Feature: Resolve proxy As a proxy administrator I want to resolve a proxy To check the proxy pac Scenario: Existing proxy.pac Given a file named "proxy.pac" with: """ function FindProxyForURL(url, host) { return 'PROXY localhost:3128'; } """ When I successfully run `pprb -p proxy.pac www.example.org` Then the output should contain: """ PROXY localhost:3128 """ Scenario: Existing proxy.pac with relative path Given a file named "proxy.pac" with: """ function FindProxyForURL(url, host) { return 'PROXY localhost:3128'; } """ When I successfully run `pprb -p ./proxy.pac www.example.org` Then the output should contain: """ PROXY localhost:3128 """ Scenario: Existing proxy.pac with url Given a file named "proxy.pac" with: """ function FindProxyForURL(url, host) { return 'PROXY localhost:3128'; } """ When I successfully run `pprb -p www.example.org` Then the output should contain: """ PROXY localhost:3128 """ Scenario: Non-Existing proxy.pac When I run `pprb -p proxy.pac www.example.org` Then the output should contain: """ No such file or directory """ Scenario: Missing url Given a file named "proxy.pac" with: """ function FindProxyForURL(url, host) { return 'PROXY localhost:3128'; } """ When I run `pprb -p proxy.pac` Then the output should contain: """ You need to provide at least one url """ Scenario: Missing proxy parameter Given a file named "proxy.pac" with: """ function FindProxyForURL(url, host) { return 'PROXY localhost:3128'; } """ When I run `pprb www.example.org` Then the output should contain: """ You need to provide a proxy pac file """ Scenario: Use client ip Given a file named "proxy.pac" with: """ function FindProxyForURL(url, host) { if (isInNet(myIpAddress(), "", "")) { return 'PROXY localhost:3128'; } else { return 'DIRECT'; } } """ When I successfully run `pprb -p proxy.pac -c www.example.org` Then the output should contain: """ PROXY localhost:3128 """ When I successfully run `pprb -p proxy.pac -c www.example.org` Then the output should contain: """ DIRECT """ Scenario: Use time Given a file named "proxy.pac" with: """ function FindProxyForURL(url, host) { if (dateRange("JAN", "MAY")) { return 'PROXY localhost:3128'; } else { return 'DIRECT'; } } """ When I successfully run `pprb -p proxy.pac -t 2014-04-09 www.example.org` Then the output should contain: """ PROXY localhost:3128 """ When I successfully run `pprb -p proxy.pac -t 2014-12-07 www.example.org` Then the output should contain: """ DIRECT """ Scenario: Unresolvable hostname Given a file named "proxy.pac" with: """ function FindProxyForURL(url, host) { if (isInNet(dnsResolve(host), "", "")) { return 'PROXY localhost:3128'; } else { return 'DIRECT'; } } """ When I successfully run `pprb -p proxy.pac unexist.localhost.localdomain` Then the output should contain: """ DIRECT """