Description =========== Fig is a utility for configuring environments and managing dependencies across a team of developers. An "environment" in fig is a set of environment variables. A "package" is a collection of files, along with some metadata describing which environment variables should be modified when the package is included. For instance, each dependency may prepend its corresponding jar to CLASSPATH. The metadata may also list that package's lower-level Fig package dependencies. Fig recursively builds an environment consisting of package dependencies (typically specified via command-line options or a package.fig file), each of which as noted above may have its own dependencies, and optionally executes a shell command in that environment. The caller's environment is not affected. Developers can use package.fig files to specify the list of dependencies to use for different tasks. This file will typically be versioned along with the rest of the source files, ensuring that all developers on a team are using the same environments. Packages exist in two places: a "local" repository cache in the user's home directory--also called the fig-home--and a "remote" repository on a shared server. Fig will automatically download packages from the remote repository and install them in the fig-home as needed. Fig does not contact the remote repository unless it needs to. The fig-home is $HOME/.fighome, but may be changed by setting the $FIG_HOME environment variable. Fig is similar to a lot of other package/dependency-management tools. In particular, it steals a lot of ideas from Apache Ivy and Debian APT. However, unlike Ivy, fig is meant to be lightweight (no XML, no JVM startup time), language agnostic (Java doesn't get preferential treatment), and work with executables as well as libraries. And unlike APT, fig is cross platform and project-oriented. Usage ===== Fig recognizes the following options: ## Flags ## -?, -h, --help display this help text -v, --version Print fig version -g, --get VARIABLE print value of environment variable VARIABLE --list-local, --list list packages in $FIG_HOME --list-configs list configurations --list-dependencies list package dependencies, recursively --list-variables list all variables defined/used by package and its dependencies --list-remote list packages in remote repo --list-tree for listings, output a tree instead of a list --list-all-configs for listings, follow all configurations of the base package --clean remove package from $FIG_HOME --publish install package in $FIG_HOME and in remote repo --publish-local install package only in $FIG_HOME -c, --config CONFIG apply configuration CONFIG, default is "default" --file FILE read fig file FILE. Use '-' for stdin. See also --no-file --no-file ignore package.fig file in current directory -p, --append VARIABLE=VALUE append (actually, prepend) VALUE to environment variable VARIABLE, delimited by separator -i, --include DESCRIPTOR include package/version:config specified in DESCRIPTOR (with any variable prepends) in environment -s, --set VARIABLE=VALUE set environment variable VARIABLE to VALUE --archive PATH include PATH archive in package (when using --publish) --resource PATH include PATH resource in package (when using --publish) -u, --update check remote repo for updates and download to $FIG_HOME as necessary -m, --update-if-missing check remote repo for updates only if package missing from $FIG_HOME -l, --login login to remote repo as a non-anonymous user --force force-overwrite existing version of a package to the remote repo --figrc PATH add PATH to configuration used for Fig --no-figrc ignore ~/.figrc --log-config PATH use PATH file as configuration for Log4r --log-level LEVEL set logging level to LEVEL (off, fatal, error, warn, info, debug, all) -- end of fig options; anything after this is used as a command to run Some of these options may also be expressed as statements in a package.fig file. For instance, `--append`, `--archive`, `--resource`, `include`. One point of frequent confusion revolves around which statements are concerned with publishing packages, and which are for downloading packages and otherwise modifying the Fig environment. The same Fig file can contain both publish (e.g., `append`, `resource`) and download (e.g., `include`) statements, but you may not want to use the same dependency file for both publishing a package and specifying that same package's dependencies, since for example its "build-time" dependencies may differ from its "include-time" dependencies. Multiple config sections may be helpful in organizing these concerns. ## Environment Variables Influencing Fig's Behavior ## FIG_FTP_THREADS Optional - Size of FTP session pool. Defaults to 16. FIG_HOME Optional - Location of local repo cache. Defaults to $HOME/.fighome. FIG_REMOTE_LOGIN Required for --login, unless $HOME/.netrc is configured. FIG_REMOTE_URL Require for operations involving the remote repository. FIG_REMOTE_USER Required for --login, unless $HOME/.netrc is configured. ## Commands affected by environment variables #### `--list-remote` #### When using the `--list-remote` command against an FTP server, fig uses a pool of FTP sessions to improve performance. By default it opens 16 connections, but that number can be overridden by setting the `FIG_FTP_THREADS` environment