Headstartapp::Marionette - ZMQ connection to puppet master ============================================================ Marionette connects a headstartapp server instance (puppet node) to its master and executes puppet runs on demand. Marionette uses fast and lightweight 0MQ messaging system. For more about Headstartapp see . Installation ------------ If you're using RVM, run this under the system context. Be sure to have the appropriate port open (for the following example, port 5555) on the puppet node. gem install marionette Example ------- In this example, puppet and master are on the same local network and the puppet's ip is Note: By default, Marionette connects to "tcp://" Results: 1) on the pupet, /tmp/test.out contains "test #{Time.now}" 2) master.receive returns puppet's facts as a hash. 3) Note: this example does not execute a puppet run. Ruby: require 'rubygems' require 'marionette' puppet = HeadStartApp::Marionette::Connect.new(:uri=>" puppet master = HeadStartApp::Marionette::Connect.new(:uri=>"").master message = {:run=>{:system=>true,:facter=>true},:system=>{:command=>"echo 'test @ #{Time.now}' > /tmp/test.out"}} master.send message master.receive CLI (start marionette-puppet as a daemon): marionette start tcp:// Rake (set up marionette as a service: rake setup-service Meta ---- Created and Maintained by Dan Lee Released under the [MIT license](http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php).