require 'shoes/swt/spec_helper' describe Shoes::Swt::ListBox do include_context "swt app" let(:items) { ["Pie", "Apple", "Sand"] } let(:dsl) { double('dsl', app: shoes_app, items: items, opts: {}, element_width: 200, element_height: 20).as_null_object } let(:block) { ->(){} } let(:real) { double('real', text: "", :items= => true, :text= => true, set_size: true, add_selection_listener: true, disposed?: false) } subject { dsl, parent, &block } before :each do allow(parent).to receive(:real) allow(::Swt::Widgets::Combo).to receive(:new) { real } end it_behaves_like "updating visibility" it "should return nil when nothing is highlighted" do expect(subject.text).to be_nil end it "should call 'items' when updating values" do allow(dsl).to receive(:items).and_return ["hello"] subject.update_items # creation already calls update_items once expect(real).to have_received(:items=).with(["hello"]).twice end it "should set real text if initialized with choose option" do allow(dsl).to receive(:style) { { choose: "Apple" } } subject expect(real).to have_received(:text=).with("Apple") end it "should respond to choose" do expect(subject).to respond_to :choose end it "should call text= when choosing" do expect(real).to receive(:text=).with "Bacon" subject.choose "Bacon" end it "should notify dsl of changes when choosing" do allow(real).to receive(:text=) expect(dsl).to receive(:call_change_listeners) subject.choose "Bacon" end it 'sets the items on real upon initialization' do subject expect(real).to have_received(:items=).with(items) end it 'converts array to string' do allow(dsl).to receive(:items).and_return [1,2,3] subject.update_items # creation already calls update_items once expect(real).to have_received(:items=).with(%w(1 2 3)).twice end describe "when the backend notifies us that the selection has changed" do it "should call the change listeners" do expect(dsl).to receive(:call_change_listeners) expect(real).to receive(:add_selection_listener) do |&blk| end subject end end end