# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' module Synvert::Core describe Rewriter::Instance do let(:instance) { rewriter = Rewriter.new('foo', 'bar') Rewriter::Instance.new(rewriter, 'code.rb') } it 'parses find_node' do scope = double block = proc {} expect(Rewriter::WithinScope).to receive(:new).with( instance, '.send[message=create]', {}, &block ).and_return(scope) expect(scope).to receive(:process) instance.find_node('.send[message=create]', &block) end it 'raises ParseError when parsing invalid nql' do block = proc {} expect { instance.find_node('synvert', &block) }.to raise_error(NodeQuery::Compiler::ParseError) expect { instance.find_node('.block .hash', &block) }.to raise_error(NodeQuery::Compiler::ParseError) end it 'parses within_node' do scope = double block = proc {} expect(Rewriter::WithinScope).to receive(:new) .with(instance, { type: 'send', message: 'create' }, {}, &block) .and_return(scope) expect(scope).to receive(:process) instance.within_node(type: 'send', message: 'create', &block) end it 'parses with_node' do scope = double block = proc {} expect(Rewriter::WithinScope).to receive(:new) .with(instance, { type: 'send', message: 'create' }, {}, &block) .and_return(scope) expect(scope).to receive(:process) instance.with_node(type: 'send', message: 'create', &block) end it 'parses within_node with stop_at_first_match true' do scope = double block = proc {} expect(Rewriter::WithinScope).to receive(:new) .with(instance, { type: 'send', message: 'create' }, { stop_at_first_match: true }, &block) .and_return(scope) expect(scope).to receive(:process) instance.within_node({ type: 'send', message: 'create' }, { stop_at_first_match: true }, &block) end it 'parses goto_node' do scope = double block = proc {} expect(Rewriter::GotoScope).to receive(:new).with(instance, 'caller.receiver', &block).and_return(scope) expect(scope).to receive(:process) instance.goto_node('caller.receiver', &block) end it 'parses if_exist_node' do condition = double block = proc {} expect(Rewriter::IfExistCondition).to receive(:new) .with(instance, { type: 'send', message: 'create' }, &block) .and_return(condition) expect(condition).to receive(:process) instance.if_exist_node(type: 'send', message: 'create', &block) end it 'parses unless_exist_node' do condition = double block = proc {} expect(Rewriter::UnlessExistCondition).to receive(:new) .with(instance, { type: 'send', message: 'create' }, &block) .and_return(condition) expect(condition).to receive(:process) instance.unless_exist_node(type: 'send', message: 'create', &block) end it 'parses append' do instance.instance_variable_set(:@current_mutation, double) instance.current_node = double expect(instance.instance_variable_get(:@current_mutation)).to receive(:append).with( instance.current_node, 'Foobar' ) instance.append 'Foobar' end it 'parses prepend' do instance.instance_variable_set(:@current_mutation, double) instance.current_node = double expect(instance.instance_variable_get(:@current_mutation)).to receive(:prepend).with( instance.current_node, 'Foobar' ) instance.prepend 'Foobar' end it 'parses insert at end' do instance.instance_variable_set(:@current_mutation, double) instance.current_node = double expect(instance.instance_variable_get(:@current_mutation)).to receive(:insert).with( instance.current_node, 'Foobar', at: 'end', to: 'receiver', and_comma: false ) instance.insert 'Foobar', to: 'receiver' end it 'parses insert at beginning' do instance.instance_variable_set(:@current_mutation, double) instance.current_node = double expect(instance.instance_variable_get(:@current_mutation)).to receive(:insert).with( instance.current_node, 'Foobar', at: 'beginning', to: nil, and_comma: false ) instance.insert 'Foobar', at: 'beginning' end it 'parses insert_after' do expect(@current_mutation).to receive_message_chain(:adapter, :get_start_loc, :column).and_return(2) instance.current_node = double expect(instance.instance_variable_get(:@current_mutation)).to receive(:insert).with( instance.current_node, "\n Foobar", at: 'end', to: 'caller', and_comma: false ) instance.insert_after 'Foobar', to: 'caller' end it 'parses insert_before' do expect(@current_mutation).to receive_message_chain(:adapter, :get_start_loc, :column).and_return(2) instance.current_node = double expect(instance.instance_variable_get(:@current_mutation)).to receive(:insert).with( instance.current_node, "Foobar\n ", at: 'beginning', to: 'caller', and_comma: false ) instance.insert_before 'Foobar', to: 'caller' end it 'parses replace_erb_stmt_with_expr' do adapter = NodeMutation::ParserAdapter.new instance.instance_variable_set(:@current_mutation, double(adapter: adapter)) instance.current_node = double action = double erb_source = '<% form_for @post do |f| %><% end %>' allow(File).to receive(:read).and_return(erb_source) expect(instance.instance_variable_get(:@current_mutation)).to receive(:actions).and_return([]) expect(Rewriter::ReplaceErbStmtWithExprAction).to receive(:new).with( instance.current_node, erb_source, adapter: adapter ).and_return(action) expect(action).to receive(:process) instance.replace_erb_stmt_with_expr end it 'parses replace_with' do instance.instance_variable_set(:@current_mutation, double) instance.current_node = double expect(instance.instance_variable_get(:@current_mutation)).to receive(:replace_with).with( instance.current_node, 'Foobar' ) instance.replace_with 'Foobar' end it 'parses replace with' do instance.instance_variable_set(:@current_mutation, double) instance.current_node = double expect(instance.instance_variable_get(:@current_mutation)).to receive(:replace).with( instance.current_node, :message, with: 'Foobar' ) instance.replace :message, with: 'Foobar' end it 'parses remove' do instance.instance_variable_set(:@current_mutation, double) instance.current_node = double expect(instance.instance_variable_get(:@current_mutation)).to receive(:remove).with( instance.current_node, and_comma: true ) instance.remove and_comma: true end it 'parses delete' do instance.instance_variable_set(:@current_mutation, double) instance.current_node = double expect(instance.instance_variable_get(:@current_mutation)).to receive(:delete).with( instance.current_node, :dot, :message, and_comma: true ) instance.delete :dot, :message, and_comma: true end it 'parses wrap' do instance.instance_variable_set(:@current_mutation, double) instance.current_node = double expect(instance.instance_variable_get(:@current_mutation)).to receive(:wrap).with( instance.current_node, prefix: 'module Foobar', suffix: 'end', newline: true ) instance.wrap prefix: 'module Foobar', suffix: 'end', newline: true end it 'parses indent' do instance.instance_variable_set(:@current_mutation, double) instance.current_node = double expect(instance.instance_variable_get(:@current_mutation)).to receive(:indent).with( instance.current_node, tab_size: 1 ) instance.indent end it 'parses noop' do instance.instance_variable_set(:@current_mutation, double) instance.current_node = double expect(instance.instance_variable_get(:@current_mutation)).to receive(:noop).with(instance.current_node) instance.noop end it 'parses group' do instance.instance_variable_set(:@current_mutation, double) instance.current_node = double expect(instance.instance_variable_get(:@current_mutation)).to receive(:group) instance.group {} end it 'parses warn' do expect(Rewriter::Warning).to receive(:new).with(instance, 'foobar') instance.warn 'foobar' end it 'adds action' do mutation = NodeMutation.new("", adapter: :parser) instance.instance_variable_set(:@current_mutation, mutation) action = double expect(action).to receive(:process).and_return(action) instance.add_action(action) expect(mutation.actions).to eq [action] end describe '#process' do let(:rewriter) { Rewriter.new('foo', 'bar') } it 'writes new code to file' do instance = Rewriter::Instance.new rewriter, 'spec/models/post_spec.rb' do with_node type: 'send', receiver: 'FactoryGirl', message: 'create' do replace_with 'create {{arguments}}' end end input = <<~EOS it 'uses factory_girl' do user = FactoryGirl.create :user post = FactoryGirl.create :post, user: user assert post.valid? end EOS output = <<~EOS it 'uses factory_girl' do user = create :user post = create :post, user: user assert post.valid? end EOS expect(File).to receive(:read).with('./spec/models/post_spec.rb', encoding: 'UTF-8').and_return(input) expect(File).to receive(:write).with('./spec/models/post_spec.rb', output) instance.process end it 'does not write if file content is not changed' do instance = Rewriter::Instance.new rewriter, 'spec/spec_helper.rb' do with_node type: 'block', caller: { receiver: 'RSpec', message: 'configure' } do unless_exist_node type: 'send', message: 'include', arguments: ['FactoryGirl::Syntax::Methods'] do insert '{{arguments.first}}.include FactoryGirl::Syntax::Methods' end end end input = <<~EOS RSpec.configure do |config| config.include