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Left * version is for form buttons, which typically come after other elements, and * right version is for icons, which come before. Applying both is ok, but it will * mean that space between those elements will be .6em (~2 space characters) in IE7, * instead of the 1 space in other browsers. */; 0; io; ;[o; ;[;@ ;["*margin-left; i>;;; o;;@ ; " .3em;;;io; ;o;;"; i@;[o;;[o;;@; i@;[o;;@; i@o; ;@;["first-child; i@;0;; ;[o; ;[;@ ;["*margin-left; iA;;; o;;@ ; "0;;;i;!T;@ ; i@;i;"["&:first-child;!T;@ ;#[;" ie7-restore-left-whitespace; i=o; ;[o; ;[;@ ;["*margin-right; iF;;; o;;@ ; " .3em;;;io; ;o;;"; iH;[o;;[o;;@; iH;[o;;@; iHo; ;@;["last-child; iH;0;; ;[o; ;[;@ ;["*margin-left; iI;;; o;;@ ; "0;;;i;!T;@ ; iH;i;"["&:last-child;!T;@ ;#[;"!ie7-restore-right-whitespace; iEo; ;[;@ ; iM; ["8/* Sizing shortcuts * ------------------------- */; 0; io; ;[o; ;[;@ ;[" width; iP;;; o:Sass::Script::Variable :@underscored_name" width;@ ;" width; iP;io; ;[;@ ;[" height; iQ;;; o;+ ;," height;@ ;" height; iQ;i;!T;@ ;#[[o;+;," height;@ ;" heighto;' ;("5px;@ ; iO;)[; i ;*["px[o;+;," width;@ ;" widtho;' ;("5px;@ ; iO;)[; i ;*["px;" size; iOo; 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0; io; ;[o; ;[;@ ;[" overflow; in;;; o;;@ ; " hidden;;;io; ;[;@ ;["text-indent; io;;; o;;@ ; " 100%;;;io; ;[;@ ;["white-space; ip;;; o;;@ ; " nowrap;;;i;!T;@ ;#[;"hide-text; imo; ;[;@ ; it; ["F/* FONTS * -------------------------------------------------- */; 0; io; ;[o; ;[;@ ;["font-family; iw;;; o;;@ ; "-Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif;;;i;!T;@ ;#[;"font-family-serif; ivo; ;[o; ;[;@ ;["font-family; iz;;; o;;@ ; "3"Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;;;i;!T;@ ;#[;"font-family-sans-serif; iyo; ;[o; ;[;@ ;["font-family; i};;; o;;@ ; ",Menlo, Monaco, "Courier New", monospace;;;i;!T;@ ;#[;"font-family-monospace; i|o; ;[o; ;[;@ ;["font-size; i{;;; o;+ ;," size;@ ;" size; i{;io; ;[;@ ;["font-weight; i|;;; o;+ ;," weight;@ ;" weight; i|;io; ;[;@ ;["line-height; i};;; o;+ ;,"lineHeight;@ ;"lineHeight; i};i;!T;@ ;#[[o;+;," size;@ ;" sizeo;+ ;,"baseFontSize;@ ;"baseFontSize; i[o;+;," weight;@ ;" weighto; ;@ ; i; " normal;;[o;+;,"lineHeight;@ ;"lineHeighto;+ ;,"baseLineHeight;@ ;"baseLineHeight; i;"font-shorthand; io; ;[o;% ;&{;[;@ ;#[;"font-family-serif; io;% ;&{;[;@ ;#[o;+ ;," size;@ ;" size; io;+ ;," weight;@ ;" weight; io;+ ;,"lineHeight;@ ;"lineHeight; i;"font-shorthand; i;!T;@ ;#[[o;+;," size;@ ;" sizeo;+ ;,"baseFontSize;@ ;"baseFontSize; i[o;+;," weight;@ ;" weighto; ;@ ; i; " normal;;[o;+;,"lineHeight;@ ;"lineHeighto;+ ;,"baseLineHeight;@ ;"baseLineHeight; i;"font-serif; io; ;[o;% ;&{;[;@ ;#[;"font-family-sans-serif; io;% ;&{;[;@ ;#[o;+ ;," size;@ ;" size; io;+ ;," weight;@ ;" weight; io;+ ;,"lineHeight;@ ;"lineHeight; i;"font-shorthand; i;!T;@ ;#[[o;+;," size;@ ;" sizeo;+ ;,"baseFontSize;@ ;"baseFontSize; i[o;+;," weight;@ ;" weighto; ;@ ; i; " normal;;[o;+;,"lineHeight;@ ;"lineHeighto;+ ;,"baseLineHeight;@ ;"baseLineHeight; i;"font-sans-serif; io; ;[o;% ;&{;[;@ ;#[;"font-family-monospace; io;% ;&{;[;@ ;#[o;+ ;," size;@ ;" size; io;+ ;," weight;@ ;" weight; io;+ ;,"lineHeight;@ ;"lineHeight; i;"font-shorthand; i;!T;@ ;#[[o;+;," size;@ ;" sizeo;+ ;,"baseFontSize;@ ;"baseFontSize; i[o;+;," weight;@ ;" weighto; ;@ ; i; " normal;;[o;+;,"lineHeight;@ ;"lineHeighto;+ ;,"baseLineHeight;@ ;"baseLineHeight; i;"font-monospace; io; ;[;@ ; i; ["F/* FORMS * -------------------------------------------------- */; 0; io; ;[ o; ;[;@ ;[" display; i;;; o;;@ ; " block;;;io; ;[;@ ;[" width; i;;; o;;@ ; " 100%;;;io; ;[;@ ;["min-height; i;;; o;;@ ; " 28px;;;io; ;[;@ ; i; ["F/* Make inputs at least the height of their button counterpart */; 0; 0o; ;[;@ ; i; ["=/* Makes inputs behave like true block-level elements */; 0; 