
Rumai 3.1.0

Ruby interface to the wmii window manager

Suraj N. Kurapati

02 October 2009


Chapter 1

Rumai is a Ruby interface to the wmii window manager.

To get help or provide feedback, simply contact the author(s).

1.1  Features

Rumai is exciting because:

1.2  Etymology

The word “wmii” is difficult to pronounce because it is an abbreviation, not an acronym. If we were to treat it as an acronym, the closest pronounciation would be, in my mind, something like “vim-eye”.

Since this is a Ruby library, I added a “roo” and worked it through:

  • vim-eye
  • roo-vim-eye
  • roovm-eye

And thus we get “Rumai”.

1.3  License

(the ISC license)

Copyright 2006 Suraj N. Kurapati sunaku@gmail.com

Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.


1.4  Credits

Rumai is made possible by contributions from users like you:

Chapter 2

2.1  Requirements

Your system needs the following software to run Rumai.

RubyRuby language interpreterVersion 1.8.6 or newer is required.
RubyGemsRuby packaging systemVersion 1.3.1 or newer is required.
wmiiWindow managerVersion 3.6 or newer is required.

2.2  Installation

You can install Rumai by running this command:

gem install rumai

To check whether the installation was sucessful, run this command:

rumai --version

If the installation was successful, you will see output like this:

project: Rumai
version: 3.1.0
release: 2009-10-02
website: http://snk.tuxfamily.org/lib/rumai/
install: /home/sun/src/rumai

If you do not see such output, you may ask the author(s) for help.

2.3  Manifest

You will see the following items inside Rumai’s installation directory, whose path you can determine by running this command:

rumai --version
  • bin/

    • rumai — the main Rumai executable.
  • lib/

    • rumai.rb — the main Rumai library.

    • rumai/

  • doc/

    • api/ — API reference documentation.

    • index.erb — source of this user manual.

  • LICENSE — copyright notice and legal conditions.

2.4  Version numbers

Rumai releases are numbered in major.minor.patch form according to the RubyGems rational versioning policy, which can be summarized thus:

What increased in the version number? The increase indicates that the release:
Is backward compatible? Has new features? Has bug fixes?
major No Yes Yes
minor Yes Yes Yes
patch Yes No Yes

Chapter 3

3.1  Concepts


Any graphical program (a “window”) that is running in your X session.


An arbitrary label that can be associated with one or more clients.


A visualization of a particular tag. A “workspace”.


A region inside a view. It can contain clients.

Managed area, column

An area whose clients cannot overlap each other.

Floating area

An area whose clients:

  • can overlap each other
  • float above clients in the managed areas

3.2  Command-line interface

When you run this command:

rumai --help

You will see this output:

Rumai - Ruby interface to the wmii window manager

This program is an interactive shell for Rumai.


  rumai [Options]
  rumai [Options] -- Arguments

  Arguments:  Command-line options and arguments that should
              be passed to `irb`, the interactive Ruby shell.


      --manual, -m:   Show the user manual
  --locale, -l <s>:   Set preferred language
     --version, -v:   Print version and exit
        --help, -h:   Show this message

Interactive shell

When you run this command:


An IRB session will begin, showing you a command prompt like this:


The irb(Rumai) token in the command prompt indicates that commands will be evaluated inside the Rumai module. As a result, you can omit the “Rumai” prefix from your commands if you wish.

For example, to get the current client object, you can type curr_client instead of having to type Rumai.curr_client at the prompt. Both commands achieve the same effect.

The next thing to note is that tab completion is enabled by default. So you can type part of a command and press the TAB key to see a list of possible completions.

3.3  Tutorial

Now that you know how to start the interactive shell, let us walk through a quick demonstration that highlights the main features of Rumai. You can follow along by copying & pasting the presented commands into the interactive shell.

3.3.1  Automated client arrangement

Launch a few terminals so that we have something to work with:

colors = %w[ red green blue black orange brown gray navy gold ]
colors.each {|c| system "xterm -bg #{c} -title #{c} -e sh -c read &" }

Arrange all clients in a grid:


Arrange all clients in a diamond shape:


Arrange all clients like LarsWM does:


Close the terminals we launched earlier:

terms = curr_view.clients.select {|c| colors.include? c.label.read }
terms.each {|c| c.kill }

3.3.2  Multiple client grouping

Launch a few terminals so that we have something to work with:

colors = %w[ red green blue black orange brown gray navy gold ]
colors.each {|c| system "xterm -bg #{c} -title #{c} -e sh -c read &" }

Add the red, green, and blue terminals into the “grouping”:

terms = curr_view.clients.select {|c| %w[red green blue].include? c.label.read }
terms.each {|c| c.group }

You should now see a new button labelled as ”@” on the left-hand side of wmii’s bar, indicating that there is now a new view labelled ”@” in wmii. Let us inspect what clients this mysterious view contains:

v = View.new "@"
puts v.clients.map {|c| c.label.read }

Aha! The mysterious view contains the red, green, and blue clients we recently “grouped”. Thus, by adding a client to the “grouping”, we are simply tagging the client with the ”@” token.

