# Default HAML templates used for generating RDF/XML output from the writer
module RDF::RDFXML
class Writer
# The default set of HAML templates used for RDFa code generation
:identifier => "base",
# Document
# Locals: lang, title, prefix, base, subjects
# Yield: subjects.each
:doc => %q(
= %()
- if stylesheet
= %()
%rdf:RDF{prefix_attrs.merge("xml:lang" => lang, "xml:base" => base)}
- subjects.each do |subject|
!= yield(subject)
# Output for non-leaf resources
# Note that @about may be omitted for Nodes that are not referenced
# If _rel_ and _resource_ are not nil, the tag will be written relative
# to a previous subject. If _element_ is :li, the tag will be written
# with
instead of .
# Locals: subject, typeof, predicates, rel, element, inlist, attr_props
# Yield: predicates.each
:subject => %q(
- first_type, *types = typeof.to_s.split(' ')
- (types.unshift(first_type); first_type = nil) if first_type && (first_type.include?('/') || first_type.start_with?('_:'))
- first_type ||= get_qname(RDF.Description)
- first_type = first_type[1..-1] if first_type.to_s.start_with?(":")
- attr_props = attr_props.merge(get_qname(RDF.nodeID) => subject.id) if subject.node? && ref_count(subject) > 1
- attr_props = attr_props.merge(get_qname(RDF.about) => relativize(subject)) if subject.uri?
- haml_tag(first_type, attr_props) do
- types.each do |type|
- expanded_type = expand_curie(type)
- if expanded_type.start_with?('_:')
- haml_tag(get_qname(RDF.type), "rdf:nodeID" => expanded_type[2..-1])
- haml_tag(get_qname(RDF.type), "rdf:resource" => expanded_type)
- predicates.each do |p|
= yield(p)
# Output for single-valued properties
# Locals: predicate, object, inlist
# Yields: object
# If nil is returned, render as a leaf
# Otherwise, render result
:property_value => %q(
- if res = yield(object)
- haml_tag(property) do
= res
- elsif object.literal? && object.datatype == RDF.XMLLiteral
- haml_tag(property, :"<", "rdf:parseType" => "Literal") do
= object.value
- elsif object.literal?
- haml_tag(property, :"<", "xml:lang" => object.language, "rdf:datatype" => (object.datatype unless object.plain?)) do
= object.value
- elsif object.node?
- haml_tag(property, :"/", "rdf:nodeID" => object.id)
- else
- haml_tag(property, :"/", "rdf:resource" => relativize(object))
# Outpust for a list
# Locals: predicate, list
# Yields: object
# If nil is returned, render as a leaf
# Otherwise, render result
:collection => %q(
- haml_tag(property, get_qname(RDF.parseType) => "Collection") do
- list.each do |object|
- if res = yield(object)
= res
- elsif object.node?
- haml_tag(get_qname(RDF.Description), :"/", "rdf:nodeID" => (object.id if ref_count(object) > 1))
- else
- haml_tag(get_qname(RDF.Description), :"/", "rdf:about" => relativize(object))