# encoding: utf-8 require 'rexml/document' require 'rexml/formatters/transitive' module XhtmlReportGenerator # This is the main generator class. It can be instanced with custom javascript, css, and ruby files to allow # generation of arbitrary reports. class Generator attr_accessor :document, :file # @param opts [Hash] See the example for an explanation of the valid symbols # @example Valid symbols for the opts Hash # :jquery if specified, path to a version of jquery, that will be inlined into the html header section # :toc if specified, path to a javascript.js.rb file that contains the magic to generate all # :css if specified, path to a css file that contains the markup rules for your generated reports # :css_print if specified, path to a css file that contains the markup rules for printing the report # :custom_rb if specified, path to a custom Module containing def initialize(opts = {}) # define the default values path = File.expand_path("../xhtml_report_generator", __FILE__) symbols = { :jquery => File.expand_path("jquery.js",path), :toc => File.expand_path("toc.js",path), :css => File.expand_path("style_template.css",path), :css_print => File.expand_path("print_template.css",path), :custom_rb => File.expand_path("custom.rb",path) } # either use the default files provided with the gem, or those provided by the caller symbols = symbols.merge(opts) custom_rb_path = symbols[:custom_rb] for key in symbols.keys do # read the contents into the symbols hash symbols[key] = File.read(symbols[key]) end # load the custom module and extend it, use instance_eval otherwise the module will affect # all existing Generator classes instance_eval(symbols[:custom_rb], custom_rb_path) @document = Generator.create_xhtml_document("Title") head = @document.elements["//head"] head.add_element("meta", {"charset" => "utf-8"}) # insert the custom css, and javascript files style = head.add_element("style", {"type" => "text/css"}) cdata(symbols[:css], style) style = head.add_element("style", {"type" => "text/css", "media"=>"print"}) cdata(symbols[:css_print], style) script = head.add_element("script", {"type" => "text/javascript"}) cdata(symbols[:jquery], script) script = head.add_element("script", {"type" => "text/javascript"}) cdata(symbols[:toc], script) end # Surrounds CData tag with c-style comments to remain compatible with normal html. # For plain xhtml documents this is not needed. # Example /**/ # @param str [String] the string to be enclosed in cdata # @param parent_element [REXML::Element] the element to which cdata should be added # @return [String] CDATA enclosed in c-style comments /**/ def cdata(str, parent_element) f = REXML::Formatters::Transitive.new(0) # use Transitive to preserve source formatting # somehow there is a problem with CDATA, any text added after will automatically go into the CDATA # so we have do add a dummy node after the CDATA and then add the text. parent_element.add_text("/*") parent_element.add(REXML::CData.new("*/\n"+str+"\n/*")) parent_element.add(REXML::Comment.new("dummy comment to make c-style comments for cdata work")) parent_element.add_text("*/") end # Check if the give string is a valid UTF-8 byte sequence. If it is not valid UTF-8, then # all invalid bytes are replaced by "\u2e2e" (\xe2\xb8\xae) ('REVERSED QUESTION MARK') because the default # replacement character "\uFFFD" ('QUESTION MARK IN DIAMOND BOX') is two slots wide and might # destroy mono spaced formatting # @param str [String] of any encoding # @return [String] UTF-8 encoded valid string def encoding_fixer(str) #if !str.force_encoding('UTF-8').valid_encoding? # str.encode!('UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-1', {:invalid => :replace, :undef => :replace, :xml => :text}) #end tmp = str.force_encoding('UTF-8').encode('UTF-8',{:invalid => :replace, :undef => :replace, :replace => "\u2e2e"}) # replace all special control chars as well but keep newline and whitespace "\u2e2e" tmp.force_encoding('binary').gsub!(/[\x00-\x07\x0C-\x1F]|\xef\xbf\xbe|\xef\xbf\xbf/n, "\xe2\xb8\xae".force_encoding('binary')) return tmp.force_encoding('UTF-8') end # Creates a minimal valid xhtml document including header title and body elements # @param title [String] Title in the header section def self.create_xhtml_document(title) # don't use version 1.1 - firefox has not yet a parser vor xml 1.1 # https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=233154 header = '' header << '' doc = REXML::Document.new(header) html = doc.add_element("html", {"xmlns" => "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"}) # create header head = html.add_element("head") t = head.add_element("title") t.text = title html.add_element("body") return doc end # returns the string representation of the xml document # @param indent [Number] indent for child elements. defaults to 0. # Note: if you change the indet this might destroy formatting of
    # @return [String] formatted xml document
    def to_s(indent = 0)
      output = ""
      # note :  transitive is needed to preserve newlines in 
      # note2:  the hash options syntax is supported only from ruby version >= 2.0.0 we need the old style
      #         for compatibility with 1.9.3
      # @document.write({:output=>output, :indent=>indent, :transitive=>true})
      # change to Formatters since document.write is deprecated
      f = REXML::Formatters::Transitive.new(indent) 
      f.write(@document, output)
      return output
    # Saves the xml document to a file. If no file is given, the file which was used most recently for this Generator
    # object will be overwritten.
    # @param file [String] absolute or relative path to the file to which will be written. Default: last file used.
    # @param mode [String] defaults to 'w', one of the file open modes that allows writing ['r+','w','w+','a','a+']
    def write(file=@file, mode='w')
      # instance variables are nil if they were never initialized
      if file == nil
        raise "no valid file given"
      @file = file
      File.open(file, "#{mode}:UTF-8") {|f| f.write(self.to_s.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8))}