require "spec_helper" require_relative "../../lib/octopolo/git" module Octopolo describe Git do let(:cli) { stub(:CLI) } context ".perform(subcommand)" do let(:command) { "status" } before { Git.cli = cli } it "performs the given subcommand" do cli.should_receive(:perform).with("git #{command}") Git.perform command end end context ".perform_quietly(subcommand)" do let(:command) { "status" } before { Git.cli = cli } it "performs the given subcommand quietly" do cli.should_receive(:perform_quietly).with("git #{command}") Git.perform_quietly command end end context ".current_branch" do let(:name) { "foo" } let(:output) { "#{name}\n" } let(:nobranch_output) { "#{Git::NO_BRANCH}\n" } before { Git.cli = cli } it "performs a command to filter current branch from list of branches" do cli.should_receive(:perform_quietly).with("git branch | grep '^* ' | cut -c 3-") { output } Git.current_branch.should == name end it "raises NotOnBranch if not on a branch" do cli.should_receive(:perform_quietly) { nobranch_output } expect { Git.current_branch }.to raise_error(Git::NotOnBranch, "Not currently checked out to a particular branch") end it "staging and deploy should be reserved branches" do Git.stub(:current_branch).and_return "staging.05.12" Git.reserved_branch?.should be_true Git.stub(:current_branch).and_return "deployable.05.12" Git.reserved_branch?.should be_true Git.stub(:current_branch).and_return "qaready.05.12" Git.reserved_branch?.should be_true end it "other branches should not be reserved branches" do Git.stub(:current_branch).and_return "not_staging.05.12" Git.reserved_branch?.should_not be_true Git.stub(:current_branch).and_return "not_deployable.05.12" Git.reserved_branch?.should_not be_true Git.stub(:current_branch).and_return "not_qaready.05.12" Git.reserved_branch?.should_not be_true end end context ".check_out(branch_name)" do let(:name) { "foo" } it "checks out the given branch name" do Git.should_receive(:fetch) Git.should_receive(:perform).with("checkout #{name}") Git.should_receive(:pull) Git.should_receive(:current_branch) { name } Git.check_out name end it "raises an exception if the current branch is not the requested branch afterward" do Git.should_receive(:fetch) Git.should_receive(:perform) Git.should_receive(:pull) Git.should_receive(:current_branch) { "other" } expect { Git.check_out name }.to raise_error(Git::CheckoutFailed, "Failed to check out '#{name}'") end end context ".clean?" do let(:cmd) { "git status --short" } before { Git.cli = cli } it "returns true if everything is checked in" do cli.should_receive(:perform_quietly).with(cmd) { "" } Git.should be_clean end it "returns false if the index has untracked files" do cli.should_receive(:perform_quietly).with(cmd) { "?? foo.txt" } Git.should_not be_clean end it "returns false if the index has missing files" do cli.should_receive(:perform_quietly).with(cmd) { "D foo.txt" } Git.should_not be_clean end it "returns false if the index has changed files" do cli.should_receive(:perform_quietly).with(cmd) { "M foo.txt" } Git.should_not be_clean end end context ".if_clean" do let(:custom_message) { "Some other message" } it "performs the block if the git index is clean" do Git.should_receive(:clean?) { true } Math.should_receive(:log).with(1) Git.if_clean do Math.log 1 end end it "does not perform the block if the git index is not clean" do Git.should_receive(:clean?) { false } Math.should_not_receive(:log) Git.should_receive(:alert_dirty_index).with(Git::DEFAULT_DIRTY_MESSAGE) Git.if_clean do Math.log 1 end end it "prints a custom message if git index is not clean" do Git.should_receive(:clean?) { false } Math.should_not_receive(:log) Git.should_receive(:alert_dirty_index).with(custom_message) Git.if_clean custom_message do Math.log 1 end end end context ".alert_dirty_index(message)" do let(:message) { "Some message" } before { Git.cli = cli } it "prints the given message and shows the git status" do cli.should_receive(:say).with(" ") cli.should_receive(:say).with(message) cli.should_receive(:say).with(" ") Git.should_receive(:perform).with("status") Git.alert_dirty_index