# -*- ruby -*- require 'rubygems' require 'shellwords' gem 'hoe' require 'hoe' Hoe.plugin :debugging Hoe.plugin :git Hoe.plugin :gemspec Hoe.plugin :bundler Hoe.add_include_dirs '.' GENERATED_PARSER = "lib/nokogiri/css/parser.rb" GENERATED_TOKENIZER = "lib/nokogiri/css/tokenizer.rb" def java? /java/ === RUBY_PLATFORM end ENV['LANG'] = "en_US.UTF-8" # UBUNTU 10.04, Y U NO DEFAULT TO UTF-8? CrossRuby = Struct.new(:version, :host) { def ver @ver ||= version[/\A[^-]+/] end def minor_ver @minor_ver ||= ver[/\A\d\.\d(?=\.)/] end def api_ver_suffix case minor_ver when nil raise "unsupported version: #{ver}" when '1.9' '191' else minor_ver.delete('.') << '0' end end def platform @platform ||= case host when /\Ax86_64-/ 'x64-mingw32' when /\Ai[3-6]86-/ 'x86-mingw32' else raise "unsupported host: #{host}" end end def tool(name) (@binutils_prefix ||= case platform when 'x64-mingw32' 'x86_64-w64-mingw32-' when 'x86-mingw32' 'i686-w64-mingw32-' end) + name end def target case platform when 'x64-mingw32' 'pei-x86-64' when 'x86-mingw32' 'pei-i386' end end def libruby_dll case platform when 'x64-mingw32' "x64-msvcrt-ruby#{api_ver_suffix}.dll" when 'x86-mingw32' "msvcrt-ruby#{api_ver_suffix}.dll" end end def dlls [ 'kernel32.dll', 'msvcrt.dll', 'ws2_32.dll', *(case when ver >= '2.0.0' 'user32.dll' end), libruby_dll ] end } CROSS_RUBIES = File.read('.cross_rubies').lines.flat_map { |line| case line when /\A([^#]+):([^#]+)/ CrossRuby.new($1, $2) else [] end } ENV['RUBY_CC_VERSION'] ||= CROSS_RUBIES.map(&:ver).uniq.join(":") HOE = Hoe.spec 'nokogiri' do developer 'Aaron Patterson', 'aaronp@rubyforge.org' developer 'Mike Dalessio', 'mike.dalessio@gmail.com' developer 'Yoko Harada', 'yokolet@gmail.com' developer 'Tim Elliott', 'tle@holymonkey.com' developer 'Akinori MUSHA', 'knu@idaemons.org' license "MIT" self.readme_file = "README.md" self.history_file = ['CHANGELOG', ENV['HLANG'], 'rdoc'].compact.join('.') self.extra_rdoc_files = FileList['*.rdoc','ext/nokogiri/*.c'] self.clean_globs += [ 'nokogiri.gemspec', 'lib/nokogiri/nokogiri.{bundle,jar,rb,so}', 'lib/nokogiri/[0-9].[0-9]' ] self.clean_globs += Dir.glob("ports/*").reject { |d| d =~ %r{/archives$} } unless java? self.extra_deps += [ # Keep this version in sync with the one in extconf.rb ! ["mini_portile2", "~> 2.0.0.rc2"], ] end self.extra_dev_deps += [ ["hoe-bundler", ">= 1.1"], ["hoe-debugging", "~> 1.2.0"], ["hoe-gemspec", ">= 1.0"], ["hoe-git", ">= 1.4"], ["minitest", "~> 2.2.2"], ["rake", ">= 0.9"], ["rake-compiler", "~> 0.9.2"], ["rake-compiler-dock", "~> 0.4.2"], ["racc", ">= 1.4.6"], ["rexical", ">= 1.0.5"] ] if java? self.spec_extras = { :platform => 'java' } else self.spec_extras = { :extensions => ["ext/nokogiri/extconf.rb"], :required_ruby_version => '>= 1.9.2' } end self.testlib = :minitest end # ---------------------------------------- def add_file_to_gem relative_path target_path = File.join gem_build_path, relative_path target_dir = File.dirname(target_path) mkdir_p target_dir unless File.directory?(target_dir) rm_f target_path safe_ln relative_path, target_path HOE.spec.files += [relative_path] end def gem_build_path File.join 'pkg', HOE.spec.full_name end if java? # TODO: clean this section up. require "rake/javaextensiontask" Rake::JavaExtensionTask.new("nokogiri", HOE.spec) do |ext| jruby_home = RbConfig::CONFIG['prefix'] ext.ext_dir = 'ext/java' ext.lib_dir = 'lib/nokogiri' ext.source_version = '1.6' ext.target_version = '1.6' jars = ["#{jruby_home}/lib/jruby.jar"] + FileList['lib/*.jar'] ext.classpath = jars.map { |x| File.expand_path x }.join ':' end task gem_build_path => [:compile] do add_file_to_gem 'lib/nokogiri/nokogiri.jar' end else begin require 'rake/extensioncompiler' # Ensure mingw compiler is installed Rake::ExtensionCompiler.mingw_host mingw_available = true rescue mingw_available = false end require "rake/extensiontask" HOE.spec.files.reject! { |f| f =~ %r{\.