3.0 create_bar_from_building_type_ratios 6e3a14f8-c3c7-4e03-bc51-bef8a52e1a05 48c0bf21-b4c0-4755-83ae-a192dd5201cf 20211029T200900Z 2AF3A68E CreateBarFromBuildingTypeRatios Create Bar From Building Type Ratios Creates one or more rectangular building elements based on space type ratios of selected mix of building types, along with user arguments that describe the desired geometry characteristics. The building floor area can be described as a footprint size or as a total building area. The shape can be described by its aspect ratio or can be defined as a set width. Because this measure contains both DOE and DEER inputs, care needs to be taken to choose a template compatable with the selected building types. See readme document for additional guidance. bldg_type_a Primary Building Type Choice true false SmallOffice SecondarySchool SecondarySchool PrimarySchool PrimarySchool SmallOffice SmallOffice MediumOffice MediumOffice LargeOffice LargeOffice SmallHotel SmallHotel LargeHotel LargeHotel Warehouse Warehouse RetailStandalone RetailStandalone RetailStripmall RetailStripmall QuickServiceRestaurant QuickServiceRestaurant FullServiceRestaurant FullServiceRestaurant MidriseApartment MidriseApartment HighriseApartment HighriseApartment Hospital Hospital Outpatient Outpatient SuperMarket SuperMarket Laboratory Laboratory LargeDataCenterLowITE LargeDataCenterLowITE LargeDataCenterHighITE LargeDataCenterHighITE SmallDataCenterLowITE SmallDataCenterLowITE SmallDataCenterHighITE SmallDataCenterHighITE Asm Asm DMo DMo ECC ECC EPr EPr ERC ERC ESe ESe EUn EUn GHs GHs Gro Gro Hsp Hsp Htl Htl MBT MBT MFm MFm MLI MLI Mtl Mtl Nrs Nrs OfL OfL OfS OfS RFF RFF RSD RSD Rt3 Rt3 RtL RtL RtS RtS SCn SCn SFm SFm SUn SUn WRf WRf bldg_type_a_num_units Primary Building Type Number of Units Number of units argument not currently used by this measure Integer true false 1 bldg_type_b Building Type B Choice true false SmallOffice SecondarySchool SecondarySchool PrimarySchool PrimarySchool SmallOffice SmallOffice MediumOffice MediumOffice LargeOffice LargeOffice SmallHotel SmallHotel LargeHotel LargeHotel Warehouse Warehouse RetailStandalone RetailStandalone RetailStripmall RetailStripmall QuickServiceRestaurant QuickServiceRestaurant FullServiceRestaurant FullServiceRestaurant MidriseApartment MidriseApartment HighriseApartment HighriseApartment Hospital Hospital Outpatient Outpatient SuperMarket SuperMarket Laboratory Laboratory LargeDataCenterLowITE LargeDataCenterLowITE LargeDataCenterHighITE LargeDataCenterHighITE SmallDataCenterLowITE SmallDataCenterLowITE SmallDataCenterHighITE SmallDataCenterHighITE Asm Asm DMo DMo ECC ECC EPr EPr ERC ERC ESe ESe EUn EUn GHs GHs Gro Gro Hsp Hsp Htl Htl MBT MBT MFm MFm MLI MLI Mtl Mtl Nrs Nrs OfL OfL OfS OfS RFF RFF RSD RSD Rt3 Rt3 RtL RtL RtS RtS SCn SCn SFm SFm SUn SUn WRf WRf bldg_type_b_fract_bldg_area Building Type B Fraction of Building Floor Area Double true false 0 bldg_type_b_num_units Building Type B Number of Units Number of units argument not currently used by this measure Integer true false 1 bldg_type_c Building Type C Choice true false SmallOffice SecondarySchool SecondarySchool PrimarySchool PrimarySchool SmallOffice SmallOffice MediumOffice MediumOffice LargeOffice LargeOffice SmallHotel SmallHotel LargeHotel LargeHotel Warehouse Warehouse RetailStandalone RetailStandalone RetailStripmall RetailStripmall QuickServiceRestaurant QuickServiceRestaurant FullServiceRestaurant FullServiceRestaurant MidriseApartment MidriseApartment HighriseApartment HighriseApartment Hospital Hospital Outpatient Outpatient SuperMarket SuperMarket Laboratory Laboratory LargeDataCenterLowITE