variable. #### `--login` #### If the `--login` option is supplied, fig will look for credentials. If environment variables `FIG_REMOTE_USER` and/or `FIG_REMOTE_PASSWORD` are defined, fig will use them instead of prompting the user. If ~/.netrc exists, with an entry corresponding to the host parsed from `FIG_REMOTE_URL`, that entry will take precedence over `FIG_REMOTE_USER` and `FIG_REMOTE_PASSWORD`. If sufficient credentials are still not found, fig will prompt for whatever is still missing, and use the accumulated credentials to authenticate against the remote server. Even if both environment variables are defined, fig will only use them if `--login` is given. Examples ======== Fig lets you configure environments three different ways: * From the command line * From a "package.fig" file in the current directory * From packages included indirectly via one of the previous two methods ## Command Line ## To get started, let's define an environment variable via the command line and execute a command in the new environment. We'll set the "GREETING" variable to "Hello", then run a command that uses that variable: $ fig -s GREETING=Hello -- echo '$GREETING, World' Hello, World Also note that when running fig, the original environment isn't affected: $ echo $GREETING Fig also lets you append environment variables using the system-specified path separator (e.g. colon on Unix, semicolon on windows). This is useful for adding directories to the PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, CLASSPATH, etc. For example, let's create a "bin" directory, add a shell script to it, then include it in the PATH: $ mkdir bin $ echo 'echo $GREETING, World' > bin/hello $ chmod +x bin/hello $ fig -s GREETING=Hello -p PATH=bin -- hello Hello, World ## Fig Files ## You can also specify environment modifiers in files. Fig looks for a file called "package.fig" in the current directory and automatically processes it. This "package.fig" file implements the previous example: config default set GREETING=Hello append PATH=@/bin end Then we can just run: $ fig -- hello Hello, World NOTE: The '@' symbol in a given package.fig file (or in a published dependency's .fig file) represents the full path to that file's directory. The above example would still work if we just used "bin", but later on when we publish our project to the shared repository we'll definitely need the '@', since the project directories will live in the fig-home rather than under our current directory). A single fig file may have multiple configurations: config default set GREETING=Hello append PATH=@/bin end config french set GREETING=Bonjour append PATH=@/bin end ## Config Sections ## Configurations other than "default" can be specified using the "-c" option: $ fig -c french -- hello Bonjour, World The statements from one config section can be incorporated into another config section via an `include` statement: config default include :spanish end config spanish set GREETING="Buenas Dias" append PATH=@/bin end Note that config statements cannot be nested within a fig file. I.e. the following is _invalid_: config foo config bar end end ## Packages ## Let's share our little script with the rest of the team by bundling it into a package and publishing it. First, point the `FIG_REMOTE_URL` environment variable to the remote repository. If you just want to play around with fig, you can have it point to a local directory: $ export FIG_REMOTE_URL=file://$(pwd)/remote Before we publish our package, we'll need to tell fig which files we want to include. We do this by using the "resource" statement in our "package.fig" file: resource bin/hello config default... Now we can share the package with the rest of the team by using the `--publish` option: $ fig --publish hello/1.0.0 Once the package has been published, we can include it in other environments with the `-i` or `--include` option. (For the purpose of this example, let's first move the "package.fig" file out of the way, so that it doesn't confuse fig or us.) The "hello/1.0.0" string represents the name of the package and the version number. $ mv package.fig package.bak $ fig -u -i hello/1.0.0 -- hello ...downloading files... Hello, World The `-u` (or `--update`) option tells fig to check the remote repository for packages if they aren't already installed locally (fig will never make any network connections unless this option is specified). Once the packages are downloaded, we can run the same command without the `-u` option: $ fig -i hello/1.0.0 -- hello Hello, World When including a package, you can specify a particular configuration by appending it to the package name using a colon: $ fig -i hello/1.0.0:french -- hello Bonjour, World ## Retrieves ## By default, the resources associated with a package live in the fig home directory, which defaults to "$HOME/.fighome". This doesn't always play nicely with IDE's however, so fig provides a "retrieve" statement to copy resources from the repository to the current directory. For example, let's create a package that contains a library for the "foo" programming language. Define a "package.fig" file: config default append FOOPATH=@/lib/ end Then: $ mkdir lib $ echo "print 'hello'" > lib/ $ fig --publish hello-lib/3.2.1 Create a new "package.fig" file (first moving to a different directory or deleting the "package.fig" we