FactoryGirl::Syntax::Methods end EOS output = <<~EOS RSpec.configure do |config| config.include FactoryGirl::Syntax::Methods end EOS expect(File).to receive(:read).with('./spec/spec_helper.rb', encoding: 'UTF-8').and_return(input) expect(File).not_to receive(:write).with('./spec/spec_helper.rb', output) instance.process end it 'updates file_source and file_ast when writing a file' do instance = Rewriter::Instance.new rewriter, 'spec/models/post_spec.rb' do with_node type: 'send', receiver: 'FactoryGirl', message: 'create' do replace_with 'create {{arguments}}' end end input = <<~EOS it 'uses factory_girl' do user = FactoryGirl.create :user post = FactoryGirl.create :post, user: user assert post.valid? end EOS output = <<~EOS it 'uses factory_girl' do user = create :user post = create :post, user: user assert post.valid? end EOS expect(File).to receive(:read).with('./spec/models/post_spec.rb', encoding: 'UTF-8').and_return(input) expect(File).to receive(:write).with('./spec/models/post_spec.rb', output) expect(File).to receive(:read).with('./spec/models/post_spec.rb', encoding: 'UTF-8').and_return(output) instance.process instance.process expect(rewriter.affected_files).to be_include('spec/models/post_spec.rb') end it 'updates erb file' do instance = Rewriter::Instance.new rewriter, 'app/views/posts/_form.html.erb' do with_node type: 'send', receiver: nil, message: 'form_for' do replace_erb_stmt_with_expr end end input = <<~EOS <% form_for @post do |f| %> <% end %> EOS output = <<~EOS <%= form_for @post do |f| %> <% end %> EOS allow(File).to receive(:read).with('./app/views/posts/_form.html.erb', encoding: 'UTF-8').and_return(input) expect(File).to receive(:write).with('./app/views/posts/_form.html.erb', output) instance.process end it 'updates haml file' do instance = Rewriter::Instance.new rewriter, 'app/views/posts/_form.html.haml' do with_node node_type: 'ivar' do replace_with 'post' end end input = <<~EOS = form_for @post do |f| = form_for @post do |f| EOS output = <<~EOS = form_for post do |f| = form_for post do |f| EOS allow(File).to receive(:read).with('./app/views/posts/_form.html.haml', encoding: 'UTF-8').and_return(input) expect(File).to receive(:write).with('./app/views/posts/_form.html.haml', output) instance.process end it 'updates slim file' do instance = Rewriter::Instance.new rewriter, 'app/views/posts/_form.html.slim' do with_node node_type: 'ivar' do replace_with 'post' end end input = <<~EOS = form_for @post do |f| = form_for @post do |f| EOS output = <<~EOS = form_for post do |f| = form_for post do |f| EOS allow(File).to receive(:read).with('./app/views/posts/_form.html.slim', encoding: 'UTF-8').and_return(input) expect(File).to receive(:write).with('./app/views/posts/_form.html.slim', output) instance.process end end describe '#test' do let(:rewriter) { Rewriter.new('foo', 'bar') } it 'gets actions if affected' do instance = Rewriter::Instance.new rewriter, 'spec/models/post_spec.rb' do with_node type: 'send', receiver: 'FactoryGirl', message: 'create' do replace_with 'create {{arguments}}' end end input = <<~EOS it 'uses factory_girl' do user = FactoryGirl.create :user post = FactoryGirl.create :post, user: user assert post.valid? end EOS expect(File).to receive(:read).with('./spec/models/post_spec.rb', encoding: 'UTF-8').and_return(input) results = instance.test expect(results.file_path).to eq 'spec/models/post_spec.rb' expect(results.actions).to eq [ NodeMutation::Struct::Action.new(:replace, 35, 59, 'create :user'), NodeMutation::Struct::Action.new(:replace, 69, 105, 'create :post, user: user') ] end context 'Configuration.test_result is new_source' do before { Configuration.test_result = 'new_source' } after { Configuration.test_result = nil } it 'gets new_source' do instance = Rewriter::Instance.new rewriter, 'spec/models/post_spec.rb' do with_node type: 'send', receiver: 'FactoryGirl', message: 'create' do replace_with 'create {{arguments}}' end end input = <<~EOS it 'uses factory_girl' do user = FactoryGirl.create :user post = FactoryGirl.create :post, user: user assert post.valid? end EOS expect(File).to receive(:read).with('./spec/models/post_spec.rb', encoding: 'UTF-8').and_return(input) results = instance.test expect(results.file_path).to eq 'spec/models/post_spec.rb' expect(results.new_source).to eq <<~EOS it 'uses factory_girl' do user = create :user post = create :post, user: user assert post.valid? end EOS end end it 'gets nothing if not affected' do