LargeDataCenterLowITE LargeDataCenterHighITE LargeDataCenterHighITE SmallDataCenterLowITE SmallDataCenterLowITE SmallDataCenterHighITE SmallDataCenterHighITE Asm Asm DMo DMo ECC ECC EPr EPr ERC ERC ESe ESe EUn EUn GHs GHs Gro Gro Hsp Hsp Htl Htl MBT MBT MFm MFm MLI MLI Mtl Mtl Nrs Nrs OfL OfL OfS OfS RFF RFF RSD RSD Rt3 Rt3 RtL RtL RtS RtS SCn SCn SFm SFm SUn SUn WRf WRf bldg_type_c_fract_bldg_area Building Type C Fraction of Building Floor Area Double true false 0 bldg_type_c_num_units Building Type C Number of Units Number of units argument not currently used by this measure Integer true false 1 bldg_type_d Building Type D Choice true false SmallOffice SecondarySchool SecondarySchool PrimarySchool PrimarySchool SmallOffice SmallOffice MediumOffice MediumOffice LargeOffice LargeOffice SmallHotel SmallHotel LargeHotel LargeHotel Warehouse Warehouse RetailStandalone RetailStandalone RetailStripmall RetailStripmall QuickServiceRestaurant QuickServiceRestaurant FullServiceRestaurant FullServiceRestaurant MidriseApartment MidriseApartment HighriseApartment HighriseApartment Hospital Hospital Outpatient Outpatient SuperMarket SuperMarket Laboratory Laboratory LargeDataCenterLowITE LargeDataCenterLowITE LargeDataCenterHighITE LargeDataCenterHighITE SmallDataCenterLowITE SmallDataCenterLowITE SmallDataCenterHighITE SmallDataCenterHighITE Asm Asm DMo DMo ECC ECC EPr EPr ERC ERC ESe ESe EUn EUn GHs GHs Gro Gro Hsp Hsp Htl Htl MBT MBT MFm MFm MLI MLI Mtl Mtl Nrs Nrs OfL OfL OfS OfS RFF RFF RSD RSD Rt3 Rt3 RtL RtL RtS RtS SCn SCn SFm SFm SUn SUn WRf WRf bldg_type_d_fract_bldg_area Building Type D Fraction of Building Floor Area Double true false 0 bldg_type_d_num_units Building Type D Number of Units Number of units argument not currently used by this measure Integer true false 1 total_bldg_floor_area Total Building Floor Area Double ft^2 true false 10000 single_floor_area Single Floor Area Non-zero value will fix the single floor area, overriding a user entry for Total Building Floor Area Double ft^2 true false 0 floor_height Typical Floor to FLoor Height Selecting a typical floor height of 0 will trigger a smart building type default. Double ft true false 0 custom_height_bar Enable Custom Height Bar Application This is argument value is only relevant when smart default floor to floor height is used for a building type that has spaces with custom heights. Boolean true false true true true false false num_stories_above_grade Number of Stories Above Grade Double true false 1 num_stories_below_grade Number of Stories Below Grade Integer true false 0 building_rotation Building Rotation Set Building Rotation off of North (positive value is clockwise). Rotation applied after geometry generation. Values greater than +/- 45 will result in aspect ratio and party wall orientations that do not match cardinal directions of the inputs. Double Degrees true false 0 template Target Standard Choice true false 90.1-2004 DOE Ref Pre-1980 DOE Ref Pre-1980 DOE Ref 1980-2004 DOE Ref 1980-2004 90.1-2004 90.1-2004 90.1-2007 90.1-2007 90.1-2010 90.1-2010 90.1-2013 90.1-2013 90.1-2016 90.1-2016 90.1-2019 90.1-2019 ComStock DOE Ref Pre-1980 ComStock DOE Ref Pre-1980 ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 ComStock 90.1-2004 ComStock 90.1-2004 ComStock 90.1-2007 ComStock 90.1-2007 ComStock 90.1-2010 ComStock 90.1-2010 ComStock 90.1-2013 ComStock 90.1-2013 NREL ZNE Ready 2017 NREL ZNE Ready 2017 DEER Pre-1975 DEER Pre-1975 DEER 1985 DEER 1985 DEER 1996 DEER 1996 DEER 2003 DEER 2003 DEER 2007 DEER 2007 DEER 2011 DEER 2011 DEER 2014 DEER 2014 DEER 2015 DEER 2015 DEER 2017 DEER 2017 DEER 2020 DEER 2020 DEER 2025 DEER 2025 DEER 