/* Buttons Button styles can be applied to anything with the `.btn` class applied. However, typically you'll want to apply these to only `<a>` and `<button>` elements for the best rendering. Markup: <a href="#" class="btn btn--default {$modifiers}">Link Button</a> <button class="btn btn--default {$modifiers}">Button Element</button> :hover - Mouse hover state style, also available with `.hover` :active - Selected element style, also available with `.active` .disabled - Disabled state style. Styleguide 3 */ @if $buttons { .btn { @extend %btn !optional; @include border-radius($base-border-radius); border-style: solid; border-width: $input-border; @extend %cursor-pointer; @extend %display-inline-block; line-height: 1em; margin-bottom: 0; @extend %text-align-center; &:hover, &.hover, &:focus { @extend %text-decoration-none; } &.active, &:active {outline: 0; } &.disabled, &.disabled:hover, &[disabled],&[disabled]:hover { @include box-shadow(none); @include opacity(65); background-image: none; @extend %cursor-default; } } /* Buttons with Icons To add an icon to a button (or eny other type of element) just enable the font (see 27.2), add a class with the name of the font and use the unicode of the character. It's not a pretty way of doing it, if you prefer more fine control i suggest to ditch the icon font integration and use the tools and resources made available on the fonts sites. Markup: <a href="#" class="btn btn--default fontawesome"></a> <a href="#" class="btn btn--default fontawesome"></a> <a href="#" class="btn btn--default fontawesome"></a> Styleguide 3.1 */ /* Colors Markup: <a href="#" class="btn btn--default">Link Button</a> <a href="#" class="btn btn--primary">Link Button</a> <a href="#" class="btn btn--secondary">Link Button</a> Styleguide 3.2 */ .btn--default { @extend %btn--default !optional; } .btn--primary { @extend %btn--primary !optional; } .btn--secondary { @extend %btn--secondary !optional; } /* Sizes Markup: <a href="#" class="btn btn--default btn--large">Link Button</a> <a href="#" class="btn btn--default">Link Button</a> <a href="#" class="btn btn--default btn--small">Link Button</a> <a href="#" class="btn btn--default btn--mini">Link Button</a> Styleguide 3.3 */ .btn { padding: $btn-padding; @if $btn-padding == $input-padding { height: $input-height; } } .btn--large, .btn--small, .btn--mini { height: auto; } .btn--large { @include adjust-font-size-to($h5-size); padding: $btn-large-padding; } .btn--small { @include adjust-font-size-to($small-size); padding: $btn-small-padding; } .btn--mini { @include adjust-font-size-to($smaller-size); padding: $btn-mini-padding; } /* Modifiers Create block level buttons—those that span the full width of a parent. Markup: <a href="#" class="btn btn--default {$modifiers}">Link Button</a> <button class="btn btn--default {$modifiers}">Button Element</button> .btn--block - Create block level buttons—those that span the full width of a parent. .btn--pill - Button width rounded full corners. .btn--link - Deemphasize a button by making it look like a link while maintaining button behavior. Styleguide 3.4 */ // Block button .btn--block { @extend %display-block; width: 100%; padding-left: 0; padding-right: 0; + .btn--block { margin-top: rhythm(.5); } } // Pill button .btn--pill { @include border-radius(200px); } /* Link Deemphasize a button by making it look like a link while maintaining button behavior. Markup: <a href="#" class="btn btn--link ">Link Button</a> <button class="btn btn--link">Button Element</button> Styleguide 3.5 */ .btn--link { @include border-radius(0); border-color: transparent; background: none; color: $link-color; @extend %cursor-pointer; &:hover, &:focus { color: $link-color-hover; background-color: transparent; } &:active, &[disabled] { background-color: transparent; background-image: none; @include box-shadow(none); } &[disabled]:hover, &[disabled]:focus { color: $grayDark; @extend %text-decoration-none; } } }