Strava Ruby Client ================== [![Gem Version](]( [![Build Status](]( A complete Ruby client for the [Strava API v3]( Unlike other clients, including [strava-api-v3](, provides complete OAuth refresh token flow support, webhooks support, a richer first class interface to Strava models, conversion helpers for distance, time and elevation, natively supports pagination, implements more consistent error handling and is built with thorough test coverage using actual Strava data. ## Table of Contents - [Installation](#installation) - [Usage](#usage) - [Activities](#activities) - [Create an Activity](#create-an-activity) - [Get Activity](#get-activity) - [List Activity Photos](#list-activity-photos) - [List Activity Comments](#list-activity-comments) - [List Activity Kudoers](#list-activity-kudoers) - [List Activity Laps](#list-activity-laps) - [List Athlete Activities](#list-athlete-activities) - [Get Activity Zones](#get-activity-zones) - [Update Activity](#update-activity) - [Athletes](#athletes) - [Get Authenticated Athlete](#get-authenticated-athlete) - [Get Zones](#get-zones) - [Get Athlete Stats](#get-athlete-stats) - [Update Athlete](#update-athlete) - [Clubs](#clubs) - [List Club Activities](#list-club-activities) - [List Club Administrators](#list-club-administrators) - [Get Club](#get-club) - [List Club Members](#list-club-members) - [List Athlete Clubs](#list-athlete-clubs) - [Gears](#gears) - [Get Equipment](#get-equipment) - [Routes](#routes) - [Export Route GPX](#export-route-gpx) - [Export Route TCX](#export-route-tcx) - [Get Route](#get-route) - [List Athlete Routes](#list-athlete-routes) - [Running Races](#running-races) - [Get Running Race](#get-running-race) - [List Running Races](#list-running-races) - [Segment Efforts](#segment-efforts) - [List Segment Efforts](#list-segment-efforts) - [Get Segment Effort](#get-segment-effort) - [Segments](#segments) - [Explore Segments](#explore-segments) - [Get Segment Leaderboard](#get-segment-leaderboard) - [List Starred Segments](#list-starred-segments) - [Get Segment](#get-segment) - [Star Segment](#star-segment) - [Streams](#streams) - [Get Activity Streams](#get-activity-streams) - [Get Segment Effort Streams](#get-segment-effort-streams) - [Get Segment Streams](#get-segment-streams) - [Uploads](#uploads) - [Upload Activity](#upload-activity) - [Get Upload](#get-upload) - [Pagination](#pagination) - [OAuth](#oauth) - [OAuth Workflow](#oauth-workflow) - [Deauthorize](#deauthorize) - [Command Line OAuth Workflow](#command-line-oauth-workflow) - [Webhooks](#webhooks) - [Configuration](#configuration) - [Web Client Options](#web-client-options) - [API Client Options](#api-client-options) - [OAuth Client Options](#oauth-client-options) - [Webhooks Client Options](#webhooks-client-options) - [Errors](#errors) - [Tools](#tools) - [Strava OAuth Token](#strava-oauth-token) - [Users](#users) - [Resources](#resources) - [Contributing](#contributing) - [Copyright and License](#copyright-and-license) ## Installation Add to Gemfile. ``` gem 'strava-ruby-client' ``` Run `bundle install`. ## Usage Use an access token obtained from [My API Application]( in the Strava UI, the [strava-oauth-token tool](#strava-oauth-token) or the [OAuth Workflow](#oauth) in your application. ```ruby client = access_token: "12345678987654321" ) ``` ### Activities #### Create an Activity Creates a manual activity for an athlete. ```ruby activity = client.create_activity( name: 'Afternoon Run', type: 'Run', start_date_local:, elapsed_time: 1234, # in seconds description: 'Test run.', distance: 1000 # in meters ) # => 'Afternoon Run' activity.strava_url # => '' ``` See [Strava::Models::Activity](lib/strava/models/activity.rb) for all available properties. #### Get Activity Returns the given activity that is owned by the authenticated athlete. ```ruby activity = client.activity(1982980795) # => 