require 'spec_helper' describe(RCAP::CAP_1_2::Resource) do before(:each) do @resource_builder = lambda do |resource| resource.resource_desc = 'Image of incident' resource.uri = '' resource.mime_type = 'image/png' resource.deref_uri = 'IMAGE DATA' resource.size = 20_480 resource.digest = '2048' end end context('on initialisation') do before(:each) do @resource = end it('should have no mime_type') { @resource.mime_type.should(be_nil) } it('should have no size') { @resource.size.should(be_nil) } it('should have no uri') { @resource.uri.should(be_nil) } it('should have no deref_uri') { @resource.deref_uri.should(be_nil) } it('should have no digest') { @resource.digest.should(be_nil) } it('should have no resource_desc') { @resource.resource_desc.should(be_nil) } context('from XML') do before(:each) do @original_resource = @alert = @alert.add_info.add_resource(&@resource_builder) @xml_string = @alert.to_xml @xml_document = @info_element = RCAP.xpath_first(@xml_document.root, RCAP::CAP_1_2::Info::XPATH, RCAP::CAP_1_2::Alert::XMLNS) @resource_element = RCAP.xpath_first(@info_element, RCAP::CAP_1_2::Resource::XPATH, RCAP::CAP_1_2::Alert::XMLNS) @resource_element.should_not(be_nil) @resource = RCAP::CAP_1_2::Resource.from_xml_element(@resource_element) end it('should parse resource_desc correctly') do @resource.resource_desc.should == @original_resource.resource_desc end it('should parse uri correctly') do @resource.uri.should == @original_resource.uri end it('should parse mime_type correctly') do @resource.mime_type.should == @original_resource.mime_type end it('should parse deref_uri correctly') do @resource.deref_uri.should == @original_resource.deref_uri end it('should parse size correctly') do @resource.size.should == @original_resource.size end it('should parse digest correctly') do @resource.digest.should == @original_resource.digest end end context('from a hash') do before(:each) do @original_resource = @resource = RCAP::CAP_1_2::Resource.from_h(@original_resource.to_h) end it('should parse resource_desc correctly') do @resource.resource_desc.should == @original_resource.resource_desc end it('should parse uri correctly') do @resource.uri.should == @original_resource.uri end it('should parse mime_type correctly') do @resource.mime_type.should == @original_resource.mime_type end it('should parse deref_uri correctly') do @resource.deref_uri.should == @original_resource.deref_uri end it('should parse size correctly') do @resource.size.should == @original_resource.size end it('should parse digest correctly') do @resource.digest.should == @original_resource.digest end end end context('when exported') do before(:each) do @resource = end context('to a hash') do before(:each) do @resource_hash = @resource.to_h end it('should set the resource description') do @resource_hash[ RCAP::CAP_1_2::Resource::RESOURCE_DESC_KEY].should == @resource.resource_desc end it('should set the mime type') do @resource_hash[ RCAP::CAP_1_2::Resource::MIME_TYPE_KEY].should == @resource.mime_type end it('should set the size') do @resource_hash[ RCAP::CAP_1_2::Resource::SIZE_KEY].should == @resource.size end it('should set the URI') do @resource_hash[ RCAP::CAP_1_2::Resource::URI_KEY].should == @resource.uri end it('should set the dereferenced URI') do @resource_hash[ RCAP::CAP_1_2::Resource::DEREF_URI_KEY].should == @resource.deref_uri end it('should set the digest') do @resource_hash[ RCAP::CAP_1_2::Resource::DIGEST_KEY].should == @resource.digest end end context('to xml') do it('should be successful') do lambda { @resource_xml = @resource.to_xml }.should_not(raise_exception) end end end context('which is valid') do before(:each) do @resource = do |resource| resource.resource_desc = 'Resource Description' resource.mime_type = 'text/csv' end @resource.should(be_valid) end describe('should not be valid if it') do it('does not have a resource description (resource_desc)') do @resource.resource_desc = nil @resource.should_not(be_valid) end it('does not have a MIME type') do @resource.mime_type = nil @resource.should_not(be_valid) end end end context('with a non-rereferenced URI') do before(:each) do @resource = do |resource| resource.resource_desc = 'Resource Description' resource.mime_type = 'text/csv' resource.uri = '' end @content = "1,2\n3,4" @encoded_content = Base64.encode64(@content) stub_request(:get, @resource.uri).to_return(status: 200, body: @content) end describe('calling dereference_uri!') do it('should fetch the content and store it in deref_uri as Base64 encoded content') do lambda { @resource.dereference_uri! }.should(change(@resource, :deref_uri).to(@encoded_content)) end it('should generate the correct SHA1 hash') do lambda { @resource.dereference_uri! }.should(change(@resource, :digest).to(Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(@encoded_content))) end it('should set the size in bytes') do lambda { @resource.dereference_uri! }.should(change(@resource, :size).to(@encoded_content.bytesize)) end end end context('with a dereferenced URI') do before(:each) do @content = "1,2\n3,4" @encoded_content = Base64.encode64(@content) @resource = do |resource| resource.resource_desc = 'Resource Description' resource.mime_type = 'text/csv' resource.uri = '' resource.deref_uri = @encoded_content end end describe('#calculate_hash_and_size') do it('should generate the correct SHA1 hash') do lambda { @resource.calculate_hash_and_size }.should(change(@resource, :digest).to(Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(@encoded_content))) end it('should set the size in bytes') do lambda { @resource.calculate_hash_and_size }.should(change(@resource, :size).to(@encoded_content.bytesize)) end end describe('#decoded_deref_uri') do it('should return the original content') do @resource.decoded_deref_uri.should == @content end end end end