Sterile ======= Sterilize your strings! Transliterate, generate slugs, smart format, strip tags, encode/decode entities and more. Usage ----- Sterile provides functionality both as class methods on the Sterile module and as extensions to the String class. Each function also has a "bang" version to replace the string in place. Sterile.transliterate("šţɽĩɳģ") # => "string" "šţɽĩɳģ".transliterate # => "string" str = "šţɽĩɳģ" str.transliterate! str == "string" # => true Transliterate ------------- Transliterate Unicode [and accented ASCII] characters to their plain-text ASCII equivalents. This is based on data from the stringex gem ( which is in turn a port of Perl's Unidecode and ostensibly provides superior results to iconv. The optical conversion data is based on work by Eric Boehs at "šţɽĩɳģ".transliterate # => "string" Passing an option of :optical => true will prefer optical mapping instead of more pedantic matches. The optical dataset is incomplete, but will fall back to the pedantic match if missing. Smart Format ------------ Format text with proper "curly" quotes, m-dashes, copyright, trademark, etc. q{"He said, 'Away with you, Drake!'"}.smart_format # => “He said, ‘Away with you, Drake!’” You can also use smart formatting with HTML: %q{"He said, 'Away with you, Drake!'"}.smart_format_tags # => "“He said, ‘Away with you, Drake!’“" Entities -------- Turn Unicode characters into their HTML equivilents. If a valid HTML entity is not possible, it will create a numeric entity. q{“Economy Hits Bottom,” ran the headline}.encode_entities # => "“Economy Hits Bottom,” ran the headline" Turn HTML entities into unicode characters: "“Economy Hits Bottom,” ran the headline".decode_entities # => "“Economy Hits Bottom,” ran the headline" Titlecase --------- Format text appropriately for titles. This method is much smarter than ActiveSupport's titlecase. The algorithm is based on work done by John Gruber et al ( It gets closer to the AP standard for title capitalization, including proper support for small words and handles a variety of edge cases. "Q&A with Steve Jobs: 'That's what happens in technology'".titlecase # => "Q&A With Steve Jobs: 'That's What Happens in Technology'" "Small word at end is nothing to be afraid of".titleize # alias for titlecase # => "Small Word at End Is Nothing to Be Afraid Of" Strip Tags ---------- Remove HTML/XML tags from text. Also strips out comments, PHP and ERB style tags. 'Visit our website!'.strip_tags # => "Visit our website!" Miscellaneous ------------- Transliterate to ASCII, downcase and format for URL permalink/slug by stripping out all non-alphanumeric characters and replacing spaces with a delimiter (defaults to '-', configured by :delimiter option). "Hello World!".sluggerize # => "hello-world" "Hello World!".to_slug # => "hello-world" Transliterate to ASCII and strip out any HTML/XML tags. "nåsty".sterilize # => "nasty" Trim whitespace from start and end of string and remove any redundant whitespace in between. " Hello world! ".transliterate # => "Hello world!" Iterate over all text in between HTML/XML tags and yield text to a block, replace by what the block returns. "Only uppercase the text in this".gsub_tags { |t| t.upcase } Iterate over all text in between HTML/XML tags and yield to a block. "Only output the text in this".scan_tags { |t| puts t } Warning / To Do --------------- All the *_tags functions are based on a regular expressions. Yes, I know this is [wrong]( and I plan to using a proper parser for it in the future. Installation ------------ Install with RubyGems: gem install sterile License ------- Copyright (c) 2011 Patrick Hogan, released under the MIT License.