require 'yaml' require 'json' require 'erb' require 'benchmark' require 'fileutils' require 'ms_rest_azure' module Wombat module Common def banner(msg) puts "==> #{msg}" end def info(msg) puts " #{msg}" end def warn(msg) puts ">>> #{msg}" end def duration(total) total = 0 if total.nil? minutes = (total / 60).to_i seconds = (total - (minutes * 60)) format("%dm%.2fs", minutes, seconds) end def wombat @wombat_yml ||= ENV['WOMBAT_YML'] unless ENV['WOMBAT_YML'].nil? @wombat_yml ||= 'wombat.yml' if !File.exist?(@wombat_yml) warn('No wombat.yml found, copying example') gen_dir = "#{File.expand_path("../..", File.dirname(__FILE__))}/generator_files" FileUtils.cp_r "#{gen_dir}/wombat.yml", Dir.pwd end YAML.load( end def lock if !File.exist?('wombat.lock') warn('No wombat.lock found') return 1 else JSON.parse('wombat.lock')) end end def bootstrap_aws @workstation_passwd = wombat['workstations']['password'] rendered ="#{conf['template_dir']}/bootstrap-aws.erb"), nil, '-').result(binding) Dir.mkdir("#{conf['packer_dir']}/scripts", 0755) unless File.exist?("#{conf['packer_dir']}/scripts")"#{conf['packer_dir']}/scripts/bootstrap-aws.txt", 'w') { |file| file.puts rendered } banner("Generated: #{conf['packer_dir']}/scripts/bootstrap-aws.txt") end def parse_log(log, cloud) regex = case cloud when 'gcp' 'A disk image was created:' when 'azure' 'OSDiskUri:' else "#{wombat['aws']['region']}:" end"\n").grep(/#{regex}/) {|x| x.split[1]}.last end def infranodes unless wombat['infranodes'].nil? wombat['infranodes'].sort else puts 'No infranodes listed in wombat.yml' {} end end def build_nodes build_nodes = {} 1.upto(wombat['build-nodes']['count'].to_i) do |i| build_nodes["build-node-#{i}"] = i end build_nodes end def workstations workstations = {} 1.upto(wombat['workstations']['count'].to_i) do |i| workstations["workstation-#{i}"] = i end workstations end def create_infranodes_json infranodes_file_path = File.join(conf['files_dir'], 'infranodes-info.json') if File.exists?(infranodes_file_path) && is_valid_json?(infranodes_file_path) current_state = JSON( else current_state = nil end return if current_state == infranodes # yay idempotence, 'w') do |f| f.puts JSON.pretty_generate(infranodes) end end def linux wombat['linux'].nil? ? 'ubuntu' : wombat['linux'] end def conf conf = wombat['conf'] conf ||= {} conf['files_dir'] ||= 'files' conf['key_dir'] ||= 'keys' conf['cookbook_dir'] ||= 'cookbooks' conf['packer_dir'] ||= 'packer' conf['log_dir'] ||= 'logs' conf['stack_dir'] ||= 'stacks' conf['template_dir'] ||= 'templates' conf['timeout'] ||= 7200 conf['audio'] ||= false conf end def is_mac? (/darwin/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM) != nil end def audio? is_mac? && conf['audio'] end def logs path = "#{conf['log_dir']}/#{cloud}*.log" Dir.glob(path).reject { |l| !l.match(wombat['linux']) } end def calculate_templates globs = "*.json" Dir.chdir(conf['packer_dir']) do Array(globs). map { |glob| result = Dir.glob("#{glob}"); result.empty? ? glob : result }. flatten. sort. delete_if { |file| file =~ /\.variables\./ }. map { |template| template.sub(/\.json$/, '') } end end def update_lock(cloud) copy = {} copy = wombat # Check that the copy contains a key for the named cloud unless copy.key?(cloud) throw "The Cloud '#{cloud}' is not specified in Wombat" end # Determine the region/location/zone for the specific cloud case cloud when 'aws' region = copy['aws']['region'] when 'azure' region = copy['azure']['location'] when 'gce' region = copy['gce']['zone'] end linux = copy['linux'] copy['amis'] = { region => {} } if logs.length == 0 warn('No logs found - skipping lock update') else logs.each do |log| case log when /build-node/ copy['amis'][region]['build-node'] ||= {} num = log.split('-')[3] copy['amis'][region]['build-node'].store(num, parse_log(log, cloud)) when /workstation/ copy['amis'][region]['workstation'] ||= {} num = log.split('-')[2] copy['amis'][region]['workstation'].store(num, parse_log(log, cloud)) when /infranodes/ copy['amis'][region]['infranodes'] ||= {} name = log.split('-')[2] copy['amis'][region]['infranodes'].store(name, parse_log(log, cloud)) else instance = log.match("#{cloud}-(.