2030 DEER 2030 DEER 2035 DEER 2035 DEER 2040 DEER 2040 DEER 2045 DEER 2045 DEER 2050 DEER 2050 DEER 2055 DEER 2055 DEER 2060 DEER 2060 DEER 2065 DEER 2065 DEER 2070 DEER 2070 DEER 2075 DEER 2075 ns_to_ew_ratio Ratio of North/South Facade Length Relative to East/West Facade Length Selecting an aspect ratio of 0 will trigger a smart building type default. Aspect ratios less than one are not recommended for sliced bar geometry, instead rotate building and use a greater than 1 aspect ratio. Double true false 0 perim_mult Perimeter Multiplier Selecting a value of 0 will trigger a smart building type default. This represents a multiplier for the building perimeter relative to the perimeter of a rectangular building that meets the area and aspect ratio inputs. Other than the smart default of 0.0 this argument should have a value of 1.0 or higher and is only applicable Multiple Space Types - Individual Stories Sliced division method. Double true false 0 bar_width Bar Width Non-zero value will fix the building width, overriding user entry for Perimeter Multiplier. NS/EW Aspect Ratio may be limited based on target width. Double ft true false 0 bar_sep_dist_mult Bar Separation Distance Multiplier Multiplier of separation between bar elements relative to building height. Double true false 10 wwr Window to Wall Ratio Selecting a window to wall ratio of 0 will trigger a smart building type default. Double true false 0 party_wall_fraction Fraction of Exterior Wall Area with Adjacent Structure This will impact how many above grade exterior walls are modeled with adiabatic boundary condition. Double true false 0 party_wall_stories_north Number of North facing stories with party wall This will impact how many above grade exterior north walls are modeled with adiabatic boundary condition. If this is less than the number of above grade stoes, upper flor will reamin exterior Integer true false 0 party_wall_stories_south Number of South facing stories with party wall This will impact how many above grade exterior south walls are modeled with adiabatic boundary condition. If this is less than the number of above grade stoes, upper flor will reamin exterior Integer true false 0 party_wall_stories_east Number of East facing stories with party wall This will impact how many above grade exterior east walls are modeled with adiabatic boundary condition. If this is less than the number of above grade stoes, upper flor will reamin exterior Integer true false 0 party_wall_stories_west Number of West facing stories with party wall This will impact how many above grade exterior west walls are modeled with adiabatic boundary condition. If this is less than the number of above grade stoes, upper flor will reamin exterior Integer true false 0 bottom_story_ground_exposed_floor Is the Bottom Story Exposed to Ground This should be true unless you are modeling a partial building which doesn't include the lowest story. The bottom story floor will have an adiabatic boundary condition when false. Boolean true false true true true false false top_story_exterior_exposed_roof Is the Top Story an Exterior Roof This should be true unless you are modeling a partial building which doesn't include the highest story. The top story ceiling will have an adiabatic boundary condition when false. Boolean true false true true true false false story_multiplier Calculation Method for Story Multiplier Choice true false Basements Ground Mid Top None None Basements Ground Mid Top Basements Ground Mid Top make_mid_story_surfaces_adiabatic Make Mid Story Floor Surfaces Adiabatic If set to true, this will skip surface intersection and make mid story floors