0o;% ;&{;[;@ ;#[o; ;@ ; i; "border-box;;;"box-sizing; i;!T;@ ;#[;"input-block-level; io; ;[;@ ; i; ["&/* Mixin for form field states */; 0; io; ;[ o; ;[;@ ; i; ["/* Set the text color */; 0; io; ;o;;"; i;[o;;[">o;;@; i;[o:Sass::Selector::Element ;@;[" label; i:@namespace0o;;[o;;@; i;[o;$;@;["help-block; io;;[o;;@; i;[o;$;@;["help-inline; i;[o; ;[;@ ;[" color; i;;; o;+ ;,"textColor;@ ;"textColor; i;i;!T;@ ; i;i;"["'> label, .help-block, .help-inlineo; ;[;@ ; i; ["#/* Style inputs accordingly */; 0; io; ;o;;"; i;[o;;[o;;@; i;[o;. ;@;[" input; i;/0o;;[o;;@; i;[o;. ;@;[" select; i;/0o;;[o;;@; i;[o;. ;@;[" textarea; i;/0;[o; ;[;@ ;[" color; i;;; o;+ ;,"textColor;@ ;"textColor; i;io; ;[;@ ;["border-color; i;;; o;+ ;,"borderColor;@ ;"borderColor; i;io; ;o;;"; i;[o;;[o;;@; i;[o;;@; io; ;@;[" focus; i;0;; ;[o; ;[;@ ;["border-color; i;;; o:Sass::Script::Funcall ;&{;@ ;#[o;+ ;,"borderColor;@ ;"borderColor; io;' ;("10%;@ ; i;)[; i;*["%;" darken; i;io;% ;&{;[;@ ;#[o:Sass::Script::List :@separator: space;@ ; i; [ o;' ;("0;@ ; i;)[; i;*[o;' ;("0;@ ; i;)@#; i;*[o;' ;("6px;@ ; i;)[; i ;*["pxo;0 ;&{;@ ;#[o;+ ;,"borderColor;@ ;"borderColor; io;' ;("20%;@ ; i;)[; i;*["%;" lighten; i;"box-shadow; i;!T;@ ; i;i;"[" &:focus;!T;@ ; i;i;"["input, select, textareao; ;[;@ ; i; ["B/* Give a small background color for input-prepend/-append */; 0; io; ;o;;"; i;[o;;[o;;@D; i;[o;$;@D;["input-prepend; io;;@D; i;[o;$;@D;[" add-on; io;;[o;;@D; i;[o;$;@D;["input-append; io;;@D; i;[o;$;@D;[" add-on; i;[o; ;[;@ ;[" color; i;;; o;+ ;,"textColor;@ ;"textColor; i;io; ;[;@ ;["background-color; i;;; o;+ ;,"backgroundColor;@ ;"backgroundColor; i;io; ;[;@ ;["border-color; i;;; o;+ ;,"textColor;@ ;"textColor; i;i;!T;@ ; i;i;"["2.input-prepend .add-on, .input-append .add-on;!T;@ ;#[[o;+;,"textColor;@ ;"textColoro:Sass::Script::Color : @attrs{ :rediZ: greeniZ: blueiZ: alphai;@ ; i; 0[o;+;,"borderColor;@ ;"borderColoro;4 ;5{ ;6i;7i;8i;9i;@ ; i; 0[o;+;,"backgroundColor;@ ;"backgroundColoro;4 ;5{ ;6i;7i;8i;9i;@ ; i; 0;"formFieldState; io; ;[;@ ; i; ["P/* CSS3 PROPERTIES * -------------------------------------------------- */; 0; io; ;[;@ ; i; ["/* Border Radius */; 0; io; ;[o; ;[;@ ;["-webkit-border-radius; i;;; o;+ ;," radius;@ ;" radius; i;io; ;[;@ ;["-moz-border-radius; i;;; o;+ ;," radius;@ ;" radius; i;io; ;[;@ ;["border-radius; i;;; o;+ ;," radius;@ ;" radius; i;i;!T;@ ;#[[o;+;," radius;@ ;" radiuso;' ;("5px;@ ; i;)[; i ;*["px;"border-radius; io; ;[;@ ; i; ["/* Drop shadows */; 0; io; ;[o; ;[;@ ;["-webkit-box-shadow; 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i;" rotate; i;io; ;[;@ ;["-moz-transform; i;;; o;0 ;&{;@ ;#[o;+ ;," degrees;@ ;" degrees; i;" rotate; i;io; ;[;@ ;["-ms-transform; i;;; o;0 ;&{;@ ;#[o;+ ;," degrees;@ ;" degrees; i;" rotate; i;io; ;[;@ ;["-o-transform; i;;; o;0 ;&{;@ ;#[o;+ ;," degrees;@ ;" degrees; i;" rotate; i;io; ;[;@ ;["transform; i;;; o;0 ;&{;@ ;#[o;+ ;," degrees;@ ;" degrees; i;" rotate; i;i;!T;@ ;#[[o;+;," degrees;@ ;" degrees0;" rotate; io; ;[ o; ;[;@ ;["-webkit-transform; i;;; o;0 ;&{;@ ;#[o;+ ;," ratio;@ ;" ratio; i;" scale; i;io; ;[;@ ;["-moz-transform; i;;; o;0 ;&{;@ ;#[o;+ ;," ratio;@ ;" ratio; i;" scale; i;io; ;[;@ ;["-ms-transform; i;;; o;0 ;&{;@ ;#[o;+ ;," ratio;@ ;" ratio; i;" scale; i;io; ;[;@ ;["-o-transform; i;;; o;0 ;&{;@ ;#[o;+ ;," ratio;@ ;" ratio; i;" scale; i;io; ;[;@ ;["transform; i;;; o;0 ;&{;@ ;#[o;+ ;," ratio;@ ;" ratio; i;" scale; i;i;!T;@ ;#[[o;+;," ratio;@ ;" ratio0;" scale; io; ;[ o; ;[;@ ;["-webkit-transform; i;;; o;0 ;&{;@ ;#[o;+ ;,"x;@ ;"x; io;+ ;,"y;@ ;"y; i;"translate; i;io; ;[;@ ;["-moz-transform; 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;[;@ ;["-webkit-transform; i;;; o;0 ;&{;@ ;#[o;+ ;,"x;@ ;"x; io;+ ;,"y;@ ;"y; io;+ ;,"z;@ ;"z; i;"translate; i;io; ;[;@ ;["-moz-transform; i;;; o;0 ;&{;@ ;#[o;+ ;,"x;@ ;"x; io;+ ;,"y;@ ;"y; io;+ ;,"z;@ ;"z; i;"translate; i;io; ;[;@ ;["-ms-transform; i;;; o;0 ;&{;@ ;#[o;+ ;,"x;@ ;"x; io;+ ;,"y;@ ;"y; io;+ ;,"z;@ ;"z; i;"translate; i;io; ;[;@ ;["-o-transform; i;;; o;0 ;&{;@ ;#[o;+ ;,"x;@ ;"x; io;+ ;,"y;@ ;"y; io;+ ;,"z;@ ;"z; i;"translate; i;io; ;[;@ ;["transform; i;;; o;0 ;&{;@ ;#[o;+ ;,"x;@ ;"x; io;+ ;,"y;@ ;"y; io;+ ;,"z;@ ;"z; i;"translate; i;i;!T;@ ;#[[o;+;,"x;@ ;"xo;' ;("0;@ ; i;)@#; i;*[[o;+;,"y;@ ;"yo;' ;("0;@ ; i;)@#; i;*[[o;+;,"z;@ ;"zo;' ;("0;@ ; i;)@#; i;*[;"translate3d; io; ;[;@ ; i; ["d/* Background clipping * Heads up: FF 3.6 and under need "padding" instead of "padding-box" */; 0; io; ;[o; ;[;@ ;["-webkit-background-clip; i;;; o;+ ;," clip;@ ;" clip; i;io; ;[;@ ;["-moz-background-clip; i;;; o;+ ;," clip;@ ;" clip; i;io; ;[;@ ;["background-clip; i;;; o;+ ;," clip;@ ;" clip; 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" center;;o;' ;("0;@ ; im;)@#; i;*[o;1 ;2;3;@ ; im; [o; ;@ ; im; " center;;o; ;@ ; im; " center;;o;' ;("460;@ ; im;)@#; i;*[o;0 ;&{;@ ;#[o;+ ;,"innerColor;@ ;"innerColor; im;" from; imo;0 ;&{;@ ;#[o;+ ;,"outerColor;@ ;"outerColor; im;"to; im;"-webkit-gradient; im;io; ;[;@ ;["background-image; in;;; o;0 ;&{;@ ;#[o; ;@ ; in; " circle;;o;+ ;,"innerColor;@ ;"innerColor; ino;+ ;,"outerColor;@ ;"outerColor; in;"-webkit-radial-gradient; in;io; ;[;@ ;["background-image; io;;; o;0 ;&{;@ ;#[o; ;@ ; io; " circle;;o;+ ;,"innerColor;@ ;"innerColor; ioo;+ ;,"outerColor;@ ;"outerColor; io;"-moz-radial-gradient; io;io; ;[;@ ;["background-image; ip;;; o;0 ;&{;@ ;#[o; ;@ ; ip; " circle;;o;+ ;,"innerColor;@ ;"innerColor; ipo;+ ;,"outerColor;@ ;"outerColor; ip;"-ms-radial-gradient; ip;io; ;[;@ ;["background-image; iq;;; o;0 ;&{;@ ;#[o; ;@ ; iq; " circle;;o;+ ;,"innerColor;@ ;"innerColor; iqo;+ ;,"outerColor;@ ;"outerColor; iq;"-o-radial-gradient; iq;io; ;[;@ ;["background-repeat; ir;;; o;;@ ; "no-repeat;;;i;!T;@ ;#[[o;+;,"innerColor;@ ;"innerColoro;4 ;5{ ;6iZ;7iZ;8iZ;9i;@ ; ik; 0[o;+;,"outerColor;@ ;"outerColoro;4 ;5{ ;6i8;7i8;8i8;9i;@ ; ik; 0;"gradient-radial; iko; ;[ o; ;[;@ ;["background-color; iu;;; o;+ ;," color;@ ;" color; iu;io; ;[;@ ;["background-image; iv;;; o;0 ;&{;@ ;#[o; ;@ ; iv; " linear;;o;1 ;2;3;@ ; iv; [o;' ;("0;@ ; iv;)@#; i;*[o;' ;(" 100%;@ ; iv;)[; ii;*["%o;1 ;2;3;@ ; iv; [o;' ;(" 100%;@ ; iv;)[; ii;*["%o;' ;("0;@ ; iv;)@#; i;*[o;0 ;&{;@ ;#[o;' ;(" 0.25;@ ; iv;)@#; f 0.25;*[o;0 ;&{;@ ;#[ o;' ;("255;@ ; iv;)@#; i;*[o;' ;("255;@ ; iv;)@#; i;*[o;' ;("255;@ ; iv;)@#; i;*[o;' ;(" 0.15;@ ; iv;)@#; f0.1499999999999999933;*[;" rgba; iv;"color-stop; ivo;0 ;&{;@ ;#[o;' ;(" 0.25;@ ; iv;)@#; f 0.25;*[o; ;@ ; iv; "transparent;;;"color-stop; ivo;0 ;&{;@ ;#[o;' ;("0.5;@ ; iv;)@#; f0.5;*[o; ;@ ; iv; "transparent;;;"color-stop; ivo;0 ;&{;@ ;#[o;' ;("0.5;@ ; iv;)@#; f0.5;*[o;0 ;&{;@ ;#[ o;' ;("255;@ ; iv;)@#; i;*[o;' ;("255;@ ; iv;)@#; i;*[o;' ;("255;@ ; iv;)@#; i;*[o;' ;(" 0.15;@ ; iv;)@#; f0.1499999999999999933;*[;" rgba; iv;"color-stop; ivo;0 ;&{;@ ;#[o;' ;(" 0.75;@ ; 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io; ;[o; ;[;@ ;[" height; i;;; o;;@ ; "1px;;;io; ;[;@ ;[" margin; i;;; o;1 ;2;3;@ ; i; [o;: ;;o;' ;@ ; i;)@#; i;*[;@ ; i;<: minus;>o;: ;;o;' ;("2;@ ; i;)@#; i;*[;@ ; i;<:div;>o;+ ;,"baseLineHeight;@ ;"baseLineHeight; io;' ;("1px;@ ; i;)[; i;*["px;io; ;[;@ ; i; ["/* 8px 1px */; 0; io; ;[;@ ;[" overflow; i;;; o;;@ ; " hidden;;;io; ;[;@ ;["background-color; i;;; o;;@ ; " #e5e5e5;;;io; ;[;@ ;["border-bottom; i;;; o;1 ;2;3;@ ; i; [o;' ;("1px;@ ; i;)[; i;*["pxo; ;@ ; i; " solid;;o;+ ;," white;@ ;" white; i;io; ;[;@ ; i; ["/* IE7 needs a set width since we gave a height. Restricting just * to IE7 to keep the 1px left/right space in other browsers. * It is unclear where IE is getting the extra space that we need * to negative-margin away, but so it goes. */; 0; io; ;[;@ ;[" *width; i;;; o;;@ ; " 