require "opentok/constants" require "opentok/exceptions" require "opentok/extensions/hash" require "opentok/version" require "active_support/inflector" require "httparty" require "jwt" module OpenTok # @private For internal use by the SDK. class Client include HTTParty # TODO: expose a setting for http debugging for developers # debug_output $stdout attr_accessor :api_key, :api_secret, :api_url, :ua_addendum, :timeout_length def initialize(api_key, api_secret, api_url, ua_addendum='', opts={}) self.class.base_uri api_url self.class.headers({ "User-Agent" => "OpenTok-Ruby-SDK/#{VERSION}" + "-Ruby-Version-#{RUBY_VERSION}-p#{RUBY_PATCHLEVEL}" + (ua_addendum ? " #{ua_addendum}" : "") }) @api_key = api_key @api_secret = api_secret @timeout_length = opts[:timeout_length] || 2 self.class.open_timeout @timeout_length end def generate_jwt(api_key, api_secret) now = payload = { :iss => api_key, :iat => now, :exp => now + AUTH_EXPIRE } token = JWT.encode payload, api_secret, 'HS256', :ist => 'project' token end def generate_headers(extra_headers = {}) defaults = { "X-OPENTOK-AUTH" => generate_jwt(@api_key, @api_secret) } defaults.merge extra_headers end def create_session(opts) opts.extend(HashExtensions) response ="/session/create", { :body => opts.camelize_keys!, :headers => generate_headers }) case response.code when (200..300) response when 403 raise OpenTokAuthenticationError, "Authentication failed while creating a session. API Key: #{@api_key}" else raise OpenTokError, "Failed to create session. Response code: #{response.code}" end rescue StandardError => e raise OpenTokError, "Failed to connect to OpenTok. Response code: #{e.message}" end def start_archive(session_id, opts) opts.extend(HashExtensions) body = { "sessionId" => session_id }.merge(opts.camelize_keys!) response ="/v2/project/#{@api_key}/archive", { :body => body.to_json, :headers => generate_headers("Content-Type" => "application/json") }) case response.code when 200 response when 400 raise OpenTokArchiveError, "The archive could not be started. The request was invalid or the session has no connected clients." when 403 raise OpenTokAuthenticationError, "Authentication failed while starting an archive. API Key: #{@api_key}" when 404 raise OpenTokArchiveError, "The archive could not be started. The Session ID does not exist: #{session_id}" when 409 raise OpenTokArchiveError, "The archive could not be started. The session could be peer-to-peer or the session is already being recorded." else raise OpenTokArchiveError, "The archive could not be started" end rescue StandardError => e raise OpenTokError, "Failed to connect to OpenTok. Response code: #{e.message}" end def get_archive(archive_id) response = self.class.get("/v2/project/#{@api_key}/archive/#{archive_id}", { :headers => generate_headers }) case response.code when 200 response when 400 raise OpenTokArchiveError, "The archive could not be retrieved. The Archive ID was invalid: #{archive_id}" when 403 raise OpenTokAuthenticationError, "Authentication failed while retrieving an archive. API Key: #{@api_key}" else raise OpenTokArchiveError, "The archive could not be retrieved." end rescue StandardError => e raise OpenTokError, "Failed to connect to OpenTok. Response code: #{e.message}" end def list_archives(offset, count, sessionId) query = query[:offset] = offset unless offset.nil? query[:count] = count unless count.nil? query[:sessionId] = sessionId unless sessionId.nil? response = self.class.get("/v2/project/#{@api_key}/archive", { :query => query.empty? ? nil : query, :headers => generate_headers }) case response.code when 200 response when 403 raise OpenTokAuthenticationError, "Authentication failed while retrieving archives. API Key: #{@api_key}" else raise OpenTokArchiveError, "The archives could not be retrieved." end rescue StandardError => e raise OpenTokError, "Failed to connect to OpenTok. Response code: #{e.message}" end def stop_archive(archive_id) response ="/v2/project/#{@api_key}/archive/#{archive_id}/stop", { :headers => generate_headers("Content-Type" => "application/json") }) case response.code when 200 response when 400 raise OpenTokArchiveError, "The archive could not be stopped. The request was invalid." when 403 raise OpenTokAuthenticationError, "Authentication failed while stopping an archive. API Key: #{@api_key}" when 404 raise OpenTokArchiveError, "The archive could not be stopped. The Archive ID does not exist: #{archive_id}" when 409 raise OpenTokArchiveError, "The archive could not be stopped. The archive is not currently recording." else raise OpenTokArchiveError, "The archive could not be stopped." end rescue StandardError => e raise OpenTokError, "Failed to connect to OpenTok. Response code: #{e.message}" end def delete_archive(archive_id) response = self.class.delete("/v2/project/#{@api_key}/archive/#{archive_id}", { :headers => generate_headers("Content-Type" => "application/json") }) case response.code when 204 response when 403 raise OpenTokAuthenticationError, "Authentication failed or an invalid Archive ID was given while deleting an archive. API Key: #{@api_key}, Archive ID: #{archive_id}" when 409 raise OpenTokArchiveError, "The archive could not be deleted. The status must be 'available', 'deleted', or 'uploaded'. Archive ID: #{archive_id}" else raise OpenTokArchiveError, "The archive could not be deleted." end rescue StandardError => e raise OpenTokError, "Failed to connect to OpenTok. Response code: #{e.message}" end def layout_archive(archive_id, opts) opts.extend(HashExtensions) response = self.class.put("/v2/project/#{@api_key}/archive/#{archive_id}/layout", { :body => opts.camelize_keys!.to_json, :headers => generate_headers("Content-Type" => "application/json") }) case response.code when 200 response when 400 raise OpenTokArchiveError, "Setting the layout failed. The request was invalid or invalid layout options were given." when 403 raise OpenTokAuthenticationError, "Authentication failed. API Key: #{@api_key}" when 500 raise OpenTokError, "Setting the layout failed. OpenTok server error." else raise OpenTokArchiveError, "Setting the layout failed." end rescue StandardError => e raise OpenTokError, "Failed to connect to OpenTok. Response code: #{e.message}" end def select_streams_for_archive(archive_id, opts) opts.extend(HashExtensions) body = opts.camelize_keys! response = self.class.patch("/v2/project/#{@api_key}/archive/#{archive_id}/streams", { :body => body.to_json, :headers => generate_headers("Content-Type" => "application/json") }) case response.code when 204 response when 400 raise OpenTokArchiveError, "The request was invalid." when 403 raise OpenTokAuthenticationError, "Authentication failed. API Key: #{@api_key}" when 404 raise OpenTokArchiveError, "No matching archive found with the specified ID: #{archive_id}" when 405 raise OpenTokArchiveError, "The archive was started with streamMode set to 'auto', which does not support stream manipulation." when 500 raise OpenTokError, "OpenTok server error." else raise OpenTokArchiveError, "The archive streams could not be updated." end rescue StandardError => e raise OpenTokError, "Failed to connect to OpenTok. Response code: #{e.message}" end def forceDisconnect(session_id, connection_id) response = self.class.delete("/v2/project/#{@api_key}/session/#{session_id}/connection/#{connection_id}", { :headers => generate_headers("Content-Type" => "application/json") }) case response.code when 204 response when 400 raise ArgumentError, "Force disconnect failed. Connection ID #{connection_id} or Session ID #{session_id} is invalid" when 403 raise OpenTokAuthenticationError, "You are not authorized to forceDisconnect, check your authentication credentials or token type is non-moderator" when 404 raise OpenTokConnectionError, "The client specified by the connection ID: #{connection_id} is not connected to the session" end rescue StandardError => e raise OpenTokError, "Failed to connect to OpenTok. Response code: #{e.message}" end def force_mute_stream(session_id, stream_id) response ="/v2/project/#{@api_key}/session/#{session_id}/stream/#{stream_id}/mute", { :headers => generate_headers("Content-Type" => "application/json") }) case response.code when 200 response when 400 raise ArgumentError, "Force mute failed. Stream ID #{stream_id} or Session ID #{session_id} is invalid" when 403 raise OpenTokAuthenticationError, "Authentication failed. API Key: #{@api_key}" when 404 raise OpenTokConnectionError, "Either Stream ID #{stream_id} or Session ID #{session_id} is invalid" end rescue StandardError => e raise OpenTokError, "Failed to connect to OpenTok. Response code: #{e.message}" end def force_mute_session(session_id, opts) opts.extend(HashExtensions) body = opts.camelize_keys! response ="/v2/project/#{@api_key}/session/#{session_id}/mute", { :body => body.to_json, :headers => generate_headers("Content-Type" => "application/json") }) case response.code when 200 response when 400 raise ArgumentError, "Force mute failed. The request could not be processed due to a bad request" when 403 raise OpenTokAuthenticationError, "Authentication failed. API Key: #{@api_key}" when 404 raise OpenTokConnectionError, "Session ID #{session_id} is invalid" end rescue StandardError => e raise OpenTokError, "Failed to connect to OpenTok. Response code: #{e.message}" end def signal(session_id, connection_id, opts) opts.extend(HashExtensions) connectionPath = connection_id.to_s.empty? ? "" : "/connection/#{connection_id}" url = "/v2/project/#{@api_key}/session/#{session_id}#{connectionPath}/signal" response =, { :body => opts.camelize_keys!.to_json, :headers => generate_headers("Content-Type" => "application/json") }) case response.code when 204 response when 400 