(java|jar)$} } dependencies = YAML.load_file("dependencies.yml") task gem_build_path do %w[libxml2 libxslt].each do |lib| version = dependencies[lib] archive = File.join("ports", "archives", "#{lib}-#{version}.tar.gz") add_file_to_gem archive patchesdir = File.join("patches", lib) patches = `#{['git', 'ls-files', patchesdir].shelljoin}`.split("\n").grep(/\.patch\z/) patches.each { |patch| add_file_to_gem patch } (untracked = Dir[File.join(patchesdir, '*.patch')] - patches).empty? or at_exit { untracked.each { |patch| puts "** WARNING: untracked patch file not added to gem: #{patch}" } } end end Rake::ExtensionTask.new("nokogiri", HOE.spec) do |ext| ext.lib_dir = File.join(*['lib', 'nokogiri', ENV['FAT_DIR']].compact) ext.config_options << ENV['EXTOPTS'] if mingw_available ext.cross_compile = true ext.cross_platform = CROSS_RUBIES.map(&:platform).uniq ext.cross_config_options << "--enable-cross-build" ext.cross_compiling do |spec| libs = dependencies.map { |name, version| "#{name}-#{version}" }.join(', ') spec.required_ruby_version = [ '>= 1.9.2', "< #{CROSS_RUBIES.max_by(&:ver).minor_ver.succ}" ] spec.post_install_message = <<-EOS Nokogiri is built with the packaged libraries: #{libs}. EOS spec.files.reject! { |path| File.fnmatch?('ports/*', path) } end end end end # ---------------------------------------- desc "Generate css/parser.rb and css/tokenizer.rex" task 'generate' => [GENERATED_PARSER, GENERATED_TOKENIZER] task 'gem:spec' => 'generate' if Rake::Task.task_defined?("gem:spec") # This is a big hack to make sure that the racc and rexical # dependencies in the Gemfile are constrainted to ruby platforms # (i.e. MRI and Rubinius). There's no way to do that through hoe, # and any solution will require changing hoe and hoe-bundler. old_gemfile_task = Rake::Task['bundler:gemfile'] rescue nil task 'bundler:gemfile' do old_gemfile_task.invoke if old_gemfile_task lines = File.open('Gemfile', 'r') { |f| f.readlines }.map do |line| line =~ /racc|rexical/ ? "#{line.strip}, :platform => :ruby" : line end File.open('Gemfile', 'w') { |f| lines.each { |line| f.puts line } } end file GENERATED_PARSER => "lib/nokogiri/css/parser.y" do |t| racc = RbConfig::CONFIG['target_os'] =~ /mswin32/ ? '' : `which racc`.strip racc = "#{::RbConfig::CONFIG['bindir']}/racc" if racc.empty? racc = %x{command -v racc}.strip if racc.empty? sh "#{racc} -l -o #{t.name} #{t.prerequisites.first}" end file GENERATED_TOKENIZER => "lib/nokogiri/css/tokenizer.rex" do |t| sh "rex --independent -o #{t.name} #{t.prerequisites.first}" end [:compile, :check_manifest].each do |task_name| Rake::Task[task_name].prerequisites << GENERATED_PARSER Rake::Task[task_name].prerequisites << GENERATED_TOKENIZER end # ---------------------------------------- desc "set environment variables to build and/or test with debug options" task :debug do ENV['NOKOGIRI_DEBUG'] = "true" ENV['CFLAGS'] ||= "" ENV['CFLAGS'] += " -DDEBUG" end require 'tasks/test' task :java_debug do ENV['JAVA_OPTS'] = '-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8000,server=y,suspend=y' if java? && ENV['JAVA_DEBUG'] end if java? task :test_19 => :test task :test_20 do ENV['JRUBY_OPTS'] = "--2.0" Rake::Task["test"].invoke end end Rake::Task[:test].prerequisites << :compile Rake::Task[:test].prerequisites << :java_debug Rake::Task[:test].prerequisites << :check_extra_deps unless java? if Hoe.plugins.include?(:debugging) ['valgrind', 'valgrind:mem', 'valgrind:mem0'].each do |task_name| Rake::Task["test:#{task_name}"].prerequisites << :compile end end # ---------------------------------------- def verify_dll(dll, cross_ruby) dll_imports = cross_ruby.dlls dump = `#{['env', 'LANG=C', cross_ruby.tool('objdump'), '-p', dll].shelljoin}` raise "unexpected file format for generated dll #{dll}" unless /file format #{Regexp.quote(cross_ruby.target)}\s/ === dump raise "export function Init_nokogiri not in dll #{dll}" unless /Table.*\sInit_nokogiri\s/mi === dump # Verify that the expected DLL dependencies match the actual dependencies # and that no further dependencies exist. dll_imports_is = dump.scan(/DLL Name: (.*)$/).map(&:first).map(&:downcase).uniq if dll_imports_is.sort != dll_imports.sort raise "unexpected dll imports #{dll_imports_is.inspect} in #{dll}" end puts "#{dll}: Looks good!" end task :cross do rake_compiler_config_path = File.expand_path("~/.rake-compiler/config.yml") unless File.exists? rake_compiler_config_path raise "rake-compiler has not installed any cross rubies. Try using rake-compiler-dev-box for building binary windows gems.'" end CROSS_RUBIES.each do |cross_ruby| task "tmp/#{cross_ruby.platform}/nokogiri/#{cross_ruby.ver}/nokogiri.so" do |t| # To reduce the gem file size strip mingw32 dlls before packaging sh [cross_ruby.tool('strip'), '-S', t.name].shelljoin verify_dll t.name, cross_ruby end end end desc "build a windows gem without all the ceremony." task "gem:windows" do require "rake_compiler_dock" RakeCompilerDock.sh "bundle && rake cross native gem MAKE='nice make -j`nproc`' RUBY_CC_VERSION=#{ENV['RUBY_CC_VERSION']}" end # vim: syntax=Ruby