require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') class Roster include Redis::Objects counter :available_slots, :start => 10 counter :pitchers, :limit => :max_pitchers counter :basic counter :all_players_online, :global => true lock :resort, :timeout => 2 value :starting_pitcher list :player_stats set :outfielders def initialize(id=1) @id = id end def id; @id; end def max_pitchers; 3; end end describe Redis::Objects do before :all do @roster = @roster2 = end before :each do @roster.available_slots.reset @roster.pitchers.reset @roster.basic.reset @roster.resort_lock.clear @roster.starting_pitcher.delete @roster.player_stats.clear @roster.outfielders.clear end it "should provide a connection method" do Roster.redis.should == Redis::Objects.redis Roster.redis.should be_kind_of(Redis) end it "should create counter accessors" do [:available_slots, :pitchers, :basic].each do |m| @roster.respond_to?(m).should == true end end it "should support increment/decrement of counters" do @roster.available_slots.key.should == 'roster:1:available_slots' @roster.available_slots.should == 10 # math proxy ops (@roster.available_slots == 10).should be_true (@roster.available_slots <= 10).should be_true (@roster.available_slots < 11).should be_true (@roster.available_slots > 9).should be_true (@roster.available_slots >= 10).should be_true "#{@roster.available_slots}".should == "10" @roster.available_slots.increment.should == 11 @roster.available_slots.increment.should == 12 @roster2.available_slots.increment.should == 13 @roster2.available_slots.increment(2).should == 15 @roster.available_slots.decrement.should == 14 @roster2.available_slots.decrement.should == 13 @roster.available_slots.decrement.should == 12 @roster2.available_slots.decrement(4).should == 8 @roster.available_slots.should == 12 @roster.available_slots.get.should == 8 @roster.available_slots.reset.should == 10 @roster.available_slots.should == 10 @roster.available_slots.reset(15).should == 15 @roster.available_slots.should == 15 @roster.pitchers.increment.should == 1 @roster.basic.increment.should == 1 @roster2.basic.decrement.should == 0 @roster.basic.get.should == 0 end it "should support class-level increment/decrement of counters" do Roster.get_counter(:available_slots, == 10 Roster.increment_counter(:available_slots, == 11 Roster.increment_counter(:available_slots,, 3).should == 14 Roster.decrement_counter(:available_slots,, 2).should == 12 Roster.decrement_counter(:available_slots, == 11 Roster.reset_counter(:available_slots, == true Roster.get_counter(:available_slots, == 10 end it "should take an atomic block for increment/decrement" do a = false @roster.available_slots.should == 10 @roster.available_slots.decr do |cnt| if cnt >= 0 a = true end end @roster.available_slots.should == 9 a.should be_true @roster.available_slots.should == 9 @roster.available_slots.decr do |cnt| @roster.available_slots.should == 8 false end @roster.available_slots.should == 8 @roster.available_slots.should == 8 @roster.available_slots.decr do |cnt| @roster.available_slots.should == 7 nil # should rewind end @roster.available_slots.should == 8 @roster.available_slots.should == 8 @roster.available_slots.incr do |cnt| if 1 == 2 # should rewind true end end @roster.available_slots.should == 8 @roster.available_slots.should == 8 @roster.available_slots.incr do |cnt| @roster.available_slots.should == 9 [] end @roster.available_slots.should == 9 @roster.available_slots.should == 9 begin @roster.available_slots.decr do |cnt| @roster.available_slots.should == 8 raise 'oops' end rescue end @roster.available_slots.should == 9 # check return value from the block value = @roster.available_slots.decr do |cnt| @roster.available_slots.should == 8 42 end value.should == 42 @roster.available_slots.should == 8 end it "should take an atomic block for increment/decrement class methods" do a = false Roster.get_counter(:available_slots, == 10 Roster.decrement_counter(:available_slots, do |cnt| if cnt >= 0 a = true end end Roster.get_counter(:available_slots, == 9 a.should be_true Roster.get_counter(:available_slots, == 9 Roster.decrement_counter(:available_slots, do |cnt| Roster.get_counter(:available_slots, == 8 false end Roster.get_counter(:available_slots, == 8 Roster.get_counter(:available_slots, == 8 Roster.decrement_counter(:available_slots, do |cnt| Roster.get_counter(:available_slots, == 7 nil # should rewind end Roster.get_counter(:available_slots, == 8 Roster.get_counter(:available_slots, == 8 Roster.increment_counter(:available_slots, do |cnt| if 1 == 2 # should rewind true end end Roster.get_counter(:available_slots, == 8 Roster.get_counter(:available_slots, == 8 Roster.increment_counter(:available_slots, do |cnt| Roster.get_counter(:available_slots, == 9 [] end Roster.get_counter(:available_slots, == 9 Roster.get_counter(:available_slots, == 9 begin Roster.decrement_counter(:available_slots, do |cnt| Roster.get_counter(:available_slots, == 8 raise 'oops' end rescue end Roster.get_counter(:available_slots, == 9 # check return value from the block value = Roster.decrement_counter(:available_slots, do |cnt| Roster.get_counter(:available_slots, == 8 42 end value.should == 42 Roster.get_counter(:available_slots, == 