# encoding: UTF-8 module Stringex module Localization module ConversionExpressions ABBREVIATION = /(\s|^)([[:alpha:]](\.[[:alpha:]])+(\.?)[[:alpha:]]*(\s|$))/ ACCENTED_HTML_ENTITY = /&([A-Za-z])(grave|acute|circ|tilde|uml|ring|cedil|slash);/ APOSTROPHE = /(^|[[:alpha:]])'|`([[:alpha:]]|$)/ CHARACTERS = { :and => /\s*&\s*/, :at => /\s*@\s*/, :degrees => /\s*°\s*/, :divide => /\s*÷\s*/, :dot => /(\S|^)\.(\S)/, :ellipsis => /\s*\.{3,}\s*/, :equals => /\s*=\s*/, :number => /\s*#/, :percent => /\s*%\s*/, :plus => /\s*\+\s*/, :slash => /\s*(\\|\/|/)\s*/, :star => /\s*\*\s*/, } # Things that just get converted to spaces CLEANUP_CHARACTERS = /[\.,:;(){}\[\]\?!\^'ʼ"_\|<>]/ CLEANUP_HTML_ENTITIES = /&[^;]+;/ CURRENCIES_SUPPORTED_SIMPLE = { :dollars => /\$/, :euros => /€/, :pounds => /£/, :yen => /¥/, :reais => /R$/ } CURRENCIES_SUPPORTED_COMPLEX = { :dollars => :dollars_cents, :euros => :euros_cents, :pounds => :pounds_pence, :reais => :reais_cents } CURRENCIES_SUPPORTED = Regexp.new(CURRENCIES_SUPPORTED_SIMPLE.values.join('|')) CURRENCIES_SIMPLE = CURRENCIES_SUPPORTED_SIMPLE.inject({}) do |hash, content| key, expression = content hash[key] = /(?:\s|^)#{expression}(\d*)(?:\s|$)/ hash end CURRENCIES_COMPLEX = CURRENCIES_SUPPORTED_SIMPLE.inject({}) do |hash, content| key, expression = content # Do we really need to not worry about complex currencies if there are none for the currency? complex_key = CURRENCIES_SUPPORTED_COMPLEX[key] if complex_key hash[complex_key] = /(?:\s|^)#{expression}(\d+)\.(\d+)(?:\s|$)/ end hash end CURRENCIES = CURRENCIES_SIMPLE.merge(CURRENCIES_COMPLEX) HTML_ENTITIES = Proc.new(){ base = { :amp => %w{#38 amp}, :cent => %w{#162 cent}, :copy => %w{#169 copy}, :deg => %w{#176 deg}, :divide => %w{#247 divide}, :double_quote => %w{#34 #822[012] quot ldquo rdquo dbquo}, :ellipsis => %w{#8230 hellip}, :en_dash => %w{#8211 ndash}, :em_dash => %w{#8212 mdash}, :frac14 => %w{#188 frac14}, :frac12 => %w{#189 frac12}, :frac34 => %w{#190 frac34}, :gt => %w{#62 gt}, :lt => %w{#60 lt}, :nbsp => %w{#160 nbsp}, :pound => %w{#163 pound}, :reg => %w{#174 reg}, :single_quote => %w{#39 #821[678] apos lsquo rsquo sbquo}, :times => %w{#215 times}, :trade => %w{#8482 trade}, :yen => %w{#165 yen}, } base.inject({}) do |hash, content| key, expression = content hash[key] = /&(#{expression.join('|')});/ hash end }.call HTML_TAG = Proc.new(){ name = /[\w:_-]+/ value = /([A-Za-z0-9]+|('[^']*?'|"[^"]*?"))/ attr = /(#{name}(\s*=\s*#{value})?)/ /<[!\/?\[]?(#{name}|--)(\s+(#{attr}(\s+#{attr})*))?\s*([!\/?\]]+|--)?>/ }.call SMART_PUNCTUATION = { /(“|”|\302\223|\302\224|\303\222|\303\223)/ => '"', /(‘|’|\302\221|\302\222|\303\225)/ => "'", /…/ => "...", } # Ordered by denominator then numerator of the value VULGAR_FRACTIONS = { :half => /(½|½|½)/, :one_third => /(⅓|⅓)/, :two_thirds => /(⅔|⅔)/, :one_fourth => /(¼|¼|¼)/, :three_fourths => /(¾|¾|¾)/, :one_fifth => /(⅕|⅕)/, :two_fifths => /(⅖|⅖)/, :three_fifths => /(⅗|⅗)/, :four_fifths => /(⅘|⅘)/, :one_sixth => /(⅙|⅙)/, :five_sixths => /(⅚|⅚)/, :one_eighth => /(⅛|⅛)/, :three_eighths => /(⅜|⅜)/, :five_eighths => /(⅝|⅝)/, :seven_eighths => /(⅞|⅞)/, } WHITESPACE = /\s+/ class << self %w{ abbreviation accented_html_entity apostrophe characters cleanup_characters cleanup_html_entities currencies currencies_simple currencies_complex html_entities html_tag smart_punctuation vulgar_fractions whitespace }.each do |conversion_type| define_method conversion_type do const_get conversion_type.upcase end end end end end end