module Compo
  # Adds ID-based 'URL's to Compo classes
  # For the purposes of this module, a URL is a string of slash-delimited IDs
  # representing the location of a Composite in the tree structure formed by
  # its ancestors.  Depending on the types of IDs used in the structure, the
  # URLs may not actually be literal Uniform Resource Locators.
  # This module expects its includer to define #parent and #id.  These are
  # defined, for example, by the Compo::ParentTracker mixin.
  module UrlReferenceable
    # Returns the URL of this object
    # The #url of a Composite is defined inductively as '' for composites that
    # have no parent, and the joining of the parent URL and the current ID
    # otherwise.
    # The result of #url can be used to give a URL hierarchy to Composites.
    # @api  public
    # @example  Gets the URL of an object with no parent.
    #   orphan.url
    #   #=> ''
    # @example  Gets the URL of an object with a parent.
    #   leaf.url
    #   #=> 'grandparent_id/parent_id/id'
    # @return [String]  The URL of this object.
    def url

    # Returns the URL of a child of this object, with the given ID
    # This defaults to joining the ID to this object's URL with a slash.
    # @api  public
    # @example  Gets the URL of the child of an object without a parent.
    #   orphan.child_url(:id)
    #   #=> '/id'
    # @example  Gets the URL of the child of an object with a parent.
    #   leaf.child_url(:id)
    #   #=> 'grandparent_id/parent_id/id'
    # @param child_id [Object]  The ID of the child whose URL is sought.
    # @return [String]  The URL of the child with the given ID.
    def child_url(child_id)
      [url, child_id].join('/')

    # Returns the URL of this object's parent
    # @api  public
    # @example  Gets the parent URL of an object with no parent.
    #   orphan.parent_url
    #   #=> nil
    # @example  Gets the URL of an object with a parent.
    #   leaf.parent_url
    #   #=> 'grandparent_id/parent_id'
    # @return [String]  The URL of this object's parent, or nil if there is no
    #   parent.
    def parent_url
      parent.nil? ? nil : parent.url