require 'omniauth-oauth2' module OmniAuth module Strategies class Hotmart < OmniAuth::Strategies::OAuth2 #include OmniAuth::Strategy # Give your strategy a name. option :name, "hotmart" # This is where you pass the options you would pass when # initializing your consumer from the OAuth gem. option :client_options, {:site => "", :authorize_url => '/oauth/authorize', :token_url => '/oauth/access_token', #Faraday middleware (passed from OAuth2 gem to Faraday) :connection_build => {|con| con.request :url_encoded # form-encode POST params con.use OmniAuth::Hotmart::AccessTokenMiddleware con.adapter Faraday.default_adapter # make requests with Net::HTTP }, } # These are called after authentication has succeeded. If # possible, you should try to set the UID without making # additional calls (if the user id is returned with the token # or as a URI parameter). This may not be possible with all # providers. uid{ raw_info['id'] } info do { :name => raw_info['name'], :email => raw_info['email'], :country => raw_info['country'] } end extra do { 'raw_info' => raw_info } end def raw_info access_token.options[:mode] = :body access_token.options[:param_name] = :access_token @raw_info ||='/user_info').parsed['UserInfoResponse'] end end end end