#!/usr/bin/env ruby # encoding: UTF-8 $: << File.dirname(__FILE__) require 'helper' class Juice < Minitest::Test module TestModule end class Jam attr_accessor :x, :y def initialize(x, y) @x = x @y = y end def eql?(o) self.class == o.class && @x == o.x && @y == o.y end alias == eql? end# Jam class Jeez < Jam def initialize(x, y) super end def to_json() %{{"json_class":"#{self.class}","x":#{@x},"y":#{@y}}} end def self.json_create(h) self.new(h['x'], h['y']) end end# Jeez # contributed by sauliusg to fix as_json class Orange < Jam def initialize(x, y) super end def as_json() { :json_class => self.class, :x => @x, :y => @y } end def self.json_create(h) self.new(h['x'], h['y']) end end class Melon < Jam def initialize(x, y) super end def as_json() "#{x} #{y}" end def self.json_create(h) self.new(h['x'], h['y']) end end class Jazz < Jam def initialize(x, y) super end def to_hash() { 'json_class' => self.class.to_s, 'x' => @x, 'y' => @y } end def self.json_create(h) self.new(h['x'], h['y']) end end# Jazz def setup @default_options = Oj.default_options end def teardown Oj.default_options = @default_options end =begin # Depending on the order the values may have changed. The set_options sets # should cover the function itself. def test_get_options opts = Oj.default_options() assert_equal({ :indent=>0, :second_precision=>9, :circular=>false, :class_cache=>true, :auto_define=>false, :symbol_keys=>false, :bigdecimal_as_decimal=>true, :use_to_json=>true, :nilnil=>false, :allow_gc=>true, :quirks_mode=>true, :allow_invalid_unicode=>false, :float_precision=>15, :mode=>:object, :escape_mode=>:json, :time_format=>:unix_zone, :bigdecimal_load=>:auto, :create_id=>'json_class'}, opts) end =end def test_set_options orig = Oj.default_options() alt ={ :indent=>" - ", :second_precision=>5, :circular=>true, :class_cache=>false, :auto_define=>true, :symbol_keys=>true, :bigdecimal_as_decimal=>false, :use_to_json=>false, :nilnil=>true, :allow_gc=>false, :quirks_mode=>false, :allow_invalid_unicode=>true, :float_precision=>13, :mode=>:strict, :escape_mode=>:ascii, :time_format=>:unix_zone, :bigdecimal_load=>:float, :create_id=>'classy', :space=>'z', :array_nl=>'a', :object_nl=>'o', :space_before=>'b', :nan=>:huge, :hash_class=>Hash, :omit_nil=>false, } Oj.default_options = alt opts = Oj.default_options() assert_equal(alt, opts); Oj.default_options = orig # return to original # verify back to original opts = Oj.default_options() assert_equal(orig, opts); end def test_nil dump_and_load(nil, false) end def test_true dump_and_load(true, false) end def test_false dump_and_load(false, false) end def test_fixnum dump_and_load(0, false) dump_and_load(12345, false) dump_and_load(-54321, false) dump_and_load(1, false) end def test_float_parse Oj.default_options = { :float_precision => 16, :bigdecimal_load => :auto } n = Oj.load('0.00001234567890123456') assert_equal(Float, n.class) assert_equal('1.234567890123456e-05', "%0.15e" % [n]) n = Oj.load('-0.00001234567890123456') assert_equal(Float, n.class) assert_equal('-1.234567890123456e-05', "%0.15e" % [n]) n = Oj.load('1000.0000123456789') assert_equal(BigDecimal, n.class) assert_equal('0.10000000123456789E4', n.to_s) n = Oj.load('-0.000012345678901234567') assert_equal(BigDecimal, n.class) assert_equal('-0.12345678901234567E-4', n.to_s) end def test_float_dump Oj.default_options = { :float_precision => 16 } assert_equal('1405460727.723866', Oj.dump(1405460727.723866)) Oj.default_options = { :float_precision => 5 } assert_equal('1.4055', Oj.dump(1.405460727)) Oj.default_options = { :float_precision => 0 } if RUBY_VERSION.start_with?