100%;;;io; ;[;@ ;[" *margin; i;;; o;1 ;2;3;@ ; i; [o;' ;(" -5px;@ ; i;)[; i;*["pxo;' ;("0;@ ; i;)@#; i;*[o;' ;("5px;@ ; i;)[; i ;*["px;i;!T;@ ;#[;"nav-divider; io; ;[;@ ; i; ["3/* Button backgrounds * ------------------ */; 0; io; ;[ o; ;[;@ ; i; ["]/* gradientBar will set the background to a pleasing blend of these, to support IE<=9 */; 0; io;% ;&{;[;@ ;#[o;+ ;,"startColor;@ ;"startColor; io;+ ;," endColor;@ ;" endColor; i;"gradientBar; io;% ;&{;[;@ ;#[;"reset-filter; io; ;[;@ ; i; ["Q/* in these cases the gradient won't cover the background, so we override */; 0; io; ;o;;"; i;[ o;;[o;;@&; i;[o;;@&; io; ;@&;[" hover; i;0;; o;;[o;;@&; i;[o;;@&; io; ;@&;[" active; i;0;; o;;[o;;@&; i;[o;;@&; io;$;@&;[" active; io;;[o;;@&; i;[o;;@&; io;$;@&;[" disabled; io;;[o;;@&; i;[o;;@&; io:Sass::Selector::Attribute ;@&;[" disabled; i; 0;<0;/0;[o; ;[;@ ;["background-color; i;;; o;+ ;," endColor;@ ;" endColor; i;i;!T;@ ; i;i;"["9&:hover, &:active, &.active, &.disabled, &[disabled]o; ;[;@ ; i; ["X/* IE 7 + 8 can't handle box-shadow to show active, so we darken a bit ourselves */; 0; io; ;o;;"; i;[o;;[o;;@`; i;[o;;@`; io; ;@`;[" active; i;0;; o;;[o;;@`; i;[o;;@`; io;$;@`;[" active; i;[o; ;[;@ ;["background-color; i;;; o;1 ;2;3;@ ; i; [o;0 ;&{;@ ;#[o;+ ;," endColor;@ ;" endColor; io;' ;("10%;@ ; i;)[; i;*["%;" darken; io; ;@ ; i; "\9;;;i;!T;@ ; i;i;"["&:active, &.active;!T;@ ;#[[o;+;,"startColor;@ ;"startColor0[o;+;," endColor;@ ;" endColor0;"buttonBackground; io; ;[;@ ; i; ["/* Navbar vertical align * ------------------------- * Vertically center elements in the navbar. * Example: an element has a height of 30px, so write out `.navbarVerticalAlign(30px);` to calculate the appropriate top margin. */; 0; io; ;[o; ;[;@ ;["margin-top; i;;; o;: ;;o;' ;("2;@ ; i;)@#; i;*[;@ ; i;<;H;>o;: ;;o;+ ;,"elementHeight;@ ;"elementHeight; i;@ ; i;<;G;>o;+ ;,"navbarHeight;@ ;"navbarHeight; i;i;!T;@ ;#[[o;+;,"elementHeight;@ ;"elementHeight0;"navbarVerticalAlign; io; ;[;@ ; i; ["R/* Popover arrows * ------------------------- * For tipsies and popovers */; 0; io; ;[ o; ;[;@ ;[" bottom; i;;; o;;@ ; "0;;;io; ;[;@ ;[" left; i;;; o;;@ ; "50%;;;io; ;[;@ ;["margin-left; i;;; o:!Sass::Script::UnaryOperation ;@ ; i;<;G: @operando;+ ;,"arrowWidth;@ ;"arrowWidth; i;io; ;[;@ ;["border-left; i;;; o;1 ;2;3;@ ; i; [o;+ ;,"arrowWidth;@ ;"arrowWidth; io; ;@ ; i; " solid;;o; ;@ ; i; "transparent;;;io; ;[;@ ;["border-right; i;;; o;1 ;2;3;@ ; i; [o;+ ;,"arrowWidth;@ ;"arrowWidth; io; ;@ ; i; " solid;;o; ;@ ; i; "transparent;;;io; ;[;@ ;["border-top; i;;; o;1 ;2;3;@ ; i; [o;+ ;,"arrowWidth;@ ;"arrowWidth; io; ;@ ; i; " solid;;o;+ ;," color;@ ;" color; i;i;!T;@ ;#[[o;+;,"arrowWidth;@ ;"arrowWidtho;' ;("5px;@ ; i;)[; i ;*["px[o;+;," color;@ ;" coloro;+ ;," black;@ ;" black; i;"popoverArrowTop; 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i ;"gridFluidSpan; i ;!T;@ ; i ;i;"[" > .spano;+ ;,"i;@ ;"i; i ;!T;@ ; i;PF;Qo;+ ;,"gridColumns;@ ;"gridColumns; i;!T;@ ; i;i;"[".row-fluid;!T;@ ;#[[o;+;,"fluidGridColumnWidth;@ ;"fluidGridColumnWidth0[o;+;,"fluidGridGutterWidth;@ ;"fluidGridGutterWidth0;"gridFluid; io; ;[o; ;[;@ ;[" width; i&;;; o;: ;;o;: ;;o;: ;;o;' ;("1;@ ; i&;)@#; i;*[;@ ; i&;<;G;>o;+ ;," columns;@ ;" columns; i&;@ ; i&;<;=;>o;+ ;,"fluidGridGutterWidth;@ ;"fluidGridGutterWidth; i&;@ ; i&;<;L;>o;: ;;o;+ ;," columns;@ ;" columns; i&;@ ; i&;<;=;>o;+ ;,"fluidGridColumnWidth;@ ;"fluidGridColumnWidth; i&;i;!T;@ ;#[[o;+;," columns;@ ;" columns0[o;+;,"fluidGridColumnWidth;@ ;"fluidGridColumnWidth0[o;+;,"fluidGridGutterWidth;@ ;"fluidGridGutterWidth0;"gridFluidSpan; i%o; ;[o;M ;No;' ;("1;@ ; i*;)@#; i;*[;O"i;[o; ;[o;% ;&{;[;@ ;#[o;+ ;,"i;@ ;"i; i+o;+ ;,"gridColumnWidth;@ ;"gridColumnWidth; i+o;+ ;,"gridGutterWidth;@ ;"gridGutterWidth; i+;"gridInputSpan; i+;!T;@ ; i+;i;"[ "input.spano;+ ;,"i;@ ;"i; i+", textarea.spano;+ ;,"i;@ ;"i; 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i8; [" label, .help-block, .help-inline { color: $textColor; } // Style inputs accordingly input, select, textarea { color: $textColor; border-color: $borderColor; &:focus { border-color: darken($borderColor, 10%); @include box-shadow(0 0 6px lighten($borderColor, 20%)); } } // Give a small background color for input-prepend/-append .input-prepend .add-on, .input-append .add-on { color: $textColor; background-color: $backgroundColor; border-color: $textColor; } } // CSS3 PROPERTIES // -------------------------------------------------- // Border Radius @mixin border-radius($radius: 5px) { -webkit-border-radius: $radius; -moz-border-radius: $radius; border-radius: $radius; } // Drop shadows @mixin box-shadow($shadow: 0 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,.25)) { -webkit-box-shadow: $shadow; -moz-box-shadow: $shadow; box-shadow: $shadow; } // Transitions @mixin transition($transition) { -webkit-transition: $transition; -moz-transition: $transition; -ms-transition: $transition; -o-transition: $transition; transition: $transition; } // Transformations @mixin rotate($degrees) { -webkit-transform: rotate($degrees); -moz-transform: rotate($degrees); -ms-transform: rotate($degrees); -o-transform: rotate($degrees); transform: rotate($degrees); } @mixin scale($ratio) { -webkit-transform: scale($ratio); -moz-transform: scale($ratio); -ms-transform: scale($ratio); -o-transform: scale($ratio); transform: scale($ratio); } @mixin translate($x: 0, $y: 0) { -webkit-transform: translate($x, $y); -moz-transform: translate($x, $y); -ms-transform: translate($x, $y); -o-transform: translate($x, $y); transform: translate($x, $y); } @mixin skew($x: 0, $y: 0) { -webkit-transform: skew($x, $y); -moz-transform: skew($x, $y); -ms-transform: skew($x, $y); -o-transform: skew($x, $y); transform: skew($x, $y); } @mixin translate3d($x: 0, $y: 0, $z: 0) { -webkit-transform: translate($x, $y, $z); -moz-transform: translate($x, $y, $z); -ms-transform: translate($x, $y, $z); -o-transform: translate($x, $y, $z); transform: translate($x, $y, $z); } // Background clipping // Heads up: FF 3.6 and under need "padding" instead of "padding-box" @mixin background-clip($clip) { -webkit-background-clip: $clip; -moz-background-clip: $clip; background-clip: $clip; } // Background sizing @mixin background-size($size){ -webkit-background-size: $size; -moz-background-size: $size; -o-background-size: $size; background-size: $size; } // Box sizing @mixin box-sizing($boxmodel) { -webkit-box-sizing: $boxmodel; -moz-box-sizing: $boxmodel; -ms-box-sizing: $boxmodel; box-sizing: $boxmodel; } // User select // For selecting text on the page @mixin user-select($select) { -webkit-user-select: $select; -moz-user-select: $select; -o-user-select: $select; user-select: $select; } // Resize anything @mixin resizable($direction: both) { resize: $direction; // Options: horizontal, vertical, both overflow: auto; // Safari fix } // CSS3 Content Columns @mixin content-columns($columnCount, $columnGap: $gridColumnGutter) { -webkit-column-count: $columnCount; -moz-column-count: $columnCount; column-count: $columnCount; -webkit-column-gap: $columnGap; -moz-column-gap: $columnGap; column-gap: $columnGap; } // Opacity @mixin opacity($opacity: 1) { opacity: $opacity; filter: alpha(opacity=$opacity * 100); } // BACKGROUNDS // -------------------------------------------------- // Add an alphatransparency value to any background or border color (via Elyse Holladay) @mixin translucent-background($color: $white, $alpha: 1) { background-color: hsla(hue($color), saturation($color), lightness($color), $alpha); } @mixin translucent-border($color: $white, $alpha: 1) { border-color: hsla(hue($color), saturation($color), lightness($color), $alpha); @include