message end end context ".merge(branch_name)" do let(:branch_name) { "foo" } it "fetches the latest code and merges the given branch name" do Git.should_receive(:if_clean).and_yield Git.should_receive(:fetch) Git.should_receive(:perform).with("merge --no-ff origin/#{branch_name}") Git.should_receive(:clean?) { true } Git.should_receive(:push) Git.merge branch_name end it "does not push and raises MergeFailed if the merge failed" do Git.should_receive(:if_clean).and_yield Git.should_receive(:fetch) Git.should_receive(:perform).with("merge --no-ff origin/#{branch_name}") Git.should_receive(:clean?) { false } Git.should_not_receive(:push) expect { Git.merge branch_name }.to raise_error(Git::MergeFailed) end end context ".fetch" do it "fetches and prunes remote branches" do Git.should_receive(:perform_quietly).with("fetch --prune") Git.fetch end end context ".push" do let(:branch) { "current_branch" } it "pushes the current branch" do Git.stub(current_branch: branch) Git.should_receive(:if_clean).and_yield Git.should_receive(:perform).with("push origin #{branch}") Git.push end end context ".pull" do it "performs a pull if the index is clean" do Git.should_receive(:if_clean).and_yield Git.should_receive(:perform).with("pull") Git.pull end end context ".remote_branches" do let(:raw_output) { raw_names.join("\n ") } let(:raw_names) { %w(origin/foo origin/bar) } let(:cleaned_names) { %w(foo bar) } it "prunes the remote branch list and grabs all the branch names" do Git.should_receive(:fetch) Git.should_receive(:perform_quietly).with("branch --remote") { raw_output } Git.remote_branches.should == cleaned_names.sort end end context ".branches_for branch_type" do let(:remote_branches) { [depl1, rando, stage1, depl2].sort } let(:depl1) { "deployable.12.20" } let(:depl2) { "deployable.11.05" } let(:stage1) { "staging.04.05" } let(:rando) { "something-else" } before do Git.should_receive(:remote_branches) { remote_branches } end it "can find deployable branches" do deployables = Git.branches_for(Git::DEPLOYABLE_PREFIX) deployables.should include depl1 deployables.should include depl2 deployables.should == [depl1, depl2].sort deployables.count.should == 2 end it "can find staging branches" do stagings = Git.branches_for(Git::STAGING_PREFIX) stagings.should include stage1 stagings.count.should == 1 end end context ".deployable_branch" do let(:depl1) { "deployable.12.05" } let(:depl2) { "deployable.12.25" } it "returns the last deployable branch" do Git.should_receive(:branches_for).with(Git::DEPLOYABLE_PREFIX) { [depl1, depl2] } Git.deployable_branch.should == depl2 end it "raises an exception if none exist" do Git.should_receive(:branches_for).with(Git::DEPLOYABLE_PREFIX) { [] } expect { Git.deployable_branch.should }.to raise_error(Git::NoBranchOfType, "No #{Git::DEPLOYABLE_PREFIX} branch") end end context ".staging_branch" do let(:stage1) { "stage1" } let(:stage2) { "stage2" } it "returns the last staging branch" do Git.should_receive(:branches_for).with(Git::STAGING_PREFIX) { [stage1, stage2] } Git.staging_branch.should == stage2 end it "raises an exception if none exist" do Git.should_receive(:branches_for).with(Git::STAGING_PREFIX) { [] } expect { Git.staging_branch}.to raise_error(Git::NoBranchOfType, "No #{Git::STAGING_PREFIX} branch") end end context ".qaready_branch" do let(:qaready1) { "qaready1" } let(:qaready2) { "qaready2" } it "returns the last qaready branch" do Git.should_receive(:branches_for).with(Git::QAREADY_PREFIX) { [qaready1, qaready2] } Git.qaready_branch.should == qaready2 end it "raises an exception if none exist" do Git.should_receive(:branches_for).with(Git::QAREADY_PREFIX) { [] } expect { Git.qaready_branch }.to raise_error(Git::NoBranchOfType, "No #{Git::QAREADY_PREFIX} branch") end end context ".release_tags" do let(:valid1) { "2012.02.28" } let(:valid2) { "2012.11.10" } let(:invalid) { "foothing" } let(:tags) { [valid1, invalid, valid2].join("\n") } it "returns all the tags for releases" do Git.should_receive(:perform_quietly).with("tag") { tags } release_tags = Git.release_tags