require 'padrino-core/version' require 'securerandom' unless defined?(SecureRandom) module Padrino module Generators ## # Responsible for generating new Padrino projects based on the specified project components. # class Project < Thor::Group Padrino::Generators.add_generator(:project, self) def self.source_root; File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)); end def self.banner; "padrino-gen project [name] [options]"; end include Thor::Actions include Padrino::Generators::Actions include Padrino::Generators::Runner include Padrino::Generators::Components::Actions desc "Description:\n\n\tpadrino-gen project generates a new Padrino project" argument :name, :desc => 'The name of your padrino project' class_option :app , :desc => 'The application name', :aliases => '-n', :default => nil, :type => :string class_option :bundle, :desc => 'Run bundle install', :aliases => '-b', :default => false, :type => :boolean class_option :root, :desc => 'The root destination', :aliases => '-r', :default => '.', :type => :string class_option :dev, :desc => 'Use padrino from a git checkout', :default => false, :type => :boolean class_option :tiny, :desc => 'Generate tiny app skeleton', :aliases => '-i', :default => false, :type => :boolean class_option :lean, :desc => 'Generate lean project without apps', :aliases => '-l', :default => false, :type => :boolean class_option :adapter, :desc => 'SQL adapter for ORM (sqlite, mysql, mysql2, mysql-gem, postgres)', :aliases => '-a', :default => 'sqlite', :type => :string class_option :template, :desc => 'Generate project from template', :aliases => '-p', :default => nil, :type => :string class_option :gem, :desc => 'Generate project as a gem', :aliases => '-g', :default => false, :type => :boolean class_option :migration_format, :desc => 'Filename format for migrations (number, timestamp)', :default => 'number', :type => :string # Definitions for the available customizable components. defines_component_options # Show help if no ARGV given. require_arguments! ## # Copies over the Padrino base application app. # def setup_project valid_constant? name app = (options[:app] || "App") @project_name = name.gsub(/\W/, '_').underscore.camelize @app_name = app.gsub(/\W/, '_').camelize self.destination_root = File.join(options[:root], name) if options[:template] execute_runner(:template, options[:template]) else directory('project/', destination_root) empty_directory destination_root('public/images') empty_directory destination_root('public/javascripts') empty_directory destination_root('public/stylesheets') store_component_config('.components') unless options[:lean] app_skeleton('app', options[:tiny]) append_file destination_root('config/apps.rb'), "Padrino.mount('#{@project_name}::#{@app_name}', :app_file => Padrino.root('app/app.rb')).to('/')\n" end template 'templates/', destination_root('Gemfile') template 'templates/', destination_root('Rakefile') template 'templates/', destination_root("bin/#{name}") File.chmod(0755, destination_root("bin/#{name}")) if options.gem? template 'templates/gem/', destination_root(name + '.gemspec') template 'templates/gem/', destination_root('') template 'templates/gem/lib/', destination_root("lib/#{name}.rb") template 'templates/gem/lib/libname/', destination_root("lib/#{name}/version.rb") else empty_directory_with_keep_file destination_root('tmp') empty_directory_with_keep_file destination_root('log') end end end ## # For each component, retrieve a valid choice and then execute the associated generator. # def setup_components return if options[:template] @_components = options.dup.slice(*self.class.component_types) self.class.component_types.each do |comp| choice = @_components[comp] = resolve_valid_choice(comp) execute_component_setup(comp, choice) end store_component_config('.components') store_component_choice(:namespace, @project_name) store_component_choice(:migration_format, options[:migration_format]) end ## # Generates test files for tiny app skeleton. # def setup_test_files if options[:tiny] && @_components[:test] != :none test_component = @_components[:test] test_component = "rspec" if test_component == "cucumber" uppercase_test_component = test_component.upcase controller_template_name = "#{uppercase_test_component}_CONTROLLER_TEST" helper_template_name = "#{uppercase_test_component}_HELPER_TEST" return unless defined?(controller_template_name) controller_content = instance_eval(controller_template_name).gsub(/!PATH!/, "Controller").gsub(/!NAME!/, "").gsub(/!EXPANDED_PATH!/, "/") helper_content = instance_eval(helper_template_name).gsub(/!NAME!/, "#{@project_name}::#{@app_name}::#{DEFAULT_HELPER_NAME}") proc{|*args|{|str| str.gsub!(/!PATH!/, recognize_path)} }.call(controller_content, helper_content) directory_name = [:rspec, :steak].include?(test_component.to_sym) ? "spec" : "test" base_path = File.join(directory_name, "app") create_file destination_root("#{base_path}/controllers/controllers_#{directory_name}.rb"), controller_content, :skip => true create_file destination_root("#{base_path}/helpers/helpers_#{directory_name}.rb"), helper_content, :skip => true helper_path = destination_root(File.join(directory_name, "#{directory_name == "spec" ? "spec_helper" : "test_config"}.rb")) gsub_file helper_path, %r{helpers/\*\*/\*\.rb}, "helpers.rb" end end ## # Bundle all required components using bundler and Gemfile. # def bundle_dependencies if options[:bundle] run_bundler end end ## # Finish message. # def finish_message say say '=' * 65, :green say "#{name} is ready for development!", :green say '=' * 65, :green say "$ cd #{options[:root]}/#{name}" say "$ bundle" unless options[:bundle] say "=" * 65, :green say end ## # Returns the git author name config or a fill-in value. # def git_author_name git_author_name = `git config`.chomp rescue '' git_author_name.empty? ? "TODO: Write your name" : git_author_name end ## # Returns the git author email config or a fill-in value. # def git_author_email git_author_email = `git config`.chomp rescue '' git_author_email.empty? ? "TODO: Write your email address" : git_author_email end end end end