background-clip(padding-box); } // Gradient Bar Colors for buttons and alerts @mixin gradientBar($primaryColor, $secondaryColor) { @include gradient-vertical($primaryColor, $secondaryColor); border-color: $secondaryColor $secondaryColor darken($secondaryColor, 15%); border-color: rgba(0,0,0,.1) rgba(0,0,0,.1) fadein(rgba(0,0,0,.1), 15%); } // Gradients @mixin gradient-horizontal($startColor: #555, $endColor: #333) { background-color: $endColor; background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(left, $startColor, $endColor); // FF 3.6+ background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(left, $startColor, $endColor); // IE10 background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0 0, 100% 0, from($startColor), to($endColor)); // Safari 4+, Chrome 2+ background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, $startColor, $endColor); // Safari 5.1+, Chrome 10+ background-image: -o-linear-gradient(left, $startColor, $endColor); // Opera 11.10 background-image: linear-gradient(left, $startColor, $endColor); // Le standard background-repeat: repeat-x; filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#{ie-hex-str($startColor)}', endColorstr='#{ie-hex-str($endColor)}', GradientType=1); // IE9 and down } @mixin gradient-vertical($startColor: #555, $endColor: #333) { background-color: mix($startColor, $endColor, 60%); background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, $startColor, $endColor); // FF 3.6+ background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top, $startColor, $endColor); // IE10 background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0 0, 0 100%, from($startColor), to($endColor)); // Safari 4+, Chrome 2+ background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, $startColor, $endColor); // Safari 5.1+, Chrome 10+ background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top, $startColor, $endColor); // Opera 11.10 background-image: linear-gradient(top, $startColor, $endColor); // The standard background-repeat: repeat-x; filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#{ie-hex-str($startColor)}', endColorstr='#{ie-hex-str($endColor)}', GradientType=0); // IE9 and down } @mixin gradient-directional($startColor: #555, $endColor: #333, $deg: 45deg) { background-color: $endColor; background-repeat: repeat-x; background-image: -moz-linear-gradient($deg, $startColor, $endColor); // FF 3.6+ background-image: -ms-linear-gradient($deg, $startColor, $endColor); // IE10 background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient($deg, $startColor, $endColor); // Safari 5.1+, Chrome 10+ background-image: -o-linear-gradient($deg, $startColor, $endColor); // Opera 11.10 background-image: linear-gradient($deg, $startColor, $endColor); // The standard } @mixin gradient-vertical-three-colors($startColor: #00b3ee, $midColor: #7a43b6, $colorStop: 50%, $endColor: #c3325f) { background-color: mix($midColor, $endColor, 80%); background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0 0, 0 100%, from($startColor), color-stop($colorStop, $midColor), to($endColor)); background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient($startColor, $midColor $colorStop, $endColor); background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, $startColor, $midColor $colorStop, $endColor); background-image: -ms-linear-gradient($startColor, $midColor $colorStop, $endColor); background-image: -o-linear-gradient($startColor, $midColor $colorStop, $endColor); background-image: linear-gradient($startColor, $midColor $colorStop, $endColor); background-repeat: no-repeat; filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#{ie-hex-str($startColor)}', endColorstr='#{ie-hex-str($endColor)}', GradientType=0); // IE9 and down, gets no color-stop at all for