module Blazer class BaseController < ApplicationController # skip filters filters = - [:activate_authlogic] if Rails::VERSION::MAJOR >= 5 skip_before_action(*filters, raise: false) skip_after_action(*filters, raise: false) skip_around_action(*filters, raise: false) else skip_action_callback(*filters) end protect_from_forgery with: :exception if ENV["BLAZER_PASSWORD"] http_basic_authenticate_with name: ENV["BLAZER_USERNAME"], password: ENV["BLAZER_PASSWORD"] end if Blazer.settings["before_action"] raise Blazer::Error, "The docs for protecting Blazer with a custom before_action had an incorrect example from August 2017 to June 2018. The example method had a boolean return value. However, you must render or redirect if a user is unauthorized rather than return a falsy value. Double check that your before_action works correctly for unauthorized users (if it worked when added, there should be no issue). Then, change before_action to before_action_method in config/blazer.yml." end if Blazer.before_action before_action Blazer.before_action.to_sym end layout "blazer/application" private def process_vars(statement, data_source) (@bind_vars ||= []).concat(Blazer.extract_vars(statement)).uniq! @bind_vars.each do |var| params[var] ||= Blazer.data_sources[data_source].variable_defaults[var] end @success = @bind_vars.all? { |v| params[v] } if @success @bind_vars.each do |var| value = params[var].presence if value if ["start_time", "end_time"].include?(var) value = value.to_s.gsub(" ", "+") # fix for Quip bug end if var.end_with?("_at") begin value = Blazer.time_zone.parse(value) rescue # do nothing end end if value =~ /\A\d+\z/ value = value.to_i elsif value =~ /\A\d+\.\d+\z/ value = value.to_f end end if value.is_a?(Array) var_value ={|v| ActiveRecord::Base.connection.quote(v)}.join(', ') else var_value = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.quote(value) end statement.gsub!("{#{var}}", var_value) end end end def parse_smart_variables(var, data_source) smart_var_data_source = ([data_source] + Array(data_source.settings["inherit_smart_settings"]).map { |ds| Blazer.data_sources[ds] }).find { |ds| ds.smart_variables[var] } if smart_var_data_source query = smart_var_data_source.smart_variables[var] if query.is_a? Hash smart_var = { |k,v| [v, k] } elsif query.is_a? Array smart_var = { |v| [v, v] } elsif query result = smart_var_data_source.run_statement(query) smart_var = { |v| v.reverse } error = result.error if result.error end end [smart_var, error] end def variable_params params.except(:controller, :action, :id, :host, :query, :dashboard, :query_id, :query_ids, :table_names, :authenticity_token, :utf8, :_method, :commit, :statement, :data_source, :name, :fork_query_id, :blazer, :run_id).permit! end helper_method :variable_params def blazer_user send(Blazer.user_method) if Blazer.user_method && respond_to?(Blazer.user_method) end helper_method :blazer_user def render_errors(resource) @errors = resource.errors action = resource.persisted? ? :edit : :new render action, status: :unprocessable_entity end # do not inherit from ApplicationController - #120 def default_url_options {} end end end