# vCloud Edge Gateway vCloud Edge Gateway is a tool that supports automated provisiong of a VMware vCloud Edge Gateway. It depends on [vCloud Core](https://github.com/alphagov/vcloud-core) and uses Fog under the hood. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'vcloud-edge_gateway' And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install vcloud-edge_gateway ## Usage TODO ## Contributing 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request #Configure edge gateway services You can configure following services on an existing edgegateway using fog. - FirewallService - NatService - LoadBalancerService ###How to configure: ```ruby require 'fog' vcloud = Fog::Compute::VcloudDirector.new vcloud.post_configure_edge_gateway_services edge_gateway_id, configuration vcloud.process_task(task.body) ``` The Configuration contain definitions of any of the services listed.Details of service configurations may vary, but the mechanism is the same for updating any Edge Gateway service.
You can include one or more services when you configure an Edge Gateway. ###Examples: Service examples, to be used in place of the `configuration` object above. Firewall: ```ruby configuration = { :FirewallService => { :IsEnabled => true, :DefaultAction => 'allow', :LogDefaultAction => false, :FirewallRule => [ { :Policy => 'allow', :Description => 'description', :Protocols => {:Tcp => true}, :Port => 22, :DestinationPortRange => 22, :DestinationIp => 'Internal', :SourcePort => 22, :SourceIp => 'External', :SourcePortRange => '22' } ] } } ``` Load balancer: ```ruby configuration = { :LoadBalancerService => { :IsEnabled => "true", :Pool => [ { :Name => 'web-app', :ServicePort => [ { :IsEnabled => "true", :Protocol => "HTTP", :Algorithm => "ROUND_ROBIN", :Port => 80, :HealthCheckPort => 80, :HealthCheck => { :Mode => "HTTP", :HealthThreshold => 1, :UnhealthThreshold => 6, :Interval => 20, :Timeout => 25 } }, { :IsEnabled => true, :Protocol => "HTTPS", :Algorithm => "ROUND_ROBIN", :Port => 443, :HealthCheckPort => 443, :HealthCheck => { :Mode => "SSL", :HealthThreshold => 1, :UnhealthThreshold => 6, :Interval => 20, :Timeout => 25 } } ], :Member => [ { :IpAddress => "", :Weight => 1, :ServicePort => [ {:Protocol => "HTTP", :Port => 80, :HealthCheckPort => 80} ] } ] } ], :VirtualServer => [ { :IsEnabled => "true", :Name => "app1", :Description => "app1", :Interface => {:name => "Default", :href => "https://vmware.api.net/api/admin/network/2ad93597-7b54-43dd-9eb1-631dd337e5a7"}, :IpAddress => '', :ServiceProfile => [ {:IsEnabled => "true", :Protocol => "HTTP", :Port => 80, :Persistence => {:Method => ""}}, {:IsEnabled => "true", :Protocol => "HTTPS", :Port => 443, :Persistence => {:Method => ""}} ], :Logging => false, :Pool => 'web-app' } ] } } ``` Nat: ```ruby configuration = { :NatService => { :IsEnabled => true, :nat_type => 'ipTranslation', :Policy => 'allowTrafficIn', :NatRule => [ { :Description => 'a snat rule', :RuleType => 'SNAT', :IsEnabled => true, :Id => '65538', :GatewayNatRule => { :Interface => { :name => 'nft00001', :href => 'https://vmware.api.net/api/admin/network/44265cc3-6d63-4ea9-ac72-4905b5aa6111' }, :OriginalIp => "", :TranslatedIp => "" } }, { :Description => 'a dnat rule', :RuleType => 'DNAT', :IsEnabled => true, :Id => '65539', :GatewayNatRule => { :Interface => { :name => 'nft00001', :href => 'https://vmware.api.net/api/admin/network/44265cc3-6d63-4ea9-ac72-4905b5aa6111' }, :Protocol => 'tcp', :OriginalIp => "", :OriginalPort => 22, :TranslatedIp => "", :TranslatedPort => 22 }, } ] } } ``` ###Debug Set environment variable DEBUG=true to see fog debug info.