just used for publishing): retrieve FOOPATH->lib/[package] config default include hello-lib/3.2.1 end Upon a `fig --update`, each resource in FOOPATH will be copied into lib/[package], where [package] resolves to the resource's package name (minus the version). $ fig -u ...downloading... ...retrieving... $ cat lib/hello-lib/ print 'hello' Package Statement Descriptions ============================== ## `add` ## Specifies a value to be appended to a `PATH`-like environment variable, e.g. `CLASSPATH` for Java. Does not include the delimiter within the variable, just the component value. ## `append` ## Synonym for `add`. ## `archive` ## Specifies an archive file (either a local path or a URL) that is supposed to be incorporated into the package. This is different from a `resource` in that the contents will be extracted as part of installation. ## `command` ## Specifies a default command to be run for a given `config` when no command is given on the command-line. config default command echo Hello there. end Cannot be specified outside of a `config` statement. There may not be multiple commands within a given `config`. ## `config` ## A grouping of statements that specifies what is to be done. There must either be a configuration named "default" or you will always have to specify a configuration on the command-line. May not be nested. If you wish to incorporate the effects of one configuration into another, use an `include` statement. ## `include` ## Can be used in two ways: to affect configurations and to declare package dependencies. ### Pull one configuration into another ### You can get the effects of one configuration in another by using the name of the other configuration preceded by a colon: config a include :b end config b ... end ### Declare a package dependency ### States that one package should be installed prior to the current one; can specify a version. config default include somepackage/1.2.3 end Dependency version conflicts can be resolved by using `override` clauses. Say you've got a "base-dependency" package. Then, in the `package.fig` for "middle-dependency-a" you have config default include base-dependency/1.2.3 end And in the `package.fig` for "middle-dependency-b" you have config default include base-dependency/3.2.1 end Finally, in the `package.fig` for the package you're working on you've got config default include middle-dependency-a include middle-dependency-b end This will produce a conflicting requirement on "base-dependency". Resolve this by either matching the version of one dependency to another: config default include middle-dependency-a override base-dependency/3.2.1 include middle-dependency-b end Or specify the same version to both: config default include middle-dependency-a override base-dependency/2.2.2 include middle-dependency-b override base-dependency/2.2.2 end Multiple `override` clauses can be specified in a single `include` statement. ## `path` ## Synonym for `add`. ## `resource` ## Specifies a file (either a local path or a URL) that is supposed to be incorporated into the package. This is different from an `archive` in that the contents will not be extracted as part of installation. ## `retrieve` ## Gives the installation location for a dependency. ## `set` ## Gives the value of an environment variable. Unlike `add`/`append`/`path`, this is the complete, final value. Querying Fig Net Effects ======================== If you've got a long chain of dependencies of packages, it can be challenging to figure out the full effects of it. There are a number of commands for just figuring out what things are coming from. ## `--list-dependencies` ## By itself, this will give you the total set of packages you're pulling in. For example, if you have package A which depends upon packages B and C which both depend upon package D, running fig --list-dependencies A/1.2.3 will give you B/2.3.4 C/3.4.5 D/4.5.6 If there are no dependencies and stdout is connected to a terminal you'll get: fig --list-dependencies package-with-no-dependencies/1.2.3 However, if stdout is not connected to a terminal: fig --list-dependencies package-with-no-dependencies/1.2.3 | cat [no output] ### `--list-tree` ### If you additionally specify `--list-tree`, you'll get a nested dependency tree: fig --list-dependencies --list-tree A/1.2.3 A/1.2.3 B/2.3.4 D/4.5.6 C/3.4.5 D/4.5.6 If you don't specify a package descriptor, but you've got a package.fig file in the current directory with the same dependencies as package A above, you'll get fig --list-dependencies --list-tree B/2.3.4 D/4.5.6 C/3.4.5 D/4.5.6 ### `--list-all-configs` ### This will follow all of the dependencies using all the configurations in the package descriptor or the package.fig file. This will not follow all configurations in all depended upon packages, only the ones reachable by one of the configurations in the starting package. Installation and Development ============================ ## Installation ## gem install fig *NOTE*: When installing Fig on Windows you must first have installed the Development Kit available from Instructions for installation of the Development Kit are available at ## Building the gem ## rake build Community ========= \#fig on [Fig Mailing List]( Copyright ========= Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Matthew Foemmel. See LICENSE for details.