require 'lita' require 'chronic_duration' require 'redis-semaphore' module Lita module Handlers class Totems < Handler def self.route_regex(action_capture_group) %r{ ^totems?\s+ (#{action_capture_group})\s+ (?\w+) }x end route(route_regex("add|join|take|queue"), :add, help: { 'totems add TOTEM' => "Adds yourself to the TOTEM queue, or assigns yourself to the TOTEM if it's unassigned" }) route( %r{ ^totems?\s+ (yield|finish|leave|done|complete|remove) (\s+(?\w+))? }x, :yield, help: { 'totems yield TOTEM' => 'Yields the TOTEM. If you are in the queue for the totem, leaves the queue.' }) route(route_regex("create"), :create, help: { 'totems create TOTEM' => 'Creates a new totem TOTEM.' }) route(route_regex("destroy|delete"), :destroy, help: { 'totems destroy TOTEM' => 'Destroys totem TOTEM.' }) route(route_regex("kick"), :kick, help: { 'totems kick TOTEM' => 'Kicks the user currently in possession of the TOTEM off.', }) route( %r{ ^totems? (\s+info? (\s+(?\w+))? )? $ }x, :info, help: { 'totems info' => "Shows info of all totems queues", 'totems info TOTEM' => 'Shows info of just one totem' }) def destroy(response) totem = response.match_data[:totem] if redis.exists("totem/#{totem}") redis.del("totem/#{totem}") redis.del("totem/#{totem}/list") redis.srem("totems", totem) owning_user_id = redis.get("totem/#{totem}/owning_user_id") redis.srem("user/#{owning_user_id}/totems", totem) if owning_user_id redis.del("totem/#{totem}/waiting_since") response.reply(%{Destroyed totem "#{totem}".}) else response.reply(%{Error: totem "#{totem}" doesn't exist.}) end end def create(response) totem = response.match_data[:totem] if redis.exists("totem/#{totem}") response.reply %{Error: totem "#{totem}" already exists.} else redis.set("totem/#{totem}", 1) redis.sadd("totems", totem) response.reply %{Created totem "#{totem}".} end end def add(response) totem = response.match_data[:totem] unless redis.exists("totem/#{totem}") response.reply %{Error: there is no totem "#{totem}".} return end user_id = if queued_by_user(user_id).include?(totem) response.reply %{Error: you are already in the queue for "#{totem}".} return end if redis.smembers("user/#{user_id}/totems").include?(totem) response.reply %{Error: you already have the totem "#{totem}".} return end token_acquired = false queue_size = nil"totem/#{totem}", redis: redis).lock do if redis.llen("totem/#{totem}/list") == 0 && redis.get("totem/#{totem}/owning_user_id").nil? # take it: token_acquired = true redis.set("totem/#{totem}/owning_user_id", user_id) redis.hset("totem/#{totem}/waiting_since", user_id, else # queue: queue_size = redis.rpush("totem/#{totem}/list", user_id) redis.hset("totem/#{totem}/waiting_since", user_id, end end if token_acquired # TODO don't readd to totems you are already waiting for! redis.sadd("user/#{user_id}/totems", totem) response.reply(%{#{}, you now have totem "#{totem}".}) else response.reply(%{#{}, you are \##{queue_size} in line for totem "#{totem}".}) end end def yield(response) user_id = totems_owned_by_user = redis.smembers("user/#{user_id}/totems") totems_queued_by_user = queued_by_user(user_id) if totems_owned_by_user.empty? && totems_queued_by_user.empty? response.reply "Error: You do not have any totems to yield." elsif totems_owned_by_user.size == 1 && !response.match_data[:totem] && totems_queued_by_user.empty? yield_totem(totems_owned_by_user[0], user_id, response) else totem_specified = response.match_data[:totem] # if they don't specify and are only queued for a single totem, yield that one totem_specified = totems_queued_by_user.first if !totem_specified && totems_queued_by_user.size == 1 && totems_owned_by_user.empty? if totem_specified if totems_owned_by_user.include?