# Version 0.6.8 * Don't load any yaml that may contain insecure content # Version 0.6.7 * Add rm and mv commands for deleting / renaming keys from the command line # Version 0.6.6 * Add a timeout configuration setting # Version 0.6.5 * Build gem with 1.8.7 to fix gemspec errors # Version 0.6.4 * Don't send defaults if they're an array as this was causing gems that supply a lookup chain to be sending unwanted translations. # Version 0.6.3 * Pulling translations now completely replaces the contents of the yaml files instead of selectively updating certain translations. # Version 0.6.2 * Fix bug updating synchronization files that caused polling_interval to be ignored # Version 0.6.1 * Fix bug where default handler was sending array rather than resolved content # Version 0.6.0 * Support passing -k or --api-key option to commands * Remove deprecated disabled_* configuration options * Fix performance bug when :default specified in I18n.t call # Version 0.5.2 * Fix bug with pulling translations changing file permissions # Version 0.5.1 * Fix bug with encoding of response from http_client * Test on Jruby * Compatibility with gli 2.0.0 # Version 0.5.0 * Post translations with default values * Change how Psych outputs yaml (for Psych versions >= 1.1.0) * Add a --github option when installing to help setup public projects # Version 0.4.3 * Make sure Psych is fully loaded before using it (Thanks @tenderlove) # Version 0.4.2 * Improve compatibility of Psych with ruby 1.9.2 (Thanks @ardpac) # Version 0.4.1 * Ignore HUP when backgrounded. (Thanks @xijo) * Add --standalone option to install to generate a .localeapp/ config directory. This enables usage outside of rails. # Version 0.4.0 * Use Psych to generate the yaml if it's available (This will completely change your yaml the first time you do a localeapp pull and Psych is available) * Report when the directory to write the yml to doesn't exist (Thanks Robin Mehner) # Version 0.3.2 * Use yml rather than json when making api calls to localeapp.com. This avoids symbols turning into strings and breaking parts of rails. # Version 0.3.1 * Handle SocketError so we don't cause errors in client apps when they're not connected to the network * Fix bug with empty log file (Thanks Robin Mehner) # Version 0.3.0 * Allow symbols for environment names in config file * `localeapp push` will now push all yaml files in a directory if it's given a directory instead of a file. (Thanks Bartłomiej Danek) * Better daemon support. `daemon_pid_file` and `daemon_log_file` configuration options. (Thanks again Bartłomiej Danek) # Version 0.2.0 * Add `localeapp add` command for sending keys and translations from the command line * Add `secure` configuration setting for api communications. Default: true * Add `ssl_verify` and `ssl_ca_file` configuration settings for ssl cert verification. Off by default, see the README for more details * Add `proxy` configuration setting # Version 0.1.2 * Fix incorrect documentation * Display help if unrecognized command given * Add section on default rails translations to README # Version 0.1.1 * Gem compiled with 1.8.7 # Version 0.1.0 * Added support for Heroku's Cedar stack * Added a safer configuration style where enabled environments are explicitly defined * Removed some unnecessary default options from config files generated with `localeapp install` * Fixed `localeapp push` with no arguments