release_tags.should_not include invalid release_tags.should include valid1 release_tags.should include valid2 end end context ".recent_release_tags" do let(:long_list) {, "sometag#{rand(1000)}") } # big-ass list it "returns the last #{Git::RECENT_TAG_LIMIT} tags" do Git.should_receive(:release_tags) { long_list } tags = Git.recent_release_tags tags.count.should == Git::RECENT_TAG_LIMIT tags.should == long_list.last(Git::RECENT_TAG_LIMIT) end end context ".semver_tags" do let(:valid1) { "0.0.1" } let(:valid2) { "v0.0.3" } let(:invalid) { "foothing" } let(:tags) { [valid1, invalid, valid2].join("\n") } it "returns all the tags set as a sematic version" do Git.should_receive(:perform_quietly).with("tag") { tags } release_tags = Git.semver_tags release_tags.should_not include invalid release_tags.should include valid1 release_tags.should include valid2 end end context ".new_branch(new_branch_name, source_branch_name)" do let(:new_branch_name) { "foo" } let(:source_branch_name) { "bar" } it "creates and pushes a new branch from the source branch" do Git.should_receive(:fetch) Git.should_receive(:perform).with("branch --no-track #{new_branch_name} origin/#{source_branch_name}") Git.should_receive(:check_out).with(new_branch_name) Git.should_receive(:perform).with("push --set-upstream origin #{new_branch_name}") Git.new_branch(new_branch_name, source_branch_name) end end context ".new_tag(tag_name)" do let(:tag) { "asdf" } it "creates a new tag with the given name and pushes it" do Git.should_receive(:perform).with("tag #{tag}") Git.should_receive(:push) Git.should_receive(:perform).with("push --tag") Git.new_tag(tag) end end context ".stale_branches(destination_branch, branches_to_ignore)" do let(:ignored) { %w(foo bar) } let(:branch_name) { "master" } let(:sha) { "asdf123" } let(:raw_result) do %Q( origin/bing origin/bang ) end it "checks for stale branches for the given branch, less branches to ignore" do Git.should_receive(:fetch) Git.should_receive(:stale_branches_to_ignore).with(ignored) { ignored } Git.should_receive(:recent_sha).with(branch_name) { sha } Git.should_receive(:perform_quietly).with("branch --remote --merged #{sha} | grep -E -v '(foo|bar)'") { raw_result } expect(Git.stale_branches(branch_name, ignored)).to eq(%w(bing bang)) end it "defaults to master branch and no extra branches to ignore" do Git.should_receive(:fetch) Git.should_receive(:stale_branches_to_ignore).with([]) { ignored } Git.should_receive(:recent_sha).with("master") { sha } Git.should_receive(:perform_quietly).with("branch --remote --merged #{sha} | grep -E -v '(foo|bar)'") { raw_result } Git.stale_branches end end context "#branches_to_ignore(custom_branch_list)" do it "ignores some branches by default" do expect(Git.send(:stale_branches_to_ignore)).to include "HEAD" expect(Git.send(:stale_branches_to_ignore)).to include "master" expect(Git.send(:stale_branches_to_ignore)).to include "staging" expect(Git.send(:stale_branches_to_ignore)).to include "deployable" end it "accepts an optional list of additional branches to ignore" do expect(Git.send(:stale_branches_to_ignore, ["foo"])).to include "HEAD" expect(Git.send(:stale_branches_to_ignore, ["foo"])).to include "master" expect(Git.send(:stale_branches_to_ignore, ["foo"])).to include "staging" expect(Git.send(:stale_branches_to_ignore, ["foo"])).to include "deployable" expect(Git.send(:stale_branches_to_ignore, ["foo"])).to include "foo" end end context "#recent_sha(branch_name)" do let(:branch_name) { "foo" } let(:raw_sha) { "asdf123\n" } it "grabs the SHA of the given branch from 1 day ago" do Git.should_receive(:perform_quietly).with("rev-list `git rev-parse remotes/origin/#{branch_name}` --max-count=1") { raw_sha } expect(Git.send(:recent_sha, branch_name)).to eq("asdf123") end end context ".delete_branch(branch_name)" do let(:branch_name) { "foo" } it "leverages git-extra's delete-branch command" do Git.should_receive(:perform).with("push origin :#{branch_name}") Git.should_receive(:perform).with("branch -D #{branch_name}") Git.delete_branch branch_name end end end end