*)-#{linux}\.log")[1] copy['amis'][region].store(instance, parse_log(log, cloud)) end end copy['last_updated'] ='%Y%m%d%H%M%S') banner('Updating wombat.lock')'wombat.lock', 'w') do |f| f.write(JSON.pretty_generate(copy)) end end end def update_template(cloud) if lock == 1 warn('No lock - skipping template creation') else @demo = lock['name'] @version = lock['version'] @ttl = lock['ttl'] # Determine the region/location/zone for the specific cloud case cloud when 'aws' region = lock['aws']['region'] template_files = { "cfn.json.erb": "#{conf['stack_dir']}/#{@demo}.json" } @chef_server_ami = lock['amis'][region]['chef-server'] @automate_ami = lock['amis'][region]['automate'] @compliance_ami = lock['amis'][region]['compliance'] @availability_zone = lock['aws']['az'] @iam_roles = lock['aws']['iam_roles'] when 'azure' region = lock['azure']['location'] @storage_account = lock['azure']['storage_account'] template_files = { "arm.json.erb": "#{conf['stack_dir']}/#{@demo}.json", "arm.tidy.json.erb": "#{conf['stack_dir']}/#{@demo}.tidy.json" } @chef_server_uri = lock['amis'][region]['chef-server'] @automate_uri = lock['amis'][region]['automate'] @compliance_uri = lock['amis'][region]['compliance'] @password = lock['workstations']['password'] when 'gce' region = lock['gce']['zone'] end if lock['amis'][region].key?('build-node') @build_nodes = lock['build-nodes']['count'].to_i @build_node_ami = {} 1.upto(@build_nodes) do |i| @build_node_ami[i] = lock['amis'][region]['build-node'][i.to_s] end end @infra = {} infranodes.each do |name, _rl| @infra[name] = lock['amis'][region]['infranodes'][name] end if lock['amis'][region].key?('workstation') @workstations = lock['workstations']['count'].to_i @workstation_ami = {} 1.upto(@workstations) do |i| @workstation_ami[i] = lock['amis'][region]['workstation'][i.to_s] end end # Iterate around each of the template files that have been defined and render it template_files.each do |template_file, destination| rendered_cfn ="#{conf['template_dir']}/#{template_file}"), nil, '-').result(binding) Dir.mkdir(conf['stack_dir'], 0755) unless File.exist?(conf['stack_dir'])"#{destination}", 'w') { |file| file.puts rendered_cfn } banner("Generated: #{destination}") end end end def is_valid_json?(file) begin JSON.parse(file) true rescue JSON::ParserError => e false end end # Connect to Azure using environment variables # # def connect_azure # Create the connection to Azure using the information in the environment variables tenant_id = ENV['AZURE_TENANT_ID'] client_id = ENV['AZURE_CLIENT_ID'] client_secret = ENV['AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET'] token_provider =, client_id, client_secret) end # Track the progress of the deployment in Azure # # ===== Attributes # # * +rg_name+ - Name of the resource group being deployed to # * +deployment_name+ - Name of the deployment that is currently being processed def follow_azure_deployment(rg_name, deployment_name) end_provisioning_states = 'Canceled,Failed,Deleted,Succeeded' end_provisioning_state_reached = false until end_provisioning_state_reached list_outstanding_deployment_operations(rg_name, deployment_name) sleep 10 deployment_provisioning_state = deployment_state(rg_name, deployment_name) end_provisioning_state_reached = end_provisioning_states.split(',').include?(deployment_provisioning_state) end info format("Resource Template deployment reached end state of %s", deployment_provisioning_state) end # Get a list of the outstanding deployment operations # # ===== Attributes # # * +rg_name+ - Name of the resource group being deployed to # * +deployment_name+ - Name of the deployment that is currently being processed def list_outstanding_deployment_operations(rg_name, deployment_name) end_operation_states = 'Failed,Succeeded' deployment_operations = resource_management_client.deployment_operations.list(rg_name, deployment_name) deployment_operations.each do |val| resource_provisioning_state = unless resource_name = resource_type = end end_operation_state_reached = end_operation_states.split(',').include?(resource_provisioning_state) unless end_operation_state_reached info format("resource %s '%s' provisioning status is %s", resource_type, resource_name, resource_provisioning_state) end end end # Get the state of the specified deployment # # ===== Attributes # # * +rg_name+ - Name of the resource group being deployed to # * +deployment_name+ - Name of the deployment that is currently being processed def deployment_state(rg_name, deployment_name) deployments = resource_management_client.deployments.get(rg_name, deployment_name) end end end