module Cloudster #==Elb resource #Output values : canonical_hosted_zone_name, canonical_hosted_zone_name_id, dns_name, source_security_group_name, source_security_group_owner class Elb extend Cloudster::Output # Initialize an Elb instance # # ==== Notes # options parameter must include values for :name, :instance_names # # ==== Examples # elb = # :name => 'LoadBalancer', # :instance_names => ['AppServer1','AppServer2'], # :listeners => [{:port => 80, :instance_port => 8080, :protocol => 'HTTP'}] # ) # # ==== Parameters # * options<~Hash> - # * :name: String containing the name for the Elb resource # * :instance_names: Array containing the names of the Ec2 resources which will be added under the ELB # * :listeners: Array of listener hashes. Each listener must be registered for a specific port, and you can not have more than one listener for a given port. Default : {:port => 80, :instance_port => 80, :protocol => 'HTTP'} def initialize(options = {}) require_options(options, [:name, :instance_names]) @name = options[:name] @instance_names = options[:instance_names] @listeners = options[:listeners] || [{:port => 80, :instance_port => 80, :protocol => 'HTTP'}] end # Returns a Ruby hash version of the Cloud Formation template for the resource instance # # ==== Examples # elb = # :name => 'LoadBalancer', # :instance_names => ['AppServer1','AppServer2'] # ) # elb.template # # ==== Returns # * Ruby hash version of the Cloud Formation template for the resource instance def template Elb.template({:name =>@name, :instance_names => @instance_names, :listeners => @listeners}) end # Class method that returns a Ruby hash version of the Cloud Formation template # # ==== Examples # template = Cloudster::Elb.template( # :name => 'LoadBalances', # :instance_names => ['AppServer1', 'AppServer2'], # :listeners => [{:port => 80, :instance_port => 80, :protocol => 'HTTP'}] # ) # # ==== Parameters # * options<~Hash> - # *Keys: # * :name: String containing the name for the Elb resource # * :instance_names: Array containing the names of the Ec2 resources which will be added under the ELB # * :listeners: Array of listener hashes. Each listener must be registered for a specific port, and you can not have more than one listener for a given port. Default : {:port => 80, :instance_port => 80, :protocol => 'HTTP'} # ==== Returns # * Ruby hash version of the Cloud Formation template def self.template(options = {}) require_options(options, [:name, :instance_names]) properties = {"AvailabilityZones" => { "Fn::GetAZs" => "" }, "Listeners" => get_listeners_for_template(options[:listeners]), "HealthCheck" => { "Target" => { "Fn::Join" => [ "", ["HTTP:", "80", "/"]]}, "HealthyThreshold" => "3", "UnhealthyThreshold" => "5", "Interval" => "30", "Timeout" => "5" } } properties.merge!({"Instances" => get_instance_name_list_for_template(options[:instance_names])}) template = {'Resources' => { options[:name] => { 'Type' => 'AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer', 'Properties' => properties } } } outputs = { options[:name] => { 'canonical_hosted_zone_name' => {'Fn::GetAtt' => [options[:name], 'CanonicalHostedZoneName']}, 'canonical_hosted_zone_name_id' => {'Fn::GetAtt' => [options[:name], 'CanonicalHostedZoneNameID']}, 'dns_name' => {'Fn::GetAtt' => [options[:name], 'DNSName']}, 'source_security_group_name' => {'Fn::GetAtt' => [options[:name], 'SourceSecurityGroup.GroupName']}, 'source_security_group_owner' => {'Fn::GetAtt' => [options[:name], 'SourceSecurityGroup.OwnerAlias']} } } template['Outputs'] = output_template(outputs) return template end private #Gets the instance names in a format expected by the Template for ELB def self.get_instance_name_list_for_template(instance_names) instance_list = [] instance_names.each do |instance_name| instance_list << {'Ref' => instance_name} end return instance_list end #Get listeners array for template def self.get_listeners_for_template(listeners) default_listener = [{:port => 80, :instance_port => 80, :protocol => 'HTTP'}] listeners = default_listener if listeners.nil? listener_array = [] listeners.each do |listener| listener_array << { "LoadBalancerPort" => "#{listener[:port]}", "InstancePort" => "#{listener[:instance_port]}", "Protocol" => "#{listener[:protocol]}" } end return listener_array end end end