# Bridgetown Quick Search plugin _Requires Bridgetown v0.15 or greater_ This [Bridgetown](https://www.bridgetownrb.com) plugin provides a component you can add to your site (likely the top navbar) to allow fast, real-time search of your posts, pages, and other collection documents. It automatically generates a JSON index file which gets built along with the rest of the site, and then the component consumes that file and uses [Lunr.js](https://lunrjs.com) to construct the live search index and provide the search results as you type. ---- ## Installation Run this command to add this plugin to your site's Gemfile: ```shell $ bundle add bridgetown-quick-search -g bridgetown_plugins ``` Next, add this line to the top of your frontend's Javascript index file: ```js // frontend/javascript/index.js import "bridgetown-quick-search" ``` Or if you need a precompiled version created with Babel, you can instead add the following: ```js // frontend/javascript/index.js import "bridgetown-quick-search/dist" ``` Then add the Liquid component to one of your site templates, for example `src/_components/navbar.liquid`: ```html {% render "bridgetown_quick_search/search" %} ``` ## Component Options You can provide additional Liquid variables to the component to configure its appearance. These are: * `placeholder`: Text that will appear in the input control when no search value is present * `input_class`: Add custom CSS class names to the input control * `theme`: The component's default theme is a "light" appearance, but you can also set it to use a "dark" appearance * `snippet_length`: The length of the text snippet for each search result. Defaults to 142. Here's an example of using all variables at once: ```html {% render "bridgetown_quick_search/search", placeholder: "Search", input_class: "input", theme: "dark", snippet_length: 200 %} ``` ## Styling You can use CSS variables to control aspects of the search results popup. The popup is rendered inside of a Web Component using Shadow DOM, so these variables are the primary method of altering its appearance. The available variables are `link-color`, `divider-color`, `text-color`, `border-radius` and `border-corner-radius`. ```css bridgetown-search-results { --link-color: #0f5348; --divider-color: #e6e1d7; --text-color: #3e3f3a; } ``` You can also alter the outer popup container via the custom element directly, as well as the wrapper surrounding the results contents using CSS Shadow Parts: ```css bridgetown-search-results { /* Adjust the outer container of the popup */ } bridgetown-search-results::part(inner) { /* Adjust the popup contents wrapper */ } ``` ## Controlling the Search Index You can add `exclude_from_search: true` to the front matter of any page or document to exclude it from the search index JSON. To batch-exclude pages, collections, categories, etc., you could use front matter defaults to set the `exclude_from_search` variable. ## Testing * Run `bundle exec rspec` to run the test suite * Or run `script/cibuild` to validate with Rubocop and test with rspec together. ## Contributing 1. Fork it (https://github.com/bridgetownrb/bridgetown-quick-search/fork) 2. Clone the fork using `git clone` to your local development machine. 3. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 4. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 5. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 6. Create a new Pull Request