describe(rio.Parameters, { beforeEach: function() { this.parameters = new rio.Parameters({ arg: "value", anotherArg: 3 }); }, "should provide an ajax parameters representation": function() { this.parameters.ajaxParameters().arg.shouldEqual("value"); this.parameters.ajaxParameters().another_arg.shouldEqual(3); }, "should provide a condition function that determines if an Attr instance meets the parameters": function() { var model = rio.Model.create({ attrReaders: ["arg", "anotherArg", "unrelatedArg"] }); var meetsConditions = new model({ arg: "value", anotherArg: 3, unrelatedArg: "asdfqwer" }); this.parameters.conditionFunction()(meetsConditions).shouldBeTrue(); var doesNotMeetConditions = new model({ arg: "asdf", anotherArg: 2, unrelatedArg: "asdfqwer" }); this.parameters.conditionFunction()(doesNotMeetConditions).shouldBeFalse(); }, "should provide a condition function that matches two id's by cacheKey": function() { var model = rio.Model.create({ resource: "/model", attrReaders: ["arg", "anotherArg", "unrelatedArg"] }); var id =; var meetsConditions = new model({ arg: "value", anotherArg: id, unrelatedArg: "asdfqwer" }); var parameters = new rio.Parameters({ anotherArg: id }).conditionFunction()(meetsConditions).shouldBeTrue(); }, "should provide a condition function that matches one id against an integer": function() { var model = rio.Model.create({ resource: "/model", attrReaders: ["arg", "anotherArg", "unrelatedArg"] }); var id =; id.reify(13); var meetsConditions = new model({ arg: "value", anotherArg: id, unrelatedArg: "asdfqwer" }); var parameters = new rio.Parameters({ anotherArg: 13 }).conditionFunction()(meetsConditions).shouldBeTrue(); }, "should not stringify booleans": function() { var p = new rio.Parameters({ something: true }); (typeof p.ajaxParameters().something).shouldEqual("boolean"); }, "with a 'not' parameter": { beforeEach: function() { this.parameters = new rio.Parameters({ arg: "value", anotherArg: { not: 3 } }); }, "should provide an ajax parameters representation": function() { this.parameters.ajaxParameters().arg.shouldEqual("value"); (this.parameters.ajaxParameters().another_arg.not == 3).shouldBeTrue(); }, "should provide a condition function that determines if an Attr instance meets the parameters": function() { var model = rio.Model.create({ attrReaders: ["arg", "anotherArg", "unrelatedArg"] }); var meetsConditions = new model({ arg: "value", anotherArg: 2, unrelatedArg: "asdfqwer" }); this.parameters.conditionFunction()(meetsConditions).shouldBeTrue(); var doesNotMeetConditions = new model({ arg: "value", anotherArg: 3, unrelatedArg: "asdfqwer" }); this.parameters.conditionFunction()(doesNotMeetConditions).shouldBeFalse(); } }, "with nonAjaxParameters specified": { beforeEach: function() { this.parameters = new rio.Parameters({ arg: "value" }, { anotherArg: { not: 3 } }); }, "should provide an ajax parameters representation not including the nonAjaxParameters": function() { this.parameters.ajaxParameters().arg.shouldEqual("value"); shouldBeUndefined(this.parameters.ajaxParameters().another_arg); }, "should provide a condition function that determines if an Attr instance meets the parameters including the nonAjaxParameters": function() { var model = rio.Model.create({ attrReaders: ["arg", "anotherArg", "unrelatedArg"] }); var meetsConditions = new model({ arg: "value", anotherArg: 2, unrelatedArg: "asdfqwer" }); this.parameters.conditionFunction()(meetsConditions).shouldBeTrue(); var doesNotMeetConditions = new model({ arg: "value", anotherArg: 3, unrelatedArg: "asdfqwer" }); this.parameters.conditionFunction()(doesNotMeetConditions).shouldBeFalse(); } } });