(totem_specified) yield_totem(totem_specified, user_id, response) elsif totems_queued_by_user.include?(totem_specified) redis.lrem("totem/#{totem_specified}/list", 0, user_id) redis.hdel("totem/#{totem_specified}/waiting_since", user_id) response.reply("You are no longer in line for the \"#{totem_specified}\" totem.") else response.reply %{Error: You don't own and aren't waiting for the "#{totem_specified}" totem.} end else response.reply "You must specify a totem to yield. Totems you own: #{totems_owned_by_user.sort}. Totems you are in line for: #{totems_queued_by_user.sort}." end end end def kick(response) totem = response.match_data[:totem] unless redis.exists("totem/#{totem}") response.reply %{Error: there is no totem "#{totem}".} return end past_owning_user_id = redis.get("totem/#{totem}/owning_user_id") if past_owning_user_id.nil? response.reply %{Error: Nobody owns totem "#{totem}" so you can't kick someone from it.} return end redis.srem("user/#{past_owning_user_id}/totems", totem) redis.hdel("totem/#{totem}/waiting_since", past_owning_user_id) robot.send_messages( Lita::User.find_by_id(past_owning_user_id)), %{You have been kicked from totem "#{totem}".}) next_user_id = redis.lpop("totem/#{totem}/list") if next_user_id redis.set("totem/#{totem}/owning_user_id", next_user_id) redis.sadd("user/#{next_user_id}/totems", totem) redis.hset("totem/#{totem}/waiting_since", next_user_id, robot.send_messages( Lita::User.find_by_id(next_user_id)), %{You are now in possession of totem "#{totem}".}) else redis.del("totem/#{totem}/owning_user_id") end end def info(response) totem_param = response.match_data[:totem] resp = unless totem_param.nil? || totem_param.empty? list_users_print(totem_param) else users_cache = new_users_cache r = "Totems:\n" redis.smembers("totems").each do |totem| r += "- #{totem}\n" r += list_users_print(totem, ' ', users_cache) end r end response.reply resp end private def new_users_cache { |h, id| h[id] = Lita::User.find_by_id(id) } end def list_users_print(totem, prefix='', users_cache=new_users_cache) str = '' first_id = redis.get("totem/#{totem}/owning_user_id") if first_id waiting_since_hash = redis.hgetall("totem/#{totem}/waiting_since") str += "#{prefix}1. #{users_cache[first_id].name} (held for #{waiting_duration(waiting_since_hash[first_id])})\n" rest = redis.lrange("totem/#{totem}/list", 0, -1) rest.each_with_index do |user_id, index| str += "#{prefix}#{index+2}. #{users_cache[user_id].name} (waiting for #{waiting_duration(waiting_since_hash[user_id])})\n" end end str end def waiting_duration(time) ChronicDuration.output( - time.to_i, format: :short) || "0s" end def yield_totem(totem, user_id, response) redis.srem("user/#{user_id}/totems", totem) redis.hdel("totem/#{totem}/waiting_since", user_id) next_user_id = redis.lpop("totem/#{totem}/list") if next_user_id redis.set("totem/#{totem}/owning_user_id", next_user_id) redis.sadd("user/#{next_user_id}/totems", totem) redis.hset("totem/#{totem}/waiting_since", next_user_id, next_user = Lita::User.find_by_id(next_user_id) robot.send_messages( next_user), %{You are now in possession of totem "#{totem}."}) response.reply "You have yielded the totem to #{}." else redis.del("totem/#{totem}/owning_user_id") response.reply %{You have yielded the "#{totem}" totem.} end end def queued_by_user(user_id) redis.smembers("totems").select do |totem| # there's no easy way to check membership in a list in redis # right now let's iterate through the list, but to make this # more performant we could convert these lists to sorted sets redis.lrange("totem/#{totem}/list", 0, -1).include?(user_id) end end end Lita.register_handler(Totems) end end