require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') describe "COPY FROM" do before(:each) do ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute %{ TRUNCATE TABLE test_models; TRUNCATE TABLE test_extended_models; SELECT setval('test_models_id_seq', 1, false); } end it "should import from file if path is passed without field_map" do TestModel.copy_from File.expand_path('spec/fixtures/comma_with_header.csv') TestModel.order(:id).map{|r| r.attributes}.should == [{'id' => 1, 'data' => 'test data 1'}] end it "should import from IO without field_map" do TestModel.copy_from'spec/fixtures/comma_with_header.csv'), 'r') TestModel.order(:id).map{|r| r.attributes}.should == [{'id' => 1, 'data' => 'test data 1'}] end it "should import with custom delimiter from path" do TestModel.copy_from File.expand_path('spec/fixtures/semicolon_with_header.csv'), :delimiter => ';' TestModel.order(:id).map{|r| r.attributes}.should == [{'id' => 1, 'data' => 'test data 1'}] end it "should import with custom delimiter from IO" do TestModel.copy_from'spec/fixtures/semicolon_with_header.csv'), 'r'), :delimiter => ';' TestModel.order(:id).map{|r| r.attributes}.should == [{'id' => 1, 'data' => 'test data 1'}] end it "should import and allow changes in block" do TestModel.copy_from('spec/fixtures/comma_with_header.csv'), 'r')) do |row| row[1] = 'changed this data' end TestModel.order(:id).map{|r| r.attributes}.should == [{'id' => 1, 'data' => 'changed this data'}] end it "should import 2 lines and allow changes in block" do TestModel.copy_from('spec/fixtures/tab_with_two_lines.csv'), 'r'), :delimiter => "\t") do |row| row[1] = 'changed this data' end TestModel.order(:id).first.attributes.should == {'id' => 1, 'data' => 'changed this data'} TestModel.count.should == 2 end it "should be able to copy from using custom set of columns" do TestModel.copy_from('spec/fixtures/tab_only_data.csv'), 'r'), :delimiter => "\t", :columns => ["data"]) TestModel.order(:id).map{|r| r.attributes}.should == [{'id' => 1, 'data' => 'test data 1'}] end it "default set of columns should be all table columns minus [id, created_at, updated_at]" do ExtraField.copy_from('spec/fixtures/comma_with_header.csv'), 'r')) ExtraField.order(:id).map{|r| r.attributes}.should == [{'id' => 1, 'data' => 'test data 1', 'created_at' => nil, 'updated_at' => nil}] end it "should not expect a header when :header is false" do TestModel.copy_from('spec/fixtures/comma_without_header.csv'), 'r'), :header => false, :columns => [:id,:data]) TestModel.order(:id).map{|r| r.attributes}.should == [{'id' => 1, 'data' => 'test data 1'}] end it "should use the table name given by :table" do ExtraField.copy_from('spec/fixtures/comma_without_header.csv'), 'r'), :header => false, :columns => [:id,:data], :table => "test_models") TestModel.order(:id).map{|r| r.attributes}.should == [{'id' => 1, 'data' => 'test data 1'}] end it "should be able to map the header in the file to diferent column names" do TestModel.copy_from('spec/fixtures/tab_with_different_header.csv'), 'r'), :delimiter => "\t", :map => {'cod' => 'id', 'info' => 'data'}) TestModel.order(:id).map{|r| r.attributes}.should == [{'id' => 1, 'data' => 'test data 1'}] end it "should be able to map the header in the file to diferent column names with custom delimiter" do TestModel.copy_from('spec/fixtures/semicolon_with_different_header.csv'), 'r'), :delimiter => ';', :map => {'cod' => 'id', 'info' => 'data'}) TestModel.order(:id).map{|r| r.attributes}.should == [{'id' => 1, 'data' => 'test data 1'}] end it "should ignore empty lines" do TestModel.copy_from('spec/fixtures/tab_with_extra_line.csv'), 'r'), :delimiter => "\t") TestModel.order(:id).map{|r| r.attributes}.should == [{'id' => 1, 'data' => 'test data 1'}] end it "should ignore all-nil rows" do lambda do TestModel.copy_from('spec/fixtures/tab_with_error.csv'), 'r'), :delimiter => "\t") do |row| 0.upto(row.length) {|idx| row[idx] = nil} end end.should_not raise_error TestModel.order(:id).map{|r| r.attributes}.should == [] end #we should implement this later #it "should raise error in malformed files" do #lambda do #TestModel.copy_from('spec/fixtures/tab_with_error.csv'), 'r')) #end.should raise_error #TestModel.order(:id).map{|r| r.attributes}.should == [] #end it "should copy from even when table fields need identifier quoting" do ReservedWordModel.copy_from File.expand_path('spec/fixtures/reserved_words.csv'), :delimiter => "\t" ReservedWordModel.order(:id).map{|r| r.attributes}.should == [{"group"=>"group name", "id"=>1, "select"=>"test select"}] end it "should import even last columns have empty values" do TestExtendedModel.copy_from File.expand_path('spec/fixtures/comma_with_header_empty_values_at_the_end.csv') TestExtendedModel.order(:id).map{|r| r.attributes}.should == [{"id"=>1, "data"=>"test data 1", "more_data"=>nil, "other_data"=>nil, "final_data"=>nil}, {"id"=>2, "data"=>"test data 2", "more_data"=>"9", "other_data"=>nil, "final_data"=>nil}, {"id"=>3, "data"=>"test data 2", "more_data"=>"9", "other_data"=>nil, "final_data"=>"0"}] end it "should import even last columns have empty values with block" do TestExtendedModel.copy_from File.expand_path('spec/fixtures/comma_with_header_empty_values_at_the_end.csv') do |row| row[4]="666" end TestExtendedModel.order(:id).map{|r| r.attributes}.should == [{"id"=>1, "data"=>"test data 1", "more_data"=>nil, "other_data"=>nil, "final_data"=>"666"}, {"id"=>2, "data"=>"test data 2", "more_data"=>"9", "other_data"=>nil, "final_data"=>"666"}, {"id"=>3, "data"=>"test data 2", "more_data"=>"9", "other_data"=>nil, "final_data"=>"666"}] end it "should import lines with single quotes" do TestModel.copy_from('spec/fixtures/semicolon_with_quote.csv'), 'r'), :delimiter => ";", :quote => "'") TestModel.order(:id).map{|r| r.attributes}.should == [{'id' => 1, 'data' => 'test "data" 1'}] end it "should import lines with commas inside fields with default options" do TestModel.copy_from('spec/fixtures/comma_inside_field.csv'), 'r')) TestModel.order(:id).map{|r| r.attributes}.should == [{'id' => 1, 'data' => 'test, again'}] end it "should import lines with commas inside fields with block given" do'spec/fixtures/comma_inside_field.csv'), 'r') do |file| TestModel.copy_from(file) do |row| # since our CSV line look like this: {1,"test, again"} we expect only two elements withing row row.size.should == 2 row[0].should == '1' row[1].should == 'test, again' end end TestModel.order(:id).map{|r| r.attributes}.should == [{'id' => 1, 'data' => 'test, again'}] end it "should import with custom null expression from path" do TestModel.copy_from File.expand_path('spec/fixtures/special_null_with_header.csv'), :null => 'NULL' TestModel.order(:id).map{|r| r.attributes}.should == [{'id' => 1, 'data' => nil}] end it "should import with custom null expression from IO" do TestModel.copy_from'spec/fixtures/special_null_with_header.csv'), 'r'), :null => 'NULL' TestModel.order(:id).map{|r| r.attributes}.should == [{'id' => 1, 'data' => nil}] end end