and celings adiabatic, not just at multiplied gaps. Boolean true false true true true false false bar_division_method Division Method for Bar Space Types To use perimeter multiplier greater than 1 selected Multiple Space Types - Individual Stories Sliced. Choice true false Multiple Space Types - Individual Stories Sliced Multiple Space Types - Simple Sliced Multiple Space Types - Simple Sliced Multiple Space Types - Individual Stories Sliced Multiple Space Types - Individual Stories Sliced Single Space Type - Core and Perimeter Single Space Type - Core and Perimeter double_loaded_corridor Double Loaded Corridor Add double loaded corridor for building types that have a defined circulation space type, to the selected space types. Choice true false Primary Space Type None None Primary Space Type Primary Space Type space_type_sort_logic Choose Space Type Sorting Method Choice true false Building Type > Size Size Size Building Type > Size Building Type > Size use_upstream_args Use Upstream Argument Values When true this will look for arguments or registerValues in upstream measures that match arguments from this measure, and will use the value from the upstream measure in place of what is entered for this measure. Boolean true false true true true false false climate_zone Climate Zone Climate Zone argument is not used by this measure Choice true false Lookup From Stat File Lookup From Stat File Lookup From Stat File ASHRAE 169-2013-1A ASHRAE 169-2013-1A ASHRAE 169-2013-1B ASHRAE 169-2013-1B ASHRAE 169-2013-2A ASHRAE 169-2013-2A ASHRAE 169-2013-2B ASHRAE 169-2013-2B ASHRAE 169-2013-3A ASHRAE 169-2013-3A ASHRAE 169-2013-3B ASHRAE 169-2013-3B ASHRAE 169-2013-3C ASHRAE 169-2013-3C ASHRAE 169-2013-4A ASHRAE 169-2013-4A ASHRAE 169-2013-4B ASHRAE 169-2013-4B ASHRAE 169-2013-4C ASHRAE 169-2013-4C ASHRAE 169-2013-5A ASHRAE 169-2013-5A ASHRAE 169-2013-5B ASHRAE 169-2013-5B ASHRAE 169-2013-5C ASHRAE 169-2013-5C ASHRAE 169-2013-6A ASHRAE 169-2013-6A ASHRAE 169-2013-6B ASHRAE 169-2013-6B ASHRAE 169-2013-7A ASHRAE 169-2013-7A ASHRAE 169-2013-8A ASHRAE 169-2013-8A CEC T24-CEC1 CEC T24-CEC1 CEC T24-CEC2 CEC T24-CEC2 CEC T24-CEC3 CEC T24-CEC3 CEC T24-CEC4 CEC T24-CEC4 CEC T24-CEC5 CEC T24-CEC5 CEC T24-CEC6 CEC T24-CEC6 CEC T24-CEC7 CEC T24-CEC7 CEC T24-CEC8 CEC T24-CEC8 CEC T24-CEC9 CEC T24-CEC9 CEC T24-CEC10 CEC T24-CEC10 CEC T24-CEC11 CEC T24-CEC11 CEC T24-CEC12 CEC T24-CEC12 CEC T24-CEC13 CEC T24-CEC13 CEC T24-CEC14 CEC T24-CEC14 CEC T24-CEC15 CEC T24-CEC15 CEC T24-CEC16 CEC T24-CEC16 Envelope.Form Measure Type ModelMeasure string Intended Software Tool Apply Measure Now string Intended Software Tool OpenStudio Application string Intended Software Tool Parametric Analysis Tool string example_model.osm osm test 032BCDC9 custom_height_false.png png doc 0684A3AD custom_height_true.png png doc 37DBC088 basement.png png doc 6436A0E2 perim_mult_2010.png png doc 7704044F perim_mult_2012.png png doc 8809F075 perim_mult_2020.png png doc 0925C42D ar_05.png png doc A86ECE4C ar_1.png png doc F5818F2F ar_2.png png doc 1CAF9C96 sep_05.png png doc 86E7AC6E sep_10.png png doc 91062F24 sep_3.png png doc 4DE3ED94 wwr_custom.png png doc D1E7B644 bar_double_loaded.png png doc 29AECFF4 bar_single_core_perim.png png doc D1ED9343 bar_sliced_indiv.png png doc B737F7E5 bar_sliced_simple.png png doc EF138637 no_party_mult.png png doc E68AC690 party.png png doc B70845E6 party_multi.png png doc 1CA071B4 story_sort.png png doc A64E1184 LICENSE.md md license A21A3ED2 OpenStudio 2.0.0 3.0.0 measure.rb rb script 1EE59BDB README.md.erb erb readmeerb 423EF5D1 README.md md readme 831A2956 create_bar_from_building_type_ratios_test.rb rb test 1E066661