Now that we have put some clients into the “grouping”, let us move all clients in the grouping to the floating area in the current view:

grouping.each {|c| c.send "toggle" }

Neat! Let us bring them back into the managed area:

grouping.each {|c| c.send "toggle" }

Close the terminals we launched earlier:

terms = curr_view.clients.select {|c| colors.include? c.label.read }
terms.each {|c| c.kill }

In summary, you can select multiple clients (by adding them to the “grouping”) and perform operations on them. This is useful when you want to do something with a group of clients but do not want to manually focus one, perform the action, focus the next one, and so on.

Another important aspect is that selected clients stay selected until they are unselected. This allows you to continue performing tasks on the selection without having to reselect the same clients after every operation.

3.3.3  Easy column manipulation

Launch a few terminals so that we have something to work with:

colors = %w[ red green blue black orange brown gray navy gold ]
colors.each {|c| system "xterm -bg #{c} -title #{c} -e sh -c read &" }

You can insert a group of clients to the top, bottom, or after the currently focused client of any column using Array-like methods.

Give each client its own column (one client per column):

curr_view.each_column {|c| c.length = 1 }

Put (at most) three clients in every column:

curr_view.each_column {|c| c.length = 3 }

Move the red, green, and blue clients into the floating area:

rgb = %w[red green blue]
terms = curr_view.clients.select {|c| rgb.include? c.label.read }
curr_view.areas[0].push terms

Slurp all floating clients into the last column:

list = curr_view.areas
a, b = list.first, list.last
b.concat a

Set the last column’s layout to stacking mode:

b.layout = 'stack'

Move the red, green, and blue clients to the top of the second column:

curr_view.areas[2].unshift terms

Move the red, green, and blue clients to the bottom of the third column:

curr_view.areas[3].push terms

Close the terminals we launched earlier:

terms = curr_view.clients.select {|c| colors.include? c.label.read }
terms.each {|c| c.kill }

3.3.4  Easy client manipulation

Launch a few terminals so that we have something to work with:

colors = %w[ red green blue black orange brown gray navy gold ]
colors.each {|c| system "xterm -bg #{c} -title #{c} -e sh -c read &" }

Obtain a reference to the red client:

red = curr_view.clients.find {|c| c.label.read == "red" }

Show the red client’s current tags:


Add the “foo” and “bar” tags to the red client:

red.tag "foo", "bar"

Remove the “bar” tag from the red client:

red.untag "bar"

Do complex operations on the red client’s tags:

red.with_tags { concat %w[a b c]; push 'z'; delete 'c' }

Focus the next client after the red client:

curr_client == red.next #=> true

Notice that by focusing a client, we make it the current client.

Focus the red client on a different view:

orig = curr_view
v = red.views.last
red.focus v

Return to the original view:


Send the red client to the last column:

red.send curr_view.areas.last

Close the terminals we launched earlier:

terms = curr_view.clients.select {|c| colors.include? c.label.read }
terms.each {|c| c.kill }

3.3.5  Traversing the file system

Show the root node of wmii’s IXP file system:


Show the names of all files at the root level:


Show the parent of the root node:


Show the children of the root node:


Navigate into to the /lbar/ directory:

n1 = fs.lbar
n2 = fs['lbar']
n1 == n2 #=> true
left_bar = n1

Notice that you can traverse the file system hierarchy by simply calling methods on node objects. Alternatively, you can traverse by specifying an arbitrary sub-path (relative path) using the [] operator on a node.

Create a new temporary button:

b = left_bar.rumai_example # path of new button
b.exist? #=> false
b.exist? #=> true

You should now see an empty button on the left-hand side of the wmii bar.

Color the button black-on-white and label it as “hello world”:

content = "#000000 #ffffff #000000 hello world"
b.write content
b.read == content #=> true

Remove the temporary button:

b.exist? #=> false

3.3.6  Available commands

Refer to the Rumai module in the API documentation for a complete list of commands (method calls, really) and their documentation.