proper fallback } @mixin gradient-radial($innerColor: #555, $outerColor: #333) { background-color: $outerColor; background-image: -webkit-gradient(radial, center center, 0, center center, 460, from($innerColor), to($outerColor)); background-image: -webkit-radial-gradient(circle, $innerColor, $outerColor); background-image: -moz-radial-gradient(circle, $innerColor, $outerColor); background-image: -ms-radial-gradient(circle, $innerColor, $outerColor); background-image: -o-radial-gradient(circle, $innerColor, $outerColor); background-repeat: no-repeat; } @mixin gradient-striped($color, $angle: -45deg) { background-color: $color; background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0 100%, 100% 0, color-stop(.25, rgba(255,255,255,.15)), color-stop(.25, transparent), color-stop(.5, transparent), color-stop(.5, rgba(255,255,255,.15)), color-stop(.75, rgba(255,255,255,.15)), color-stop(.75, transparent), to(transparent)); background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient($angle, rgba(255,255,255,.15) 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 50%, rgba(255,255,255,.15) 50%, rgba(255,255,255,.15) 75%, transparent 75%, transparent); background-image: -moz-linear-gradient($angle, rgba(255,255,255,.15) 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 50%, rgba(255,255,255,.15) 50%, rgba(255,255,255,.15) 75%, transparent 75%, transparent); background-image: -ms-linear-gradient($angle, rgba(255,255,255,.15) 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 50%, rgba(255,255,255,.15) 50%, rgba(255,255,255,.15) 75%, transparent 75%, transparent); background-image: -o-linear-gradient($angle, rgba(255,255,255,.15) 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 50%, rgba(255,255,255,.15) 50%, rgba(255,255,255,.15) 75%, transparent 75%, transparent); background-image: linear-gradient($angle, rgba(255,255,255,.15) 25%, rgba(255,255,255,0) 25%, rgba(255,255,255,0) 50%, rgba(255,255,255,.15) 50%, rgba(255,255,255,.15) 75%, rgba(255,255,255,0) 75%, rgba(255,255,255,0)); } // Reset filters for IE @mixin reset-filter() { filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(enabled = false); } // COMPONENT MIXINS // -------------------------------------------------- // Horizontal dividers // ------------------- // Dividers (basically an hr) within dropdowns and nav lists @mixin nav-divider() { height: 1px; margin: (($baseLineHeight / 2) - 1) 1px; // 8px 1px overflow: hidden; background-color: #e5e5e5; border-bottom: 1px solid $white; // IE7 needs a set width since we gave a height. Restricting just // to IE7 to keep the 1px left/right space in other browsers. // It is unclear where IE is getting the extra space that we need // to negative-margin away, but so it goes. *width: 100%; *margin: -5px 0 5px; } // Button backgrounds // ------------------ @mixin buttonBackground($startColor, $endColor) { // gradientBar will set the background to a pleasing blend of these, to support IE<=9 @include gradientBar($startColor, $endColor); @include reset-filter(); // in these cases the gradient won't cover the background, so we override &:hover, &:active, &.active, &.disabled, &[disabled] { background-color: $endColor; } // IE 7 + 8 can't handle box-shadow to show active, so we darken a bit ourselves &:active, &.active { background-color: darken($endColor, 10%) \9; } } // Navbar vertical align // ------------------------- // Vertically center elements in the navbar. // Example: an element has a height of 30px, so write out `.navbarVerticalAlign(30px);` to calculate the appropriate top margin. @mixin navbarVerticalAlign($elementHeight) { margin-top: ($navbarHeight - $elementHeight) / 2; } // Popover arrows // ------------------------- // For tipsies and popovers @mixin popoverArrowTop($arrowWidth: 5px, $color: $black) { bottom: 0; left: 