require 'net/http' require "rexml/document" require 'ostruct' require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib/story_generator' include StoryGenerator class Client attr_accessor :options, :errors def initialize(options) self.options = options self.errors = [] end def generate_story_files begin return process_xml get_xml rescue StandardError => e errors << "Could not connect to Branston server on " + "#{options[:Host]}:#{options[:Port]}: #{e.message}\n" + "Is Branston running?" end end def process_xml(xml) errors.clear if xml.nil? or xml.root.nil? or xml.root.elements.nil? errors << "Did not recieve XML data for story #{options[:feature]}.\n" + "Is the Branston server running, and have you provided the correct story name?" else begin root = xml.root story = story.description = root.elements["/story/description"].text story.title = root.elements["/story/title"].text story.scenarios = [] root.elements.each("/story/scenarios/scenario") { |scenario| s = s.preconditions = [] s.outcomes = [] s.title = scenario.elements["title"].text scenario.elements.each("preconditions/precondition") { |precondition| p = p.description = precondition.elements["description"].text s.preconditions << p } scenario.elements.each("outcomes/outcome") { |outcome| o = o.description = outcome.elements["description"].text s.outcomes << o } story.scenarios << s } generate(story) rescue StandardError => error errors << "Could not generate feature: " + error end end end def get_xml Net::HTTP.start(options[:Host] , options[:Port]) { |http| req ="/stories/#{options[:feature]}.xml") puts "generating /stories/#{options[:feature]}.xml" response = http.request(req) xml = response.body return xml } end end