module Forge module Generators class ScaffoldGenerator < Rails::Generators::NamedBase source_root File.expand_path('../templates', __FILE__) argument :attributes, :type => :array, :default => [], :banner => "field:type field:type" class_option :small, :type => :boolean, :default => false, :description => "Use the small-style template?" invoke :model def copy_files style = options.small? ? 'small' : 'full' # Controller, helper, views, test and stylesheets directories. empty_directory(File.join('app/views/forge', plural_table_name)) for action in %w{index new edit _form} template("view_#{action}.html.haml", File.join('app/views/forge', plural_table_name, "#{action}.html.haml")) end template("view__item.html.haml", File.join('app/views/forge', plural_table_name, "_#{file_name}.html.haml")) template("menu_section.html.haml", File.join('app/views/forge/shared/menu_items', "_#{file_name.pluralize}.html.haml")) template( 'controller.rb', File.join('app/controllers/forge', "#{file_name.pluralize}_controller.rb") ) template('controller_spec.rb', File.join('spec/controllers/forge', "#{file_name.pluralize}_controller_spec.rb")) say "CAUTION: your new model is open to mass assignment for all attributes due to 'attr_protected' at top of file. Update accordingly.", :red end def add_routes case self.behavior when :invoke # Write the routes filename = File.join(Rails.root, 'config', 'routes.rb') pattern = "namespace :forge do" reorder ={|a| == "list_order" }.empty? ? "" : "do \n post 'reorder', :on => :collection \n end" replacement = "namespace :forge do \n resources :#{plural_table_name} #{reorder}" converted_content =, replacement), 'w'){ |f| f.write converted_content } when :revoke say "Be sure to clean up your routes!", :red end end def add_i18n case self.behavior when :invoke # Write a couple of lines to config/i18n_fields.yml pattern = "tables:" replacement = "tables:\n #{plural_table_name}:\n -\n" when :revoke # now remove them pattern = /^ #{plural_table_name}:\n( - *[\w]*\n*)*/ replacement = "" end filename = File.join(Rails.root, 'config', 'i18n_fields.yml') converted_content =, replacement), 'w'){ |f| f.write converted_content } end end end end