('1.8') assert_equal('1405460727.72387', Oj.dump(1405460727.723866)) else assert_equal('1405460727.723866', Oj.dump(1405460727.723866)) end Oj.default_options = { :float_precision => 15 } assert_equal('0.56', Oj.dump(0.56)) assert_equal('0.5773', Oj.dump(0.5773)) assert_equal('0.6768', Oj.dump(0.6768)) assert_equal('0.685', Oj.dump(0.685)) assert_equal('0.7032', Oj.dump(0.7032)) assert_equal('0.7051', Oj.dump(0.7051)) assert_equal('0.8274', Oj.dump(0.8274)) assert_equal('0.9149', Oj.dump(0.9149)) assert_equal('64.4', Oj.dump(64.4)) assert_equal('71.6', Oj.dump(71.6)) assert_equal('73.4', Oj.dump(73.4)) assert_equal('80.6', Oj.dump(80.6)) assert_equal('-95.640172', Oj.dump(-95.640172)) end def test_nan_dump assert_equal('null', Oj.dump(0/0.0, :mode => :strict, :nan => :null)) assert_equal('NaN', Oj.dump(0/0.0, :mode => :strict, :nan => :word)) assert_equal('3.3e14159265358979323846', Oj.dump(0/0.0, :mode => :strict, :nan => :huge)) end def test_infinity_dump assert_equal('null', Oj.dump(1/0.0, :mode => :strict, :nan => :null)) assert_equal('Infinity', Oj.dump(1/0.0, :mode => :strict, :nan => :word)) assert_equal('3.0e14159265358979323846', Oj.dump(1/0.0, :mode => :strict, :nan => :huge)) end def test_neg_infinity_dump assert_equal('null', Oj.dump(-1/0.0, :mode => :strict, :nan => :null)) assert_equal('-Infinity', Oj.dump(-1/0.0, :mode => :strict, :nan => :word)) assert_equal('-3.0e14159265358979323846', Oj.dump(-1/0.0, :mode => :strict, :nan => :huge)) end def test_float mode = Oj.default_options()[:mode] Oj.default_options = {:mode => :object} dump_and_load(0.0, false) dump_and_load(12345.6789, false) dump_and_load(70.35, false) dump_and_load(-54321.012, false) dump_and_load(1.7775, false) dump_and_load(2.5024, false) dump_and_load(2.48e16, false) dump_and_load(2.48e100 * 1.0e10, false) dump_and_load(-2.48e100 * 1.0e10, false) dump_and_load(1/0.0, false) # NaN does not always == NaN json = Oj.dump(0/0.0) assert_equal('3.3e14159265358979323846', json) loaded = Oj.load(json); assert_equal(true, loaded.nan?) Oj.default_options = {:mode => mode} end def test_string dump_and_load('', false) dump_and_load('abc', false) dump_and_load("abc\ndef", false) dump_and_load("a\u0041", false) assert_equal("a\u0000a", dump_and_load("a\u0000a", false)) end def test_string_object Oj.default_options = {:mode => :object} dump_and_load('abc', false) dump_and_load(':abc', false) end def test_encode opts = Oj.default_options Oj.default_options = { :ascii_only => false } dump_and_load("ぴーたー", false) Oj.default_options = { :ascii_only => true } json = Oj.dump("ぴーたー") assert_equal(%{"\\u3074\\u30fc\\u305f\\u30fc"}, json) dump_and_load("ぴーたー", false) Oj.default_options = opts end def test_unicode # hits the 3 normal ranges and one extended surrogate pair json = %{"\\u019f\\u05e9\\u3074\\ud834\\udd1e"} obj = Oj.load(json) json2 = Oj.dump(obj, :ascii_only => true) assert_equal(json, json2) end def test_invalid_unicode_raise # validate that an invalid unicode raises unless the :allow_invalid_unicode is true json = %{"x\\ud83dy"} begin obj = Oj.load(json) rescue Exception assert(true) return end assert(false, "*** expected an exception") end def test_invalid_unicode_ok # validate that an invalid unicode raises unless the :allow_invalid_unicode is true json = %{"x\\ud83dy"} obj = Oj.load(json, :allow_invalid_unicode => true) # The same as what ruby would do with the invalid encoding. assert_equal("x\xED\xA0\xBDy", obj.to_s) end def test_dump_options json = Oj.dump({ 'a' => 1, 'b' => [true, false]}, :mode => :compat, :indent => "--", :array_nl => "\n", :object_nl => "#\n", :space => "*", :space_before => "~") assert(%{{# --"a"~:*1,# --"b"~:*[ ----true, ----false --]# }} == json || %{{# --"b"~:*[ ----true, ----false --],# --"a"~:*1# }} == json) end def test_null_char assert_raises(Oj::ParseError) { Oj.load("\"\0\"") } assert_raises(Oj::ParseError) { Oj.load("\"\\\0\"") } end def test_array dump_and_load([], false) dump_and_load([true, false], false) dump_and_load(['a', 1, nil], false) dump_and_load([[nil]], false) dump_and_load([[nil], 58], false) end def test_array_not_closed begin Oj.load('[') rescue Exception assert(true) return end assert(false, "*** expected an exception") end # multiple JSON in one string def test_multiple_json_callback json = %{{"a":1} [1,2][3,4] {"b":2} } results = [] Oj.load(json) { |x| results << x } assert_equal([{"a"=>1}, [1,2], [3,4], {"b"=>2}], results) end def test_multiple_json_no_callback json = %{{"a":1} [1,2][3,4] {"b":2} } assert_raises(Oj::ParseError) { Oj.load(json) } end # encoding tests def test_does_not_escape_entities_by_default Oj.default_options = { :escape_mode => :ascii } # set in mimic mode # use Oj to create the hash since some Rubies don't deal nicely with unicode. json = %{{"key":"I <3 this\\u2028space"}} hash = Oj.load(json) out = Oj.dump(hash) assert_equal(json, out) end def test_escapes_entities_by_default_when_configured_to_do_so hash = {'key' => "I <3 this"} Oj.default_options = {:escape_mode => :xss_safe} out = Oj.dump hash assert_equal(%{{"key":"I \\u003c3 this"}}, out) end def test_escapes_entities_when_asked_to hash = {'key' => "I <3 this"} out = Oj.dump(hash, :escape_mode => :xss_safe) assert_equal(%{{"key":"I \\u003c3 this"}}, out) end def test_does_not_escape_entities_when_not_asked_to hash = {'key' => "I <3 this"} out = Oj.dump(hash, :escape_mode => :json) assert_equal(%{{"key":"I <3 this"}}, out) end def test_escapes_common_xss_vectors hash = {'key' => "<script>alert(123) && formatHD()</script>"} out = Oj.dump(hash, :escape_mode => :xss_safe) assert_equal(%{{"key":"\\u003cscript\\u003ealert(123) \\u0026\\u0026 formatHD()\\u003c\\/script\\u003e"}}, out) end def test_escape_newline_by_default Oj.default_options = { :escape_mode => :json } json = %{["one","two\\n2"]} x = Oj.load(json) out = Oj.dump(x) assert_equal(json, out) end def test_does_not_escape_newline Oj.default_options = { :escape_mode => :newline } json = %{["one","two\n2"]} x = Oj.load(json) out = Oj.dump(x) assert_equal(json, out) end # Symbol def test_symbol_strict begin Oj.dump(:abc, :mode => :strict) rescue Exception assert(true) return end assert(false, "*** expected an exception") end def test_symbol_null json = Oj.dump(:abc, :mode => :null) assert_equal('null', json) end def test_symbol_compat json = Oj.dump(:abc, :mode => :compat) assert_equal('"abc"', json) end def test_symbol_object Oj.default_options = { :mode => :object } #dump_and_load(''.to_sym, false) dump_and_load(:abc, false) dump_and_load(':xyz'.to_sym, false) end # Time def test_time_strict t = Time.local(2012, 1, 5, 23, 58, 7) begin Oj.dump(t, :mode => :strict) rescue Exception assert(true) return end assert(false, "*** expected an exception") end def test_time_null t = Time.local(2012, 1, 5, 23, 58, 7) json = Oj.dump(t, :mode => :null) assert_equal('null', json) end def test_unix_time_compat t = Time.xmlschema("2012-01-05T23:58:07.123456000+09:00") #t = Time.local(2012, 1, 5, 23, 58, 7, 123456) json = Oj.dump(t, :mode => :compat, :time_format => :unix) assert_equal(%{1325775487.123456000}, json) end def test_unix_time_compat_precision t = Time.xmlschema("2012-01-05T23:58:07.123456789+09:00") #t = Time.local(2012, 1, 5, 23, 58, 7, 123456) json = Oj.dump(t, :mode => :compat, :second_precision => 5, :time_format => :unix) assert_equal(%{1325775487.12346}, json) t = Time.xmlschema("2012-01-05T23:58:07.999600+09:00") json = Oj.dump(t, :mode => :compat, :second_precision => 3, :time_format => :unix) assert_equal(%{1325775488.000}, json) end def test_unix_time_compat_early t = Time.xmlschema("1954-01-05T00:00:00.123456789+00:00") json = Oj.dump(t, :mode => :compat, :second_precision => 5, :time_format => :unix) assert_equal(%{-504575999.87654}, json) end def test_unix_time_compat_1970 t = Time.xmlschema("1970-01-01T00:00:00.123456789+00:00") json = Oj.dump(t, :mode => :compat, :second_precision => 5, :time_format => :unix) assert_equal(%{0.12346}, json) end def test_ruby_time_compat t = Time.xmlschema("2012-01-05T23:58:07.123456000+09:00") json = Oj.dump(t, :mode => :compat, :time_format => :ruby) #assert_equal(%{"2012-01-05 23:58:07 +0900"}, json) assert_equal(%{"#{t.to_s}"}, json) end def test_xml_time_compat begin t = Time.new(2012, 1, 5, 23, 58, 7.123456000, 34200) json = Oj.dump(t, :mode => :compat, :time_format => :xmlschema) assert_equal(%{"2012-01-05T23:58:07.123456000+09:30"}, json) rescue Exception # some Rubies (1.8.7) do not allow the timezome to be set t = Time.local(2012, 1, 5, 23, 58, 7, 123456) json = Oj.dump(t, :mode => :compat, :time_format => :xmlschema) tz = t.utc_offset # Ruby does not handle a %+02d properly so... sign = '+' if 0 > tz sign = '-' tz = -tz end assert_equal(%{"2012-01-05T23:58:07.123456000%s%02d:%02d"} % [sign, tz / 3600, tz / 60 % 60], json) end end def test_xml_time_compat_no_secs begin t = Time.new(2012, 1, 5, 23, 58, 7.0, 34200) json = Oj.dump(t, :mode => :compat, :time_format => :xmlschema) assert_equal(%{"2012-01-05T23:58:07+09:30"}, json) rescue Exception # some Rubies (1.8.7) do not allow the timezome to be set t = Time.local(2012, 1, 5, 23, 58, 7, 0) json = Oj.dump(t, :mode => :compat, :time_format => :xmlschema) tz = t.utc_offset # Ruby does not handle a %+02d properly so... sign = '+' if 0 > tz sign = '-' tz = -tz end assert_equal(%{"2012-01-05T23:58:07%s%02d:%02d"} % [sign, tz / 3600, tz / 60 % 60], json) end end def test_xml_time_compat_precision begin t = Time.new(2012, 1, 5, 23, 58, 7.123456789, 32400) json = Oj.dump(t, :mode => :compat, :time_format => :xmlschema, :second_precision => 5) assert_equal(%{"2012-01-05T23:58:07.12346+09:00"}, json) rescue Exception # some Rubies (1.8.7) do not allow the timezome to be set t = Time.local(2012, 1, 5, 23, 58, 7, 123456) json = Oj.dump(t, :mode => :compat, :time_format => :xmlschema, :second_precision => 5) tz = t.utc_offset # Ruby does not handle a %+02d properly so... sign = '+' if 0 > tz sign = '-' tz = -tz end assert_equal(%{"2012-01-05T23:58:07.12346%s%02d:%02d"} % [sign, tz / 3600, tz / 60 % 60], json) end end def test_xml_time_compat_precision_round begin t = Time.new(2012, 1, 5, 23, 58, 7.9996, 32400) json = Oj.dump(t, :mode => :compat, :time_format => :xmlschema, :second_precision => 3) assert_equal(%{"2012-01-05T23:58:08+09:00"}, json) rescue Exception # some Rubies (1.8.7) do not allow the timezome to be set t = Time.local(2012, 1, 5, 23, 58, 7, 999600) json = Oj.dump(t, :mode => :compat, :time_format => :xmlschema, :second_precision => 3) tz = t.utc_offset # Ruby does not handle a %+02d properly so... sign = '+' if 0 > tz sign = '-' tz = -tz end assert_equal(%{"2012-01-05T23:58:08%s%02d:%02d"} % [sign, tz / 3600, tz / 60 % 60], json) end end def test_xml_time_compat_zulu begin t = Time.new(2012, 1, 5, 23, 58, 7.0, 0) json = Oj.dump(t, :mode => :compat, :time_format => :xmlschema) assert_equal(%{"2012-01-05T23:58:07Z"}, json) rescue Exception # some Rubies (1.8.7) do not allow the timezome to be set t = Time.utc(2012, 1, 5, 23, 58, 7, 0) json = Oj.dump(t, :mode => :compat, :time_format => :xmlschema) #tz = t.utc_offset assert_equal(%{"2012-01-05T23:58:07Z"}, json) end end # Class def test_class_strict begin Oj.dump(Juice, :mode => :strict) rescue Exception assert(true) return end assert(false, "*** expected an exception") end def test_class_null json = Oj.dump(Juice, :mode => :null) assert_equal('null', json) end def test_class_compat json = Oj.dump(Juice, :mode => :compat) assert_equal(%{"Juice"}, json) end def test_class_object Oj.default_options = { :mode => :object } dump_and_load(Juice, false) end # Module def test_module_strict begin Oj.dump(TestModule, :mode => :strict) rescue Exception assert(true) return end assert(false, "*** expected an exception") end def test_module_null json = Oj.dump(TestModule, :mode => :null) assert_equal('null', json) end def test_module_compat json = Oj.dump(TestModule, :mode => :compat) assert_equal(%{"Juice::TestModule"}, json) end def test_module_object Oj.default_options = { :mode => :object } dump_and_load(TestModule, false) end # Hash def test_hash Oj.default_options = { :mode => :strict } dump_and_load({}, false) dump_and_load({ 'true' => true, 'false' => false}, false) dump_and_load({ 'true' => true, 'array' => [], 'hash' => { }}, false) end def test_non_str_hash_strict begin Oj.dump({ 1 => true, 0 => false }, :mode => :strict) rescue Exception assert(true) return end assert(false, "*** expected an exception") end def test_non_str_hash_null begin Oj.dump({ 1 => true, 0 => false }, :mode => :null) rescue Exception assert(true) return end assert(false, "*** expected an exception") end def test_non_str_hash_compat json = Oj.dump({ 1 => true, 0 => false }, :mode => :compat) h = Oj.load(json, :mode => :strict) assert_equal({ "1" => true, "0" => false }, h) end def test_non_str_hash_object Oj.default_options = { :mode => :object } json = Oj.dump({ 1 => true, :sim => nil }) h = Oj.load(json, :mode => :strict) assert_equal({"^#1" => [1, true], ":sim" => nil}, h) h = Oj.load(json) assert_equal({ 1 => true, :sim => nil }, h) end def test_mixed_hash_object Oj.default_options = { :mode => :object } json = Oj.dump({ 1 => true, 'nil' => nil, :sim => 4 }) h = Oj.load(json, :mode => :strict) assert_equal({"^#1" => [1, true], "nil" => nil, ":sim" => 4}, h) h = Oj.load(json) assert_equal({ 1 => true, 'nil' => nil, :sim => 4 }, h) end def test_hash_not_closed begin Oj.load('{') rescue Exception assert(true) return end assert(false, "*** expected an exception") end # Object with to_json() def test_json_object_strict obj = Jeez.new(true, 58) begin Oj.dump(obj, :mode => :strict) rescue Exception assert(true) return end assert(false, "*** expected an exception") end def test_json_object_null obj = Jeez.new(true, 58) json = Oj.dump(obj, :mode => :null) assert_equal('null', json) end def test_json_object_compat Oj.default_options = { :mode => :compat, :use_to_json => true } obj = Jeez.new(true, 58) json = Oj.dump(obj, :indent => 2) assert(%{{"json_class":"Juice::Jeez","x":true,"y":58} } == json || %{{"json_class":"Juice::Jeez","y":58,"x":true} } == json) dump_and_load(obj, false) Oj.default_options = { :mode => :compat, :use_to_json => false } end def test_json_object_create_id Oj.default_options = { :mode => :compat, :create_id => 'kson_class' } expected = Jeez.new(true, 58) json = %{{"kson_class":"Juice::Jeez","x":true,"y":58}} obj = Oj.load(json) assert_equal(expected, obj) Oj.default_options = { :create_id => 'json_class' } end def test_json_object_object obj = Jeez.new(true, 58) json = Oj.dump(obj, :mode => :object, :indent => 2) assert(%{{ "^o":"Juice::Jeez", "x":true, "y":58 } } == json || %{{ "^o":"Juice::Jeez", "y":58, "x":true } } == json) obj2 = Oj.load(json, :mode => :object) assert_equal(obj, obj2) end # Object with to_hash() def test_to_hash_object_strict obj = Jazz.new(true, 58) begin Oj.dump(obj, :mode => :strict) rescue Exception assert(true) return end assert(false, "*** expected an exception") end def test_to_hash_object_null obj = Jazz.new(true, 58) json = Oj.dump(obj, :mode => :null) assert_equal('null', json) end def test_to_hash_object_compat obj = Jazz.new(true, 58) json = Oj.dump(obj, :mode => :compat, :indent => 2) h = Oj.load(json, :mode => :strict) assert_equal(obj.to_hash, h) end def test_to_hash_object_object obj = Jazz.new(true, 58) json = Oj.dump(obj, :mode => :object, :indent => 2) assert(%{{ "^o":"Juice::Jazz", "x":true, "y":58 } } == json || %{{ "^o":"Juice::Jazz", "y":58, "x":true } } == json) obj2 = Oj.load(json, :mode => :object) assert_equal(obj, obj2) end # Object with as_json() # contributed by sauliusg def test_as_json_object_strict obj = Orange.new(true, 58) begin Oj.dump(obj, :mode => :strict) rescue Exception assert(true) return end assert(false, "*** expected an exception") end def test_as_json_object_null obj = Orange.new(true, 58) json = Oj.dump(obj, :mode => :null) assert_equal('null', json) end def test_as_json_object_compat_hash Oj.default_options = { :mode => :compat, :use_to_json => true } obj = Orange.new(true, 58) json = Oj.dump(obj, :indent => 2) assert(!json.nil?) dump_and_load(obj, false) end def test_as_json_object_compat_non_hash Oj.default_options = { :mode => :compat, :use_to_json => true } obj = Melon.new(true, 58) json = Oj.dump(obj, :indent => 2) assert_equal(%{"true 58"}, json) end def test_as_json_object_object obj = Orange.new(true, 58) json = Oj.dump(obj, :mode => :object, :indent => 2) assert(%{{ "^o":"Juice::Orange", "x":true, "y":58 } } == json || %{{ "^o":"Juice::Orange", "y":58, "x":true } } == json) obj2 = Oj.load(json, :mode => :object) assert_equal(obj, obj2) end # Object without to_json() or to_hash() def test_object_strict obj = Jam.new(true, 58) begin