'Afternoon Run' activity.strava_url # => '' ``` See [Strava::Models::Activity](lib/strava/models/activity.rb) for all available properties. Use `map.summary_polyline` and combine with [polylines]( to parse the activity map and to construct a Google maps URL with start and end markers. ```ruby map = # => Strava::Models::Map decoded_summary_polyline = Polylines::Decoder.decode_polyline(map.summary_polyline) start_latlng = decoded_summary_polyline[0] end_latlng = decoded_summary_polyline[-1] google_maps_api_key = ENV['GOOGLE_STATIC_MAPS_API_KEY'] google_image_url = "{map.summary_polyline}&key=#{google_maps_api_key}&size=800x800&markers=color:yellow|label:S|#{start_latlng[0]},#{start_latlng[1]}&markers=color:green|label:F|#{end_latlng[0]},#{end_latlng[1]}" ``` See [Strava::Models::Map](lib/strava/models/map.rb) for all available properties. #### List Activity Photos Returns the photos on the given activity. This API is undocumented. ```ruby photos = client.activity_photos(1982980795) # => Array[Strava::Models::Photo] photo = photos.first # => Strava::Models::Photo # => nil photo.unique_id # => '65889142-538D-4EE5-96F5-3DC3B773B1E3' photo.urls # => { '0' => '' } photo.athlete_id # => 26_462_176 photo.activity_id # => 1_946_417_534 photo.activity_name # => 'TCS NYC Marathon 2018' photo.created_at # => Time photo.uploaded_at # => Time photo.sizes # => { '0' => [29, 64] } photo.default_photo # => false ``` See [Strava::Models::Photo](lib/strava/models/photo.rb) for all available properties. #### List Activity Comments Returns the comments on the given activity. ```ruby comments = client.activity_comments(1982980795) # => Array[Strava::Models::Comment] comment = comments.first # => Strava::Models::Comment comment.text # => 'Молодчина!' comment.athlete.username # => 'zolotov' ``` See [Strava::Models::Comment](lib/strava/models/comment.rb) for all available properties. #### List Activity Kudoers Returns the athletes who kudoed an activity identified by an identifier. ```ruby kudoers = client.activity_kudos(1982980795) # => Array[Strava::Models::Athlete] kodoer = kudoers.first # => Strava::Models::Athlete kudoer.username # => 'zolotov' ``` See [Strava::Models::Athlete](lib/strava/models/athlete.rb) for all available properties. #### List Activity Laps Returns the laps of an activity identified by an identifier. ```ruby laps = client.activity_laps(1982980795) # => Array[Strava::Models::Lap] lap = laps.first # => Strava::Models::Lap # => 'Lap 1' ``` See [Strava::Models::Lap](lib/strava/models/lap.rb) for all available properties. #### List Athlete Activities Returns the currently logged-in athlete's activities. ```ruby activities = client.athlete_activities # => Array[Strava::Models::Activity] activity = activities.first # => Strava::Models::Activity # => 'NYC TCS Marathon 2018' activity.strava_url # => '' activity.type_emoji # => '🏃' activity.distance_s # => '42.2km' activity.moving_time_in_hours_s # => '3h38m5s' activity.elapsed_time_in_hours_s # => '3h42m13s' activity.pace_s # => '5m15s/km' activity.pace_per_mile_s # => '8m28s/mi' activity.speed_s # => '11.4km/h' activity.miles_per_hour_s # => '7.1mph' activity.total_elevation_gain_s # => '270.9m' activity.total_elevation_gain_in_feet_s # => '888.8ft' ``` See [Strava::Models::Activity](lib/strava/models/activity.rb), [Strava::Models::Mixins::Distance](lib/strava/models/mixins/distance.rb), [Strava::Models::Mixins::Elevation](lib/strava/models/mixins/elevation.rb) and [Strava::Models::Mixins::Time](lib/strava/models/mixins/time.rb) for all available properties. #### Get Activity Zones Returns the zones of a given activity. ```ruby zones = client.activity_zones(1982980795) # => Array[Strava::Models::ActivityZone] zone = zones.first # => Strava::Models::ActivityZone zones.type # => 'heartrate' distribution_buckets = activity_zone.distribution_buckets # => Array[Strava::Models::TimedZoneRange] distribution_bucket = distribution_buckets.first # => Strava::Models::TimedZoneRange distribution_bucket.min # => 0 distribution_bucket.max # => 123 distribution_bucket.time # => 20 ``` See [Strava::Models::ActivityZone](lib/strava/models/activity_zone.rb) and [Strava::Models::TimedZoneRange](lib/strava/models/timed_zone_range.rb) for all available properties. #### Update Activity Update an activity. ```ruby activity = client.update_activity( id: 1982980795, name: 'Afternoon Run (Updated)', type: 'Run', description: 'It was cold.' ) # => 'Afternoon Run (Updated)' activity.strava_url # => '' ``` ### Athletes #### Get Authenticated Athlete Returns the currently authenticated athlete. ```ruby client.athlete # => Strava::Models::Athlete ``` See [Strava::Models::Athlete](lib/strava/models/athlete.rb) for all available properties. #### Get Zones Returns the the authenticated athlete's heart rate and power zones. ```ruby athlete_zones = client.athlete_zones # => Strava::Models::Zones heart_rate = athlete_zones.heart_rate # => Strava::Models::HeartRateZoneRanges heart_rate.custom_zone # => false zone = heart_rate.zones.first # => Strava::Models::ZoneRange zone.min # => 0 zone.max # => 123 ``` See [Strava::Models::Zones](lib/strava/models/zones.rb), [Strava::Models::HeartRateZoneRanges](lib/strava/models/heart_rate_zone_ranges.rb), [Strava::Models::PowerZoneRanges](lib/strava/models/power_zone_ranges.rb) and [Strava::Models::ZoneRange](lib/strava/models/zone_range.rb) for all available properties. #### Get Athlete Stats Returns the activity stats of an athlete. ```ruby athlete_stats = client.athlete_stats(26462176) # => Strava::Models::ActivityStats recent_run_totals = athlete_stats.recent_ride_totals # => Strava::Models::ActivityTotal recent_run_totals.count # => 7 recent_run_totals.distance # => 78049.90087890625 recent_run_totals.distance_s # => '78.05km' recent_run_totals.moving_time # => 25647 recent_run_totals.moving_time_in_hours_s # => '7h7m27s' recent_run_totals.elapsed_time # => 26952 recent_run_totals.elapsed_time_in_hours_s # => '7h29m12s' recent_run_totals.elevation_gain # => 595.4644241333008 recent_run_totals.total_elevation_gain_s # => '595.5m' recent_run_totals.achievement_count # => 19 ``` See [Strava::Models::ActivityStats](lib/strava/models/activity_stats.rb) and [Strava::Models::ActivityTotal](lib/strava/models/activity_total.rb) for all available properties. #### Update Athlete Update the currently authenticated athlete. ```ruby athlete = client.update_athlete(weight: 90.1) # => Strava::Models::Athlete ``` See [Strava::Models::Athlete](lib/strava/models/athlete.rb) for all available returned properties. ### Clubs #### List Club Activities Retrieve recent activities from members of a specific club. ```ruby activities = client.club_activities(108605) # => Array[Strava::Models::Activity] activity = activities.first # => Strava::Models::Activity # => 'Afternoon Run' ``` See [Strava::Models::Activity](lib/strava/models/activity.rb) for all available properties. Note that Strava does not return activity or athlete ID via this API. #### List Club Administrators Returns a list of the administrators of a given club. ```ruby admins = client.club_admins(108605) # => Array[Strava::Models::ClubAdmin] admin = admins.first # => Strava::Models::ClubAdmin # => 'Peter Ciaccia' ``` See [Strava::Models::ClubAdmin](lib/strava/models/club_admin.rb) for all available properties. #### Get Club Returns a given club using its identifier. ```ruby club = # => Strava::Models::Club # => 'NYRR' ``` See [Strava::Models::Club](lib/strava/models/club.rb) for all available properties. #### List Club Members Returns a list of the members of a given club. ```ruby members = client.club_members(108605) # => Array[Strava::Models::ClubMember] member = members.first # => Strava::Models::ClubMember # => 'Peter Ciaccia' ``` See [Strava::Models::ClubMember](lib/strava/models/club_member.rb) for all available properties. #### List Athlete Clubs Returns a list of the clubs whose membership includes the authenticated athlete. ```ruby clubs = client.athlete_clubs # => Array[Strava::Models::Club] club = clubs.first # => Strava::Models::Club # => 'NYRR' activity.strava_url # => '' ``` See [Strava::Models::Club](lib/strava/models/club.rb) for all available properties. ### Gears #### Get Equipment Returns an equipment using its identifier. ```ruby gear = client.gear('g3844087') # => Strava::Models::Gear # => 'g3844087' # => 'Adidas Supernova ST' gear.distance # => 380939.0 gear.distance_s # => '380.94km' gear.brand_name # => 'Adidas' gear.model_name # => 'Supernova' gear.description # => 'My NYC TCS Marathon 2018 shoes.' ``` See [Strava::Models::Gear](lib/strava/models/gear.rb) for all available properties. ### Routes #### Export Route GPX Returns [GPS Exchange Format]( (GPX) data of the route. Combine with [multi_xml]( or [gpx]( to parse it. ```ruby data = client.export_route_gpx(16341573) # => String require 'multi_xml' xml = MultiXml.parse(data) # => parsed GPX require 'gpx' gpx = data) # => GPX::GPXFile # => 'Lower Manhattan Loop' gpx.description # => 'My usual long run when I am too lazy to go to Central Park.' gpx.tracks # => Array[GPX::Track] ``` #### Export Route TCX Returns a [Training Center XML]( (TCX) data of the route. Combine with [multi_xml]( to parse it. ```ruby data = client.export_route_tcx(16341573) # => String require 'multi_xml' xml = MultiXml.parse(data) # => parsed TCX ``` #### Get Route Returns a route using its identifier. ```ruby route = client.route(16341573) # => Strava::Models::Route # => 'Lower Manhattan Loop' route.description # => 'My usual long run when I am too lazy to go to Central Park.' ``` See [Strava::Models::Route](lib/strava/models/route.rb) for all available properties. #### List Athlete Routes Returns a list of the routes by athlete ID. ```ruby routes = client.athlete_routes(26462176) # => Array[Strava::Models::Route] route = routes.first # => Strava::Models::Route # => 'Lower Manhattan Loop' route.description # => 'My usual long run when I am too lazy to go to Central Park.' route.moving_time_in_hours_s # => '1h21m5s' ``` See [Strava::Models::Route](lib/strava/models/route.rb) for all available properties. ### Running Races #### Get Running Race Returns a running race for a given identifier. ```ruby running_race = client.running_race(1577) # => Strava::Models::RunningRace # => 'Walt Disney World Marathon 10k' running_race.distance # => 10_000.0 running_race.distance_s # => '10km' # => 'Orlando' running_race.state # => 'FL' # => 'United States' running_race.strava_url # => '' running_race.website_url # => '' ``` See [Strava::Models::RunningRace](lib/strava/models/running_race.rb) for all available properties. #### List Running Races Returns a list running races based on a set of search criteria. ```ruby running_races = client.running_races running_race = running_races.first # => Strava::Models::RunningRace # => 'Walt Disney World Half Marathon' running_race.distance # => 21_097.0 running_race.measurement_preference # => 'feet' running_race.distance_s # => '13.11mi' ``` See [Strava::Models::RunningRace](lib/strava/models/running_race.rb) for all available properties. ### Segment Efforts #### List Segment Efforts Returns a set of the authenticated athlete's segment efforts for a given segment. ```ruby segment_efforts = client.segment_efforts(1109718) segment_effort = segment_efforts.first # => Strava::Models::SegmentEffort # => 'E 14th St Climb' segment_effort.activity # => Strava::Models::Activity segment_effort.athlete # => Strava::Models::Athlete segment_effort.elapsed_time # => 116 segment_effort.distance # => 398.6 segment_effort.distance_s # => '0.4km' segment_effort.average_heartrate # => 152.2 segment_effort.max_heartrate # => 158.0 segment_effort.achievements # => Enumerable achievement = segment_effort.achievements.first # => Strava::Models::Achievement achievement.rank # => 1 achievement.type # => 'pr' achievement.type_id # => 3 ``` See [Strava::Models::SegmentEffort](lib/strava/models/segment_effort.rb) and [Strava::Models::Achievement](lib/strava/models/achievement.rb) for all available properties. #### Get Segment Effort Returns a segment effort from an activity that is owned by the authenticated athlete. ```ruby segment_effort = client.segment_effort(41494197089) # => Strava::Models::SegmentEffort # => 'E 14th St Climb' segment_effort.activity # => Strava::Models::Activity segment_effort.elapsed_time # => 116 segment_stats = segment_effort.athlete_segment_stats # => Strava::Models::SegmentStats segment_stats.pr_elapsed_time # => 116 segment_stats.elapsed_time_in_hours_s # => '1m56s' segment_stats.pr_date # => Date segment_stats.effort_count # => 3 ``` See [Strava::Models::SegmentEffort](lib/strava/models/segment_effort.rb) and [Strava::Models::SegmentStats](lib/strava/models/segment_stats.rb) for all available properties. ### Segments #### Explore Segments Returns the top 10 segments matching a specified query. ```ruby segments = client.explore_segments(bounds: [36.372975, -94.220234, 36.415949, -94.183670], activity_type: 'running') segment = segments.first # => Strava::Models::ExplorerSegment # => 'Compton Gardens hill' segment.avg_grade # => 4.6 segment.start_latlng # => [36.377702, -94.207242] segment.end_latlng # => [36.375948, -94.207689] segment.elev_difference # => 9.6 ``` See [Strava::Models::ExplorerSegment](lib/strava/models/explorer_segment.rb) for all available properties. #### Get Segment Leaderboard Returns the specified segment leaderboard. ```ruby segment_leaderboard = client.segment_leaderboard(1109718) # => Strava::Models::SegmentLeaderboard segment_leaderboard.effort_count # => 204 segment_leaderboard.entry_count # => 204 segment_leaderboard.kom_type # => 'kom' segment_leaderboard.entries # => Enumerable entry = segment_leaderboard.entries.first # => Strava::Models::SegmentLeaderboardEntry entry.athlete_name # => 'Etan B.' entry.moving_time_in_hours_s # => '1m32s' entry.start_date # => Time entry.start_date_local # => Time entry.rank # => 1 ``` This API supports pagination through the entire segment leaderboard but wraps entries into a [Strava::Models::SegmentLeaderboard](lib/strava/models/segment_leaderboard.rb) object. ```ruby client.segment_leaderboard(1109718) do |row| row # => Strava::Models::SegmentLeaderboard row.entries # => Array[Strava::Models::SegmentLeaderboardEntry] end ``` See [Strava::Models::SegmentLeaderboard](lib/strava/models/segment_leaderboard.rb) and [Strava::Models::SegmentLeaderboardEntry](lib/strava/models/segment_leaderboard_entry.rb) for all available properties. #### List Starred Segments List of the authenticated athlete's starred segments. ```ruby segments = client.starred_segments segment = segments.first # => Strava::Models::Segment segment.pr_time # => 256 segment.elapsed_time_in_hours_s # => '4m16s' segment.starred_date # => Time segment.athlete_pr_effort # => Strava::Models::SegmentEffort ``` See [Strava::Models::Segment](lib/strava/models/segment.rb) and [Strava::Models::SegmentEffort](lib/strava/models/segment_effort.rb) for all available properties. #### Get Segment Returns the specified segment. ```ruby segment = client.segment(1109718) # => Strava::Models::Segment # => 'E 14th St Climb' # => 'New York' segment.state # => 'NY' # => 'United States' # => Strava::Models::Map segment.effort_count # => 750 segment.athlete_count # => 206 segment.star_count # => 1 segment.athlete_segment_stats # => Strava::Models::SegmentStats ``` See [Strava::Models::Segment](lib/strava/models/segment.rb) for all available properties. #### Star Segment Stars/unstars the given segment for