# Jasmine Reporter that logs reporter steps # and results to the console. # class ConsoleReporter runnerResult: { passed: false stats: { specs: 0 failures: 0 time: 0.0 } suites: [] } specCount: 0 currentSpecs: {} nestedSuiteResults: {} # Report the start of a spec. # # @param spec [jasmine.Spec] the spec # reportSpecStarting: (spec) -> console.log "SPEC_START: #{ spec.id }" # Report results from a spec. # # @param spec [jasmine.Spec] the spec # reportSpecResults: (spec) -> unless spec.results().skipped specResult = { id: spec.id description: spec.description passed: spec.results().failedCount is 0 } if spec.results().failedCount isnt 0 messages = [] messages.push result.message for result in spec.results().getItems() specResult['messages'] = messages if messages.length isnt 0 @specCount += 1 @currentSpecs[spec.suite.id] or= [] @currentSpecs[spec.suite.id].push specResult # Report results from a suite. # # @param suite [jasmine.Suite] the suite # reportSuiteResults: (suite) -> unless suite.results().skipped suiteResult = { id: suite.id parent: suite.parentSuite?.id description: suite.description passed: suite.results().failedCount is 0 specs: @currentSpecs[suite.id] || [] suites: [] } if suite.parentSuite? parent = suite.parentSuite.id @nestedSuiteResults[parent] or= [] @nestedSuiteResults[parent].push suiteResult else @addNestedSuites suiteResult @removeEmptySuites suiteResult if suiteResult.specs.length isnt 0 || suiteResult.suites.length isnt 0 @runnerResult.suites.push suiteResult # Report results from the runner. # # @param runner [jasmine.Runner] the runner # reportRunnerResults: (runner) -> runtime = (new Date().getTime() - @startTime) / 1000 @runnerResult['passed'] = runner.results().failedCount is 0 @runnerResult['stats'] = { specs: @specCount failures: runner.results().failedCount time: runtime } # Delay the end runner message, so that logs and errors can be retreived in between end = -> console.log "RUNNER_END" setTimeout end, 10 # Report the start of the runner # # @param runner [jasmine.Runner] the runner # reportRunnerStarting: (runner) -> @startTime = new Date().getTime() # Add all nested suites that have previously # been processed. # # @param suiteResult [Object] the suite result # addNestedSuites: (suiteResult) -> if @nestedSuiteResults[suiteResult.id] for suite in @nestedSuiteResults[suiteResult.id] @addNestedSuites suite suiteResult.suites.push suite # Removes suites without child suites or specs. # # @param suiteResult [Object] the suite result # removeEmptySuites: (suiteResult) -> suites = [] for suite in suiteResult.suites @removeEmptySuites suite suites.push suite if suite.suites.length isnt 0 || suite.specs.length isnt 0 suiteResult.suites = suites # Log a message # # @param message [String] the log message # log: (message) -> if typeof module isnt 'undefined' and module.exports module.exports = ConsoleReporter else window.ConsoleReporter = ConsoleReporter