Oj.dump(obj, :mode => :strict) rescue Exception assert(true) return end assert(false, "*** expected an exception") end def test_object_null obj = Jam.new(true, 58) json = Oj.dump(obj, :mode => :null) assert_equal('null', json) end def test_object_compat obj = Jam.new(true, 58) json = Oj.dump(obj, :mode => :compat, :indent => 2) assert(%{{ "x":true, "y":58 } } == json || %{{ "y":58, "x":true } } == json) end def test_object_object obj = Jam.new(true, 58) json = Oj.dump(obj, :mode => :object, :indent => 2) assert(%{{ "^o":"Juice::Jam", "x":true, "y":58 } } == json || %{{ "^o":"Juice::Jam", "y":58, "x":true } } == json) obj2 = Oj.load(json, :mode => :object) assert_equal(obj, obj2) end def test_object_object_no_cache obj = Jam.new(true, 58) json = Oj.dump(obj, :mode => :object, :indent => 2) assert(%{{ "^o":"Juice::Jam", "x":true, "y":58 } } == json || %{{ "^o":"Juice::Jam", "y":58, "x":true } } == json) obj2 = Oj.load(json, :mode => :object, :class_cache => false) assert_equal(obj, obj2) end # Exception def test_exception err = nil begin raise StandardError.new('A Message') rescue Exception => e err = e end json = Oj.dump(err, :mode => :object, :indent => 2) #puts "*** #{json}" e2 = Oj.load(json, :mode => :strict) assert_equal(err.class.to_s, e2['^o']) assert_equal(err.message, e2['~mesg']) assert_equal(err.backtrace, e2['~bt']) e2 = Oj.load(json, :mode => :object) if RUBY_VERSION.start_with?('1.8') || 'rubinius' == $ruby assert_equal(e.class, e2.class); assert_equal(e.message, e2.message); assert_equal(e.backtrace, e2.backtrace); else assert_equal(e, e2); end end # Range def test_range_strict begin Oj.dump(1..7, :mode => :strict) rescue Exception assert(true) return end assert(false, "*** expected an exception") end def test_range_null json = Oj.dump(1..7, :mode => :null) assert_equal('null', json) end def test_range_compat json = Oj.dump(1..7, :mode => :compat) h = Oj.load(json, :mode => :strict) assert_equal({'begin' => 1, 'end' => 7, 'exclude_end' => false}, h) json = Oj.dump(1...7, :mode => :compat) h = Oj.load(json, :mode => :strict) assert_equal({'begin' => 1, 'end' => 7, 'exclude_end' => true}, h) end def test_range_object unless RUBY_VERSION.start_with?('1.8') Oj.default_options = { :mode => :object } json = Oj.dump(1..7, :mode => :object, :indent => 0) if 'rubinius' == $ruby assert(%{{"^O":"Range","begin":1,"end":7,"exclude_end?":false}} == json) else assert_equal(%{{"^u":["Range",1,7,false]}}, json) end dump_and_load(1..7, false) dump_and_load(1..1, false) dump_and_load(1...7, false) end end # BigNum def test_bignum_strict json = Oj.dump(7 ** 55, :mode => :strict) assert_equal('30226801971775055948247051683954096612865741943', json) end def test_bignum_null json = Oj.dump(7 ** 55, :mode => :null) assert_equal('30226801971775055948247051683954096612865741943', json) end def test_bignum_compat json = Oj.dump(7 ** 55, :mode => :compat) b = Oj.load(json, :mode => :strict) assert_equal(30226801971775055948247051683954096612865741943, b) end def test_bignum_object dump_and_load(7 ** 55, false) dump_and_load(10 ** 19, false) end # BigDecimal def test_bigdecimal_strict mode = Oj.default_options[:mode] Oj.default_options = {:mode => :strict} dump_and_load(BigDecimal.new('3.14159265358979323846'), false) Oj.default_options = {:mode => mode} end def test_bigdecimal_null mode = Oj.default_options[:mode] Oj.default_options = {:mode => :null} dump_and_load(BigDecimal.new('3.14159265358979323846'), false) Oj.default_options = {:mode => mode} end def test_bigdecimal_compat orig = BigDecimal.new('80.51') json = Oj.dump(orig, :mode => :compat, :bigdecimal_as_decimal => false) bg = Oj.load(json, :mode => :compat) assert_equal(orig.to_s, bg) orig = BigDecimal.new('3.14159265358979323846') json = Oj.dump(orig, :mode => :compat, :bigdecimal_as_decimal => false) bg = Oj.load(json, :mode => :compat) assert_equal(orig.to_s, bg) end def test_bigdecimal_load orig = BigDecimal.new('80.51') json = Oj.dump(orig, :mode => :compat, :bigdecimal_as_decimal => true) bg = Oj.load(json, :mode => :compat, :bigdecimal_load => true) assert_equal(BigDecimal, bg.class) assert_equal(orig, bg) end def test_float_load orig = BigDecimal.new('80.51') json = Oj.dump(orig, :mode => :compat, :bigdecimal_as_decimal => true) bg = Oj.load(json, :mode => :compat, :bigdecimal_load => :float) assert_equal(Float, bg.class) assert_equal(orig.to_f, bg) end def test_bigdecimal_compat_as_json orig = BigDecimal.new('80.51') BigDecimal.send(:define_method, :as_json) do %{this is big} end json = Oj.dump(orig, :mode => :compat, :bigdecimal_as_decimal => false) bg = Oj.load(json, :mode => :compat) assert_equal("this is big", bg) BigDecimal.send(:remove_method, :as_json) # cleanup end def test_bigdecimal_object mode = Oj.default_options[:mode] Oj.default_options = {:mode => :object} dump_and_load(BigDecimal.new('3.14159265358979323846'), false) Oj.default_options = {:mode => mode} # Infinity is the same for Float and BigDecimal json = Oj.dump(BigDecimal.new('Infinity'), :mode => :object) assert_equal('Infinity', json) json = Oj.dump(BigDecimal.new('-Infinity'), :mode => :object) assert_equal('-Infinity', json) end def test_infinity n = Oj.load('Infinity', :mode => :object) assert_equal(BigDecimal.new('Infinity').to_f, n); begin Oj.load('Infinity', :mode => :strict) fail() rescue Oj::ParseError assert(true) end x = Oj.load('Infinity', :mode => :compat) assert_equal('Infinity', x.to_s) end # Date def test_date_strict begin Oj.dump(Date.new(2012, 6, 19), :mode => :strict) rescue Exception assert(true) return end assert(false, "*** expected an exception") end def test_date_null json = Oj.dump(Date.new(2012, 6, 19), :mode => :null) assert_equal('null', json) end def test_date_compat orig = Date.new(2012, 6, 19) json = Oj.dump(orig, :mode => :compat) x = Oj.load(json, :mode => :compat) # Some Rubies implement Date as data and some as a real Object. Either are # okay for the test. if x.is_a?(String) assert_equal(orig.to_s, x) else # better be a Hash assert_equal({"year" => orig.year, "month" => orig.month, "day" => orig.day, "start" => orig.start}, x) end end def test_date_object Oj.default_options = {:mode => :object} dump_and_load(Date.new(2012, 6, 19), false) end # DateTime def test_datetime_strict begin Oj.dump(DateTime.new(2012, 6, 19, 20, 19, 27), :mode => :strict) rescue Exception assert(true) return end assert(false, "*** expected an exception") end def test_datetime_null json = Oj.dump(DateTime.new(2012, 6, 19, 20, 19, 27), :mode => :null) assert_equal('null', json) end def test_datetime_compat orig = DateTime.new(2012, 6, 19, 20, 19, 27) json = Oj.dump(orig, :mode => :compat) x = Oj.load(json, :mode => :compat) # Some Rubies implement Date as data and some as a real Object. Either are # okay for the test. assert_equal(orig.to_s, x) end def test_datetime_object Oj.default_options = {:mode => :object} dump_and_load(DateTime.new(2012, 6, 19), false) end # autodefine Oj::Bag def test_bag json = %{{ "^o":"Juice::Jem", "x":true, "y":58 }} obj = Oj.load(json, :mode => :object, :auto_define => true) assert_equal('Juice::Jem', obj.class.name) assert_equal(true, obj.x) assert_equal(58, obj.y) end # Circular def test_circular_object obj = Jam.new(nil, 58) obj.x = obj json = Oj.dump(obj, :mode => :object, :indent => 2, :circular => true) assert(%{{ "^o":"Juice::Jam", "^i":1, "x":"^r1", "y":58 } } == json || %{{ "^o":"Juice::Jam", "^i":1, "y":58, "x":"^r1" } } == json) obj2 = Oj.load(json, :mode => :object, :circular => true) assert_equal(obj2.x.__id__, obj2.__id__) end def test_circular_hash h = { 'a' => 7 } h['b'] = h json = Oj.dump(h, :mode => :object, :indent => 2, :circular => true) ha = Oj.load(json, :mode => :strict) assert_equal({'^i' => 1, 'a' => 7, 'b' => '^r1'}, ha) Oj.load(json, :mode => :object, :circular => true) assert_equal(h['b'].__id__, h.__id__) end def test_circular_array a = [7] a << a json = Oj.dump(a, :mode => :object, :indent => 2, :circular => true) assert_equal(%{[ "^i1", 7, "^r1" ] }, json) a2 = Oj.load(json, :mode => :object, :circular => true) assert_equal(a2[1].__id__, a2.