50%; margin-left: -$arrowWidth; border-left: $arrowWidth solid transparent; border-right: $arrowWidth solid transparent; border-top: $arrowWidth solid $color; } @mixin popoverArrowLeft($arrowWidth: 5px, $color: $black) { top: 50%; right: 0; margin-top: -$arrowWidth; border-top: $arrowWidth solid transparent; border-bottom: $arrowWidth solid transparent; border-left: $arrowWidth solid $color; } @mixin popoverArrowBottom($arrowWidth: 5px, $color: $black) { top: 0; left: 50%; margin-left: -$arrowWidth; border-left: $arrowWidth solid transparent; border-right: $arrowWidth solid transparent; border-bottom: $arrowWidth solid $color; } @mixin popoverArrowRight($arrowWidth: 5px, $color: $black) { top: 50%; left: 0; margin-top: -$arrowWidth; border-top: $arrowWidth solid transparent; border-bottom: $arrowWidth solid transparent; border-right: $arrowWidth solid $color; } // Grid System // ----------- // Centered container element @mixin container-fixed() { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; @include clearfix(); } // Table columns @mixin tableColumns($columnSpan: 1) { float: none; // undo default grid column styles width: (($gridColumnWidth) * $columnSpan) + ($gridGutterWidth * ($columnSpan - 1)) - 16; // 16 is total padding on left and right of table cells margin-left: 0; // undo default grid column styles } // Make a Grid // Use .makeRow and .makeColumn to assign semantic layouts grid system behavior @mixin makeRow() { margin-left: $gridGutterWidth * -1; @include clearfix(); } @mixin makeColumn($columns: 1) { float: left; margin-left: $gridGutterWidth; width: ($gridColumnWidth * $columns) + ($gridGutterWidth * ($columns - 1)); } // The Grid @mixin gridCore($gridColumnWidth, $gridGutterWidth) { [class*="span"] { float: left; margin-left: $gridGutterWidth; } @for $i from 1 through $gridColumns { .span#{$i} { @include gridCoreSpan($i, $gridColumnWidth, $gridGutterWidth) } } @for $i from 1 through $gridColumns { .offset#{$i} { @include gridCoreOffset($i, $gridColumnWidth, $gridGutterWidth) } } .row { margin-left: $gridGutterWidth * -1; @include clearfix(); } .container, .navbar-fixed-top .container, .navbar-fixed-bottom .container { @include gridCoreSpan($gridColumns, $gridColumnWidth, $gridGutterWidth); } } @mixin gridCoreSpan($columns, $gridColumnWidth, $gridGutterWidth) { width: ($gridColumnWidth * $columns) + ($gridGutterWidth * ($columns - 1)); } @mixin gridCoreOffset($columns, $gridColumnWidth, $gridGutterWidth) { margin-left: ($gridColumnWidth * $columns) + ($gridGutterWidth * ($columns - 1)) + ($gridGutterWidth * 2); } @mixin gridFluid($fluidGridColumnWidth, $fluidGridGutterWidth) { .row-fluid { width: 100%; @include clearfix(); > [class*="span"] { float: left; margin-left: $fluidGridGutterWidth; } > [class*="span"]:first-child { margin-left: 0; } @for $i from 1 through $gridColumns { > .span#{$i} { @include gridFluidSpan($i, $fluidGridColumnWidth, $fluidGridGutterWidth); } } } } @mixin gridFluidSpan($columns, $fluidGridColumnWidth, $fluidGridGutterWidth) { width: ($fluidGridColumnWidth * $columns) + ($fluidGridGutterWidth * ($columns - 1)); } @mixin gridInput($gridColumnWidth, $gridGutterWidth) { @for $i from 1 through $gridColumns { input.span#{$i}, textarea.span#{$i}, .uneditable-input.span#{$i} { @include gridInputSpan($i, $gridColumnWidth, $gridGutterWidth); } } input, textarea, .uneditable-input { margin-left: 0; // override margin-left from core grid system } } @mixin gridInputSpan($columns, $gridColumWidth, $gridGutterWidth) { width: (($gridColumnWidth) * $columns) + ($gridGutterWidth * ($columns - 1)) - 10; } @mixin makeFluidColumn($columns) { // This isn't perfect, but it's better than nothing. float: left; margin-left: $fluidGridGutterWidth; @include gridFluidSpan($columns, $fluidGridColumnWidth, $fluidGridGutterWidth); }