the authenticated athlete. ```ruby segment = client.star_segment(50272077110, starred: true) # => Strava::Models::Segment # => 'E 14th St Climb' segment.starred # => true ``` See [Strava::Models::Segment](lib/strava/models/segment.rb) for all available properties. ### Streams Stream APIs can return various streams by key(s). ```ruby streams = client.segment_streams(1109718, keys: %w[distance latlng altitude]) # => Strava::Models::StrewamSet streams.distance # => Strava::Models::Stream streams.latlng # => Strava::Models::Stream streams.altitude # => Strava::Models::Stream ``` #### Get Activity Streams Returns the given activity's streams. ```ruby streams = client.activity_streams(1946417534) # => Strava::Models::StreamSet distance = streams.distance # => Strava::Models::Stream distance.original_size # => 13_129 distance.resolution # => 'high' distance.series_type # => 'distance' # => Array[Float] ``` See [Strava::Models::StreamSet](lib/strava/models/stream_set.rb) and [Strava::Models::Stream](lib/strava/models/stream.rb) for all available properties. #### Get Segment Effort Streams Returns a set of streams for a segment effort completed by the authenticated athlete. ```ruby streams = client.segment_effort_streams(41494197089) distance = streams.distance # => Strava::Models::Stream distance.original_size # => 117 distance.resolution # => 'high' distance.series_type # => 'distance' # => Array[Float] ``` See [Strava::Models::StreamSet](lib/strava/models/stream_set.rb) and [Strava::Models::Stream](lib/strava/models/stream.rb) for all available properties. #### Get Segment Streams Returns the given segment's streams. ```ruby streams = client.segment_streams(1109718) # => Strava::Models::StreamSet distance = streams.distance # => Strava::Models::Stream distance.original_size # => 32 distance.resolution # => 'high' distance.series_type # => 'distance' # => Array[Float] ``` See [Strava::Models::StreamSet](lib/strava/models/stream_set.rb) and [Strava::Models::Stream](lib/strava/models/stream.rb) for all available properties. ### Uploads #### Upload Activity Uploads a new data file to create an activity from. ```ruby upload = client.create_upload( file:'17611540601.tcx', 'application/tcx+xml'), name: 'Uploaded Activity', description: 'Uploaded by strava-ruby-client.', data_type: 'tcx', external_id: 'strava-ruby-client-upload-1' ) # => Strava::Models::Upload # => 2136460097 upload.external_id # => 'strava-ruby-client-upload-1.tcx' upload.error # => nil upload.status # => 'Your activity is still being processed.' upload.activity_id # => nil ``` See [Strava::Models::Upload](lib/strava/models/upload.rb) for all available properties. #### Get Upload Returns an upload for a given identifier. ```ruby upload = client.upload(2136460097) # => Strava::Models::Upload # => 2_136_460_097 upload.external_id # => 'strava-ruby-client-upload-1.tcx' upload.error # => nil upload.status # => 'Your activity is ready.' upload.activity_id # => 1_998_557_443 ``` See [Strava::Models::Upload](lib/strava/models/upload.rb) for all available properties. ### Pagination Some Strava APIs, including [athlete-activities](#list-athlete-activities) support pagination when supplying an optional `page` and `per_page` parameter. By default the client retrieves one page of data, which Strava currently defaults to 30 items. You can paginate through more data by supplying a block and an optional `per_page` parameter. The underlying implementation makes page-sized calls and increments the `page` argument. ```ruby client.athlete_activities(per_page: 30) do |activity| activity # => Strava::Models::Activity end ``` ### OAuth #### OAuth Workflow Obtain a redirect URL using an instance of `Strava::OAuth::Client`. ```ruby client = client_id: "12345", client_secret: "12345678987654321" ) redirect_url = client.authorize_url( redirect_uri: '', approval_prompt: 'force', response_type: 