__id__) end def test_circular h = { 'a' => 7 } obj = Jam.new(h, 58) obj.x['b'] = obj json = Oj.dump(obj, :mode => :object, :indent => 2, :circular => true) ha = Oj.load(json, :mode => :strict) assert_equal({'^o' => 'Juice::Jam', '^i' => 1, 'x' => { '^i' => 2, 'a' => 7, 'b' => '^r1' }, 'y' => 58 }, ha) Oj.load(json, :mode => :object, :circular => true) assert_equal(obj.x.__id__, h.__id__) assert_equal(h['b'].__id__, obj.__id__) end # Stream Deeply Nested def test_deep_nest begin n = 10000 Oj.strict_load('[' * n + ']' * n) rescue Exception => e assert(false, e.message) end end def test_deep_nest_dump begin a = [] 10000.times { a << [a] } Oj.dump(a) rescue Exception assert(true) return end assert(false, "*** expected an exception") end # Stream IO def test_io_string src = { 'x' => true, 'y' => 58, 'z' => [1, 2, 3]} output = StringIO.open("", "w+") Oj.to_stream(output, src) input = StringIO.new(output.string()) obj = Oj.load(input, :mode => :strict) assert_equal(src, obj) end def test_io_file src = { 'x' => true, 'y' => 58, 'z' => [1, 2, 3]} filename = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'open_file_test.json') File.open(filename, "w") { |f| Oj.to_stream(f, src) } f = File.new(filename) obj = Oj.load(f, :mode => :strict) f.close() assert_equal(src, obj) end # symbol_keys option def test_symbol_keys json = %{{ "x":true, "y":58, "z": [1,2,3] } } obj = Oj.load(json, :mode => :strict, :symbol_keys => true) assert_equal({ :x => true, :y => 58, :z => [1, 2, 3]}, obj) end # comments def test_comment_slash json = %{{ "x":true,//three "y":58, "z": [1,2, 3 // six ]} } obj = Oj.load(json, :mode => :strict) assert_equal({ 'x' => true, 'y' => 58, 'z' => [1, 2, 3]}, obj) end def test_comment_c json = %{/*before*/ { "x"/*one*/:/*two*/true, "y":58, "z": [1,2,3]} } obj = Oj.load(json, :mode => :strict) assert_equal({ 'x' => true, 'y' => 58, 'z' => [1, 2, 3]}, obj) end def test_comment json = %{{ "x"/*one*/:/*two*/true,//three "y":58/*four*/, "z": [1,2/*five*/, 3 // six ] } } obj = Oj.load(json, :mode => :strict) assert_equal({ 'x' => true, 'y' => 58, 'z' => [1, 2, 3]}, obj) end def test_nilnil_false begin Oj.load(nil) rescue Exception assert(true) return end assert(false, "*** expected an exception") end def test_nilnil_true obj = Oj.load(nil, :nilnil => true) assert_equal(nil, obj) end def test_quirks_null_mode assert_raises(Oj::ParseError) { Oj.load("null", :quirks_mode => false) } assert_equal(nil, Oj.load("null", :quirks_mode => true)) end def test_quirks_bool_mode assert_raises(Oj::ParseError) { Oj.load("true", :quirks_mode => false) } assert_equal(true, Oj.load("true", :quirks_mode => true)) end def test_quirks_number_mode assert_raises(Oj::ParseError) { Oj.load("123", :quirks_mode => false) } assert_equal(123, Oj.load("123", :quirks_mode => true)) end def test_quirks_decimal_mode assert_raises(Oj::ParseError) { Oj.load("123.45", :quirks_mode => false) } assert_equal(123.45, Oj.load("123.45", :quirks_mode => true)) end def test_quirks_string_mode assert_raises(Oj::ParseError) { Oj.load('"string"', :quirks_mode => false) } assert_equal('string', Oj.load('"string"', :quirks_mode => true)) end def test_quirks_array_mode assert_equal([], Oj.load("[]", :quirks_mode => false)) assert_equal([], Oj.load("[]", :quirks_mode => true)) end def test_quirks_object_mode assert_equal({}, Oj.load("{}", :quirks_mode => false)) assert_equal({}, Oj.load("{}", :quirks_mode => true)) end def test_omit_nil jam = Jam.new({'a' => 1, 'b' => nil }, nil) json = Oj.dump(jam, :omit_nil => true, :mode => :object) assert_equal(%|{"^o":"Juice::Jam","x":{"a":1}}|, json) json = Oj.dump(jam, :omit_nil => true, :mode => :compat) assert_equal(%|{"x":{"a":1}}|, json) json = Oj.dump({'x' => {'a' => 1, 'b' => nil }, 'y' => nil}, :omit_nil => true, :mode => :strict) assert_equal(%|{"x":{"a":1}}|, json) json = Oj.dump({'x' => {'a' => 1, 'b' => nil }, 'y' => nil}, :omit_nil => true, :mode => :null) assert_equal(%|{"x":{"a":1}}|, json) end def dump_and_load(obj, trace=false) json = Oj.dump(obj, :indent => 2) puts json if trace loaded = Oj.load(json) assert_equal(obj, loaded) loaded end end