instance = Rewriter::Instance.new rewriter, 'spec/spec_helper.rb' do with_node type: 'block', caller: { receiver: 'RSpec', message: 'configure' } do unless_exist_node type: 'send', message: 'include', arguments: ['FactoryGirl::Syntax::Methods'] do insert '{{arguments.first}}.include FactoryGirl::Syntax::Methods' end end end input = <<~EOS RSpec.configure do |config| config.include FactoryGirl::Syntax::Methods end EOS expect(File).to receive(:read).with('./spec/spec_helper.rb', encoding: 'UTF-8').and_return(input) result = instance.test expect(result.file_path).to eq 'spec/spec_helper.rb' expect(result.actions).to eq [] end it 'updates erb file' do instance = Rewriter::Instance.new rewriter, 'app/views/posts/_form.html.erb' do with_node type: 'send', receiver: nil, message: 'form_for' do replace_erb_stmt_with_expr end end input = <<~EOS <% form_for @post do |f| %> <% end %> EOS allow(File).to receive(:read).with('./app/views/posts/_form.html.erb', encoding: 'UTF-8').and_return(input) result = instance.test expect(result.file_path).to eq 'app/views/posts/_form.html.erb' expect(result.actions).to eq [NodeMutation::Struct::Action.new(:insert, 2, 2, '=')] end it 'updates haml file' do instance = Rewriter::Instance.new rewriter, 'app/views/posts/_form.html.haml' do with_node node_type: 'ivar' do replace_with 'post' end end input = <<~EOS = form_for @post do |f| = form_for @post do |f| EOS output = <<~EOS = form_for post do |f| = form_for post do |f| EOS allow(File).to receive(:read).with('./app/views/posts/_form.html.haml', encoding: 'UTF-8').and_return(input) result = instance.test expect(result.file_path).to eq 'app/views/posts/_form.html.haml' expect(result.actions).to eq [ NodeMutation::Struct::Action.new(:replace, "= form_for ".length, "= form_for @post".length, 'post'), NodeMutation::Struct::Action.new( :replace, "= form_for @post do |f|\n= form_for ".length, "= form_for @post do |f|\n= form_for @post".length, 'post' ), ] end it 'updates slim file' do instance = Rewriter::Instance.new rewriter, 'app/views/posts/_form.html.slim' do with_node node_type: 'ivar' do replace_with 'post' end end input = <<~EOS = form_for @post do |f| = form_for @post do |f| EOS output = <<~EOS = form_for post do |f| = form_for post do |f| EOS allow(File).to receive(:read).with('./app/views/posts/_form.html.slim', encoding: 'UTF-8').and_return(input) result = instance.test expect(result.file_path).to eq 'app/views/posts/_form.html.slim' expect(result.actions).to eq [ NodeMutation::Struct::Action.new(:replace, "= form_for ".length, "= form_for @post".length, 'post'), NodeMutation::Struct::Action.new( :replace, "= form_for @post do |f|\n= form_for ".length, "= form_for @post do |f|\n= form_for @post".length, 'post' ), ] end end describe '#process_with_node' do it 'resets current_node' do node1 = double node2 = double instance.process_with_node(node1) do instance.current_node = node2 expect(instance.current_node).to eq node2 end expect(instance.current_node).to eq node1 end end describe '#process_with_other_node' do it 'resets current_node' do node1 = double node2 = double node3 = double instance.current_node = node1 instance.process_with_other_node(node2) do instance.current_node = node3 expect(instance.current_node).to eq node3 end expect(instance.current_node).to eq node1 end end describe '#wrap_with_quotes' do context 'Configuration.single_quote = true' do it 'wraps with single quotes' do expect(instance.wrap_with_quotes('foobar')).to eq "'foobar'" end it 'wraps with double quotes if it contains single quote' do expect(instance.wrap_with_quotes("foo'bar")).to eq '"foo\'bar"' end it 'wraps with signle quotes and escapes single quote' do expect(instance.wrap_with_quotes("foo'\"bar")).to eq "'foo\\'\"bar'" end end context 'Configuration.single_quote = false' do before { Configuration.single_quote = false } after { Configuration.single_quote = nil } it 'wraps with double quotes' do expect(instance.wrap_with_quotes('foobar')).to eq '"foobar"' end it 'wraps with single quotes if it contains double quote' do expect(instance.wrap_with_quotes('foo"bar')).to eq "'foo\"bar'" end it 'wraps with double quotes and escapes double quote' do expect(instance.wrap_with_quotes("foo'\"bar")).to eq '"foo\'\\"bar"' end end end describe '#add_leading_spaces' do it 'adds leading spaces' do expect(instance.add_leading_spaces('foo')).to eq ' foo'; expect(instance.add_leading_spaces('foo', tab_size: 2)).to eq ' foo'; end end end end