HasTranslations v0.3.1 ====================== This simple plugin creates translations for your model. Uses delegation pattern: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delegation_pattern Tested with ActiveRecord versions: 2.3.5, 2.3.9, 3.0.0 (to test with Rails 3 run `rake RAILS_VERSION=3.0`) Installation ============ gem install has_translations or as a plugin script/plugin install git://github.com/dmitry/has_translations.git Example ======= For example you have Article model and you want to have title and text to be translated. Create model named ArticleTranslation (Rule: [CamelCaseModelName]Translation) Migration should have `locale` as a string with two letters and `belongs_to associative id`, like: class CreateArticleTranslations < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up create_table :article_translations do |t| t.integer :article_id, :null => false t.string :locale, :null => false, :limit => 2 t.string :title, :null => false t.text :text, :null => false end add_index :article_translations, [:article_id, :locale], :unique => true end def self.down drop_table :article_translations end end Add to article model `translations :value1, :value2`: class Article < ActiveRecord::Base translations :title, :text end And that's it. Now you can add your translations using: article = Article.create article.translations.create(:locale => 'en', :title => 'title', :text => 'text') # or ArticleTranslation.create(:article => article, :locale => 'en', :title => 'title', :text => 'text') article.translations.create(:locale => 'ru', :title => 'заголовок', :text => 'текст') article.reload # reload cached translations association array I18n.locale = :en article.text # text I18n.locale = :ru article.title # заголовок You can use text filtering plugins, like acts_as_sanitiled and validations, and anything else that is available to the ActiveRecord: class ArticleTranslation < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_sanitiled :title, :text validates_presence_of :title, :text validates_length_of :title, :maximum => 100 end Options: * :fallback => true [default: false] - fallback 1) default locale; 2) first from translations; * :reader => false [default: true] - add reader to the model object * :writer => true [default: false] - add writer to the model object * :nil => nil [default: ''] - if no model found by default returns empty string, you can set it for example to `nil` (no `lambda` supported) It's better to use translations with `accepts_nested_attributes_for`: accepts_nested_attributes_for :translations To create a form for this you can use `all_translations` method. It's have all the locales that you have added using the `I18n.available_locales=` method. If translation for one of the locale isn't exists, it will build it with :locale. So an example which I used in the production (using `formtastic` gem): <% semantic_form_for [:admin, @article] do |f| %> <%= f.error_messages %> <% f.inputs :name => "Basic" do %> <% object.all_translations.values.each do |translation| %> <% f.semantic_fields_for :translations, translation do |ft| %> <%= ft.input :title, :label => "Title #{ft.object.locale.to_s.upcase}" %> <%= ft.input :text, :label => "Text #{ft.object.locale.to_s.upcase}" %> <%= ft.input :locale, :as => :hidden %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> Sometimes you have validations in the translation model, and if you want to skip the translations that you don't want to add to the database, you can use `:reject_if` option, which is available for the `accepts_nested_attributes_for`: accepts_nested_attributes_for :translations, :reject_if => lambda { |attrs| attrs['title'].blank? && attrs['text'].blank? } named_scope `translated(locale)` - with that named_scope you can find only those models that is translated only to specific locale. For example if you will have 2 models, one is translated to english and the second one isn't, then it `Article.translated(:en)` will find only first one. PS == I suggest you to use latest i18n gem, include it in your rails 2 environment: config.gem 'i18n', :version => '0.4.1' # change version to the latest TODO ==== * add installation description to readme * model and migration generators * caching * write more examples: fallback feature * write blog post about comparison and benefits of this plugin between another translation model plugins Alternatives ============ I know three of them: * [puret](http://github.com/jo/puret) - special for Rails 3 and almost the same as this project. * [globalite2](http://github.com/joshmh/globalize2) - a lot of magic. * [model_translations](http://github.com/janne/model_translations) - almost the same as this project, but more with more code in lib. * [translatable_columns](http://github.com/iain/translatable_columns) - different approach: every column have own postfix "_#{locale}" in the same table (sometimes it could be fine). Used in ======= [noch.es](http://noch.es/), [eten.es](http://www.eten.es), [sem.ee](http://sem.ee/) Copyright (c) 2009-2010 [Dmitry Polushkin], released under the MIT license