Kickster ======== [![Join the chat at](]( Kickster provides a basic Jekyll project setup packed with web best practises and useful optimization tools increasing your overall project quality. Kickster ships with automated and worry-free deployment scripts for GitHub Pages. ## Installation Install the gem: gem install kickster Execute gem and scaffold Kickster files: kickster new site_name Setup your environment: cd site_name bin/setup ## Development Run Jekyll: bundle exec jekyll serve Used tools: - [Autoprefixer]( - [Bower]( - [Circle CI]( - [Html-proofer]( - [Jekyll]( - [Jekyll assets]( - [Jekyll Sitemap]( - [HTML5 Boilerplate]( (Influenced by) *If you do not want the Kickster setup but just the deploy scripts then copy them from the `bin` folder.* ## Deploy to GitHub Pages Run this in the root project folder in your console: bin/deploy *Don't forget to enable your repository on [Circle CI]( and update the `_config.yml` file!* ## Automated deployment with Circle CI Automated deployment is by default not included in your Kickster generated Jekyll project. Please follow the steps below to include automated deployment. *Note that changes will only deploy when your code is merged into master.* #### 1. Copy the required automated deploy script Copy the [automated]( script inside the `/bin` folder of your project (make sure the file has execute permissions!). #### 2. Update `circle.yml` Replace your `circle.yml` file with [this]( one. And adjust the following 2 lines with your information: - USER_NAME: - USER_EMAIL: #### 3. Enable Circle CI. Make sure you enabled your repository on Circle CI. In Circle CI go to `Project settings > Checkout SSH Keys` and create a new User key. This is required to push to the GitHub repo from a script (permissions). Screenshot of user key creating in Circle CI That's it, start pushing changes and enjoy your automated deployments from now on! _Want to use Travis CI? [Click here]( to view all info on how to setup._ ## Support Need help with setting up Kickster? Join me on [Gitter]( and I help you out. If you found a bug please report it in [GitHub issues]( ## License MIT License ## Contributing 1. Fork it ([my-github-username]/kickster/fork ) 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create a new Pull Request Big thanks to [@wouterw]( for helping out with his Ruby magic.