raise ArgumentError, "One of the signal properties — data, type, sessionId or connectionId — is invalid." when 403 raise OpenTokAuthenticationError, "You are not authorized to send the signal. Check your authentication credentials." when 404 raise OpenTokError, "The client specified by the connectionId property is not connected to the session." when 413 raise OpenTokError, "The type string exceeds the maximum length (128 bytes), or the data string exceeds the maximum size (8 kB)." else raise OpenTokError, "The signal could not be send." end rescue StandardError => e raise OpenTokError, "Failed to connect to OpenTok. Response code: #{e.message}" end def dial(session_id, token, sip_uri, opts) opts.extend(HashExtensions) body = { "sessionId" => session_id, "token" => token, "sip" => { "uri" => sip_uri }.merge(opts.camelize_keys!) } response ="/v2/project/#{@api_key}/dial", { :body => body.to_json, :headers => generate_headers("Content-Type" => "application/json") }) case response.code when 200 response when 403 raise OpenTokAuthenticationError, "Authentication failed while dialing a SIP session. API Key: #{@api_key}" when 404 raise OpenTokSipError, "The SIP session could not be dialed. The Session ID does not exist: #{session_id}" else raise OpenTokSipError, "The SIP session could not be dialed" end rescue StandardError => e raise OpenTokError, "Failed to connect to OpenTok. Response code: #{e.message}" end def play_dtmf_to_connection(session_id, connection_id, dtmf_digits) body = { "digits" => dtmf_digits } response ="/v2/project/#{@api_key}/session/#{session_id}/connection/#{connection_id}/play-dtmf", { :body => body.to_json, :headers => generate_headers("Content-Type" => "application/json") }) case response.code when 200 response when 400 raise ArgumentError, "One of the properties — dtmf_digits #{dtmf_digits} or session_id #{session_id} — is invalid." when 403 raise OpenTokAuthenticationError, "Authentication failed. This can occur if you use an invalid OpenTok API key or an invalid JSON web token. API Key: #{@api_key}" when 404 raise OpenTokError, "The specified session #{session_id} does not exist or the client specified by the #{connection_id} property is not connected to the session." else raise OpenTokError, "An error occurred when attempting to play DTMF digits to the session" end rescue StandardError => e raise OpenTokError, "Failed to connect to OpenTok. Response code: #{e.message}" end def play_dtmf_to_session(session_id, dtmf_digits) body = { "digits" => dtmf_digits } response ="/v2/project/#{@api_key}/session/#{session_id}/play-dtmf", { :body => body.to_json, :headers => generate_headers("Content-Type" => "application/json") }) case response.code when 200 response when 400 raise ArgumentError, "One of the properties — dtmf_digits #{dtmf_digits} or session_id #{session_id} — is invalid." when 403 raise OpenTokAuthenticationError, "Authentication failed. This can occur if you use an invalid OpenTok API key or an invalid JSON web token. API Key: #{@api_key}" when 404 raise OpenTokError, "The specified session does not exist. Session ID: #{session_id}" else raise OpenTokError, "An error occurred when attempting to play DTMF digits to the session" end rescue StandardError => e raise OpenTokError, "Failed to connect to OpenTok. Response code: #{e.message}" end def info_stream(session_id, stream_id) streamId = stream_id.to_s.empty? ? '' : "/#{stream_id}" url = "/v2/project/#{@api_key}/session/#{session_id}/stream#{streamId}" response = self.class.get(url, headers: generate_headers('Content-Type' => 'application/json')) case response.code when 200 response when 400 raise ArgumentError, 'Invalid request. You did not pass in a valid session ID or stream ID.' when 403 raise OpenTokAuthenticationError, 'Check your authentication credentials. You passed in an invalid OpenTok API key.' when 408 raise ArgumentError, 'You passed in an invalid stream ID.' when 500 raise OpenTokError, 'OpenTok server error.' else raise OpenTokError, 'Could not fetch the stream information.' end rescue StandardError => e raise OpenTokError, "Failed to connect to OpenTok. Response code: #{e.message}" end def layout_streams(session_id, opts) opts.extend(HashExtensions) response = self.class.put("/v2/project/#{@api_key}/session/#{session_id}/stream", { :body => opts.camelize_keys!.to_json, :headers => generate_headers("Content-Type" => "application/json") }) case response.code when 200 response when 400 raise OpenTokStreamLayoutError, "Setting the layout failed. The request was invalid or invalid layout options were given." when 403 raise OpenTokAuthenticationError, "Authentication failed. API Key: #{@api_key}" when 500 raise OpenTokError, "Setting the layout failed. OpenTok server error." else raise OpenTokStreamLayoutError, "Setting the layout failed." end rescue StandardError => e raise OpenTokError, "Failed