'code', scope: 'activity:read_all', state: 'magic' ) ``` Once the user is redirected to your application, perform a token exchange to obtain a refresh and access token. ```ruby response = client.oauth_token(code: '1234556789901234567890') response # => Strava::Models::Token response.access_token # access token response.refresh_token # refresh token response.expires_at # timestamp when the access token expires response.athlete # => Strava::Models::Athlete ``` See [Strava authentication documentation](, [Strava::Models::Token](lib/strava/models/token.rb) and [Strava::Models::Athlete](lib/strava/models/athlete.rb) for all available properties in the response. If the access token is expired, refresh it before making any requests. You will get back all new tokens. ```ruby response = client.oauth_token( refresh_token: '...', grant_type: 'refresh_token' ) response.access_token # => String, new access token response.refresh_token # => String, new refresh token response.expires_at # => Time, new timestamp when the access token expires ``` #### Deauthorize Revoke access to an athlete's data using an instance of `Strava::API::Client`. ```ruby authorization = client.deauthorize authorization.access_token # => String, access token being revoked ``` #### Command Line OAuth Workflow The OAuth process is web-based and you cannot obtain a token from a Strava client ID and secret without user intervention. You can, however, start a local web server to handle the OAuth redirect and open a browser from the command-line. See [strava-oauth-token](/bin/strava-oauth-token) or [strava-ruby-cli]( for an example. ### Webhooks Strava provides a [Webhook Event API]( that requires special access obtained by emailing []( A complete example that handles subscription creation, deletion and handling can be found in [strava-webhooks](bin/strava-webhooks). Run `strava-webhooks` to see current registrations, `strava-webhooks handle` to run an HTTP server that handles both challenges and event data, `strava-webhooks create [url]` to create a new subscription and `strava-webhooks delete [id]` to delete it. Before creating a webhook subscription you must implement and run an HTTP server that will handle a `GET` challenge at the subscription URL. ```ruby challenge = raise 'Bad Request' unless challenge.verify_token == 'token' response.content_type = 'application/json' response.body = challenge.response.to_json ``` See [Strava::Webhooks::Models::Challenge](lib/strava/webhooks/models/challenge.rb) for details. An existing subscription must be handled in the same HTTP server's `POST` request to the subscription URL. ```ruby event = event # => Strava::Webhooks::Models::Event event.object_type # => 'activity' event.object_id # => 1991813808 event.aspect_type # => 'update' event.updates # => { 'type' => 'Walk' } event.owner_id # => 29323238 event.subscription_id # => 131302 event.event_time # => DateTime ``` See [Strava::Webhooks::Models::Event](lib/strava/webhooks/models/event.rb) for details. Subscriptions can be created, listed and deleted. Create a client. ```ruby client = client_id: "12345", client_secret: "12345678987654321" ) ``` Create a subscription. ```ruby subscription = client.create_push_subscription(callback_url: '', verify_token: 'token') subscription # => Strava::Webhooks::Models::Subscription # => 131300 subscription.callback_url # => '' ``` See [Strava::Webhooks::Models::Subscription](lib/strava/webhooks/models/subscription.rb) for details. List an existing subscription. Strava seems to only allow one. ```ruby subscriptions = client.push_subscriptions subscription = subscriptions.first # => Strava::Webhooks::Models::Subscription # => 131300 subscription.callback_url # => '' ``` Delete an existing subscription. ```ruby client.delete_push_subscription(131300) # => nil ``` ## Configuration ### Web Client Options You can configure web client options