/** * @ngdoc object * @name Bastion.products.controller:ProductsController * * @requires $scope * @requires $state * @requires $sce * @requires $location * @requires Nutupane * @requires Product * @requires CurrentOrganization * * @description * Provides the functionality specific to Products for use with the Nutupane UI pattern. * Defines the columns to display and the transform function for how to generate each row * within the table. */ angular.module('Bastion.products').controller('ProductsController', ['$scope', '$state', '$sce', '$location', 'Nutupane', 'Product', 'CurrentOrganization', 'GlobalNotification', function ($scope, $state, $sce, $location, Nutupane, Product, CurrentOrganization, GlobalNotification) { var taskUrl, taskLink; var params = { 'organization_id': CurrentOrganization, 'search': $location.search().search || "", 'sort_by': 'name', 'sort_order': 'ASC', 'enabled': true, 'paged': true }; $scope.productsNutupane = new Nutupane(Product, params); $scope.productsNutupane.masterOnly = true; $scope.table = $scope.productsNutupane.table; $scope.controllerName = 'katello_products'; $scope.$on('productDelete', function (event, taskId) { taskUrl = $scope.taskUrl(taskId); taskLink = $sce.trustAsHtml("here"); GlobalNotification.setRenderedSuccessMessage("Product delete operation has been initiated in the background. Click " + taskLink + " click to monitor the progress."); }); $scope.unsetProductDeletionTaskId = function () { $scope.productDeletionTaskId = undefined; }; $scope.table.refresh = $scope.productsNutupane.refresh; $scope.mostImportantSyncState = function (product) { var state = 'none'; if (product['sync_summary'].pending > 0) { state = 'pending'; } else if (product['sync_summary'].error > 0) { state = 'error'; } else if (product['sync_summary'].warning > 0) { state = 'warning'; } else if (product['sync_summary'].success > 0) { state = 'success'; } return state; }; }] );