# Copyright (c) 2012-2018 Yuto HAYAMIZU, Kenshi Muto # # This program is free software. # You can distribute or modify this program under the terms of # the GNU LGPL, Lesser General Public License version 2.1. # For details of the GNU LGPL, see the file "COPYING". # require 'pathname' require 'fileutils' require 'yaml' require 'shellwords' module ReVIEW module MakerHelper # Return review/bin directory def bindir Pathname.new("#{Pathname.new(__FILE__).realpath.dirname}/../../bin").realpath end module_function :bindir # Copy image files under from_dir to to_dir recursively # ==== Args # from_dir :: path to the directory which has image files to be copied # to_dir :: path to the directory to which the image files are copied # options :: used to specify optional operations during copy # ==== Returns # list of image files # ==== Options # :convert :: Conversion rule # ==== Examples # # copy_images_to_dir("/path/to/foo", "/path/to/bar", :convert => {:eps => :png}) # # Image files are copied recursively, and each '.eps' file is converted into '.eps.png' # def copy_images_to_dir(from_dir, to_dir, options = {}) image_files = [] Dir.open(from_dir) do |dir| dir.each do |fname| next if fname =~ /^\./ if FileTest.directory?("#{from_dir}/#{fname}") image_files += copy_images_to_dir("#{from_dir}/#{fname}", "#{to_dir}/#{fname}", options) else FileUtils.mkdir_p(to_dir) unless File.exist?(to_dir) is_converted = false (options[:convert] || {}).each do |orig_type, conv_type| next unless /\.#{orig_type}$/ =~ fname is_converted = system("convert #{from_dir}/#{fname} #{to_dir}/#{fname}.#{conv_type}") image_files << "#{from_dir}/#{fname}.#{conv_type}" end exts = options[:exts] || %w[png gif jpg jpeg svg pdf eps ai tif psd] exts_str = exts.join('|') if !is_converted && fname =~ /\.(#{exts_str})$/i FileUtils.cp "#{from_dir}/#{fname}", to_dir image_files << "#{from_dir}/#{fname}" end end end end image_files end module_function :copy_images_to_dir def cleanup_mathimg math_dir = "./#{@config['imagedir']}/_review_math" if @config['imgmath'] && Dir.exist?(math_dir) FileUtils.rm_rf(math_dir) end end def default_imgmath_preamble <<-EOB \\documentclass[uplatex]{jsarticle} \\usepackage[deluxe,uplatex]{otf} \\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \\usepackage{textcomp} \\usepackage{lmodern} \\usepackage[dvipdfmx]{graphicx} \\usepackage[dvipdfmx,table]{xcolor} \\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \\usepackage{ascmac} \\usepackage{float} \\usepackage{alltt} \\usepackage{amsmath} \\usepackage{amssymb} \\usepackage{amsfonts} \\usepackage{anyfontsize} \\usepackage{bm} \\pagestyle{empty} EOB end def make_math_images(math_dir) fontsize = @config['imgmath_options']['fontsize'].to_f lineheight = @config['imgmath_options']['lineheight'].to_f texsrc = default_imgmath_preamble if @config['imgmath_options']['preamble_file'] && File.readable?(@config['imgmath_options']['preamble_file']) texsrc = File.read(@config['imgmath_options']['preamble_file']) end texsrc << <<-EOB \\begin{document} \\fontsize{#{fontsize}}{#{lineheight}}\\selectfont \\input{__IMGMATH_BODY__} \\end{document} EOB math_dir = File.realpath(math_dir) Dir.mktmpdir do |tmpdir| FileUtils.cp([File.join(math_dir, '__IMGMATH_BODY__.tex'), File.join(math_dir, '__IMGMATH_BODY__.map')], tmpdir) tex_path = File.join(tmpdir, '__IMGMATH__.tex') File.write(tex_path, texsrc) begin case @config['imgmath_options']['converter'] when 