used in the OAuth and API clients, globally. ```ruby Strava::Web::Client.configure do |config| config.user_agent = 'Strava Ruby Client/1.0' end ``` The following settings are supported. setting | description --------------------|------------ user_agent | User-agent, defaults to _Strava Ruby Client/version_. proxy | Optional HTTP proxy. ca_path | Optional SSL certificates path. ca_file | Optional SSL certificates file. logger | Optional `Logger` instance that logs HTTP requests. timeout | Optional open/read timeout in seconds. open_timeout | Optional connection open timeout in seconds. ### API Client Options The API client inherits web client options and provides additional application configuration. These can be configured globally or for a client instance. ```ruby Strava::API.configure do |config| config.access_token = "..." # Strava access token end ``` ```ruby client = access_token: "...", user_agent: "..." ) ``` The following settings are supported. setting | description --------------------|------------ access_token | Access token to pass in the `Authorization` header. endpoint | Defaults to ``. ### OAuth Client Options The OAuth client inherits web client options and provides additional application configuration. These can be configured globally or for a client instance. ```ruby Strava::OAuth.configure do |config| config.client_id = "..." # Strava client ID config.client_secret = "..." # Strava client secret end ``` ```ruby client = client_id: "...", client_secret: "...", user_agent: "..." ) ``` The following settings are supported. setting | description --------------------|------------ client_id | Application client ID. client_secret | Application client secret. endpoint | Defaults to ``. ### Webhooks Client Options The Webhooks client inherits web client options and provides additional application configuration. These can be configured globally or for a client instance. ```ruby Strava::Webhooks.configure do |config| config.client_id = "..." # Strava client ID config.client_secret = "..." # Strava client secret end ``` ```ruby client = client_id: "...", client_secret: "...", user_agent: "..." ) ``` The following settings are supported. setting | description --------------------|------------ client_id | Application client ID. client_secret | Application client secret. endpoint | Defaults to ``. ## Errors All errors that return HTTP codes 400-600 result in either `Faraday::Error::ResourceNotFound`, `Faraday::Error::ConnectionFailed` or [Strava::Errors::Fault](lib/strava/errors/fault.rb) exceptions. ```ruby begin client.oauth_token(code: 'invalid') rescue Strava::Errors::Fault => e e.message # => Bad Request e.errors # => [{ 'code' => 'invalid', 'field' => 'code', 'resource' => 'RequestToken' }] e.headers # => { "status" => "403 Bad Request", "x-ratelimit-limit" => "600,30000", "x-ratelimit-usage" => "314,27536" } end ``` ## Tools For a complete set of command-line tools, check out [strava-ruby-cli]( built on top of this gem. ### Strava OAuth Token Use [strava-oauth-token](bin/strava-oauth-token) to obtain a token from the command-line. This will open a new browser window, navigate to Strava, request the appropriate permissions, then handle OAuth in a local redirect. The token type, refresh token, access token and token expiration will be displayed in the browser. ```bash $ STRAVA_CLIENT_ID=... STRAVA_CLIENT_SECRET=... strava-oauth-token ``` ## Users * [Slava: Strava integration with Slack](, [source]( * [Jekyll Blog at](, [source]( ## Resources * [Strava API Documentation]( * [Writing a New Strava API Ruby Client]( * [Dealing with Strava API OAuth Token Migration]( * [Auto-Publishing Strava Runs to Github Pages]( * [Strava Command-Line Client]( ## Contributing See [CONTRIBUTING]( ## Copyright and License Copyright (c) 2018, [Daniel Doubrovkine]( and [Contributors]( This project is licensed under the [MIT License](