3.4  Scripting your wmiirc

One important application of Rumai is the support of Ruby-based wmiirc configuration files. For a solid example of such application, take a look at my personal wmiirc.

Chapter 4

4.1  Version 3.1.0 (2009-10-02)

This release adds new methods, fixes some bugs, and revises the manual.

New features

  • Add Client#float methods to manipulate floating status.

  • Add Client#manage methods to manipulate managed status.

  • The Client#tags= method now accepts ’~’ and ’!’ tag prefixes.

Bug fixes

  • There is no View#move_focus method, only View#select.

  • Assertion failure in test suite because all files in /rbar (inside wmii’s IXP filesystem) contain an automatic color header when read.


  • Use simpler Copyright reminder at the top of every file.

  • Open source is for fun, so be nice: speak of “related works” instead of “competitors”.

4.2  Version 3.0.0 (2009-05-11)

This release revises method names, adds new methods, and fixes a bug.

Incompatible changes

  • Rename #toggle_ methods to use ! suffix in their names.

  • Rename #float methods to #floating.

  • Rename View#floater method to View#floating_area.

New features

  • Add Client#stick methods to manipulate sticky status.

  • Add Client#fullscreen methods to manipulate fullscreen status.

  • Add Client#slay method which is a forceful version of #kill.

  • Add View#select method to move focus relatively inside a view.

  • Add Area::floating method for symmetry with Area::curr.

  • Add View#managed_area aliases for View#column methods.

Bug fixes

  • Fix error when unzooming clients from temporary view.

  • Fix code that launches temporary terminals in Tutorial.

    Use the /bin/sh version of the read command for portability.


  • Use Client#send instead of #swap in automated arrangements because it causes less traffic on /event/.

  • Add old release notes from blog to user manual.

4.3  Version 2.1.0 (2009-05-09)

This release improves client arrangement, fixes several bugs, and cleans up the code.

Thank you

  • Simon Hafner reported several bugs.
  • Michael Andrus verified bug fixes.

New features

  • Focus is now restored on the initially focused client after applying Automated client arrangements.

  • The push(), insert(), and unshift() instance methods of the Rumai::Area class now preserve the order of inserted clients.

  • The Rumai::View#arrange_in_grid() method now accepts 1 as a parameter. This invocation causes every column to contain at most 1 client.

Bug fixes

  • Fix error caused by focusing the top/bottom client in the destination area before sending new clients into that area.

  • Fix error when importing clients into an empty area.


  • Use snake_case instead of camelCase for variable names.

  • Add copyright notice at the top of every file.

  • Plenty of code formatting and beautification.

4.4  Version 2.0.2 (2009-02-26)

This release fixes a connection bug.

Thank you

  • Simon Hafner reported and helped debug the $DISPLAY bug.

Bug fixes

  • wmii omits the fractional portion of $DISPLAY in its socket file path. Rumai was trying to connect with the entire $DISPLAY value (including the fractional portion) and thus could not find wmii’s socket file.

4.5  Version 2.0.1 (2009-01-25)

This release simplifies project administrivia using Inochi, improves the unit tests, and revises the user manual.

Bug fixes

  • The lib/rumai/ixp/message.rb library’s unit test would fail if /rbar/status did not already exist in wmii.


  • Store IXP socket address in Rumai::IXP_SOCK_ADDR.

  • Added missing test cases for (TR)create and (TR)remove messages in the unit test for the lib/rumai/ixp/message.rb library.

4.6  Version 2.0.0 (2008-02-04)

This release adds support for wmii 3.6, improves the performance of the IXP library, and fixes some bugs.

Thank you

  • Christoph Blank tested Rumai 1.0.0 under wmii 3.6 and reported bugs.

Incompatible changes

  • wmii version 3.6 or newer is now required.

  • The Rumai::IXP::Agent::FidStream#read_partial method has been replaced by Rumai::IXP::Agent::FidStream#read(true) for efficiency.

    • The Rumai::IXP::Agent::FidStream#write method no longer writes to the beginning of the stream. Instead, it writes to the current position in the stream.

    • The Rumai::View#floating_area method has been renamed to Rumai::View#floater for brevity.

New features

  • Added several more methods (such as rewind, pos=, eof?, and so on) from Ruby’s IO class to the Rumai::IXP::Agent::FidStream class.

  • Added the Rumai::Client#kill method to simplify client termination.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a race condition in Rumai::Agent#talk which would cause Rumai to hang when multiple threads used it.

4.7  Version 1.0.0 (2008-01-26)

This is the first release of Rumai, the evolution of wmii-irb, which lets you manipulate the wmii window manager through Ruby.

Happy birthday!

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