to connect to OpenTok. Response code: #{e.message}" end def start_broadcast(session_id, opts) opts.extend(HashExtensions) body = { :sessionId => session_id }.merge(opts.camelize_keys!) response ="/v2/project/#{@api_key}/broadcast", { :body => body.to_json, :headers => generate_headers("Content-Type" => "application/json") }) case response.code when 200 response when 400 raise OpenTokBroadcastError, "The broadcast could not be started. The request was invalid or invalid layout options or exceeded the limit of five simultaneous RTMP streams." when 403 raise OpenTokAuthenticationError, "Authentication failed while starting a broadcast. API Key: #{@api_key}" when 409 raise OpenTokBroadcastError, "The broadcast has already been started for this session." when 500 raise OpenTokError, "OpenTok server error." else raise OpenTokBroadcastError, "The broadcast could not be started" end rescue StandardError => e raise OpenTokError, "Failed to connect to OpenTok. Response code: #{e.message}" end def get_broadcast(broadcast_id) response = self.class.get("/v2/project/#{@api_key}/broadcast/#{broadcast_id}", { :headers => generate_headers }) case response.code when 200 response when 400 raise OpenTokBroadcastError, "The request was invalid." when 403 raise OpenTokAuthenticationError, "Authentication failed while getting a broadcast. API Key: #{@api_key}" when 404 raise OpenTokBroadcastError, "No matching broadcast found (with the specified ID)" when 500 raise OpenTokError, "OpenTok server error." else raise OpenTokBroadcastError, "Could not fetch broadcast information." end rescue StandardError => e raise OpenTokError, "Failed to connect to OpenTok. Response code: #{e.message}" end def stop_broadcast(broadcast_id) response ="/v2/project/#{@api_key}/broadcast/#{broadcast_id}/stop", { :headers => generate_headers }) case response.code when 200 response when 400 raise OpenTokBroadcastError, "The request was invalid." when 403 raise OpenTokAuthenticationError, "Authentication failed while stopping a broadcast. API Key: #{@api_key}" when 404 raise OpenTokBroadcastError, "No matching broadcast found (with the specified ID) or it is already stopped" when 500 raise OpenTokError, "OpenTok server error." else raise OpenTokBroadcastError, "The broadcast could not be stopped." end rescue StandardError => e raise OpenTokError, "Failed to connect to OpenTok. Response code: #{e.message}" end def list_broadcasts(offset, count, session_id) query = query[:offset] = offset unless offset.nil? query[:count] = count unless count.nil? query[:sessionId] = session_id unless session_id.nil? response = self.class.get("/v2/project/#{@api_key}/broadcast", { :query => query.empty? ? nil : query, :headers => generate_headers, }) case response.code when 200 response when 403 raise OpenTokAuthenticationError, "Authentication failed while retrieving broadcasts. API Key: #{@api_key}" else raise OpenTokBroadcastError, "The broadcasts could not be retrieved." end rescue StandardError => e raise OpenTokError, "Failed to connect to OpenTok. Response code: #{e.message}" end def layout_broadcast(broadcast_id, opts) opts.extend(HashExtensions) response = self.class.put("/v2/project/#{@api_key}/broadcast/#{broadcast_id}/layout", { :body => opts.camelize_keys!.to_json, :headers => generate_headers("Content-Type" => "application/json") }) case response.code when 200 response when 400 raise OpenTokBroadcastError, "The layout operation could not be performed. The request was invalid or invalid layout options." when 403 raise OpenTokAuthenticationError, "Authentication failed for broadcast layout. API Key: #{@api_key}" when 500 raise OpenTokError, "OpenTok server error." else raise OpenTokBroadcastError, "The broadcast layout could not be performed." end rescue StandardError => e raise OpenTokError, "Failed to connect to OpenTok. Response code: #{e.message}" end def select_streams_for_broadcast(broadcast_id, opts) opts.extend(HashExtensions) body = opts.camelize_keys! response = self.class.patch("/v2/project/#{@api_key}/broadcast/#{broadcast_id}/streams", { :body => body.to_json, :headers => generate_headers("Content-Type" => "application/json") }) case response.code when 204 response when 400 raise OpenTokBroadcastError, "The request was invalid." when 403 raise OpenTokAuthenticationError, "Authentication failed. API Key: #{@api_key}" when 404 raise OpenTokBroadcastError, "No matching broadcast found with the specified ID: #{broadcast_id}" when 405 raise OpenTokBroadcastError, "The broadcast was started with streamMode set to 'auto', which does not support stream manipulation." when 500 raise OpenTokError, "OpenTok server error." else raise OpenTokBroadcastError, "The broadcast streams could not be updated." end rescue StandardError => e raise OpenTokError, "Failed to connect to OpenTok. Response code: #{e.message}" end end end