8 end it "should properly throw errors on bad counters" do error = nil begin Roster.increment_counter(:badness, 2) rescue => error end error.should be_kind_of(Redis::Objects::UndefinedCounter) error = nil begin Roster.obtain_lock(:badness, 2){} rescue => error end error.should be_kind_of(Redis::Objects::UndefinedLock) error = nil begin @roster.available_slots = 42 rescue => error end error.should be_kind_of(NoMethodError) error = nil begin @roster.available_slots += 69 rescue => error end error.should be_kind_of(NoMethodError) error = nil begin @roster.available_slots -= 15 rescue => error end error.should be_kind_of(NoMethodError) end it "should handle simple values" do @roster.starting_pitcher.should == nil @roster.starting_pitcher = 'Trevor Hoffman' @roster.starting_pitcher.should == 'Trevor Hoffman' @roster.starting_pitcher.get.should == 'Trevor Hoffman' @roster.starting_pitcher.del @roster.starting_pitcher.should be_nil end it "should handle lists of simple values" do @roster.player_stats.should be_empty @roster.player_stats << 'a' @roster.player_stats.should == ['a'] @roster.player_stats.get.should == ['a'] @roster.player_stats.unshift 'b' @roster.player_stats.to_s.should == 'b, a' @roster.player_stats.should == ['b','a'] @roster.player_stats.get.should == ['b','a'] @roster.player_stats.push 'c' @roster.player_stats.should == ['b','a','c'] @roster.player_stats.get.should == ['b','a','c'] @roster.player_stats.first.should == 'b' @roster.player_stats.last.should == 'c' @roster.player_stats << 'd' @roster.player_stats.should == ['b','a','c','d'] @roster.player_stats[1].should == 'a' @roster.player_stats[0].should == 'b' @roster.player_stats[2].should == 'c' @roster.player_stats[3].should == 'd' @roster.player_stats.include?('c').should be_true @roster.player_stats.include?('no').should be_false @roster.player_stats.pop @roster.player_stats[0].should == @roster.player_stats[1].should == @roster.player_stats[2].should == @roster.player_stats.should == ['b','a','c'] @roster.player_stats.get.should == ['b','a','c'] @roster.player_stats.shift @roster.player_stats.should == ['a','c'] @roster.player_stats.get.should == ['a','c'] @roster.player_stats << 'e' << 'f' << 'e' @roster.player_stats.should == ['a','c','e','f','e'] @roster.player_stats.get.should == ['a','c','e','f','e'] @roster.player_stats.delete('e') @roster.player_stats.should == ['a','c','f'] @roster.player_stats.get.should == ['a','c','f'] @roster.player_stats << 'j' @roster.player_stats.should == ['a','c','f','j'] @roster.player_stats[0..2].should == ['a','c','f'] @roster.player_stats[1, 3].should == ['c','f','j'] @roster.player_stats.length.should == 4 @roster.player_stats.size.should == 4 @roster.player_stats.should == ['a','c','f','j'] @roster.player_stats.get.should == ['a','c','f','j'] i = -1 @roster.player_stats.each do |st| st.should == @roster.player_stats[i += 1] end @roster.player_stats.should == ['a','c','f','j'] @roster.player_stats.get.should == ['a','c','f','j'] @roster.player_stats.each_with_index do |st,i| st.should == @roster.player_stats[i] end @roster.player_stats.should == ['a','c','f','j'] @roster.player_stats.get.should == ['a','c','f','j'] coll = @roster.player_stats.collect{|st| st} coll.should == ['a','c','f','j'] @roster.player_stats.should == ['a','c','f','j'] @roster.player_stats.get.should == ['a','c','f','j'] @roster.player_stats << 'a' coll ={|st| st == 'a'} coll.should == ['a','a'] @roster.player_stats.should == ['a','c','f','j','a'] @roster.player_stats.get.should == ['a','c','f','j','a'] end it "should handle sets of simple values" do @roster.outfielders.should be_empty @roster.outfielders << 'a' << 'a' << 'a' @roster.outfielders.should == ['a'] @roster.outfielders.get.should == ['a'] @roster.outfielders << 'b' << 'b' @roster.outfielders.to_s.should == 'a, b' @roster.outfielders.should == ['a','b'] @roster.outfielders.members.should == ['a','b'] @roster.outfielders.get.should == ['a','b'] @roster.outfielders << 'c' @roster.outfielders.sort.should == ['a','b','c'] @roster.outfielders.get.sort.should == ['a','b','c'] @roster.outfielders.delete('c') @roster.outfielders.should == ['a','b'] @roster.outfielders.get.sort.should == ['a','b'] @roster.outfielders.length.should == 2 @roster.outfielders.size.should == 2 i = 0 @roster.outfielders.each do |st| i += 1 end i.should == @roster.outfielders.length coll = @roster.outfielders.collect{|st| st} coll.should == ['a','b'] @roster.outfielders.should == ['a','b'] @roster.outfielders.get.should == ['a','b'] @roster.outfielders << 'c' @roster.outfielders.member?('c').should be_true @roster.outfielders.include?('c').should be_true @roster.outfielders.member?('no').should be_false coll ={|st| st == 'c'} coll.should == ['c'] @roster.outfielders.sort.should == ['a','b','c'] end it "should provide a lock method that accepts a block" do @roster.resort_lock.key.should == 'roster:1:resort_lock' a = false @roster.resort_lock.lock do a = true end a.should be_true end xit "should raise an exception if the timeout is exceeded" do @roster.redis.set(@roster.resort_lock.key, 1) error = nil begin @roster.resort_lock.lock {} rescue => error end error.should_not be_nil error.should be_kind_of(Redis::Lock::LockTimeout) end end