'pdfcrop' make_math_images_pdfcrop(tmpdir, tex_path, math_dir) when 'dvipng' make_math_images_dvipng(tmpdir, tex_path, math_dir) else error "unknown math converter error. imgmath_options/converter parameter should be 'pdfcrop' or 'dvipng'." end rescue CompileError FileUtils.cp([tex_path, File.join(File.dirname(tex_path), '__IMGMATH__.log')], math_dir) error "LaTeX math compile error. See #{math_dir}/__IMGMATH__.log for details." end end FileUtils.rm_f([File.join(math_dir, '__IMGMATH_BODY__.tex'), File.join(math_dir, '__IMGMATH_BODY__.map')]) end def make_math_images_pdfcrop(dir, tex_path, math_dir) Dir.chdir(dir) do dvi_path = '__IMGMATH__.dvi' pdf_path = '__IMGMATH__.pdf' out, status = Open3.capture2e(*[@config['texcommand'], @config['texoptions'].shellsplit, tex_path].flatten.compact) if !status.success? || (!File.exist?(dvi_path) && !File.exist?(pdf_path)) raise CompileError end if File.exist?(dvi_path) out, status = Open3.capture2e(*[@config['dvicommand'], @config['dvioptions'].shellsplit, dvi_path].flatten.compact) if !status.success? || !File.exist?(pdf_path) warn "error in #{@config['dvicommand']}. Error log:\n#{out}" raise CompileError end end args = @config['imgmath_options']['pdfcrop_cmd'].shellsplit args.map! do |m| m.sub('%i', pdf_path). sub('%o', '__IMGMATH__pdfcrop.pdf') end out, status = Open3.capture2e(*args) unless status.success? warn "error in pdfcrop. Error log:\n#{out}" raise CompileError end pdf_path = '__IMGMATH__pdfcrop.pdf' pdf_path2 = pdf_path File.open('__IMGMATH_BODY__.map') do |f| page = 0 f.each_line do |key| page += 1 key.chomp! if File.exist?(File.join(math_dir, "_gen_#{key}.#{@config['imgmath_options']['format']}")) # made already next end if @config['imgmath_options']['extract_singlepage'] # if extract_singlepage = true, split each page args = @config['imgmath_options']['pdfextract_cmd'].shellsplit args.map! do |m| m.sub('%i', pdf_path). sub('%o', "__IMGMATH__pdfcrop_p#{page}.pdf"). sub('%O', "__IMGMATH__pdfcrop_p#{page}"). sub('%p', page.to_s) end out, status = Open3.capture2e(*args) unless status.success? warn "error in pdf extracting. Error log:\n#{out}" raise CompileError end pdf_path2 = "__IMGMATH__pdfcrop_p#{page}.pdf" end args = @config['imgmath_options']['pdfcrop_pixelize_cmd'].shellsplit args.map! do |m| m.sub('%i', pdf_path2). sub('%o', File.join(math_dir, "_gen_#{key}.#{@config['imgmath_options']['format']}")). sub('%O', File.join(math_dir, "_gen_#{key}")). sub('%p', page.to_s) end out, status = Open3.capture2e(*args) unless status.success? warn "error in pdf pixelizing. Error log:\n#{out}" raise CompileError end end end end end def make_math_images_dvipng(dir, tex_path, math_dir) Dir.chdir(dir) do dvi_path = '__IMGMATH__.dvi' out, status = Open3.capture2e(*[@config['texcommand'], @config['texoptions'].shellsplit, tex_path].flatten.compact) if !status.success? || !File.exist?(dvi_path) raise CompileError end File.open('__IMGMATH_BODY__.map') do |f| page = 0 f.each_line do |key| page += 1 key.chomp! args = @config['imgmath_options']['dvipng_cmd'].shellsplit args.map! do |m| m.sub('%i', dvi_path). sub('%o', File.join(math_dir, "_gen_#{key}.#{@config['imgmath_options']['format']}")). sub('%O', File.join(math_dir, "_gen_#{key}")). sub('%p', page.to_s) end out, status = Open3.capture2e(*args) unless status.success? warn "error in dvipng. Error log:\n#{out}" raise CompileError end end end end end end end