#!/usr/bin/env ruby require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper' augeas = Puppet::Type.type(:augeas) describe augeas do describe "when augeas is present" do confine "Augeas is unavailable" => Puppet.features.augeas? it "should have a default provider inheriting from Puppet::Provider" do augeas.defaultprovider.ancestors.should be_include(Puppet::Provider) end it "should have a valid provider" do augeas.create(:name => "foo").provider.class.ancestors.should be_include(Puppet::Provider) end end describe "basic structure" do it "should be able to create a instance" do provider_class = Puppet::Type::Augeas.provider(Puppet::Type::Augeas.providers[0]) Puppet::Type::Augeas.expects(:defaultprovider).returns provider_class augeas.create(:name => "bar").should_not be_nil end it "should have an parse_commands feature" do augeas.provider_feature(:parse_commands).should_not be_nil end it "should have an need_to_run? feature" do augeas.provider_feature(:need_to_run?).should_not be_nil end it "should have an execute_changes feature" do augeas.provider_feature(:execute_changes).should_not be_nil end properties = [:returns] params = [:name, :context, :onlyif, :changes, :root, :load_path, :type_check] properties.each do |property| it "should have a %s property" % property do augeas.attrclass(property).ancestors.should be_include(Puppet::Property) end it "should have documentation for its %s property" % property do augeas.attrclass(property).doc.should be_instance_of(String) end end params.each do |param| it "should have a %s parameter" % param do augeas.attrclass(param).ancestors.should be_include(Puppet::Parameter) end it "should have documentation for its %s parameter" % param do augeas.attrclass(param).doc.should be_instance_of(String) end end end describe "default values" do before do provider_class = augeas.provider(augeas.providers[0]) augeas.expects(:defaultprovider).returns provider_class end it "should be blank for context" do augeas.create(:name => :context)[:context].should == "" end it "should be blank for onlyif" do augeas.create(:name => :onlyif)[:onlyif].should == "" end it "should be blank for load_path" do augeas.create(:name => :load_path)[:load_path].should == "" end it "should be / for root" do augeas.create(:name => :root)[:root].should == "/" end it "should be false for type_check" do augeas.create(:name => :type_check)[:type_check].should == :false end end describe "provider interaction" do it "should munge the changes" do provider = stub("provider", :parse_commands => "Jar Jar Binks") resource = stub('resource', :resource => nil, :provider => provider, :line => nil, :file => nil) changes = augeas.attrclass(:changes).new(:resource => resource) changes.value= "Testing 123" changes.value.should == "Jar Jar Binks" end it "should return 0 if it does not need to run" do provider = stub("provider", :need_to_run? => false) resource = stub('resource', :resource => nil, :provider => provider, :line => nil, :file => nil) changes = augeas.attrclass(:returns).new(:resource => resource) changes.retrieve.should == 0 end it "should return :need_to_run if it needs to run" do provider = stub("provider", :need_to_run? => true) resource = stub('resource', :resource => nil, :provider => provider, :line => nil, :file => nil) changes = augeas.attrclass(:returns).new(:resource => resource) changes.retrieve.should == :need_to_run end end end