module SsmConfig module SsmStorage class Db TABLE_NAME = 'ssm_config_records'.freeze ACTIVE_RECORD_MODEL = 'SsmConfigRecord'.freeze VALID_DATATYPES = ['s', 'i', 'b', 'f'].freeze def initialize(file_name) @file_name = file_name end def table_exists? return active_record_model_exists? if active_record_exists? && constant_exists? false end def hash match_file = ACTIVE_RECORD_MODEL.constantize.where(:file => @file_name.to_s).order(:accessor_keys) hashes = match_file.each_with_object({}) { |row, hash| hash[row.accessor_keys] = transform_class(row.value, row.datatype); } insert_arrays(reconstruct_hash(hashes)).try(:with_indifferent_access) end private def active_record_exists? ActiveRecord::Base.connection.table_exists? TABLE_NAME end def active_record_model_exists? ACTIVE_RECORD_MODEL.constantize.exists?(:file => @file_name.to_s) end def constant_exists? Object.const_defined? ACTIVE_RECORD_MODEL end def convert_boolean(value) value = value.to_s.downcase return true if value[0] == 't' return false if value[0] == 'f' raise SsmConfig::InvalidBoolean, 'Not a valid boolean: must be one of true or false' end def transform_class(value, type) raise SsmConfig::UnsupportedDatatype, 'Not a valid class: must be one of string, integer, boolean, or float' unless VALID_DATATYPES.include? type.to_s.downcase[0] return value.send("to_#{type.to_s.downcase[0]}") unless type[0] == 'b' convert_boolean(value) end def add_flag_for_array_index(key) return "#{key}flag" if key[0] == '[' key end # given a hash from hashkey (sequence of keys delimited by comma) to value, reconstruct hash # arrays will not be formed properly, see insert_arrays def reconstruct_hash(hash) hash.each_with_object({}) do |(key, value), final_hash| # key will represent sequence of keys needed to get down to value curr_hash = final_hash delimited = key.split(',') delimited[0..-2].each do |curr_key| curr_key = add_flag_for_array_index(curr_key) # if bracket, indicates array index, add a flag indicating this is for an array index, and not some key name that had a bracket in it curr_hash[curr_key] = {} unless curr_hash.key?(curr_key) # if key doesn't exist, initialize it curr_hash = curr_hash[curr_key] # move into next level of hash end curr_hash[add_flag_for_array_index(delimited[-1])] = value # insert value end end def array_index_flagged?(hash) hash.all? do |key, _value| key[0] == '[' && key[-4..-1] == 'flag' end end # reconstruct_hash is unable to create arrays where needed, so parse through # result and convert to arrays where needed def insert_arrays(hash) return hash unless hash.class == Hash return hash if # if there are no keys, return if array_index_flagged?(hash) # if key has bracket + flag, it is an array index hash = hash.values # convert hash to just the array of values hash.each_with_index do |element, index| hash[index] = insert_arrays(element) # recurse on each value end else # no change needed, recurse on next level of hash hash.each do |key, value| hash[key] = insert_arrays(value) end end end end end end