# Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Laurent Sansonetti # Copyright (C) 2008 Joseph Method # Copyright (C) 2010 Cathal Mc Ginley # Copyright (C) 2011, 2016 Matijs van Zuijlen # # Alexandria is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License aso # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # Alexandria is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public # License along with Alexandria; see the file COPYING. If not, # write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, # Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. module Alexandria module UI include Logging include GetText GetText.bindtextdomain(Alexandria::TEXTDOMAIN, charset: 'UTF-8') class ListViewManager include Logging include GetText include DragAndDropable BOOKS_TARGET_TABLE = [['ALEXANDRIA_BOOKS', :same_app, 0]].freeze MAX_RATING_STARS = 5 module Columns COVER_LIST, COVER_ICON, TITLE, TITLE_REDUCED, AUTHORS, ISBN, PUBLISHER, PUBLISH_DATE, EDITION, RATING, IDENT, NOTES, REDD, OWN, WANT, TAGS, LOANED_TO = (0..17).to_a end def initialize(_listview, parent) @parent = parent @prefs = @parent.prefs @listview = @parent.listview @listview_model = @parent.listview_model @filtered_model = @parent.filtered_model @model = @parent.model @actiongroup = @parent.actiongroup setup_books_listview end def setup_title_column title = _('Title') log.debug { 'Create listview column for %s' % title } column = Gtk::TreeViewColumn.new(title) renderer = Gtk::CellRendererPixbuf.new column.pack_start(renderer, false) column.add_attribute(renderer, 'pixbuf', Columns::COVER_LIST) renderer = Gtk::CellRendererText.new renderer.ellipsize = Pango::ELLIPSIZE_END column.pack_start(renderer, true) column.add_attribute(renderer, 'text', Columns::TITLE) column.sort_column_id = Columns::TITLE column.resizable = true @listview.append_column(column) end TEXT_COLUMNS = [ [_('Authors'), Columns::AUTHORS], [_('ISBN'), Columns::ISBN], [_('Publisher'), Columns::PUBLISHER], [_('Publish Year'), Columns::PUBLISH_DATE], [_('Binding'), Columns::EDITION], [_('Loaned To'), Columns::LOANED_TO] ].freeze CHECK_COLUMNS = [ [_('Read'), Columns::REDD], [_('Own'), Columns::OWN], [_('Want'), Columns::WANT] ].freeze def setup_books_listview log.debug { 'setup_books_listview' } @listview.model = @listview_model setup_title_column TEXT_COLUMNS.each do |title, iterid| setup_text_column title, iterid end CHECK_COLUMNS.each do |title, iterid| setup_check_column title, iterid end setup_rating_column @listview.selection.mode = :multiple @listview.selection.signal_connect('changed') do log.debug { 'changed' } @parent.on_books_selection_changed end setup_tags_column setup_row_activation setup_view_source_dnd(@listview) end def setup_tags_column # adding tags column... title = _('Tags') log.debug { 'Create listview column for tags...' } renderer = Gtk::CellRendererText.new renderer.ellipsize = Pango::ELLIPSIZE_END column = Gtk::TreeViewColumn.new(title, renderer, text: Columns::TAGS) column.sort_column_id = Columns::TAGS column.resizable = true @listview.append_column(column) end def setup_row_activation @listview.signal_connect('row-activated') do log.debug { 'row-activated' } @actiongroup['Properties'].activate false end end def setup_rating_column title = _('Rating') log.debug { 'Create listview column for %s...' % title } column = Gtk::TreeViewColumn.new(title) column.sizing = :fixed width = (Icons::STAR_SET.width + 1) * MAX_RATING_STARS column.fixed_width = column.min_width = column.max_width = width MAX_RATING_STARS.times do |i| renderer = Gtk::CellRendererPixbuf.new renderer.xalign = 0.0 column.pack_start(renderer, false) column.set_cell_data_func(renderer) do |_tree_column, cell, _tree_model, iter| rating = (iter[Columns::RATING] - MAX_RATING_STARS).abs cell.pixbuf = rating >= i.succ ? Icons::STAR_SET : Icons::STAR_UNSET end end column.sort_column_id = Columns::RATING column.resizable = false @listview.append_column(column) end def setup_check_column(title, iterid) renderer = CellRendererToggle.new renderer.activatable = true renderer.signal_connect('toggled') do |_rndrr, path| begin tree_path = Gtk::TreePath.new(path) child_path = @listview_model.convert_path_to_child_path(tree_path) if child_path unfiltered_path = @filtered_model.convert_path_to_child_path(child_path) # FIX this sometimes returns a nil path for iconview... if unfiltered_path iter = @model.get_iter(unfiltered_path) if iter book = @parent.book_from_iter(@parent.selected_library, iter) toggle_state = case iterid when Columns::REDD then book.redd when Columns::OWN then book.own when Columns::WANT then book.want end # invert toggle_state unless iterid == Columns::WANT && book.own toggle_state = !toggle_state case iterid when Columns::REDD then book.redd = toggle_state when Columns::OWN then book.own = toggle_state when Columns::WANT then book.want = toggle_state end iter[iterid] = toggle_state lib = @parent.selected_library lib.save(book) end end end end rescue => e log.error { "toggle failed for path #{path} #{e}\n" + e.backtrace.join("\n") } end end column = Gtk::TreeViewColumn.new(title, renderer, text: iterid) column.sort_column_id = iterid column.resizable = true log.debug { 'Create listview column for %s...' % title } column.add_attribute(renderer, 'active', iterid) if iterid == Columns::WANT column.add_attribute(renderer, 'inconsistent', Columns::OWN) end log.debug { "append_column #{column}" } @listview.append_column(column) end def setup_text_column(title, iterid) log.debug { 'Create listview column for %s...' % title } renderer = Gtk::CellRendererText.new renderer.ellipsize = Pango::ELLIPSIZE_END column = Gtk::TreeViewColumn.new(title, renderer, text: iterid) column.sort_column_id = iterid column.resizable = true @listview.append_column(column) end def setup_listview_columns_visibility log.debug { 'setup_listview_columns_visibility' } # Show or hide list view columns according to the preferences. cols_visibility = [ @prefs.col_authors_visible, @prefs.col_isbn_visible, @prefs.col_publisher_visible, @prefs.col_publish_date_visible, @prefs.col_edition_visible, @prefs.col_loaned_to_visible, @prefs.col_redd_visible, @prefs.col_own_visible, @prefs.col_want_visible, @prefs.col_rating_visible, @prefs.col_tags_visible ] cols = @listview.columns[1..-1] # skip "Title" cols.each_index do |i| cols[i].visible = cols_visibility[i] end log.debug { 'Columns visibility: ' + cols.map { |col| "#{col.title} #{col.visible?}" }.join(', ') } end # Sets the width of each column based on any respective # preference value stored. def setup_listview_columns_width log.debug { "setup_listview_columns_width #{@prefs.cols_width}" } if @prefs.cols_width cols_width = YAML.load(@prefs.cols_width) log.debug { "cols_width: #{cols_width.inspect}" } @listview.columns.each do |c| if cols_width.key?(c.title) log.debug { "#{c.title} : #{cols_width[c.title]}" } width = cols_width[c.title] next if width.zero? c.sizing = :fixed c.fixed_width = width end end end log.debug { 'Columns width: ' + @listview.columns.map { |col| "#{col.title} #{col.width}" }.join(', ') } end end end end