found, it will look for a matching controller. If the control is specified as a local template, an empty ModelController will be used. If a controller is found and loaded, a corresponding "action" method will be called on it if its exists. Action methods default to "index" unless the component or template path has two parts, in which case the last part is the action. # Control Arguments/Attributes Like other html tags, controls can be passed attributes. These are then converted into a hash and passed as the first argument to the initialize method on the controller. The standard ModelController's initialize will then assign each key/value in the attributes hash as instance values. This makes it easy to access attributes passed in. ```html <:Body>
    {#each _todos as todo} <:todo name="{todo._name}" /> {/}
  • {@name}
  • ``` # Routes Routes in Volt are very different from traditional backend frameworks. Since data is synchronized using websockets, routes are mainly used to serialize the state of the application into the url in a pretty way. When a page is first loaded, the URL is parsed with the routes and the params model's values are set from the URL. Later if the params model is updated, the URL is updated based on the routes. This means that routes in Volt have to be able to go both from URL to params and params to URL. It should also be noted that if a link is clicked and the controller/view to render the new URL is within the current component (or an included component), the page will not be reloaded, the URL will be updated with the HTML5 history API, and the params hash will reflect the new URL. You can use the changes in params to render different views based on the URL. ## Routes file Routes are specified on a per-component basis in the config/routes.rb file. Routes simply map from URL to params. ```ruby get "/todos", {_view: 'todos'} ``` Routes take two arguments; a path, and a params hash. When a new URL is loaded and the path is matched on a route, the params will be set to the params provided for that route. The specified params hash acts as a constraint. An empty hash will match any url. Any params that are not matched will be placed in the query parameters. When the params are changed, the URL will be set to the path for the route whose params hash matches. Route paths can also contain variables similar to bindings: ```ruby get "/todos/{_index}", _view: 'todos' ``` In the case above, if any URL matches /todos/*, (where * is anything but a slash), it will be the active route. ```params._view``` would be set to 'todos', and ```params._index``` would be set to the value in the path. If ```params._view``` were 'todos' and ```params._index``` were not nil, the route would be matched. Routes are matched top to bottom in a routes file. ## Debugging An in browser irb is in the works. We also have source maps support, but they are currently disabled by default. To enable them run: MAPS=true volt s This feature is disabled by default because (due to the volume of pages rendered) it slows down page rendering. We're working with the opal and sprockets teams to make it so everything is still served in one big source maps file (which would show the files as they originated on disk) ## Channel Controllers provide a `#channel` method, that you can use to get the status of the connection to the backend. Channel is provided in a ReactiveValue, and when the status changes, the changed events are triggered. It provides the following: | method | description | |-------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | connected? | true if it is connected to the backend | | status | possible values: :opening, :open, :closed, :reconnecting | | error | the error message for the last failed connection | | retry_count | the number of reconnection attempts that have been made without a successful connection | | reconnect_interval | the time until the next reconnection attempt (in seconds) | # Testing ** Testing is being reworked at the moment. Volt provides rspec and capybara out of the box. You can test directly against your models, controllers, etc... or you can do full integration tests via [Capybara](https://github.com/jnicklas/capybara). To run Capybara tests, you need to specify a driver. The following drivers are currently supported: 1. Phantom (via poltergeist) ```BROWSER=phantom bundle exec rspec``` 2. Firefox ```BROWSER=firefox bundle exec rspec``` 3. IE - coming soon Chrome is not supported due to [this issue](https://code.google.com/p/chromedriver/issues/detail?id=887#makechanges) with ChromeDriver. Feel free to go [here](https://code.google.com/p/chromedriver/issues/detail?id=887#makechanges) and pester the chromedriver team to fix it. # Volt Helpers ## Logging Volt provides a helper for logging. Calling ```Volt.logger``` returns an instance of the ruby logger. See [here](http://www.ruby-doc.org/stdlib-2.1.3/libdoc/logger/rdoc/Logger.html) for more. ```ruby Volt.logger.info("Some info...") ``` You can change the logger with: ```ruby Volt.logger = Logger.new ``` ## Accessing DOM section in a controller TODO # Data Store Volt provides a data store collection on the front-end and the back-end. In store, all plural names are assumed to be collections (like an array), and all singular are assumed to be a model (like a hash). ```ruby store._things ``` **Work in progress** | state | events bound | description | |-------------|--------------|--------------------------------------------------------------| | not_loaded | no | no events and no one has accessed the data in the model | | loading | maybe | someone either accessed the data or bound an event | | loaded | yes | data is loaded and there is an event bound | | dirty | no | data was either accessed without binding an event, or an event was bound, but later unbound. | # Contributing You want to contribute? Great! Thanks for being awesome! At the moment, we have a big internal todo list, hop on https://gitter.im/voltrb/volt so we don't duplicate work. Pull requests are always welcome, but asking about helping on gitter should save some duplication. 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